usopp death theory
Come on bro you know this would be a fire death. He hopes to make it to Elbalf and become a brave warrior of the sea. Time for another one of my old-school theories, based on extrapolating predictions from references Oda makes to other works. I feel that this is the big one for me. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Go D. Usopp Turrin bil02 Spiegel January T.D.A Rob the Zombie. Troof. 'That is the only time a man can be brave'" - Bran and Ned Stark. *Theory by OneWorldHD brook Caesar Clown for the next Nakama! When Usopp stated that his dream was to be the bravest warrior of the seas, he meant it and is trying to achieve it. oda could also be lying so that its a bigger twist when it happens. Hi everyone, it's me again. Imagine the one thing you aspire for. Though he isn't exactly known for his muscle, Usopp is one of the most active fighters in the series. None of the OG 5 will die, if any Strawhats at all. usopp nami sanji luffy zoro onepiece chopper franky brook robin strawhats monkeydluffy sabo ace roronoazoro nicorobin piece law pirates onepiecefanfiction. But I want to pin point of what Usopp said here . Reviews: Add review link. thats what i would do if i was him tbh. Imagine when he finally protects Luffy from death, whispers into his ear while on the verge of death. Then Usopp tells Luffy not to worry about him and to accomplish his dream. Anything is possible, but personally I hope Usopp doesn't end up dying lol. Vivi's probably gonna be really important again in a future arc so there's that As devastating as it is to think about, I think Luffy himself is the one who's most set up for death. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. Holy shit, I need this fight to happen now. We really need a statue of Usopp ASAP. Things that eventhough seems unlikely, whether by sheer luck or by force, Usopp WILL get it. And sometimes even the things that he says wants to happen, happens eventually, whether he likes it or not. to acknowledge Usopp as the bravest man to ever sail the seas, would be him showing that he is willing to die for that title. Yasopp exclaimed in a very Usopp like manner, standing on one leg having both arms raised. Whenever we do see them interacting it's either a gag or them all just moving as one cohesive unit and absolutely no friction. A few Problems with your theory. OTOH, one can't really be brave unless they are facing their fears. Negative Hollow Theory. In his final conversation right before death, he asks Luffy if he was a brave warrior, and puffy responds saying he has never met a braver man. Usopp is known to lying to himself, and/or people around him. There is nothing more brave than self sacrifice or risking your life for something you want to achieve. Of course the author of one of the most beloved fantasy series of all time. We know that One Piece's ending would be that all the crewmembers being able to achieve their life goal (not confirmed of course, but likely), and for Usopp to do that, he has to do something 'brave'. Usopp’s most consistent lie is that he is a feared and powerful Pirate Captain, it’s a lie he has told since Syrup Village and thus far the only one that hasn’t come true. I haven't felt like there's been any character development by the Straw-hats in a long time. The fact that the coward till then Usopp decides to challenge Luffy and even put up a good fight against him gave birth to Sogeking and changed the way we saw Usopp till then. But I have something a little different for you this time. The subject of today's theory is one J.R.R Tolkien Yep, Tolkien. After having to deal with the sad news that the Going Merry is dying, the battle of Luffy vs Usopp comes to put the icing on the cake. And here is how I think things will go down. His na… With her hand stuck to the bed, cockroaches crawling up her body, and a 10-ton hammer that looked heavy but was actually a huge … Press J to jump to the feed. 644 Stories. Luffy already made it to Raftel 10 years ago. Luffy with tears, "Yes you are my friend, the bravest of any sea, the bravest of any man". It would make my anxiety in life so much better. Jul 27, 2019 - Explore GomuRx GomuRx's board "One Piece Theories" on Pinterest. This can go on for waaaaay long. See more ideas about one piece theories, one piece, theories. Usopp has awakened his Kenbunshoku Haki which significantly increases the range of his detection radios,during the latter half of the Dressrosa revolt, as he was able to see auras of Luffy, Law, and Sugar, who were in the royal palace, from the old King's Plateau near the Corrida Colosseum. Completely different situations. To be fair, it has only been a few days in the OP world. He said this in Little Garden. (And maybe tell Yasopp that Usopp does not hate him for leaving) When Usopp was in Tottenland (elf smurf like people) they had a giant statue which Usopp claimed to be. This is so true! But I belive roger coukd read the gkyphs, and even write in that language, like the skypia gkyph. Oda also states that this is because Usopp is the only one in the entire crew who is the closest in strength as compared to a regular human. