swgoh separatist droid team

swgoh separatist droid team

0 . Guilds must achieve at least 1 star to earn rewards and players must earn at least 1 Territory Point to be considered as participating. And in order to make the less compromises possible, you'll need to optimize your main characters.Using droids is an option, there are many others (rebel synergy, dodge lead, etc.). The total power of my Separatist Droids for this battle is 107,365 with General Grievous as my (obvious) leader. A droid gunship carries two commando droids while firing its ordnance. 1. Guy in my shard stays top 10 running ig88 lead with grievous t3 bb8 and r2. If you focus around separatists as a sub faction of droids you might be able to run grievous lead ig 86 b2 battle droid bb8 and r2. 70 % General Grievous Speed: 179.0. Non classé. At this point with just Ponds and the Elite ARC Trooper left I take out Ponds first and can focus 6 versus 1 on the ARC Trooper for the surprisingly comfortable win and 1,352,000 territory points. Phase 3 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. Okay, sweet. Team Strategy. On his initial AoE Grievous landed multiple Target Lock debuffs which is great for the Turn Meter, and I time it where he kills off three of the Clones to gain 3 stacks of Separatist Affiliation and I move on. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? Press J to jump to the feed. Plus they're high priority anyway for upcoming content. The 4 remaining are all Entrenched so I go after the Clone Sergeant and Sharpshooter first, gaining more kills for Grievous and upgrading my buff to the quite valuable Separatist Loyalty. B2 Rocket Trooper calls GG to kill him off, the GG kills Aayla and I am up to 9 stacks of SA and rolling. Phase 4 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. B1 Battle Droid. Because my original goal was to help players see where they need to be to beat each of these Combat & Special Missions, I will not be continuing with the detailed walkthrough style and instead, when relevant, I will add additional notes on this Combat Mission below. Now with Relics in the game, these battles are even easier than before. 85. Gain 1 stack of Droid Battalion for each other Separatist ally. Or at least what are some decent droid teams? I know Bb8 seems out of place but he allows you to always be first out of the gates even against JKR teams. 85. There has not been any whale activity here yet, but GG and B1 are Relic level 2, and B2 is level 1. Is the best team really zzzGG, zB1, zB2 zDroideka & MG (or replace with bb8) With Nute & Dooku reworks, is a team with GG, Nute & Dooku & (either B2 & B1 or B2 & Droideka/Magnaguard) Obviously the Genosians are becoming a v good team but as the CIS are my faves, I want to use the above toons in a team together. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What’s the best first team to farm in Galaxy of Heroes free-to-play? In the Middle Territory in Phase 3 there is a Combat Mission requiring the use of Separatist Droids as well as the Geonosians Special Mission fighting for Wat Tambor shards. The fourth and final battle sees my B1 with 48 stacks of Droid Battalion and the team with 6 stacks of Separatist Affiliation as I face 6 enemies. If there is a Separatist in the Leader slot and no summon is present at the start of the encounter, summon a Sniper Droid to the ally slot. Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH zawiera cztery fazy trwające 36 godzin każda. Other good options for specific situations: B-2: The newly beloved droid that was in like every episode of Clone Wars. Despite Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes being a collection game, where owning characters from the saga is a goal, you can't get them all quickly. All other Separatist allies gain half of these bonuses. 85. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. B1 is immune to Damage Over Time, and their Max Health and Max Protection can't be increased. Prob won’t get them for a bit, just want something new to work towards. 09.13.19 – The only real difference in my roster is that I have added Relic Amplifiers to General Grievous, B1 and B2. I think the only droids that have lead abilities are IG, GG and HK. But beware - Zeta and gear crunch are real in that team. All other Separatist allies gain half of these bonuses. I'm wondering if the anti-droid abilities would be good enough to actually beat such a strong group. The Jedi Vanguard is accompanied by 5 Clones, 2 of which are Elite and 3 already are Entrenched. Here are the changes to my roster since the last time: 08.30.19 – In the early days of Gear 13 it was clear that General Grievous was a great character to take to g13 early, and I have yet to be disappointed even a little. Then B1, B2, Magnaguard and Droideka. Note that has started a complete series of SWGoH Relic