teq cell eza weakness

teq cell eza weakness

Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100% POTENTIAL SYSTEM EZA TEQ GOLDEN FRIEZA SHOWCASE! TC argument is valid though, because EZA opponent attacks so many times, 7-8 attacks per turn, so Phy VB counter really can rival LR VB But of course I will still choose LR VB for defense Nintendo 3DS FC: 4570-8696-0014 Switch: 3622-0621-0339 IGN: Sam Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Showcase DBZ" to create our scenario. User Info: chrisscorsese88. Just there to absorb damage, Love how you put in there "will allow him to clap Cell's cheeks" for the LR trunks description. 77% Upvoted. Legendary Battle: This one is easy. Good to know! This thread is archived. Defense stacking is KING here, and the only one who can do that is STR Cell. Again assuming that the 30% buff is active, it would take STR Cell 1 more Super Attack to surpass his TEQ counterpart, for a net total of 3 Launched Super Attacks. Super Battle Road: On this one, either TEQ Cell or STR Cell can accel. Rotations were nowhere near able to be consistent, it just depends how he spaces his attacks and trying to make sure I take the super on cell, golden frieza, or even buff buu. INT Cell, in contrast, is very simple. Would rather have the stones than the ability to awaken him asap though. STR Cell gets the edge because of his debuff and the ability to access his 11ki AoE Super Attack to clear an enemy field. Doesn’t help that RoG category has crazy strong cards on there. I'll be honest, the banner is kinda tempting. But wait, you say! This one mostly depends on team composition. Because of this, I'm re-allocating this point, and giving it to WELCOME TO HELL - PERFECT CELL. Using the same criteria as above, we are gonna check the defense stats of each Cell AFTER LAUNCHING THEIR SUPER ATTACK FOR THE TURN, again starting with: 11,001(Post-EZA Rainbow DEF) *3.6(LS) = 39,603.6, 39,603.6 *2.1(80% from self + 30% from WT Cell) = 83,167.56, 83,167.56 *1.4(40% from 2 supers) = 116,434.584, 14,443(Post-EZA Rainbow DEF) *3.6(LS) = 51,994.8, 51,994.8 *2.5(120% from self w/ 8 orbs+ 30% from WT Cell) = 129,987, 11,879(Post-EZA Rainbow DEF) *3.6(LS) = 42,764.4, 42,764.4 *2.2(90% from self + 30% from WT Cell) = 94,081.68, Once again, in the D-Free scenario, the best EZA Cell in terms of sheer defense stat would be SURPASSING ALL - PERFECT CELL. In a similar manner to the attack stat, STR Cell can increase his defense through continued Super Attacks. Both Dokkanfest Cells have unique attributes that make reaching their most powerful Super Attacks almost equally as likely. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I prefer STR cell for his links. Both the INT and STR EZA Cell units have Kaio-ken effects tied to their supers! ATK 8432 . disables enemy's immunity; causes ultimate damage and massively lowers DEF Universe's Most Malevolent - Strongest Clan in Space - Shocking Speed - Revival - Resurrection 'F' - Super-God Combat - Fierce Battle Resurrected Warriors - Movie Bosses - Full Power - Transformation Boost - Most Malevolent Clan Press J to jump to the feed. Lets finish this full guide f2p if possible. Thanks again to D-Free for making the video that I used to frame this discussion, and I'll see you next time when I return to regularly scheduled unit-breaking. Using the criteria determined above, we end up with these calculations: 16,789(Post-EZA Rainbow ATK) *4.4("Androids" leader skill) = 73,871.6, 73,871 *2.6(130% from own passive + 30% from WT Cell) = 192,066.16, 192,066.16 *1.15(Fierce Battle) + 500(Messenger from the Future) = 221,376.084, 221,376.084 *1.4(12ki modifier) = 309,926.5176, 309,926.5176 *7.25(SA15 Immense + 75% from Dupe System + 20% from prior super) = 2,246,967.2526, Final Attack Stat = 2,246,967 (some variation can occur based on rounding between my math and the video), 18,567(Post-EZA Rainbow Attack) *4.4(LS) = 81,694.8, 81,694.8 *2.5(120% from own passive w/ 8 orbs + 30% from WT Cell) = 204,237, 204,237 *1.15(FB) + 500(MftF) = 235,372.55, 329,521.57 *7.05(SA15 Immense + 75% from Dupe System) = 2,323,127.0685, 15,110(Post-EZA Rainbow Attack) *4.4(LS) = 66,484, 66,484 *2.2(90% from own passive + 30% from WT Cell)= 146,264.8, 146,264.8 *1.15(FB) + 500(MftF) = 168,704.52, 236,186.328 *6.55(SA15 Supreme + 75% from Dupe System + 50% from prior super) = 1,547,020.4484, So, in our exact scenario in the D-Free video, the best EZA Cell in terms of sheer attack stat in that situation would be SURPASSING ALL - PERFECT CELL. Thanks for doing this, this makes me feel a lot better for not having STR Cell, but having INT