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#fredweasley You cringed, Fred was your best friend. George Weasley yeh, Charlie! #nevillelongbottom “Fred.” Lee whispers, Fred, still looking down scrunched into a ball reply’s. Please. He cries out your name still holding you, George runs over to the two of you. remuslupin, siriusblack, severussnape. She holds her arms out and you hug her tightly. I'm writing this to you in case I don't make it, in case a death eater kills me or something. He chuckled and you snapped out of it. ... Bidding goodbye you apparate to her. Pairing: Charlie Weasley x female reader. Her eyes sleepy as she perks up at the sound of you and Fred. Even if he was okay with it and still loved me, I never did get to say yes in the end. She had just woken from her nap. jo_caka1217, M319, marauderscumslut, weasleysweater, AzaryahMalfoy, and niamhhchapman Fred was always happy and laughing and he rarely showed pain in his emotions. Hell, sometimes you felt something a bit more than that. By xRenegadeHeart_ GOLD, --, California. He had two elder brothers, Bill and Charlie, three younger brothers, Fred, George and Ron and a younger sister, Ginny. Their best friend is Lee Jordan. I pulled the string away and opened the envelope carefully. They really did fell in love. Goodbye, Fred ((SPOILERS HP7p2!)) My first year in Hogwarts came to an End. I just feel like we're too young right now, we could die any day, and I don't feel ready yet. You were both in your fourth year and Harry and his friends were in their second. His twin brother notices and yells to his brother. It hits you, you are now a ghost but no one notices you, you watch your body fall limp to the ground and you hear someone yell your name. "Things will be okay, we will get out of here alive and we'll get married, and have a million kids, and be happy together." Sierra. "He told me to give you something, if something like this happened." Please consider turning it on! He murmured and you shook your head. "Don't be. I want you to be happy, to move on and have a beautiful family, have a loving husband who treats you like the queen that you are. "Y/n? My dearest love. #fangirl Nerves started up again as you thought about how dangerous and scary things could get in a matter of seconds. Fred Weasley ⎯ infamous mischief maker and War Hero, was amongst those unable to shake his previously formed opinions. He sat up, with his back to you. Hot tears leaked from your eyes. No way Fred Weasley is going to let anyone hurt the two loves of his life. You shook your head. They are tricksters, always inventing new tricks and playing practical jokes on their schoolmates and teachers. Be sure to vote and check out my other books , #dracomalfoy “Fred I know you loved her but you need to move, now!”, “I’m not leaving her!” He cries. “What?”, Fred looks up and then to the side and sees you, he stares at you in shock and mumbles your name. George whispered and lifted his head, digging into his pocket to find something, a small envelope tied with a cream colored string around it. <3. How to Say Goodbye: by Fred Weasley, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction George woke up in his room at the Burrow, confused and somewhat alarmed. And it didn’t stop from there. Fred and George Weasley were bornon April 1st, 1978. You are a legend. "I know he has Fred, but it doesn't make it any less terrifying." So now he’s sitting in a chair at a beach side café in a small city in California. Only arguments were when he was making jokes or pranking when things needed to stay serious. But one day, when all this is over I will scream yes from the rooftops of this school and show off the ring on my finger." “(Y/N)!” He yelled. "Are you okay?" How to Say Goodbye: by Fred Weasley Step 1: Visit Your Twin Brother. ice skating: y/n decides to take her boyfriend, fred weasley, ice skating. August 23, 2007 at 10:28 pm. You shook your head again. Anyways, thank you for 5K! He was raised at The Burrowin Devon, where he was educated at home by Molly. I need to save her!” Fred cries, “Freddie, she can’t be saved, she’s gone.” George softly says. Ann ... fred weasley your were always resdy with a joke and a smile even in the darkest of times. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). + George laid his head on my shoulder, something he had just done to tease Fred, tears rolling down his cheeks and onto my dirty shirt. See more ideas about fred weasley, weasley, harry potter stories. Originally posted by fairylightsmalfoy. 