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! According to Oda in a discussion with Mayumi Tanaka, Luffy's voice actress, 'no matter who joins, he always wants Usopp to be the weakest'since it would upset the balance of the story. Since early in the series, he has struggled to match the physical feats of the stronger characters, and needed his weapons or ammunition to take out foes. References. Correct. If he said that at one point he landed on an island and fought a dinosaur until he won, then it would make it more likely that he'd actually fight one. That is his character. Sanji apologized like Usopp. One scene that always gets me is when the 5 SH pirates are entering the Grand Line and proclaim what their goal is to be. He used to be a huge coward and … In some heroic way, God Usopp sacrifices himself for the crew and protection of Elbalf. Scammers know you're more likely to sign into a suspicious link or trust a fake admin if told by someone you know and trust. Now I want to talk about the event of Water 7. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. With Elbalf coming up in the story and probably will be the next major arc, I think they could perfectly conclude usopp’s story. EDIT 2 : Now that the post has gotten more attention and that chapter 799 is out, I guess I can elaborate more on this. EDIT : While many have stated that there is a huge difference in Usopp's lies and Usopp's statement, the meaning of this post is that, as stated, Usopp achieving the thing he dreams of instead of achieving his lies. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Your theory might just cover it. I Like one piece because of Luffy, Zoro, and Sanjy. Read specifically what he says and you will understand easier what this whole thread is about. If you want discussion, please sort the subreddit by New. #TheGreatAAOlympians:arrow_right: #SuperHeroCatalog2020:arrow_left: After decades of fun, laughter, and tears, the manga itself seems to be teasing its endgame, with Eiichiro Oda himself and his editors predicting the series may end around the next 5 years. Sort by: Hot. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! It would be excellent foreshadowing on your part, if Oda had planned the supernovae at that time. Meaning the best way for the world (of Giants?) AmitDS Well-Known Member. It already feels that way. To get into the theory, Usopp has a history of telling lies that actually come true during the story. If you aren’t aware of this, you can find it on YouTube. Not unheard of to not interact a lot in the heat of battle. He's fought on many islands from the East Blue through the grandline and new world. Oda keeps foreshadowing with references to him shaving years off of his lifespan due to Gear 2nd and due to Ivankov's hormones (which shaved ten years off his life). When Usopp asked what had fallen, as the group was making its way up the left hind leg of Zunisha to get to the top, Robin said that it looked like a person that was bleeding with knives sticking out of him. Like if he died, it would be one of the most badass deaths in anime. It has nothing to do with Luffy preferring Sanji over Usopp, Usopp went out of line on his own volition, not because Franky threatened to kill his friends and family, and Usopp felt he needed to deter Luffy somehow in order to ensure his safety. Twenty years ago, Yasopp had the same tight curls and black hair as Usopp, and in Romance Dawn, his hair was styled in loose waves, but later appearances show him with it in dreadlocks. The theory of today is as the title stated, could Oda have planned to kill off one of the Strawhats nakama since the beginning of the story? Like the link above, he will die with pride and his last words would be 'I AM USOPP, THE GREAT WARRIOR OF THE SEVEN SEAS'. Law's also an "L", and here you'll find "L" to be already occupied: Luffy Zoro Nami Gaimon (in spirit) Usopp Chopper Vivi (also in spirit) Robin Franky Brook Jimbei Yamato (maybe ) Tama (also maybe) info. Now, I know I am not the only one or the first to come out with this theory, or state that someone will die within the crew, but I want to put out my facts in order at least, to show people of the evidence that can hold my theory. This is what I got from it as well. He's telling the truth here though. -Theory chopper Gold D. Roger hiluluk Luffy nami nico robin One Piece Theory sanji straw hat pirates thousand sunny usopp vegapunk zeff zoro zou arc 2016-01-06 With his final lie coming true, years later after a time skip, the crew travels back to Elbalf where they have a statue of the most legendary warrior of the sea who protected them, God Usopp. This theory might not necessarily happen, but Oda, if you are somehow on this subreddit and are reading this, make this happen. Going Merry... Oda misinformed readers about Sabo's status only to reveal he was indeed alive. The obvious conclusion of Usopp’s arc is him finally becoming a brave warrior of the sea like the giants of … If you aren’t aware of this, you can find it on YouTube. Usopp is the cowardly trickster of the Straw Hat pirates whose sniping skills