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Monrovia – The House of Representatives has concurred with the Liberian Senate to finally pass the Land Rights Bill (LRA) into law four years after it was introduced at the Legislature. The initiative is aligned to support other Liberian national and donor-funded programs, such as the USAID-funded Land Governance Support Activity and the World Bank-funded Liberia Land Administration Project. The challenge is, Liberia has yet to pass a comprehensive land policy and land law. Guidance about the Manual This Training Manual assumes that trainers have read and understood the Land Rights Act in advance of delivering the training. Corresponding Author. real challenges to realizing the promise of Liberia's Land Rights Law. “I want to thank the both Houses, the Speaker and our international partners who have been with us throughout this difficult task. 2009. Customary law, derived from local lineage-based governance systems, dominates in most rural areas. Takings and Property Rights in Liberia: A Basis for Policy Reform, Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Planning Law Principles and Practice Master's in Urban Planning and Public Policy The pilot project will demarcate and document land rights for up to one thousand (1000) residential land parcels in or around the city of Monrovia in the Republic of Liberia. (3) Overriding principles of the policy are among others: secure land rights, economic growth, equitable benefits, equal access, equal protection, environmental protection and … The Land Rights Policy Most notably, this policy provides formal ownership rights for communities living on customary lands, which are defined as, “Land owned by a community and used and managed in accordance with customary practices and norms” (LRP, 2013). This Policy is a This Policy is a vision statement of where Liberians want to go with their land sector; none of the below principles or recommendations will be applied retroactively to change prior actions by the Government. Landesa led a women’s land rights study to assess the rights of women and girls under both statutory and customary law, and made recommendations for legal and non-legal approaches to enhance the equity and effectiveness of the governance framework for property in Liberia. Liberia Global Witness calls upon the Liberian legislature to pass a Land Rights Act (LRA) that protects the land rights of rural Liberians and reject any versions of the LRA that strip rights from these communities. June 2013: At a two-day conference convened in Monrovia, Liberia, from 20-21 May 2013, the Liberian Land Commission presented a draft land rights policy to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. For this reason, MCC supports partner country investments that help secure and protect land and property rights, enable both rural and urban land to be more productive and better managed, and make land markets and other land … Box 5678, Duarzon Village 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia | e-mail | p: +231 (0)330 641355 ©2013, Powered by Drupal | Designed by | Web Developement by Box 5678, Duarzon Village 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia | e-mail | p: +231 (0)330 641355 ©2013, Powered by Drupal | Designed by | Web Developement by,…. February 2015 Policy Brief is Published by the Governance Commission LAND RIGHTS LAWS AND THE CONSTITUTION Land ownership, access, tenure and security have been major challenges since the formation of Liberia as an independent nation. Sustainable Developement Institute P.O. 2010. This report published by the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) in conjunction with Namati profiles an initiative in Liberia that sought to use the findings of a two-year research project with rural communities to inform and strengthen a policy advocacy campaign to influence Liberia’s Land Rights Policy. Land Governance. 2.1 Liberia Environmental Policy Requirements ... land rights, and land information platforms for managing and utilizing land records and rights. The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) is a product of the policy, legal and institutional reform of the land sector of Liberia led by the erstwhile Land Commission. Liberia Land Rights Policy. Liberia Land Rights Policy. Liberia Country Report: Strengthening the Legal Protection Framework for Girls in India, Bangladesh, Kenya and Liberia. Liberia has a pluralistic land tenure system based on statutory and customary laws. WHEREAS, further, the Land Rights Policy provides that the Government of Liberia is responsible and does have the sovereign authority to enforce and protect each and all of the four (4) recognized categories of land rights; and Global Witness calls upon the Liberian legislature to pass a Land Right Act that protects the land rights of rural inhabitants, and reject any versions of the LRA that strip rights … On 21 May 2013, the Liberian Land Commission held a National Validation Conference in Monrovia, Liberia where the Land Rights Policy was presented