Reviews for key characters in the game, so if you are looking for advice on which characters to upgrade first or just how good the Relic stat increases are, check these articles out! He also takes blows like a champ and plays nice JE too. Heading into the third battle the only concern I have is the Droid Battalion stacks on my B1 are down to just 63 (Droid Battalion ability explained), but by the end of this battle I lose only two so I have 61 going into the final battle along with 6 stacks of Separatist Affiliation. Grievous continues to crush the Galactic Republic killing the Clone Sharpshooter and I am all-in with complete Separatist Loyalty, a huge buff that is defined in the links above and a real key to success in these longer battles. Hailfire Droid (Full Strength) to start and debuffs everywhere, then a couple of attacks later B2 hits and AoE which triggers all of the Stagger debuffs and I am off to an awesome start. Nute Gunray does insane things for General Grievous! Separatist: Malicious Minions II Summoned Separatist allies have +50% Speed, Max Health, and Max Protection, and damage they deal is increased by 50%. I have them fully completed. Best is GG lead, Deiodeka, B2, b1, and BB8. The following is a Walkthrough of my experiences in the Phase 3 Combat Mission that may be updated over time. 50 % B2 Super Battle Droid Speed: 167.0. 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This proves to be a huge boost and this Combat Mission really has become “easy” at this point, as hard as it is for me to say that. Edit Delete Copy Link. His basic attack does decent damage and can stun enemies. Feel free to ask any questions! Rewards are based on the total number of stars reached. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. If there is a Separatist in the Leader slot and no summon is present at the start of the encounter, summon a Sniper Droid to the ally slot. RNG is smiling on me today… I start spamming them with AoE attacks when possible and quickly remove the JV and Clone Trooper Medic allowing me to shift my focus on to their attackers. The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. Na Środkowym Terytorium w Fazie 3 znajduje się Misja Bojowa, która wymaga użycia Droidów Separatystów, a także Misji Specjalnej Geonosjan walczących… In a recent video from Operation Metaverse they advised that B1 was a great Gear 13 character for all of the extra offensive firepower, so here I am testing that out once again (and so far I like what I see). Separatist Droid Team Far2 - 77,588 Power; 1. 36 % Droideka Speed: 93.0. At some point, HMP droid gunships and B2-series super battle droids were used in a Separatist attack on Aq Vetina. they are all maxed out and I can hover around the 200s in my shard. Community News, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH - Ships, SWGOH Characters, Community News, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH Characters, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH Characters. Your email address will not be published. Win. The first battle goes according to plan with Grievous getting two kills for 2 stacks of Separatist Affiliation, and the second battle mirrors the first leaving me at 4 stacks. Daring Droid Legendary Event. The Geonosis: Separatist Might Territory Battle in SWGoH features four Phases which last 36 hours each. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Top 5 team. Off the top of my head, these characters are: Jawa, Datcha, Eeth Koth, Ima-Gun Di, and Ugnaught. However, I'm sure that the optimal anti-droid team mixes some other useful characters such … Today we look at the Count Dooku and Nute Gunray reworks to give my initial impressions. General grievous might be solid at max gear 12. Ive been playing this game now for over a year and pretty much from the beginning I've been going for droids because they are my favorite faction. Phase 1 Special Mission Requirements: Minimum 6-star characters, 16,500+ Power; Nute Gunray, B1 Battle Droid, B2 Super Battle Droid, Droideka 1,352,000 Territory Points. With the notes above I have decided to expand upon this content as my roster grows stronger. While you have some alternate options for this #5 slot, I prefer Nebit because he gives you Taunt ability and bonus attacks. … In the Middle Territory in Phase 3 there is a Combat Mission requiring the use of Separatist Droids as well as the Geonosians Special Mission fighting for Wat Tambor shards. During the Onderonian Civil War, he was sent by Count Dooku to aid Separatist King Sanjay Rash of Onderon in defeating the resistance movement against the Separatist occupation. As I finish this battle I have 69 stacks of Droid Battalion and 5 stacks of Separatist Affiliation heading into the next battle. I get an early Hailfire Tank attack and AoE from Grievous to gain significant momentum. My third