7 guests #hermione #georgeweasley Work Search: I dug into the envelope, finding the same sparkling ring Fred got me that night. The brothers managed to get into all sorts of trouble and never loose their prankster spirit while also being essential wizards in the fight against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It was Fred Weasley, he runs over to your body and holds you in his arms, he brushes your hair out of your face and strokes your hair. #preferences You need to move somewhere else or you’ll get hurt!”, Fred ignores him and he holds you to his chest, he looks into your beautiful lifeless brown (or whatever color your eyes are) eyes, your skin pale and your limbs limp. George and Lee step to the side to let you two talk. fred weasley. left kudos on this work! Fred wraps his arms around the two of you. Fred WeasIevHey, Charlie, he y Charlie, wake up George Weaslev Yeh Charlie, you silly sleepy head, 'nake up 22 Charlie Weasley ahh Oh god you guys, this had better be frikjnl Tportant, is the burton on fire? I came to say goodbye; There was never an us. "After the war, it's a yes." Forgiveness (Fred Weasley x reader) Some protective ron in there too ;) Word count: 1300 Fred and George watched as you crossed the common room, unknowingly walking into their trap. Your mind goes to another memory, you think about the time he first told you he liked you. #dumbledore The war came, as expected and took Fred with it. They are around two years older than Ron and Harry, and were in Gryffindor, following in the footsteps of their family. As much as you wanted to say yes and marry the love of your life, you felt like you couldn't. "What's the matter?" #harrypotter #fantasticbeasts You woke up, sitting straight up in bed as you wiped away tears you didn't know were falling away from your face. On the rim of the ring, had the words engraved "I'll love you, always. You watch Fred cry as his brother and friend comfort him, you remember the first time the first time you saw him cry. With a quick goodbye he was gone. His twin brother notices and yells to his brother. Pairing: Fred Weasley X Malfoy!Fem!Reader. All written by me, but all characters belonging to J.K. Rowling! You float through the air and sit down next to your lover, when you sit you are a little bit shocked as you haven’t adjusted to being a ghost yet and you expect to feel the hard ground. #ginny Oct 23, 2020 - Explore Ryleigh Decker's board "Fred weasley" on Pinterest. Fred is the twin of George Weasley, and they are two years older than Harry and Ron. The Weasley family was still reeling from Fred’s death, still unable to heal the festering wound. Warnings: sorta angsty but fluffy. As she reached out to knock the door, it burst open and the Weasley matriarch pulled y/n into her arms. Their mother, Molly , has a hard time telling them apart, and they have a reputation for being tricksters and troublemakers. Fred knew from the moment she smiled at him that he met his soulmate. #oliverwood It was a Saturday afternoon and he had just got hit by a bludger, though it made sense why he was crying, everyone was still shocked. "Look Fred, I love you too. Deathly Hallows spoilers. Stay, for me. You weren't even paying attention to your boyfriends words. He sobs looking down at you while the battle behind him continues. I wish you would stay. It was a late Friday night and you could tell he was nervous, Fred was not normally a nervous person so you were a little confused and concerned. #fred weasley #fred #fred and george #fred and george weasley #fred weasley gif #hogwarts #fred weasley x reader #fred weasley x slytherin!reader #christmas #christmas imagines #quidditch #keeper #fred weasley imagine #fred and george imagine #the weasleys #harry potter #hp #hp imagines Tears welled up as they fell onto the parchment, smearing the ink in some spots. Sorry." “I want you to promise me that you will move on in life, you won’t always be mourning my death. “No! George and Lee looks at you in shock and then look at Fred. A fake marriage between you and Fred Weasley. “Y/n...I’m sorry I couldn’t save you I-” He starts his voice shaking, “Shhh it’s ok you don’t have to be sorry it’s not your fault.” You sincerely say, He looks down and then back up at you. Goodbye Fred! I know that it’s a little rushed and that I say “you” a lot lol but I wrote this very lazily. We were going to have a life together, have kids, grown old together.”, “She was a great friend, I know that!” George starts, “But I’m not losing you.” George mumbles under his breath. #oneshot You were terrified for yourself, for your friends, your boyfriend, you didn't know a thing about protecting yourself let alone a group of people you cared about. Cedric takes this queue to leave, and he mumbles something that sounded like a goodbye and wanders off, presumably back to the Hufflepuff common room to train for the next task. You and Fred were in your sixth year, and so far, it sucked. Just remember me, all throughout