mba after btech
There are some, however, who are not sure of why or how an MBA will help their career after BTech. Although, there are very few job profiles which relate to education provided in school or colleges, 180-degree change in direction raises many questions. Hotel Pet Pooja. Tech also has many other benefits. MBA is a good career option for getting good job opportunity in top companies. i wanted to know, is an MBA in biotechnology / biotechnology management a better option for me to pursue than a general MBA in marketing or HR? Comments. Both industries prefer candidates with B.Tech and MBA degrees. Entrepreneurship is a way for young graduates to learn the realities of the corporate world. It is compatible with other degree programs and will offer options to pursue other degrees across the globe. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to attend Free Live Sessions. Therefore, the value of any degree won’t help you beyond a point. There are numerous MBA colleges in India that offer umpteen MBA courses in a diverse array of fields. Add phone . think wisely and choose best After all, they have dedicated a good part of their childhood and youth to schools and colleges. I myself have done the same thing, and I do not regret. Many also feel an MTech/MS hoping a foreign degree will get them better pay packages. An MBA offers this flexibility. The journey of a BTech graduate consists of a number of crossroads. Are you confused after the completion of B Tech? Go for a degree if it helps you realize your dream and not just because your friends are doing it. Follow 5. Obviously, your salary at a higher role will be far greater than your salary at a subordinate level. If you are passionate about something, you should go for it. In the hindsight, you may feel that there was no need to spend time in preparing for entrance exams and four years degree courses when you had to make a career in the sector that is hardly related to your educational background. Jayanagar, 9th Block yes u can . You can either pursue a career in the engineering field or change course and get a managerial position after an MBA. Why is the MBA relevant after B-Tech/Engineering? Under such scenario, it is better to study something that takes less time and investment. Whether you like it or not, but the demand for graduates with B.Tech and MBA degrees is greater than the graduates with any other degree. 1. Please enter your Mobile Number and Education Level to proceed. Dislike Bookmark. In this post, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of going for MBA after an Engineering degree. They can also work as managers in various sectors. India today needs bright people to teach in B Schools, however sadly, no one is really interested. These students, post their graduation, look for jobs elsewhere. This is because an MBA is proof that you’ve specialized in their domain such as finance, marketing or business management. Both vary a long way as both are two Different Roads where students can no doubt walk as per there interest after completing there B.Tech is … I am not interested in pursuing research related to Biotechnology and thus the decision of doing an MBA. Engineering with an MBA degree will give a vast array of job prospects along with a high package. parents wants MBA to go with and i want to go in mtech and PHP web designing, but still confused .. Jain University Disclaimer: The information we collect about you is intended for MBA ESG, who are responsible for its processing. MBA training includes business management, financial management, planning, marketing, and many skills that entrepreneurs need. Pursuing MBA after engineering courses has become a fairly popular trend these days. Instead of MBA, you can think of doing your M.Tech. Yes, of course you can do the MBA after a degree because MBA is a post graduate program and moreover is graduate program. Doing MBA after will add you an advantage as MBA is management side and is a Technical field. It is really a good path to shape an excellent future. mba is a masters programme which give you managerial education. Well MBA has always been my plan after the graduation not immediately but after some experience, and immediately after completing my B.Tech, I … MBA ESG has identified a lack of these MBA courses in India and has designed courses accordingly. Here we have tried to give you some pointers to help … You will find a lot of people in the corporate world who have an Engineering as well as MBA degrees from well-known institutions and work in wide range of sectors. thank you !! India churns out more engineers than China + USA! I suggest you that if you do MBA in Systems management or … The concept of coaching classes is not new in India. Voir plus de contenu de MBA After b-tech. "All my friends were planning to go for an MBA, so I'm also appearing for CAT." 21/07/2018. Hôtel. Even if they are inexperienced, they usually give entrepreneurship a try to see if they are capable of handling business responsibilities. ou. You should make all out efforts to realize your dream rather than spending sleepless nights for obtaining a degree that is useful only in the short term. The first choice of stream in MBA for a B. Plus tard. Informations de compte oubliées ? And therefore, the demand for technical and management professionals will be far more than other professionals. Compared to engineering, MBA seems to fare well with the job market. Bangalore – 560 064. Thanks to your MBA degree, your paycheck will have more zeroes compared to your peers with a BTech degree. This way, you’ll be able to polish your skills while working and add on to your resume. ou. Créer un compte. + M.B.A integrated course. These are the following Scope of MBA after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering-----1.Indian