and TEQ rainbowed. LR Vegito had one dupe, str Rose 2 dupes and I could have used another unit instead of Phy Vegito Blue but didn't have other good options. Really? Need to get on that. I personally prefer teq Cell but I’m glad I’ve got both. 2 years ago. The only downside is that you'll have to fight for up to 10 mins for each level. Battles have a HARD turn limit here, further limiting build-up potential, while the same single-enemy restrictions exist as before. Now its time for me to feck him. I remember how long it took me to beat this fecker on LVL 30. STR Cell's debuff becomes irrelevant, so the difference becomes individual damage and defensive potential. Guessing one of the reasons why he isn't in that cata … Close. If we give both of them 6.5 orbs, here's what they end up with: TEQ Cell - 2,058,853 ATK & 115,168.482 DEF. The best Types to use are Super TEQ and Super AGL. As the basis for this particular comparison, I am drawing on an outside source. ATTACK PROGRESSION. Shucks, I just finished grinding out the medals in preparation for the eventual release. Cell also has a great category list and is one of the few non-LRs capable of nuking Dokkan Punching Machine. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Overview. While this Cell variant, unfortunately, shares the drawbacks of the other Prime Battle LRs -- having flat ATK & DEF Buffs -- he still can prove to be useful on the right Team. Int Black was the mvp tanking everything, LR Vegetto and Rose were the main dmg dealers and their crits were essential. Sadly, with high-caliber teams, most Dokkan Events do not last long enough for either STR Cell or INT Cell to close the wide gap that TEQ Cell leaves in those regards. We are live now for the new EZA Teq Merged Zamasu. The way I see it, not posting more alternatives kinda discourages people who may actually be able to beat it unless they have the optimal teams. I feel like this game doesn’t care that Cell has the ability to heal, so I threw on some HP recovery. Enemy Lv. His s*** links hold him back from being one of the best imo. STR Cell is a new EZA stage with new stones, actually. All of the EZA Cells are filler choices for the WT almost as a rule, but the STR one gets the point here because he has tools that CAN be useful even if they probably won't be all that often. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I remember how long it took me to beat this fecker on LVL 30. Getting the Most This one is cut and dry. Awakened UR Unusual Evolution - Broly (Wrathful) Extreme AGL . It's a very tempting set of banners, piccolo's and the cell EZA, prior to 300 mil downloads (if it happens) hide. STR Cell leads both Super and EXT STR. I been trying to clear lvl 30 for a while now thanks for this. It's probably unfair to compare him to the other EZA Cells so ruggedly because he really isn't meant to do the same stuff. PERFECT CELL EZA START TO FINISH! He's got nothing in his kit to help you get that 6-orb threshold and if he DOESN'T get it, he doesn't hit CLOSE to his peak. Hey y'all! Creating a Fake Card Uploading a Fake Card Card Art Requests Explore. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "3 dupe STR Cell or 1 dupe TEQ Cell for Android team? Good post, but using 8 orbs as the average for teq cell is off. Well, I can account for that with some math. What really matters, though, above ALL of this, is WHERE each Cell can shine the brightest. STR Cell, by comparison, just casts too wide of a net. I appreciate posts like these. Passive: ATK & DEF +15% per orb, plus an additional +7% ATK for Rainbow orbs. He's still a GREAT unit, and an INSANE improvement over his pre-EZA self, so don't discount him outright because of this verdict. Seal the victory to get fantastic rewards! Increased Drop: No increased drop: Take on the never-ending enhanced Perfect Cell! This article is a disambiguation page for Cell (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. The End. That, and nuking isn't as big as it used to be. It's similar to how I used SSBKK Goku over SSB Goku back in the day on mono AGL. Need to get on that. He already had very high stats for a UR Card, but gets even crazier post-EZA. Cell eza Boujack Non dovresti aver problemi è probabilmente la road più facile Buu saga Super vegito Gotenks ss Vegito lr Great sayaman lr ... vegeta ssgod str/ goku ssgod teq zamasu int rosé str toppo str ..Alak. Shucks, I just finished grinding out the medals in preparation for the eventual release. THE IMPOSSIBLE EXTREME TEQ SUPER BATTLE ROAD BEATEN?! Would rather have the stones than the ability to awaken him asap though. … TEQ Cell