to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Overriding principles of the policy are among others: secure land rights, economic growth, equitable benefits, equal access, equal protection, environmental protection and … In May 2013, the Land Commission completed Liberia’s first ever Land Rights Policy, which contains positive provisions that, if implemented, could lead to significant improvements in land governance in the country. President George M. Weah has signed into law the Local Government and the Liberia Land Rights Acts. The term of the Land Commission expired in January 2016 when a new body, the Liberia Land … June 2013: At a two-day conference convened in Monrovia, Liberia, from 20-21 May 2013, the Liberian Land Commission presented a draft land rights policy to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. USAID is working with the Government of Liberia to strengthen its land governance systems through policy and legal reforms and institutional capacity development. The policy aims at ensuring that Liberian’s law sector is orderly, just and contributes to economic growth and development for all Liberians. It has a population of around 5 million and covers an area of 111,369 square kilometers (43,000 sq mi). Liberia's land rights and land tenure status is under revision and in 2014, a revised and updated Land Rights Act (LRA) was developed and submitted by the former Land Commission of Liberia (at present the Liberia Land Authority). Land Rights in Postwar Liberia: The Volatile Part of the Peace Process, Land Use Policy 26, 425-433. BOX 1757, Monrovia - www. To read a brief overview of Liberia, click here. 1.3.3 Private Land: Land which is owned or otherwise held under private rights by persons, communities or other corporate entities under the Constitution, statutes and common law of Liberia.. 1.3.4 Land Use Planning: Planning for and regulation by the state, county or local governments of the utilization of land. David Brown. 1 Private Land: land … The Link: ... Summary: This Policy is a vision statement of where Liberians want to go with their land sector; none of the below principles or recommendations will be applied retroactively to change prior actions by the Government. USAID is working with the Government of Liberia to strengthen its land governance systems through policy and legal reforms and institutional capacity development. The Land Rights Act (2014) was submitted to the Legislature by then President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, which many consider to be a major step in resolving the issue of land conflicts in Liberia, and delineates the different categories of land ownership and rights in Liberia, discussing bundles of rights associated with each land category. The Policy, passed in 2013, is a historic and progressive document which recognises and guarantees customary land ownership to rural communities in an unprecedented way. For a timeline of land and forest rights in Liberia, click here. Land Commission Liberia. In practice, land held under customary regimes has long been considered “public land.” A major milestone in Liberia’s lengthy land tenure reform process was reached on May 21 when the Liberian Land Commission presented President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf with the country’s first-ever Land Rights Policy, which defines Public Land, Government Land, Customary Land, and Private Land, as well as Protected Areas that will be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. This Policy is a vision statement of where Liberians want to go with their land sector; none of the below principles or recommendations will be applied retroactively to change prior actions by the Government. Liberia is on the cusp of passing a historic law that would strengthen the rights of rural communities to land on which they have lived and worked for generations – … Guidance about the Manual This Training Manual assumes that trainers have read and understood the Land Rights Act in advance of delivering the training. While the policy landscape surrounding Liberia's land reform has continued to evolve, unequal access to information and power relations between customary communities and urban elites, gaps in the LRL, and weak technical and institutional capacity are This report published by the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) in conjunction with Namati profiles an initiative in Liberia that sought to use the findings of a two-year research project with rural communities to inform and strengthen a policy advocacy campaign to influence Liberia’s Land Rights Policy. According to existing laws, all lands not previously deeded to a private party are classified as Public Land (PL). ARTICLE. USAID . Takings and Property Rights in Liberia: A Basis for Policy Reform, Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Planning Law Principles and Practice Master's in Urban Planning and Public Policy Unruh, John. At the conference, President Sirleaf welcomed the policy’s clarity on categorizing public, government, customary and private lands and the associated