Ordnance Factories Service 2.Indian Railway Service of Engineers 3.DRDL 4.UPPCL 5.DRDO 6.BHEL 7.ONGC 8.Assistant Executive 9.NTPC. This is nice article, it is very useful article for taking the right decisions for higher studies. Of these, a lucky number secure a job. BTech doesn’t always have to be the foundation for a 9-5 job. Tuition/BTech Tuition . Hello, Friend As you have said that after which M.B.A specialization should I go for. Popular courses available are MEng or MSc in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and Master of Applied Science in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. If you want to study a business degree after completing BTech, the MBA is the right choice and if you aim to specialise in a certain Engineering specialisation, then MTech after BTech is the best choice. They are impressed by the extraordinary leadership and communication skills the degree offers. So, the question that arises is what relevance does an MBA hold for engineering graduates and what can an MBA degree add to the highly technical skills of an engineer? whereas is a master in engineering.which will be a added advantage.if you pursue mba basing on experience you might become manager of a department and in you will be remained as programme developer, web designer. so the choice is yours. sur Facebook. 0. and B.Tech degrees and years of work experience opt for an MBA. It depends upon what you like and better at. They see that many of their higher-ups are MBA graduates. Thus, in future, if you wish to learn technical skills such as computer programming or productivity tools, it should be a cakewalk for you. In a nutshell, it is pretty clear … Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. There are many colleges that offer MBA courses but to make sure that you are selected on the basis of MBA qualification for a job, you need to get the degree from a very reputed university. 0. I have just passed 12th science, I’m planning to go for in auto mobile engineering and then continue with MBA as well as for RTO simultaneously. For some, it isn’t even an option as they’ve already decided on their career path. The diversity of subjects taught at an undergraduate level is quite narrow compared to an MBA degree. A B.Tech degree opens up many career opportunities for students. Before I answer this question, you need to explore the options that you have. So, an MBA is a great option after … Hari K. Maths Tutor . Why MBA after Engineering? Pages connexes. Technical and management knowledge also come handy when you start your own venture. For instance, a computer engineer would most probably be happy to work in top IT companies such as Google, Facebook, or Infosys. i am currently doing job as a developer in mnc company. It will have good scope in India as well as abroad. Connexion. Of course, you have to consider experience and other factors. after BTech. I completed my under-grad in Biotechnology. Now, banking is a coveted industry in India. A degree like an MBA is always a safe option for students. and also what is future scope after completing MBA?? With the market today being characterized by an ever stiffening competition, career choices are becoming increasingly difficult to make. sure. A large number of applicants with B.E. Sir I’m pursuing my btech in civil engineering 3rd year I want to do MBA after my graduation I thought of construction management but I’m not sure about the skills and knowledge required to do that course. What specialization to take in MBA after completing B.Tech IT? Which MBA suits B.TECH Biotech graduate? Many students drop to prepare for Engineering and MBA entrance examinations, so they tend to take around 7 to 8 years to complete their education after schooling. Most BTech students are unsure of what they want to do after graduation. It depends upon what you like and better at. but the last decision is yours but if you want MBA after so you get some obstacles in starting it depends on your interest Galileo Global Campus It makes them independent, self-reliant, confident, smart, and savvy. Some engineers or BTech graduates choose to work for a couple of years, gain experience, and specialize in the field of their choice. will better prove your specialization in a specific niche such as finance, business, IT, economics, management, marketing, etc. Therefore, the number of professionals with B.Tech and MBA degrees are significantly more than professionals with other degrees. ECT is the only content writing training institute recognized by the Government of India. Comments. According to GMAC 2018 Corporate Recruiters Survey Report, “81% companies planned to hire MBA graduates in 2018 with 52% planning to increase MBA starting base salaries.”. whether to go for MBA or mtech ? There are large numbers of opportunities for candidates in both public and private sector after completing B.Tech. Both vary a long way as both are two Different Roads where students can no doubt walk as per there interest after completing there B.Tech is whatever stream. Nowadays, an MBA degree has become commonplace. To answer your questions 1. Why MBA After Engineering (B Tech)? Swati Gupta . Every kind of expertise or skill can be a valuable asset for individuals. Reply With Quote. 0. MBA is one of the most demanding course. While many pursue an MBA to get into managerial positions in organizations, some of them do not. 10 Advantages of Doing An MBA After BTech/Engineering. in my opinion you must go for b tech and then mba because now a days, all the multinational companies demand for b tech + mba. You have the right to access, rectify, and delete data concerning you. Here are five reasons why you should consider doing an MBA course after completing B.Tech! finance or marketing, there are numerous niche fields in which you can pursue an MBA. It’s almost like a rite of passage. Dislike Bookmark. Many people go for MBA after B.Tech because they think they will get more salaries and better growth prospects. Sir,I am doing presently in mechanical stream. This article will be be helpful to her . 