kerdi drain pipe size

kerdi drain pipe size

Please try again later. KERDI-DRAIN features a square, fully adjustable grate to accommodate 1/4" (6 mm) to 1-1/4" (32 mm) tile thicknesses. The channel body features a standard 2" (50 mm) no-hub outlet and is attached to the A compensation board, Schluter®-KERDI-SHOWER-CB  is available for use with KERDI-DRAIN-H in conjunction the KERDI-SHOWER-T/-TS/-TT shower trays. L = length NOTE: If mosaic tiles (tile format less than 2" x 2" (50 mm x 50 mm)) will be used on the shower tray, the shower tray seam is located over the pipe cut-out, or the tray will be exposed to heavy loads the slot in the compensation board must be filled with a sand mortar or dry-pack to ensure proper support of the tile assembly. The height compensation board, Schluter®-KERDI-SHOWER-CB can be used to accommodate the drain body and waste pipe height when installing KERDI-DRAIN-H in conjunction with the KERDI-SHOWER-T/-TS/-TT shower trays. Schluter®-KERDI-DRAIN | Drains | Shower System | R = roll Cookies help us deliver our services. I’m assuming here that you’ve already cut your hole in the floor, installed the drain and mud deck and cut your kerdi membrane to the correct size for your floor – the width of your floor plus four inches, by the length of your floor plus four inches. Drain 4" square grate 2" outlet (2 Outside corners, 4 Inside corners, 1- 3/4" pipe seal and 1- 4.5" mixing valve seal). | eBay The Schluter®-Shower System is an integrated family of products that together form a fully bonded, watertight assembly for tiled showers... A water test is a quality control check performed on any shower installation before setting tile. Units 3-5 Bardon 22, The package contains a bonding flange, Kerdi-Kereck waterproof corners, Kerdi-Seal mixing valve seal and Kerdi-Seal pipe seal. The design covers are available in the variants FLORAL, CURVE and PURE. Find the website that's made specifically for you. and mixing valve seal. Kerdi-Drain can be used in both commercial and residential applications. The Kerdi-Drain flange is designed for use with the Kerdi-Shower-T/-TS/-TT shower trays and mortar bed shower applications. The classically-inspired Schluter®-KERDI-DRAIN is offered in a variety of grate finishes and accommodates a wide range of tile thicknesses. Pack loose mortar under the drain up Visit for more details. Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-BASE a Drain body b Transition from DN 40 to DN 50 c Thin-set insert d Schlüter®-KERDI Collar e*Stainless steel grate with frame and integrated odour trap Installation Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-BASE 1.The drain body Schlüter ®-KERDI-DRAIN-BASE (a) is placed on the support struc-ture (using suitable impact insulation if You can now access your Project List or stay on this page. Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-BS is an approved fire protection insert, which prevents the spread of fire between floor levels in conjunction with the floor drain set KD BAV 50 GVB. Please note: Grate assemblies used with the plastic KERDI-DRAIN featuring 3" (75 mm) outlets only allow vertical and tilt adjustment (no lateral adjustment). KERDI-DRAIN features an integrated bonding flange to which the KERDI waterproofing membrane is adhered and forms a waterproof connection at the top of the tile assembly. It is an alternative to mortar and in conjunction with the floor drain set KD BAV 50 GVB serves as a fire insulation seal of the core hole drilling, while also preventing sound bridges. Drains. Schlüter -KERDI-DRAIN Combined floor drain Refer to local plumbing/or building codes for any specific requirements in your area. Install KERDI-KERECK prefabricated waterproofing corners at all inside and outside corners. Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-ZBS is a transition seal for fire protection. KERDI-DRAIN-H is appropriate for both mortar bed and Schluter®- KERDI-SHOWER-T/-TS/-TT shower tray applications. Note: L x B = cm corresponds to frame size. Any leveling must be done prior to compensation board and shower tray installation. The Kerdi-Drain kit includes a floor drain with an integrated bonding flange, stainless steel grate, waterproof corners, pipe seal (3/4 in.) Schluter® Systems KERDI-DRAIN-H is a floor drain that is made with a horizontal drain outlet that allows it to connect to the existing waste pipe and P-trap. Note: L x B = cm corresponds to frame size. It consists of stopping... No, connecting the different plastics violates plumbing codes. KERDI-DRAIN-H corresponds with various customizable KERDI-DRAIN grate options, (available separately.) LE67 1TE The high water vapour diffusion resistance of Schlüter®-KERDI-DS makes it suitable as a vapour barrier in bonded floor assemblies with tile coverings. 3. The Kerdi-Drain flange can be used in both commercial and residential applications. It can be positioned anywhere within 3-feet of the drain pipe, regardless of the floor cut out. The bonding flange is sloped to simplify installation of the mortar bed. Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-STYLE are elegant design covers made of brushed stainless steel without frames to replace or exchange in existing installations. 7 Embed the KERDI membrane collar in the bond coat and work the membrane onto the KERDI-DRAIN bonding flange and shower base to ensure full coverage and remove air pockets. 4) and insert it firmly into the drain body (Fig. Reach the department of your choice directly via email: on our products and specifications can be found here: We use the following symbols and abbreviations to illustrate our price charts. +44 (0) 1530 813396. Grates without frame for replacement in existing installations. ; Schluter Systems Kerdi Drain Kit KD2/ABS/EP includes: 1 drain body with integrated bonding flange (ABS with 2" outlet), 1 grate assembly (4" square chrome grate and ABS adjustment ring), 4 inside and 2 outside KERDI-KERECK preformed waterproofing corners , 1 KERDI-SEAL-PS pipe seal 3/4" , 1 KERDI … Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-R / -RL are renovation grates that can be installed into the tile covering above existing floor drains in building renovation projects. Recommended products based on your specifications. KERDI-DRAIN over wood substrates, the minimum thickness of mortar required at the perimeter of the bonding flange is 1" (25 mm). Apply Schluter SET®, ALL-SET®, FAST-SET®, or unmodified thin-set mortar to the substrate using a 1/4" x 3/8" (6 mm x 10 mm) square- or U-notched trowel. Schluter®-KERDI-DRAIN-H is a floor drain with an integrated bonding flange that provides as large contact area for a secure connection to Schluter®-KERDI waterproof membrane at the top of the assembly. To find the right size, first figure out if you need to measure the outside or inside diameter, then measure it with a ruler or tape measure. The KERDI-DRAIN-H flange provides a horizontal connection to the drain pipe and is available in ABS or PVC with a 2" outlet. Here you will find individual parts for special solutions or replacements. 4. The drain is ideal for mortar bed and Kerdi-Shower-ST shower tray applications. Mark and cut compensation board for the KERDI-DRAIN-H flange opening using the template provided (maximum 5" (125 mm) diameter). Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN is a floor drain ... bonding flange insert Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN (b) to size in accordance with the height of the floor assembly (Fig. The grate assembly allows for lateral and tilt adjustment as well. That is your floor size plus two inches up each wall. 2. Phone: assembly height: 75 (70) mm, grate and frame combination with design grate 1 of stainless steel with screws, size 10 x 10 cm, vertical connection floor drain Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN DN 50 (drain capacity of 0.6 l/s), incl. and mixing valve seal. KERDI-DRAIN is designed to simply integrate with standard 2" (51 mm) drain pipes, making it suitable for new construction and renovation. Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN Sets are complete sets for installing a point drain as part of a wetroom, or shower system with reliable connections to bonded waterproofing assemblies with Schlüter®-KERDI or other bonded waterproofing systems in interior areas. Sorry, something went wrong. Measure and cut a section of pipe to connect KERDI-DRAIN-H to the odor trap using the detachable center section of the tray, or foam spacers included with the drain, as a spacer. 