right and responsibilities. USAID is helping to stand-up the Liberia Land Authority as the new unified land regulatory body. 3 Mar 2016 This paper introduces a Legal Assessment Tool (LAT) for gender‐equitable land tenure that was developed by the Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the purpose of providing prompt, targeted and effective policy and regulatory advice to countries working towards gender‐equitable land tenure. youth, on land rights in Liberia, the legal framework governing land (including the Land Rights Act), gender and women’s land rights, youth land rights, and Alternative Dispute Resolution. recommendations for land rights in Liberia, centered on four basic types of rights: Public Land, Government Land, Customary Land, and Private Land. a decisive achievement in securing the land rights of the Liberian people by recognizing customary community land rights including the right their Free, Prior and Informed Consent; by bolstering women and minority land rights; and by providing a more transparent and equitable pathway for using, managing, and transacting land in Liberia. The ceremony took place at the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia. Monrovia – The House of Representatives has concurred with the Liberian Senate to finally pass the Land Rights Bill (LRA) into law four years after it was introduced at the Legislature. In 2009 the government of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf set up a now-defunct Land Commission of Liberia to conduct land policy and regulatory reform. Liberia Land Authority ends Three Days Training on the Land Rights Act and Land Authority Act in Buchanan, Grand Bassa county. Medici Land Governance Signs MOU with Liberia Land Authority to Recognize and Record the Rights of Liberian Landowners September 30, 2020 02:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time The draft Liberian Land Rights Act (LRA) has the potential to become a fundamental law to the creation of a peaceful future for the country – improving the lives of over 3 million Liberians, reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and protecting the country’s forests. Discrimination of and violence against minorities is a serious problem as well. Since this time, many foreign and national… Liberia Land Rights on Vimeo ADVERTISEMENT “Together, the Liberian government and MLG will promote a land governance system that is pro-poor and gender equal, in line with our shared core values. Sustainable Developement Institute P.O. Draft Land Rights Policy Statement. Land policy in Liberia illustrates the theme, specifically the 2013 ‘Land Rights Policy.’ Liberia land policy a ‘challenge to national development’ Liberia has struggled to implement comprehensive land policy or laws to address the problems. USAID Land Policy and Institutional Support (LPIS) Project, Women’s Land Rights Policy Recommendations. Meanwhile, the land rights of ordinary Liberian, especially rural communities, remained a low priority for past governments. House of Representatives Concurs with Senate (Picture of the Legislature) At long last, the Land Rights Act (LRA) was passed by the 54th Legislature with the concurrence of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, September 4, during the 54th day sitting of the lawmakers. Despite the fact that … E-mail address: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Land Rights Policy concerns four land rights categories (Public Land, Government Land, Customary Land, and Private Land), and a cross-cutting sub-category called Protected Areas, which must be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. Rather, this Policy will help ensure that in the future Liberia’s land sector is orderly, just, and contributes to economic growth and development for all Liberians. Liberia’s 2013 Land Rights Policy (LRP) calls for far-reaching reforms in land tenure relationships, including transferring ownership of public land to the customary communities that have traditionally occupied and used it. This paper explains and analyses the steps SDI and NAMATI took to help shape Liberia’s Land Rights Policy. The Land Commission of Liberia has completed the nation’s first land rights policy, after consultation with and endorsement by all Liberian constituencies. In addition, a Protected Area is land which may fall under the Government Land, Customary Land, or Private Land categories but which must be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. It is bordered by Sierra Leone to its northwest, Guinea to its north, Côte d'Ivoire to its east, and the Atlantic Ocean to its south-southwest. After the civil war in Liberia ended in 2003, the government started to bring back concessions to help the economy recover. Research Associate of the … THE LAND RIGHTS POLICY COVERS FIVE LAND RIGHTS CATEGORIES: .Public Land, Government Land, Customary Land, Private Land, and, A cross-cutting sub-category called Protected Areas, which must be conserved for the benefit of all Liberians. 