your life. I regretted turning him down, and hurting him. You and Fred were dating for about a year, and things went well. These Fred Weasley quotes are from Harry Potter movie There are so many Fred Weasley quotes that can help you when you are tired of being in the same old rut, and all you need is a little push, a little inspiration, a smile on the face, change of mood, bring you out of the banality of life, make you laugh a little, or may even make you cry a bit, and these Fred Weasley quotes exists just do that. Fred Weasley didn’t know how, but the moment he and (Y/N) met in first year, they fell in love. Harry Potter One Shots Book for all the Potterheads on Wattpad! “Avada Kedavra!” You hear a death eater yell. I want you to find a new girl that will make you happy, have children and grow old.”, “I-I…” He pauses and looks into your eyes, “I promise”. He sits himself up and looks at you slightly embarrassed. You looked down in your lap. you were an incredible person that had to be gone far to soon. As quickly as it came, it ended, and I joined the family of Weasley's in the great hall mourning the loss. Your mind is now filled with old memories of the two of you, you now start to cry as you realize the harsh reality that you are now dead. hours Fred Weasley no, Charlie , We found e map to candy mountain candy mountain charlie! They were masters of jokes and pranks. Forever (Fred Weasley x reader) I threw up bc this made me so sad I’m sorry. #imagines March 10, 2011. just like magic: fred brings y/n, a muggle, to meet his parents - and to show her magic. As you leave you watch your him try to stay strong for you, you turn around without looking back and float away. - Fred Weasley x Reader It was your first year in Hogwarts, and you were scared for your life. #severussnape. You die in the battle of hogwarts and Fred, your boyfriend sees you die. Even though you hadn’t started dating yet you stuck by his side the whole time. This is actually amazing and I am so grateful for you guys for reading my writing , When Whole Becomes Half :: George Weasley, Bad at Goodbyes :: Fred and George Weasley, Everything will be okay :: Neville Longbottom, I've always wanted to do so :: Fred Weasley, Family of Five :: Fred and George Weasley, Almost a Dream Wedding :: Neville Longbottom, Scary Movie Marathon :: Fred and George Weasley, Brothers Part 2 :: Fred and George Weasley. A wall collapsed and fell on him, crushing him to death, before I could even say goodbye. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It’s extremely fitting that Harry Potter’s Fred and George Weasley were born on April Fools’ Day. Umbridge was in charge and you hated it, even when Fred and George kept making you laugh, it didn't last very long. A letter unfolded itself and I grabbed it, reading it through blurry eyes. That particular memory comes back to you every night. The Fate Of The Weasley Family In Harry Potter Ron and Ginny were present during the Harry Potter epilogue which unearthed many details into the lives of the youngest Weasleys. Word count: 1.9k words *** Y/n sighed as she smoothened her woolen sweater, reaching the oak door of the Weasley house. It was Fred Weasley, he runs over to your body and holds you in his arms, he brushes your hair out of your face and strokes your hair. #percyweasley So your mother and Mrs. Weasley came up with a crazy idea. I shouldn't have asked." Summary: Your father is Lucius Malfoy’s cousin, and after the war, it was really difficult for you to find a job because of your last name. With the death of Fred, there was no chance of celebration but the family managed to carry on in the years that followed. Rest in Peace. You said, as Fred put the box in his pocket before standing up, pulling you up with him. draco malfoy. Here's to the twins, and Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Before you heard a certain Weasley twin tearing towards you. He tries to hug you but falls on the ground through your transparent body. I know this isn't the most romantic way to ask you, or the right circumstances, but will you marry me?". His opinions and ways were set in stone ⎯ or at least, they had been until he met Asteria Nott and his entire world was completely flipped on its axis. Fred and George Weasley are the twin older brothers of Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley. #scorpiusmalfoy Originally posted by dracomalfoyw. He pulls his brother away from your lifeless body making you fall limp to the ground, Fred yells out forcing his way back to you but George stops him. + I need to go back to her! Prologue (Dec. 19) Chapter 1 (Dec. 23) Chapter 2 (Dec. 30) My Grades wher O's and E's. He sobs looking down at you while the battle behind him continues. You walked through the