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Angels on Earth editor-in-chief Colleen Hughes shares a story of a man and his cat who meet again across the 'Rainbow Bridge'. I feel the same way. When we all see Jesus In this episode Dr. Betters answers the question, "My husband passed away 2 months ago. A loving God, after all, would never just rid us of the love that God reflects to us in our pets. I believe the blood of the animal is innocent blood that is why they had to sacrifice and use the blood of an animal. Laura also says that as heaven gets closer, pets distance themselves so it is easier for you. Then I found my Shaggy. If we have previously died, like our loved one, in our spirit-soul we will descend from Heaven with Jesus and will be re-clothed with our body as it is resurrected anew out of the grave. This last verse will hopefully better explain why I feel this way. I prayed to the heavenly father to take her into his hands to watch over and protect until I come home. Animals are amoral, though they have feelings as we do. Well said! So who is to say that God could not do the exact same thing with any of our pets so they will be able to live with us in heaven and then eventually in the New Heaven and New Earth for all of eternity? We here at Rainbows Bridge have been asked these questions often. The night before his last day, he had 7 visitors who were not family come over to say good bye. In heaven God takes care of everyone. I certainly hope our pets are going to be with us in Heaven,as on May 8,2019 I had to make the decision to have my mini Dachshund Bandit put to sleep. Now, other research had opposing views, but in the state she was still in when I found it, it seemed like it was worth a shot! It makes life a little bit better .again thank you so much. I’ll live the rest of my life with the guilt I could have helped him leave this world in dignity and feeling loved. Clover was free playing in the flowers and in the green grass. Kathy. A. For three weeks if I felt him move I was up. By Friday he wasn’t eating and having difficulty going to the bathroom. GOLDIE, my 10 year old Labrador/Retreiver, who passed this life September 22, 2019, after an extended illness with a mast cell tumor –, If all the love you’ve given could have kept you here with me, So I'm keeping hope alive and going with that idea. I know that time will heal the pain as I have had other pets to send back to our creator after he granted then their time on earth. As many of you already know, animals such as dogs and cats are very, very special. We’ll sing and shout the victory”. My sweet tuxedo boy.. I’ve been begging Jesus to give me this answer. It was a time of reflection, of all love you gave during our time together and all the wonderful days we spent. And God knows how heart broken we are bc of our love for her, and if he loves us beyond even our understanding, then how could he not reunite us again. President Russell M. Nelson “Truly, that blessed night more than two millennia ago was a night made holy by the birth of One who was foreordained to bring peace to this earth and to inspire good will among men ( Luke 2:14 ). Moreover, our specific pets, might not be in heaven. Your love for Shaggy made me cry. I’m sure he enjoys those whom he created as much if not more than we do. Idk what he saw. Kind, never a foul moment. I appreciate the Biblical references you provided to help substantiate your thoughts. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called the Word of God. Again, if all these animals and living creatures were not important to God in the big-picture, eternal scheme of things, He could have easily taken all of them away from Adam and Eve after He had cast them out of the Garden of Eden. We are told that Moses and Elijah also appeared—and they were recognized by the disciples who were with Jesus, proving that we will retain our individuality in Heaven (see Luke 9:28-36). Mr. Graham, you probably get this question a lot, but do you think we will be reunited with our pets in Heaven? What joy and love he had brought into our lives. There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. The three key words in this verse are “no good thing” will God withhold from us. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of all its beautiful colors. Your dog at least was able to look into your eyes and knew you did everything to save her. And not only did God personally create all of these living creatures, but He also gave man complete dominion over all of them. I was extremely abused as a child in a lot ways , she rescued me. Anyway, I have another friend, Bella, who is that special too. For our time here, many Christians want to know if we will still love the people we loved, be able to recognize family members, and even get the opportunity to be reunited with the pets that we lost during our lives once God restores the universe to perfection. The problem of loving pets is you outlive all but the last one. But today, I could never be restored or given restitution, not in any sense that would matter one bit to me, by being given a different dog. Just as Jesus had to be totally sinless to be able to be a sacrifice for us. But if you take the above pattern that we are dealing with from God the Father in that He is allowing all kinds of different animals and creatures to continue to live among us as we go from one different era to another – will He now go one more extra step for many of us who were close to our pets, and resurrect that pet for us so we can live with that pet for all of eternity in heaven, and then eventually in the New Heaven and New Earth? She died in my arms and my husband and I are devastated. I just lost my Heeler/Aussie mix, Sammie to cancer, yesterday. We live you Pepper, that will never ever stop till we all are REUNITED once again this for all eternity. However, even though Adam and Eve and everyone to follow after them lost this original perfect paradise that God had set up for them, God still keeps all of these living creatures on our earth. U. You were stronger than I was. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. There is only one thing missing,  Pastor Gene Kim teaches how mankind will have hobbies and pets in God's paradise on earth, just like we do today. I often recall King David's words after the death of his infant son: "I will go to him, but he will not return to me" (2 Samuel 12:23). I was so shocked, I just knew she would go when “we” decided to have it done. She was not white in color but a great horse nevertheless. You can also watch the full devotional below. I laid beside her Thursday night and dozed off watching a sermon from Rick Warren about trusting God. He was my daughters dog,but for circumstances she left him with me and he became my little friend and constant companion and he and I were only separated for about 4 days in the 17 yrs we were together. And with God knowing how much we really loved and cherished some of the pets we had while living down here on this earth, I cannot help but wonder if God will want to bring some of these pets back to life for us again so He can show us how much He really does love us. If we truly did not believe this, Rainbow Bridge would not have been created. The Bible says that flesh and “blood” cannot enter into heaven, but a new flesh-and-bone body can. She to was abused as a puppy she was thrown from a car and I was able to save her from getting hit. Then the voice said to me in the dream “Weep not, for can not I who can give thee anything your heart desires restore them unto you once you are here with me in Heaven? Bless you. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. The vet said he could give more pain medicine that she was already on but that’s just prolonging the inevitable so yesterday I sent her to get her angel wings. So if our pets Love they are apart of God and i don’t think He would forget any of His vunerable loving innocent creation that gives out Love to his children. Here is the verse: “Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2 Kings 2:11). For those of you who would like to take a real good look at this question from the different Bible verses that we have on this topic, follow me very closely. She will always be in my heart and no other could take her place , I hope she sends me a sign so I can feel peace inside of me ,it is so hard for me without her. But right now, I honestly can’t see how “all things” will ever be right for me without my dog. Growing up I was always told that they don’t have souls and Jesus didn’t die for them, so the answer was always no. God did for me what he knew I couldn’t do it. Your wealth ARE all the pets you acquired in your existence and will be your charge for the rest of eternity. God bless. This I believe too, they know their Creator from the beginning and He know them and each of us human creations. Used by permission. I took him to the vet. Thinking back one week before my dear Clover passed away I had a special but heartbreaking dream. And not only will we be having many of these different kinds of animals still living among us in the New Heaven and New Earth – but for all those who have had pets they were really close to in this life, I believe God will be bringing these special pets back to life for us so we can enjoy them for all of eternity – just like we will be able to enjoy the Lord, His angels, and all of our saved loved ones for all of eternity. And not only does this include the human race, but it also incudes “every living creature” that is on our earth. After studying the possible verses on this question, it is my own personal opinion that God does not specifically say one way or the other whether or not any of our own personal pets will be crossing over with us. She was poisoned Halloween, and I had to put her down in February. I kept looking for him and searching for him. It was from God, He is the only one that gives out Love. After that 1000 millennial reign has ended, God will then be forming out a New Heaven and New Earth, where He Himself will then be coming down upon our earth. She was part heeler after all, lol. She appeared healed. Don’t ever feel guilt about that. Pets give us a special kind of love; completely unconditional. And once He comes down upon our earth with both Himself and this new holy city, both He and Jesus will then rule our entire earth forever and ever from this New Jerusalem. I am reading the Bible for the first time cover to coverI am about half way through and it has changed my life in a big way. This website uses cookies to personalize content and ads and to analyze traffic. You made the tough decision, because it was right and what was best. I feel he suffered for two days and died alone while I was asleep. Sissy gave my life so much happiness, everyday she lived. Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures,” said the 77-year-old Pontiff, according to Italian news sources. I’m devastated and being in this house with her not here feels empty, even with our 3 other fur babies. So sorry for your loss. You may be asking what this has to do with our pets? The grief we felt was deep, and I have been comforted by the knowledge that they will be perfectly resurrected and that we will have our pets in the next life. I have always wondered if our pets would be in heaven. But he saw something or someone. As for accepting Jesus, pets have keener senses than we do, so I believe they don’t have to accept Jesus is present, they KNOW He is. They always had a good word for me. When she left for college in 2009 and then married he became my best friend. God is our father and loves us too much to keep us from our loved one, human or animal. I have his ashes with me and they will be with me when I die,in the casket with his last collar and a picture of us together.I prayed to God to take my little friend into his arms and take care of him.I want to see my friends and relatives in Heaven,but seeing all my pets again would be so great.. Scripture taken from New King James However, when you put all of these verses together on this topic, I believe there might be a little clue in all of this that might possibly give us the answer. — not even a better, brand new 2019 Cadillac. I can’t wait for that day. Animals have their lives in God. That is a fantastic perspective which I’ve never considered. Though Jesus did not die on the cross for animals and all of these different types of creatures, God can still add them back into the mix in the new environment we will all be getting with Him. Thank you for these stories. He seemed to improve some on Wednesday. Whether these are animals newly created for the new heavens and the new earth, or they are the redeemed souls of our pets that have perished, we can't know for sure. The Shepherd named Prince had great spiritual significance to me. I lost him to kidney failure. We had him put down that evening. He would look to the left and to the right. By the end of June, we knew it was time. My mother always said she was her granddog and my sister referred to herself as Aunt Brandi when she’d love on Sammie. The pets that we had to say goodbye to are alive in heaven right now in their spiritual bodies and we will see them again if we accept Jesus as our Savior. Uses the same word. Find all of our books, bibles, greeting cards and special offers in our store. prayers for you and your furbaby Misha!! We’ve compiled a list of eight quotes from the addresses. While Gracie found a stick to gnaw, I said a little prayer that God would indeed admit our furry friends into paradise. Animals have their lives in … Dean, maybe I will. However, they do not require a savior. I felt like God woke me up and grabbed me by the face and was saying, please, just trust me!! She “is” a Yorkie and I’m hoping that right now she is playing in Heaven with her friend, Goldie, and that my mom is taking care of her until I get there. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. Grief is overwhelming. This account of how all of these animals were created by Him tells us that this is a very big deal with Him, and that He wanted all of these types of living creatures to be living with us on this earth. I dreamt that Clover and I were walking on a path in a forest together. You help confirm what I knew all along. Many feel that pets cannot go to heaven because they cannot repent of sin and accept Jesus. I often recall King David's words after the death of his infant son: "I will go to him, but he will not return to me" (2 Samuel 12:23). Shop Now, Follow the Guideposts special series, Overcoming Addiction Visit Now. Well, he then explained that when it comes to our “wealth” in heaven, it is not based on your actions or good deeds here on earth. You will be with your son again. and you look once more into the eyes of your best friend and trusting  We both filled a void of not having her with us everyday. Nevertheless, we can say that because we’ll all be united to God in heaven, we’ll also be united to our loved ones. She made me feel safe when I was home alone and would stay in bed with me all day, if I were sick. I feel that animals have souls and emotions, just like humans. They treat you like Christ, Unconditional Love forgiving, gentle, not looking at you with Judgement. Our kitty wasn’t moving much and felt cold and stiff so we drove as quickly as we could to the hospital. You will not spend eternity with your loved pets, but you will have an opportunity to briefly reunite with them and later to revisit your experience with them. It ministered you me.. I’m in my 60s and have had quite a few dearly beloved dogs and a few horses I loved dearly and either they passed away or had to sell horses due to circumstances.. with great hope of being reunited with them again someday. I know that heaven will be perfect, but I can’t help wanting Bob to get to go there too. Again, if God did not think the animals and living creatures He had created at the beginning were important, He would have never had Noah put them on the boat to save and preserve them. Thank you for this. Thank you. And even though I felt like God wasn’t answering my prayers and wasn’t doing things my way. One, because He is our heavenly Father who has nothing but our best interests at heart and wants nothing more than to show us how much He really does love and care for all of us. I just knew I couldn’t bare to see her like that anymore, But I couldn’t make the decision. Once I was asleep I began to dream. Why? I miss the companionship and unconditional love more than I know how to say. As for me, I believe that God will restore our beloved pets for us in Heaven, not because they have souls, but for our pleasure. And if there are at least white horses up in heaven right now, then there could easily be other types of animals and creatures living up there as well. All you have to do is but ask, and you shall receive. Note: I started not to post this because it became more of an article than a comment and I won’t be the least offended if it doesn’t get approved. I believe that Tippy Toes and your dog,and all other animals go back to God the same as we do. A week later I had a dream and saw her in a room sniffing around the perimeter. I just lost my cat last night to Lymphoma. She sat up and enjoyed all the petting and rubbing and kissing. I think these two verses are perfectly lining up, thus giving us a very good possibility that all of God’s creation will be saved, thus giving all of the animals and living creatures eternal life in the New Heaven and New Earth we will all be given by the Lord. If God allows us to have any memory of our lives on earth in eternity surely it seems it would include the loving bonds we had with our pets. I am truly sorry for your recent loss..i just loss my best girl chihuahua of 18 yrs on 7.8.2020. it was heartbreaking to see her lose her battle with a mass on spleen..what you wrote at the end of your story is pretty powerful..i never saw it that way it makes total sense thankyou for writing that and i needed to see it that day we will rejoice with our pets. I totally believe my pets will be with me in heaven. It’s the final act of love for our beloved pets. And to have no hope of ever seeing her again is much too painful to bear. Than I could give another dog a good home. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together never again to be apart. So special. the way we love our pets is only a fraction of God's love for us. Surely that means He will see to it that we are reunited with ALL our loved ones, INCLUDING our pets 8 9. When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. And if nothing is impossible with God, then He could easily resurrect any of our dead pets from the grave and bring them back to life in some type of spiritual, flesh-and-bone body like what we will all be given after we die and cross over. We know that people in heaven have lots of feelings – all good ones. My pets loved me unequivocally and without judgement. All rights reserved. She was the boss of the other pets, and a loyal, loving protector of her family. I know that now and I’m thankful to God for that. Therefore, we should expect that in heaven emotions will exist for God’s glory and our good. I am just putting this out there because I really do feel the pain of those who love their pets like family. Animals are profoundly attuned to the spiritual realm and will readily grasp the reality of the afterlife. Robert ~ You have stated the EXACT thing of what I feel. In fact, I believe that people should take lessons on how we should treat each other from observing animals.

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