21/07/2018. Tech candidate should be Operations, as technical know-how and operational work go well hand in hand. Suppose you are an M. Tech, you will be extremely important for the concerns that have business accounts of technical grounds. Add comment December 28, 2020 11 min read. Their MBAs allow them to skip the queue and move on to mid-level and top-level roles. Tech candidate should be Operations, as technical know-how and operational work go well hand in hand. A lot of engineering graduates wish to pursue a MBA after completion of their graduation. You can utilize this combination of competencies to advance your career in any technology company. Today, programmers and technical experts grow much faster than anyone else in a product-based technology company. A student going for an MBA after completing BBA will have the necessary basic knowledge to excel in the course. 11/07/2018. It is really a good path to shape an excellent future. After their Bachelor’s in India, they choose to pursue a Master’s course abroad. Not all students who participate in campus interviews get placed. I would like to do an MBA and was thinking about Healthcare Management. B.Tech graduates who have no desire to pursue M.Tech often end up opting for an MBA. The IT industry wants people with skills, which it obviously isn’t getting. Lack of enough engineering jobs in India. and Ph.D. in the same field. If you are confused between MBA or MTech, the best way to decide is highlighting your career goals and interests. Although a degree is never the sole criterion of salaries or job roles, the candidates with both MBA and BTech degrees tend to do better in the aptitude and other tests that help them get a higher compensation package. Sudheer Reddy. Since this course combines the two it fits well with the job profile of product managers, programme managers and can go opto chieg technology officers etc. (or 5 in Dual or Int.M.Tech. Such courses do not monopolise their time. Thank you sir….. Sir I am pursuing my but I took a educational loan is MBA is better for me or doing a job… Plz reply. Please tell me is it ok or else what should I do.. really an awesome article and informatics, but I am still confused what to choose? While the salaries depend on a lot of other factors, if you have the engineering background with MBA from a reputed institute, you may get placed at a better salary package than others. Your prospects become better if you have excellent communication or writing skills. Engineering is considered a "safe bet". background: #fff; 17-07-2012 04:12 AM #2. manas. At first it might sound wired that why people wants to do an MBA degree when they might get a great career after doing M-Tech. After completing your B.Tech degree, choosing between MBA and M.Tech is a big decision. In Canada, several programmes are open for BTech graduates, including MTech, MS, MEng, dual degree programmes and so on. Many people go for MBA after B.Tech because they think they will get more salaries and better growth prospects. There are a number of reasons why one might decide to pursue an MBA after BTech. I am doing B.Tech biotechnology, in my 3rd year now. Convention states that it is mandatory to do something after completing your education. M.Tech or MBA, a typical and also very tough decision every student has to make after completing his/her Bachelors whether to go for or MBA. Your ultimate decision may be based on your passion, interests and family circumstances. MBA is one of the preferred courses after engineering. Dislike Bookmark. An MBA graduate holds a much more credible position among employers than others. Hence, it is important to choose the place to study wisely before applying. These 3-month to 6-month short-term courses help them gain knowledge in fields of their interest. However, the top employers who hire a large number of fresh MBAs, usual come from IT or BFSI (Banking) industry. There are many M.B.A … Compared to this, a BTech graduate earns around INR 5,70,000 on average per year. It is true that people with other skills and degrees will also be in demand. Quite often it happens that you want to do a postgraduate degree while still keeping your full-time job. Can I do an MBA after doing a BTech in CSE? is better after because many many multinational companies has a demand of students. REGISTRATION OPEN FOR B TECH FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS/LATERAL ENTRY PROGRAMMES 2020 | APPLY NOW. With an MBA, you get skills that help you handle tasks that are complex and require high-level involvement. Today, programmers and technical experts grow much faster than anyone else in a product-based technology company. Some students opt for MBA after 3-5 years of experience in the technical field. In the long run, knowledge and expertise are more valuable than degrees. If you go for simple graduation and MBA, you can save at least one to three years plus a few lakh rupees. That’s why companies spend an enormous amount of time and money in training new hires. Career and Scope of MBA after B.Tech. Smashing Four. M.Tech will surely take students towards Engineering line more deeply whereas MBA will provide … like me) degree when MBA is not at all about Engineering… NRI Talkies. As soon as the students get graduated, they keep eyeing for the best colleges to pursue their Master’s degree. Until you are a graduate from a reputed institute or you have good work experience, these degrees are hardly appreciated by organizations. If you are wondering what to do after btech, a popular career choice among engineering graduates after engineering is studying management. MBA after BTech has been a hot career choice for years. A lot many are left without any offer in hand. Is an MBA a good option after completing a B.Tech in civil engineering? 