quiet Hogwarts grounds, well they were quiet. You knew any day a war would break out, and you weren't ready, physically or mentally. Fred smiled. But, lucky for them, Fred has one week to teach them how to to let go and function once again step by step. as well as "I know, but we will both be okay. A Goodbye is Never Forever -Fred Weasley x Reader Originally posted by iolausii Summary: Fred and Reader have been friends since their third yr, and now in their final yr, things are getting a little hard with N.E.W.Ts coming up, and Fred & George have been talking about leaving. The two of you say your I love yous and goodbyes before you float away, Lee returns to the battle and George stays by Fred’s side. You talk to him for a little bit until you remember the battle, you decide that you should start to say goodbye but before you do you have something important to say to him. I know that once this war is over, either I or George will hand this to you, and now that the war is over, I ask you once more- will you be mine, forever?Yours,Fred Weasley. George laid his head on my shoulder, something he had just done to tease Fred, tears rolling down his cheeks and onto my dirty shirt. Anyways I hope you enjoy it! "I sighed before looking around me, knowing that Fred's soul is in the room somewhere. You hugged him as you felt tears fall on the back of your head. He moved his arm around your head and held your face in one of his large hands. Read Fred Weasley- Goodbye from the story 《Harry Potter Imagines》 by julzrulz4ever ( ) with 25,390 reads. You were both too young, you didn't know how the world worked yet. + As quickly as it came, it ended, and I joined the family of Weasley's in the great hall mourning the loss. Voldemort is back, and we both know that he won't come quietly.". Memento Mori, WalkingDisasterTM. At only the age of 12, the two went on an awkward date, with George hiding in the bushes to see how it went. Harry's trained us both how to fight off death eaters." I knew we were too young, but love makes us do crazy things, sometimes. "There could be a war at any moment, Fred. Percy was the third child of Arthur and Molly Weasley. "Y/n, I love you and I want to be with you forever. He learned his lesson after the first time. Lyria's POV. Are you even listening?" #lunalovegood Percy adopted a pet rat named Scabbers at the end o… I close my eyes, sighing and laying back down on my bed, regretting that decision with every passing day. The Weasleys offered me to stay at the Burrow for the summer but my dad didn't let me. It hurts thinking that this could be the last time I see you, but just know I'll always be your guardian, and I'll watch over you every day. Stumbling over her words, she mutters a simple response, and the two engage in a conversation. Fred Weasley. Fred Weasley x Reader. "Oh uh, yeah. (collapse), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. The Pureblood princess (Fred Weasley) A Goodbye... for now. ue're going-to candy “Did it hurt?” You can see the worry in his face, “No, I didn’t feel a thing don’t worry” you smile. You two were laying on the balcony of the astronomy tower, staring at the twinkling stars above you, the calm in that moment felt almost too calm. He knew for a fact that he had fallen asleep in the flat he shared with Fred in Diagon Alley above their shop. You tell him that you are fine and he starts to calm down. I held it close to my heart before slipping it onto my own finger. I just want to tell you that I love you, and I thought hard about what happened that night and I don't blame you at all. A small look of relief forms on his face. A/N: wow I cried writing this. He ended up asking you to the Yule ball and you happily accepted, after that the two of you started dating and you became inseparable. “Fred! To say the twins had a mischievous side would be a bit of an understatement. It was remote enough that it was unlikely he’d run into any wizards or witches who knew his name but it was still a small town with its own kind of people. Footsteps were heard around you and a pair of holey shoes were in front of you, as you looked up, Fred was on one knee with a twinkling ring in a velvet box. A wall collapsed and fell on him, crushing him to death, before I could even say goodbye. Lee Jordan sees the two brothers and he runs over to help George, the two friends pull Fred away and move him to a safer place. A/N Fred's death struck me the hardest – this is my final tribute and personal farewell to him. Not to mention you could die any day, but would you want to die with such a large regret? I would be going home in a few days. Would you want to be with you forever before looking around me, I never did get say... 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