is the most overrated EZA unit. After looking at all of this stuff, here's the conclusion I am forced to come to. EDIT: I am aware that 8 orbs is a fair bit high for any kind of comparison. User Rights Help Editing $1 Report Trolls Recent blog posts Tutorials. I went ahead and did math for TEQ Cell in the comments below for lower orb counts and found that IF STR Cell already has ATK stacks from his super, it's going to take about 7-8 orbs for TEQ Cell to surpass him. Future Saga and Super INT are the only non-Devilman stuff that do damage to him at the hardest stages I think. - Messenger from the Future - Attack of the Clones - Kamehameha - Ultimate Lifeform Resurrected Warriors - Androids - Transformation Boost - Time Travelers - Artificial Life Forms - Androids/Cell Saga - Kamehameha - Revenge Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell (EZA… There was a time where I was missing some key units for the optimal teams but that RoG was always there for me. 125 Lv. I've corrected the maths a bit in the comments, and I'm gonna add an edit into the post to point that out and clarify it a bit. Lastly, INT Cell is content to hang along in the back of the pack. Not OP, but I made a post using a F2P team bacj when it released. Numbers wise, … STR Cell is a new EZA stage with new stones, actually. Lets finish this full guide f2p if possible. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Battlefield: Once more, TEQ Cell is probably the better choice if you're having to choose here. Thanks bro, you have one for teq gotenks? What would the results look like if you based things on a more realistic lower number like 3-6 orbs instead? ill consider adding something like that. STR Cell lowers enemy ATK and DEF by 20% when facing 2 or more enemies; neither other Cell possesses ANY debuff potential. JPN Analysis. Same weakness to Future though. TEQ needs 10 ki orbs just to equal STR Cell if STR gets 6 orbs. Partly because he has the best art but also because he was my first SSR and I have to do my boi some justice. report. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. So by giving an 8 orbs average you overestimated what teq cell would generally be accepted as getting, so in fact he'd probably fall short of his str counterpart both offensively and defensively (since we'll assume str also gets the 6.5 average orbs for simplicity). TEQ Cell. Kind of a shame that all of his boost ended up additive but c'est la vie. Now, we need to look examine how consistently each Cell can hit their peak. That being said, imma still use int cell the most. STR Cell launches a Super Attack at any value between 10 and 12 ki, but the 12ki SA is going to be the most powerful due to a higher Ki modifier (plus a higher SA modifier than his 11ki Super Attack); thus, you maintain the ability to launch some form of super attack Super Attack and get his Kaio-Ken buff either way but are not guaranteed the HIGHEST DAMAGE super attack. Defense stacking is KING here, and the only one who can do that is STR Cell. Dokkan Events: Because most Dokkan Events boil down to 1v1 slugouts with various gimmicks, I'm actually going to give the edge to TEQ Cell here. I like to use INT on my Android team. STR Cell gains a heal ability that restores 10% of total HP when his 11ki Super Attack, and ONLY his 11ki Super Attack, is launched. 11 months ago. The average generally given to nukers is 6.5, which was reached through pretty extension testing by some of the matheticians on here. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. This. the end justify the means. On one hands, the battles are not long here either, so TEQ Cell continues to thrive in the same way he always does with the added benefit of his easier to access healing ability becoming more relevant than ever. But who does it best? Because of this oversight on my part, though, I am going to switch over who I give the Attack Stat edge to and award STR Cell that point because at lower orb counts he is gonna be better off. Gonna be so nice to drop TEQ from my Kamehameha team. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! STR PERFECT CELL EZA DETAILS! level 2. biako06 1 year ago #2. change my mind. I really appreciate you running through this for us all. TEQ Cell … Sort by. Archived. PHY can also do damage. Zamasu helps a lot with his healing. DEF 6034 . The average for calculation, after all, is 6.5 orbs. It really isn't difficult to beat him, it's just that he tanks toooooo much. JPN Analysis. Explanation. EZA Cell is given 8 orbs in this example so we'll be using it for our references. Once again, I appreciate it. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Super TEQ; Super INT; Super STR; Super PHY; Extreme Class. Both the INT and STR EZA Cell units have Kaio-ken effects tied to their supers!. ". User Info: biako06. With minimal or data-determined average orbs, he still performs well, but not at his peak, but when he goes off, he goes off. Well, I can account for that with some math. With a stable start of turn boost, a fairly inconsistent but manageable orb-based boost, super attacks of varying potency, AND a Kaio-Ken mechanic baked into his super attacks, there can be a WILD variation between his stats between individual turns; that being said, as long as you can get a super off (which we established above is not difficult), this unit WILL consistently grow stronger as the battle progresses on. At the start, he will only reduce Damage from PHY Cards, but will get more Resistances as you go up until Level 20 , where he takes reduced Damage from PHY, STR, INT, and all Extreme class Cards. lr teq goku eza team. Ah i do get what you mean by that, the intention of this post is mainly for people planning on going to the triple digits on EZAs but thank you for your opinion! Within the example setup we have a few things that we can ALWAYS include for each Cell as a sort of baseline: Each Cell is receiving a total of 6 ki from Leader Skills (Total: 6 ki), Each Cell is receiving 2 ki from WT Cell (Total: 8 ki), Each Cell is receiving 2 ki from links with LR Cell (Perfect) (INT/TEQ gain 2 ki from Ultimate Lifeform and STR gains 2 ki from Shocking Speed) (Total: 10 ki). It's AGL, TEQ, and STR that get their damage nerfed, even if they're part of the Future category. Fp Freeza EZA weakness. Man I love this new series, continue to do them for all eza's, please! save. THIS UPGRADE IS INSANE! STR Cell is far and away the best option for this event of the EZA Cells. buu yea buu yea!! I couldnt get passed broly stage like 12 or something until i pulled the new gohan... As a new player my team managed to barely clear stage 30. Yes, he excels at events like the Legendary Battle or (sort of) the World Tournament. Due to the many possible variations that can hold both STR Cell and TEQ Cell back from their peak I'm actually gonna award stat consistency to CEASELESS TERROR - PERFECT CELL since only HE has an absolutely stable performance level from turn-to-turn. DBZ Dokkan Battle | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle PREVIOUSLY did TEQ & INT! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100% POTENTIAL SYSTEM EZA TEQ GOLDEN FRIEZA SHOWCASE! chrisscorsese88 1 year ago #3. biako06 posted... STR Cell leads both Super and EXT STR. What is Cell EZA's weakness? This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. STR Cell is a hodgepodge of gimmicks piled onto one single unit. LR Goku Black is really good for this event as well. Prioritize Cell and golden frieza for tanking. 140 10491 11190 11890 12589 15389 19029 … We are live now for the new EZA Teq Merged Zamasu. However, he's kind of the worst option to bring here because LR Cell (Perfect), LR Majin Vegeta and LR Broly exist on the teams he can fit on and demand less babysitting with ki to do what he wants to do better than he can. A mono category full of monsters. Teq eza cell is still better then STR Eza cell. We're going to be using D-Free's video entitled "100% EZA STR PERFECT CELL IS RIDICULOUS! How many Super Attacks would it take for either of the building-up Cells to surpass TEQ Cell with 8 orbs?. Currently playing : Nier Automata, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fate GO, DBZ Dokkan Battle, YGO Duel Links, Pokemon Go Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Discuss. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Since TEQ Cell has fewer restrictions on WHEN he heals than the other units, I am going to give the point to SURPASSING ALL - PERFECT CELL. After a few supers he takes double digits from normals, and his heal is amazing. TEQ Cell gains ONE (1) extra ki from each Rainbow Orb, making them functionally identical to TEQ orbs. Kore ga Bejitto no … Very well done. I'm global, and I have EZA Cell currently running in a few of my teams, but I have an STR Cell ready to go with at least a couple of dupes, and I am nowhere near ready to do this kind of math myself. INT Cell heals for 20% HP, but only when TOTAL HP falls below 30%. Same weakness to Future though. Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. But wait, you say! Legendary Battle: This one is easy. Future Saga and Super INT are the only non-Devilman stuff that do damage to him at the hardest stages I think. STR Cell is far and away the best option for this event of the EZA Cells. I feel you on that one. Posted by. TEQ Cell heals for 10% HP as well, but his heal occurs when ANY Super Attack is launched. Cell eza Boujack Non dovresti aver problemi è probabilmente la road più facile Buu saga Super vegito Gotenks ss Vegito lr Great sayaman lr ... vegeta ssgod str/ goku ssgod teq zamasu int rosé str toppo str ..Alak. Members. If your team needs more of a jack-of-all-trades kind of fighter that can help you out less directly, STR is the answer. 130 Lv. Bonus Items; E-Corner; Introduction. For STR Cell, assuming his 30% buff is active on the turn he hits his magic number, it would take 2 more Super Attacks for him to surpass his TEQ counterpart, for a net total of 3 Launched Super Attacks, For INT Cell, it would take 7 more Super Attacks to surpass TEQ Cell, for a net total of 8 Launched Super Attacks. Is Teq Cell's far from becoming the candidate of best EZA? A mono category full of monsters. EDIT: As explained further below, in many situations of lower orbs-collected counts, STR Cell will outperform TEQ Cell in terms of Attack Stat IF he has SA Stacks. Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. 12ki SA: Causes Immense Damage to enemy and restores 5% of HP. I’ve got SSJ3 Goku, Ult. There's really not much to say here, what you see is what you get with this guy. Assuming any future battles of this type are of the same mold as the Legendary Goku Battle, STR Cell holds a pretty firm lock on this niche. share. This is a shame, as the genocidal-villain/space pirate-turned-hero (or anti-hero) has just as many fans, if not more, than the dimwitted (and terrible father) who claims the role of main character. The only thing I question a bit is the use of 8 orbs for TEQ Cell, it did happen in the D-Free showcase but it's not a very realistic amount to consistently hit for normal use especially when you are using LR Cell as a link partner and would usually prioritize hitting the LR's 18 Ki super to maximize overall damage from the rotation. 12. 18 comments . What is Cell EZA's weakness? He then told Vegeta that his fighting moves are slow as he takes a … 1/120 Ad ogni â Super Attackâ accumula ATK & DEF +20% con il 30% di possibilità di congelare lâ unità avversaria per due turni. Prime Battle LR Cell performs incredibly well for a free Card, which is a welcomed surprise. Type Advantage/Disadvantage can cause these opinions to vary a bit of course, since bringing an STR unit to fight an AGL boss is a less-than-ideal choice, but these are GENERAL assessments. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. He THRIVES in situations where factors necessitate using an INT unit or you just feel like using him, but he doesn't EXCEL at things like the other ones do. Fp Freeza EZA weakness. Though since PHY Broly also leads Full Power you could easily sub in LR Gohan or TEQ Cell, but not if we're talking 100% pure movie bosses. Enjoy The Videos? Gohan, and Beerus all over TEQ Cell easily. HP 9792. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Both of the Trunks and Gohan are rainbow'd. Overview. On the other, the group-fight nature of most SBR stages lets STR Cell really flex his debuffing muscles, helping the team survive in a way different to, and sometimes superior to, a single very tanky unit. Tell me what you think in the comments below! Missions Win the Extreme Z-Battle within 2 minutes and 15 seconds at Lv. I was using 8 orbs as a relevant example because it's what occurs in the video that inspired the post. Very well put together post, but like others have said, using 8 ki spheres as a basis of what TEQ Cell is gonna be doing seems a bit much. 135 Lv. Ad ogni â Super Attackâ accumula ATK & DEF +20% con il 30% di possibilità di congelare lâ unità avversaria per … If the LS … How many Super Attacks would it take for either of the building-up Cells to surpass TEQ Cell with 8 orbs? The End. I miss on these posts budget alternatives, for example, I brute forced it with super int using int gogeta as a lead, and I also used a RoG with UI goku as a lead when I farmed for the other cell EZA. A solid 75% of the time, TEQ Cell is going to be the better option for inclusion on a team. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Music: Instagram: Vine: … Yes, he excels at events like the Legendary Battle or ( of! Has been completed, each Cell can shine the brightest for me to take look... A relevant example because it 's AGL, TEQ Cell easily outside source wise, … Dragon Ball Dokkan! 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