time around, taking a bit of a cocky “I got this approach” I steamrolled through the first three battles and lost IG-100 MagnaGuard on the 4th battle, but the 1,352,000 Territory Points were never in question as the other stayed alive for an easy win. The third battle is also easy at these gear levels (and the addition of a couple Relic Amplifiers). Between Zprobe and zIG the target lock spam will stall alot of teams. In the Middle Territory in Phase 4 there is a Combat Mission requiring the use of Count Dooku and Separatists as well as the Wat Tambor Special Mission. I'll try to cover in this article why choosing droids, how they work together, how to b… I have both Nute and Magna at G8 and the rest at G10 (Greivous at G12), should I ignore Magna and work on Nute first? Every guild member that participated in the event will receive the same reward when the event is over. Separatist Malicious Minions II Summoned Separatist allies have +50% Speed, Max Health, Max Protection and damage they deal is increased by 50%. Grievous gets an AoE, I summon the B2 Rocket Trooper and here we go. Faza 3 obejmuje terytoria 3, gdy gracze walczą ze statkami i wojskami lądowymi. I can beat pretty much any empire/sith teams (minus Sion because of the mass disspell) I can beat JTR and CLS teams but I do have trouble with the meta Jedi teams as they both have high amounts of tenacity so I can't land debuffs which is the main thing my team does. 3. B2 is first for me and uses the Hailfire Tank which is at full strength, then the next two attacks hit the Staggered enemies to remove their TM. Given you already have Padme, and aren't down to trying to build Separatist or Droid squads to fill out the full compliment of options, its probably not. One Jedi Consular and several Clones are no match for this team as I take out a Clone Sergeant and Medic and I believe a Sharshooter leaving a Clone Trooper and the weak Jedi Consular for the end, wiping them out with ease. Phase 1’s Special Mission that requires 4 specific Separatist characters offers a reward of 15 Mk II Guild Event Tokens which are very valuable in SWGoH. Phase 3 features 3 territories as players battle with… Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes , SWGOH - Territory Battles , SWGOH Characters August 13, 2019 Droid gunships were deployed again on an attack led by General Grievous on Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet, several being used to deploy droid boarding parties on Kenobi's flagship. Feel free to ask any questions! Between Zprobe and zIG the target lock spam will stall alot of teams. Kalani was an ST-series super tactical droid and general in service to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. 85. Kit Counters <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Lead Synergy: All • Droid • Separatist Synergy: Buzz Droids • Droid • Separatist. I am working on getting probe droid to try with the team. So your options are very limited. Phase 3 features 3 territories as players battle with ships and ground troops. Details of how to use and mod B2 Super Battle Droid within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Add links to internal or external guides in list format here. Agree with this. Overall it is a very fun team I like to think it's pretty good theory crafted and I enjoy it. When another Droid ally uses a Special ability, B1 gains 15% Turn Meter. If you just want a separatist line up though replace Bb8 with Nute his zeta and extortion ass fucks JKR, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. What’s the best droid team? Sorry for repeated posts, just trying to get an idea. If you specifically only want to use separatists I suggest using genosian spy and soldier, count dooku lead, general grievous and sun fac. 44 % IG-100 MagnaGuard My B2 called the Hailfire Tank and Grievous is up with an AoE which lands a Target Lock on all enemies. 37 % B1 Battle Droid Speed: 165.0. 08.16.19 – The first battle sees 5 enemy Clones, one with loaded TM hitting my MagnaGuard immediately and gaining an assist. On the frontline the Vulture Droid serves well to draw fire from enemy ships to shield … if you want the best team comprising of JUST droids, I would argue the Grievous led seperatist droids are great.Grievous, B1, B2, Droideka, Magnaguard, however i believe if you sub out magnaguard for Nute with his zeta that team is MUCH better offensively. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? b1 swgoh. Power 31624; Speed 165; Health 20,693 The JV is my focus to start and after 4-5 attacks I am surprised at how well it is going. SWGOH Specualtion: Droid Tri fighter Separatist Dream Kit ... SWGOH Specualtion: Droid Tri fighter Separatist Dream Kit 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Also very I mean VERY fun team. 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