5/6) ... and the pipes. horizontal connection floor drain Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-BASE DN 40/50 (drain capacity of 0.4 l/s), min. Kerdi-Seal Pipe Seal - 3/4" Add to wish list. PL = euro pallet  Apply Schluter SET®, ALL-SET®, FAST-SET®, or unmodified thin-set mortar to the KERDI-SHOWER-CB compensation board and to the top and bottom of the detached center section of the KERDI-SHOWER tray. Place the KERDI-SHOWER tray and solidly embed in the mortar. KERDI-DRAIN features a fully adjustable 4" (100mm) grate that accommodates any tile thickness and creates a virtually invisible drainage line. St. = unit, Schmölestr. First, the Schluter®-KERDI-DRAIN is installed in conjunction with either a sloped mortar bed or the Schluter ... • Various sizes available KERDI-BOARD Built-up Curb KERDI-BOARD-SC KERDI-BOARD-SB KERDI-BOARD KERDI-BOARD-SN. grate extension, height adjustment and dirt trap, grate and frame combination with design grate 3 of brushed stainless steel, size 10 x 10 cm. Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-BASE is a drain body for combination with the insert KD BV 100 and a grate/frame set with odour trap and gasket seal. Prepare the pipe and KERDI-DRAIN-H with cleaner, primer, and ABS or PVC cement per the solvent cement manufacturer’s installation instructions and connect. It is ideal for applications where the use of a vertical connection to the drain pipe is not possible or practical (e.g., suspended or post-tension concrete floors, basement slabs, or wood floor installations where relocating the hole in the floor is not practical). B = width, Packaging: The height compensation board, Schluter KERDI-SHOWER-CB can be used to accommodate the drain body and waste pipe height when installing KERDI-DRAIN-H in conjunction with the KERDI-SHOWER-T/-TS/-TT shower trays. Place the KERDI-SHOWER-CB compensation board and solidly embed in the mortar. 8. Seal inside corners by abutting adjacent sheets and installing KERDI-BAND withSchluter SET®, ALL-SET®, FAST-SET®, or unmodified thin-set mortar, centered over the joint. Drains. Measuring pipe size can be a little confusing at first, but anyone can learn how to do it. Leicestershire, The grate assembly allows lateral and tilt adjustment as well. 8 7 schluter kerdi line schluter kerdi line chrome grate only schluter shower kerdi schluter shower kerdi floor drains Schluter Kerdi Line Chrome Grate Only For Li Drains 20 To 48 InchLong Tile Shower With Li Drain Page 3 Ceramic AdviceKerdi Shower Lt Lts 36 In X 72 Perimeter Li DrainWaterproofing Truline Li Drains8 7… Read More » When removal of the clamping ring drain is not practical when you arrive on a job site, a KERDI-DRAIN Adaptor can be used to convert to a KERDI-DRAIN. It consists of a formed stainless steel channel body with a grate and frame structure that can be seamlessly adjusted to the thickness of the covering from 3 to 25 mm with the help of the installation aid included in the set. 5. ... Schluter-KERDI-SEAL-PL is a pipe sealing sheet made out of the Schluter-KERDI waterproofing membrane. The KERDI-LINE Schluter Linear Drain consists of a formed stainless steel channel body and a grate assembly that can be seamlessly adjusted to the thickness of the ceramic tile or stone covering from 1/8" to 1" (3 mm to 25 mm). The KERDI-DRAIN flange provides a vertical connection to the drain pipe and is available in ABS with 2" outlet. The KERDI-DRAIN grates are fully adjustable (available in stainless steel and anodized aluminum in various finishes) and accommodate a wide range of tile thicknesses: 1/4" (6 mm) to 1-1/4" (32 mm.) Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Kerdi-Drain can be used in both commercial and residential applications. 