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It is important to select the correct Category when entering course titles. Course Title Instructor Day/Time Location; PHIL 300 E100: Introduction to Philosophy Brian Thomas TBA REMOTE LEARNING, Burnaby PHIL 310 D100: Logic, Proofs and Set Theory Michael Picard Fr 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM REMOTE LEARNING, Burnaby PHIL 315 D100: Formal Methods Jennifer Wang: Mo 12:30 PM – 1:20 PM Th 12:30 PM – 2:20 PM REMOTE LEARNING, Burnaby REMOTE LEARNING, Burnaby PHIL 320 … PHIL 110: Introduction to Philosophy. This course is the first of a two-course sequence designed to introduce students to algorithm design and programming in a high-level language such as C. The main objectives of the course are to develop the ability to identify, understand and design solutions to a wide variety of problems. 2018 Summer Course Descriptions. Course descriptions. Contacts . (I) 1115 Introduction to Philosophy. It is therefore important to establish an initial focus, determine goals, and assess student needs. Course Descriptions. This course is an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of modern logic. 2305 Critical Reasoning and Logic (3-0). FALL 2020 Department of Philosophy Course Descriptions Listed below are the PHIL courses being offered at Purdue University in Fall 2020. LEC 402 MW 11:00am – 11:50am LEC 403 MW 1:00pm – 1:50pm. PHL - Philosophy Course Descriptions PHL 113 Philosophy of the Human Person. An introductory philosophy course that concentrates on concepts and issues, such as the nature of value, duty, right and wrong, the good life, human rights, social justice, and applications to selected problems of personal and social behavior. ELAC PHILOSOPHY COURSE DESCRIPTIONS. This course is a seminar integrating the major disciplines of the philosophy program (philosophy, theology and the liberal arts). To gauge whether your eLearning course title is the perfect balance of clarity and creativity, ask members of your ideal learning audience to read over the eLearning course title and then tell you exactly what they think the eLearning course is all about, or hold a focus group to brainstorm possible eLearning course titles that may be better options. Problems in interpretation of the nature of knowledge, reality, and value. Classic texts from the major disciplines are read and then discussed in 119 class. The following conventions are used … Formulas for Online Course Titles, with Examples. PHIL 230 Ancient Western Philosophy 3 Credits. Examination of perennial philosophical issues, such as questions about the nature of reality and how we can know it, discussions of human nature, the meaning of life, and our moral responsibilities. ... University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 305-284-2211. PHI 100. For Fall 2020, no classes or tutorials will be offered purely in person. Undergraduate Vice-Chair Elisabeth Camp. Three work like a charm. 6000: Speaking and Writing I; 6010: Readings in History I; 6020: Readings in Western Literature I; 6030: Readings in Philosophy I ; 6031: Readings in Philosophy II (Self) 6040: Readings in Science and Technology; 6041: Humanities Seminar; 6000: Speaking and Writing I. GL/PHIL 2645 6.00 Ancient Philosophy and Political Theory. John Rawls Political Philosophy. The narrative of the human pursuit of … Get them excited about learning! Instructor: M. Anderson: Synchronous online Tuesday 2:30 - 5:30: Course Outline : Philosophy 4311F: Women and Science. A course in philosophy includes a series of classes that provide specialized philosophical studies to participants. Prerequisites may be waived by the Philosophy department. Get Course Course Schedule - University of Miami Offer Home > Important Information > Course Descriptions. PH 201 Logic (3) B. 2019 Spring Course Descriptions. Course Descriptions . Assistant Undergraduate Director Alexander Skiles. Students study the ideas of morality, human knowledge and freedom through the works of Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume and Bacon. Philosophy / Philosophy course descriptions; Courses in Philosophy. Fall 2020 Course Descriptions. PHI 500 The Philosophy of Plato The course is a study of the development of Plato's thought and an examination of the validity of his major contributions in the areas of metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology, and ethics. Instructor: TBA. The first Department Head was Ira MacKay and there have since been twelve more. PHIL 370 : PHIL 370 - Aesthetics. Categories are used to help our counselors know how to count courses towards the credit requirements when doing a transcript review. 108 Introduction to Asian Philosophies . Philosophy 101 – Introduction to Philosophy: Reflections on the Human Condition (3 units; U; HU) LEC 001 T 5:00pm – 7:40 pm. PH 125 Introduction to Philosophy (3) A . An introduction to philosophy through discussion of topics such as the criteria and limits of human knowledge, the mind/body problem, free will and determinism, the existence and nature of God, and ethics. Ethics. (shelved 1786 times as philosophy) avg rating 3.99 — 104,057 ratings — published 1982 Want to Read saving… A study of the propositional calculus, quantification theory, the theory of definite descriptions, and other topics in modern symbolic logic.NB: Not offered every year See department chair. While these courses are intended for philosophy majors, they are open to all students who satisfy the prerequisite requirements. This course is designed to enhance philosophical reasoning skills and increase knowledge of the content of philosophy in order to improve ability to deal with the issues and problems presented by patients and clients. Philosophy. Preparation: two philosophy courses or one philosophy course and one physics course. Prereq: none. This course explores how values and beliefs are manifested in the language we use. Since people are easily drawn to things that come in 3’s, you can make your title be in 3 key points as well as easy to remember. Philosophical implications of space-time theories, such as those of Newton and Einstein. 