2 NO.3 P. O. Development Policy Review Volume 35, Issue S2. Liberia has passed a landmark law that will help communities fight foreign land grabs by giving them ownership of ancestral territory, officials and activists said on Thursday. 2011. common law of Liberia. Global Witness believes that, if the LRA is to genuinely promote land ownership of rural communities it must be commensurate with Liberia’s 2013 Land Rights Policy and the draft LRA submitted to the legislature in 2014. Social dimensions of land rights reform in Liberia: Some unresolved issues and policy dilemmas. The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) is a product of the policy, legal and institutional reform of the land sector of Liberia led by the erstwhile Land Commission. Report by Gerald C. Koinyeneh, The decision was reached by the Plenary of the House on Tuesday, September 4 based on the recommendations […] This Policy is a vision statement of where Liberians want to go with their land sector; none of the below principles or recommendations will be applied retroactively to change prior actions by the Government. The House's concurrence on Tuesday followed years of open hearings, debates,… Liberia has successfully passed an excellent Land Rights Act, a fact that should be celebrated. In a watershed moment for land rights in Liberia and across Africa, President George Weah on Sept. 19 signed into law a land reform bill that extends land rights to millions of rural Liberians. POLICY BRIEF VOL. Land is fundamental to investment and economic growth. It followed the passage of the two Instruments by the Liberian Legislature. President Weah said the Local Government and the Liberia Land Rights Acts are key components of his administration’s development agenda. youth, on land rights in Liberia, the legal framework governing land (including the Land Rights Act), gender and women’s land rights, youth land rights, and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Rather, this Policy will help ensure that in the future Liberia’s land sector is orderly, just, and contributes to economic growth and development for all Liberians. in 2009 to explore and analyze Liberia’s land tenure issues and propose policy and legal reform. Liberia (/ l aɪ ˈ b ɪər i ə / ()), officially the Republic of Liberia, is a country on the West African coast. Monrovia – The Land Rights Law (LRL) is a milestone legal instrument, but if “gaps” within the law are not bridged and its “contradictions” to the Community Rights Law (CRL) of 2009 with Respect to Forest Lands not addressed, the law could undermine Liberia’s land reform process. Many of the key provisions and content that SDI and other civil society organisations advocated for were integrated in the final draft of the Land Rights Policy. Consequently, the policy was presented to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, at the conclusion of a two-day National Validation Conference convened by the Land Commission of Liberia in the capital, Monrovia, on 21 May 2013. Land policy in Liberia illustrates the theme, specifically the 2013 ‘Land Rights Policy.’ The article shows how pressures for reform of customary governance and gender relations may undermine the institutions of local land management, and threaten the ability of the rural poor to defend their interests. The Land Rights Policy seeks to protect the land rights of all Liberians both for people that live on customary land and for people who live on private land. The Land Rights Policy makes one such attempt, and may be a pivotal trigger towards transforming the lives of women in Liberia. Report by Gerald C. Koinyeneh, The decision was reached by the Plenary of the House on Tuesday, September 4 based on the recommendations […] Land Authority Chair warns Dr. Othello Brandy, chairman of the Liberia Land Authority (LLA), on Tuesday told a gathering of civil society organization (CSOs) that the country may likely go revert to serious crises if the Draft Land Rights Act is not … In a watershed moment for land rights in Liberia and across Africa, President George Weah on Sept. 19 signed into law a land reform bill that extends land rights to millions of rural Liberians. USAID is helping to stand-up the Liberia Land Authority as the new unified land regulatory body. Land Governance. Yet in many countries, good land laws go unimplemented due to lack of political will. ID LO. The Land Rights Policy The Land Rights Policy (LRP) is a progressive step towards empowering all of Liberia’s citizens in the ownership of their lands. Liberian activists and the international community have warned that land disputes on oil palm concessions were becoming a time bomb for conflict in the country, and urging lawmakers to give indigenous communities full rights to land the government had handed out as its own. As part of Action for Community Transformation (ACT) 'Know Your Land Rights Campaign', this video explains the categories of land ownership in Liberia. The policy aims at ensuring that Liberian’s law sector is orderly, just and contributes to economic growth and development for all Liberians.
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