6" -square stainless steel covers are also available for installations where KERDI-DRAIN or KERDI-DRAIN-H are to be used in a cleanout application. KV = case packaging  Schlüter®-KERDI is a polyethylene, waterproofing mat with an anchoring fleece on both sides. When I try to set my Kerdi drain, the top flange sits about 2 1/2 to 3 inches above the subfloor, even without any pipe between the Kerdi and the trap. This length value refers to the internal size of the channel trap – the external length of the body is 50mm more for each size, due to the 25mm flange that runs round the entire top edge of the channel body. Coalville, Water Flow (GPM/GPH) based on Pipe Size … H = height The design covers are only interchangeable within the “KERDI-DRAIN-STYLE” design series. The Schluter KERDI LINE H50 G2 Linear Drain is available in lengths from 500mm to 1800mm, in 100mm increments. KERDI Shower Drain Includes: 1 - Kerdi drain with 2" outlet - 4" Grate, Height adjustment collar, Lateral adjustment ring, integrated bonding flange 4 - Inside corner seals 2 - Outsaide corner seals 1 - Pipe seal 1 - Mixing valve seal WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals which is [are] known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other … If you have questions, please call our Drain Wizard at 800-635-0384. assembly height: 75 (70) mm grate and frame combination with design grate 1 of stainless steel with screws, size 10 x 10 cm 9. The KERDI-DRAIN-H flange provides a horizontal connection to the drain pipe and is available in ABS or PVC with a 2" (50 mm) outlet. 3. The classically-inspired Schluter®-KERDI-DRAIN is offered in a variety of grate finishes and accommodates a wide range of tile thicknesses. Schlüter-KERDI Collar for sealing connections between Schlüter-KERDI-DRAIN and Schlüter-KERDI-SHOWER. The drain is ideal for mortar bed and Kerdi-Shower-ST shower tray applications. The drain pipe under my shower subfloor is very close to the underside of the floor. Schluter-KERDI-DRAIN is an all inclusive drain kit used with new shower construction. 58640 Iserlohn, horizontal connection floor drain Schlüter®-KERDI-DRAIN-BASE DN 40/50 (drain capacity of 0.4 l/s), min. The shower drain uses stainless steel as the finish for the drain grate, making your drain grate both effective and appealing to the eye. The substrate must be clean, even, and load bearing. Proper slope MUST be maintained to ensure adequate drainage. P = box packaging  A rigid ABS flange is used in its construction, allowing the borders of the drain to be tiled over seamlessly. Horizontal and vertical connection options are available along with an alternative grate design for vertical connections. It is suitable for waterproofing in conjunction with tiled surfaces on walls and floors. When using the KERDI-BOARD-SC curb, seal the curb to the base and walls using KERDI-KERECK and KERDI-BAND. Schlüter®-KERDI-LINE is a component linear drainage system for the construction of floor level showers with ceramic tiles, natural stone, or other coatings. Schluter Kerdi 72" x 72" Shower Tray Center Drain Placement 1-1/4" Perimeter Height. 6. This eliminates major demolition and plumbing work that would normally need to be done. First, the Schluter ®-KERDI-DRAIN is installed in conjunction with either a sloped mortar bed or the Schluter ... • Various sizes available KERDI-BOARD Built-up Curb KERDI-SHOWER-SC KERDI-BOARD-SC KERDI-BOARD-SB KERDI-BOARD. Dry fit the Schluter®-KERDI-SHOWER-CB compensation board and KERDI-SHOWER tray. Take measurements for the drain flange and ABS/PVC outlet pipe locations. The thin-set mortar must be mixed to a fairly fluid consistency, but still able to hold a notch. Installation ABS must be... Bonded waterproofing and vapor-retardant membrane, Floor drain with integrated bonding flange, Adaptor kits convert clamping ring drains to an integrated bonding flange, Using a Prefabricated Shower Tray and Ramp, Continuing Education for Architects & Designers, construction-most-common-waterproofing-mistakes.pdf, Integrated sloped bonding flange with horizontal connection, Ideal for applications where the use of a vertical connection to the drain pipe is not possible, Choice of compatible KERDI-DRAIN grates are available separately. 1. Do not exceed the maximum to ensure proper tile support. It has an over-molded rubber gasket for sealing protrusions through Kerdi, Ditra and Ditra-XL membranes. Unit designed especially for waterproof protection of pipe protrusions 500mm to 1800mm, in 100mm increments flange KERDI-KERECK... Curve and PURE KERDI-SHOWER tray and solidly embed in the variants FLORAL, and! 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