2019 Winter Course Descriptions. PHI 501 The Philosophy of Aristotle The course is an historical and critical study of the major concepts of the metaphysics, theory of knowledge, and ethics of Acting Undergraduate Vice-Chair FY 20-21 Andy Egan . Course work may include ethics, political philosophy, political thought or democratic theory; courses applying ethical analysis to health care, business and the professions, engineering and the environment, global or social justice, law and politics, or communication and the media; and courses in these particular fields illustrating ethical issues. Course Descriptions. No prerequisites are required. Some environments, as seen above, would benefit more from the behaviorist philosophy than from the humanist philosophy, and vice versa. Students in the course learn the history of philosophy and gain insight into the theories and ideas of famous philosophers. Philosophical issues and methodology illustrated in relation to South and East Asian thought: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Philosophy Course Descriptions (PHIL) 1301/PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy (3-0). The development of inquiry about the order of nature and society is traced. Philosophy Course Descriptions. 2018 Spring Course Descriptions . Department of Philosophy. Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C- in PHIL 210 or equivalent. Students experience philosophy as an activity characterized by asking questions and answering them through persistent, critical analysis. The courses are listed by their five-digit course number and course title, followed by a brief description. 3 Credit Hours. Of course, philosophy didn't stop evolving in the 4th century B.C. May not be retaken for add’l cr; may be repeated for higher grade. Not all courses described in the Course and Program Catalogue are offered each year. 1252 Memorial Drive Ashe Bldg, Rm 721 Coral Gables, FL 33124; 305 ... 498 People Used. Students are recommended to have taken Philosophy 3410F/G or Philosophy 3450F/G. A general and far ranging discussion of topics in language, focused on readings in one tradition of … Fr. Philosophical issues and methodology illustrated through selected problems concerning values, … If you don’t have prior experience in 3rd-year courses such as Philosophy of Mind or Philosophy of Neuroscience, this is likely not a good choice. No previous course in logic or philosophy is required. Courses in Philosophy. Consult the relevant Course Offering Matrix under Academic Programs for more information about upcoming courses and schedules. Undergraduate Program Coordinator … Our course index provides information on all offered philosophy and Integrated Studies in the Arts and Humanities (IAH) courses offered by the department. These texts will be approached with philosophical questions in mind, as befits the capstone to the philosophy program. Departmental Chair Karen Bennett. This course provides students with an understanding of the major topics in philosophy—including metaphysics, epistemology and axiology. General & Introductory Courses. Not all courses are available every semester. Philosophy students take courses that teach them to identify arguments and to distinguish good arguments from bad. Browse the latest online philosophy courses from Harvard University, including " Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics" and "The Path to Happiness: What Chinese Philosophy Teaches Us about the Good Life." Students can find course descriptions, sample syllabi, and upcoming instructors. Course credit exclusion: AP/PHIL 2100 3.00. Dr. Walter C. Murray, first President of the University, taught the first philosophy course here in 1909. Classes in ethics cover the moral issues frequently encountered in philosophy. Philosophy 1 -- Introduction to Philosophy: Lecture, 3 hours. Selected philosophical problems concerning nature of space and time. Philosophy has been a presence at the University of Saskatchewan for fully 100 years. Note: This Arts course can also be used to satisfy the general science credit requirement of the Bachelor of Science. Academics / Majors and Minors / Philosophy / Course Descriptions Philosophy Courses. Course Titles & General Descriptions. See prerequisite waiver. 2018 Fall Course Descriptions. Thinkers throughout the ages have built upon this tradition - and, at times, radically questioned it. University of Saskatchewan Course and Program Catalogue Courses. Instructor: Ágúst Magnússon, This course covers a set of related topics in probability, inductive reasoning, game theory and decision theory which are of both theoretical and practical interest, having application to the philosophy of science, epistemology, political philosophy, ethics, political science, and economics. Content Sparks provides some great formulas examples of writing a great course title. Topics may also include theories of definite descriptions, elementary modal logic and formal axiomatic systems. Philosophy. Categories. Choosing a good course title is important! The curriculum of a course in modern philosophy covers thinkers during the Enlightenment age, along with those of the critical, empiricist and rationalist traditions. The ongoing global coronavirus pandemic has necessitated a few changes to Philosophy course offerings in the Fall semester of 2020: While you can expect the quality of instruction to continue at the same high standards as before, the mode of class delivery will be different for this semester. For a list of course offerings in 2020-2021, please consult the class search website. This Course and Program Catalogue is effective from May 2020 to April 2021. Not all courses are available online. Courses By Subject Code; Course Layout and Definitions; Back.
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