31-12-2012 09:11 PM #18. Hi Sachin, until you get into one of the top colleges in India, it is advisable to do job and gain some experience before MBA. IBPS is an autonomous recruitment organization that conducts exams to recruit graduates to public sector banks. On the other hand, many will like to explore the field of management immediately after BTech. }. Every major city offers coaching in a variety of subjects. For instance, the average salary for an MBA graduate is about INR 6,87,000 per year or higher. In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at some of the reasons that make an MBA a wise choice after completion of engineering. It's always a better choice. Companies prefer MBA at Post Graduation with a B.Tech degree when recruiting MBA graduates for following reasons. Studying management can help you get a high-paying job with more responsibility. Get the answer to the question which is a better choice after b tech - m tech or mba? The scope is vast. Our Content Writing Certification is globally recognized. You can either pursue a career in the engineering field or change course and get a managerial position after an MBA. Many engineers in their mid-career of technological parlance feel like they have already leveraged their technical skills and have saturated their career growth. Opting for an MBA after BTech, you will gain a holistic perspective of business management and its day to day operations. Further, an MBA degree will also equip with imperative managerial skills as well as leadership, teamwork, interpersonal and … Students may be interested in taking up short-term courses in Digital Marketing, Data Science, AI, etc. doesn’t ensure that you will learn technical things, especially coding. This skill gap further creates unemployment that, in turn, affects graduates and companies alike. Many people do B.Tech, MBA and then get into Insurance or Banking sales which are not at all related to their educational background. It also tells them that you are a competent and experienced individual. Sports, Luxury, Hospitality, and Tourism are some areas where you find a surge of degree and job opportunities in India. It teach how to plan well and act properly. sur Facebook. 2) After B.Tech, write CAT then after MBA, do job for one year maximum, later go for MS in US. So invest in self-improvement and you will never have to look for a job again in your life. The companies rather hire simple graduates who add as much value as an engineer or an MBA does but cost less than half of them. Doing MBA after B. select#mx_Short_Term_Courses option { Syllabus for MBA and benefits of different MBA courses? A good number of them are left without an offer letter in their name. These students will probably travel, take up small jobs, or chill at home till they decide what steps to take next. Career after BTech with MBA – At least 50 to 60% of engineering graduates pursue MBA against M.Tech as their career path. also the salary a btech+ mba student will get is much more higher than bcom + mba. This credibility is achieved after an MBA degree. As soon as the students get graduated, they keep eyeing for … Secondly, they can opt for MBA in Finance or IB, and then followed by MBA in Sales and Marketing. Take a look at 10 reasons why pursuing an MBA course after BTech will enhance your career aspirations. It will have good scope in India as well as abroad. If you want to pursue Post Graduation, then you need to explore promising post graduation courses that offer a value addition to your career as well as help you land a great job with a decent salary. The first choice of stream in MBA for a B. Answer. Top Courses After B.Tech 1. MBA after B.Tech. Salary Package details after doing MBA+B.Tech:-If you are doing B.Tech + MBA integrated course from any private colleges then your salary will be 25,000/- to 30,000/- per month.But you take admission in government colleges through AIEEE or IIT and IIM than salary package will … Gaurav Kashyap. MBA vs MTech . Therefore, it is a highly desirable degree to pursue after BTech. color: #000; #44/4, District Fund Road Although they hire people from almost all walks of life, the number of hires who have engineering as well as management degrees outnumber hires with other educational backgrounds. Looser. As teens and young adults consider what they want to make out of their future professional lives, they're going to have a difficult time identifying a career where they can rightly say, "Well then, looks like I need to get a JD/MBA if I want to do that!" There is no point choosing an MBA in HR after a B. Tutor. For example, IBM or Cognizant hires Human Resource professionals possessing a BTech or Engineering degree along with an MBA degree. Graduates will still have to specialize in a niche area to be considered for a position. You can also build a solid base with future entrepreneurs and business managers. MBA vs Civil Services (IAS) after by Bijay Behera It was the year 2004 when a young boy from a humble village of Odisha, who dreamt of becoming an engineer, entered the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela. Please enter your answer. Taking MBA related job as work experience. Even then, an MBA graduate’s pay scale is better, even if marginally, than that of BTech graduate at the same level. Most of the global brands hire professionals with technical and management background.
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