perfectly compliment his need to be as far away from his opponents as possible. Hence why, I believe , his final moment will be him being declared as the bravest warrior of the sea and the best sniper. In the meantime, Usopp is discovered to be alive, and that Nami simply faked his death to save him from Arlong's murder. See what it says on Usopp's pants? The lie of Usopp which foreshadows the last member of the Straw Hats It’s almost unfair to begin a theory with one of Usopp’s lies since it is destined to come true. info. Also, Zoro’s disdain about Sanji was more a playful call back to their rivalry, and … Usopp was exaggurated about how he feel about Merry, and actually not Luffy is the only one who disagree with Usopp, even Franky did the same thing. When Usopp saw Wanda wear Nami’s clothes and asked for her whereabouts, Robin wondered if the Mink Tribe has a taste for human flesh. Hot New # 1. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! To go off of this: Usopp says he can't fight a dinosaur. Could becoming a brave warrior be sacrificing himself for the sake of his loved crew members? However, Oda has been foreshadowing alot of Usopp related things into the storyline since the beginning and as of late as well. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Reaction: Next Cover keyboard_arrow_right. His dream is to better himself and become a brave warrior like his father Yasopp, who serves on board the ship captained by Shanks, Luffy's idol. Doing this is like getting Oda to tell what will happen later in the story and then passing it off as if … As you may remember, Franky throw Usopp under merry to let him see how Merry was useless .. Last, I really hope your theory become wrong .. I thought about this exact same thing today, him dying the exact same way too. Usopp grinned as he used the long end of his kabuto, to split the tall grass in front of them, to reveal a large tiger laying there having been knocked unconscious by the stone still planted in its forehead, right between the big tigers eyes. Nah merry will take the heat again for the crew, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Currently we have 9 (official) crewmembers which are Luffy, Zoro , Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky and Brook, but the one that I want to talk about in this theory is Usopp. Usopp honestly wants to become a brave warrior of the sea and he's...halfway there. However, he does not share the same long nose and has blond hair, the former being a hereditary trait of Usopp's mother, as well as her darker shade of hair. "but Oda, if you are somehow on this subreddit and are reading this" is this a troll post. Here are a few examples : Usopp telling his 'goldfish story' to Kaya which came true, Usopp saying he wants to capture a 'dragon', Usopp saying he wants to fight 'Cerberus', Now of course, these are just examples, and I'm sure many of you have probably seen these as well. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. That is a tall order to match; and combine that with the comic's low death rate, and you've got "angels in Chopper's outfield" so to speak. Welcome to r/OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works During the final battle in Raftel, Usopp will not stand behind as sniper as told by Luffy, and instead protect Luffy like how Ace did. He's saying what he will do, while a lie would be saying what he's already done. He's just not quite brave yet. Usopp is the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates, who also serves as their inventor and engineer. I can totally see this happening, and a million tears will be shed that today regardless of if you like Usopp or not. This one is quite emotional. Hate to break it to you man, but your theory is ass. The most evolved one, out of the recent ones is Perospero and his unique relationship with Big Mom, he acompanied her during WCI and observed her. The Psychology of Death Becoming aware of our own mortality can be a liberating experience. #WeebyWikis. Better luck next time my g. if any SH dies it will be in the final battle, but I don't think anyone will die. No, Usopp really thinks he can't fight a dinosaur. The reason why One Piece is so fantastic is because of it’s story and how Oda constructs the world around it. The SH will win the battle, and the bravest warrior of the sea will have his grave in the final island in Grand Line. EDIT : While many have stated that there is a huge difference in Usopp's lies and Usopp's statement, the meaning of this post is that, as stated, Usopp achieving the thing he dreams of instead of achieving his lies. One Piece is a Shounen series that has more than defined what "long-running anime" means. Often or not I find myself posting a few theories I've had in mind and sometimes what I feel is worth discussing (sometimes abit of shitposting as well Shulolololo). Add Theory. Dec 15, 2020 #571 Shiba D. Inu said: 4x weak to Electric pre-skip Enel solos . So, X-Drake vs Usopp fight where he wins - because that was a lie. adjust. He hopes to make it … My favorite part was when Usopp literally traumatized his opponent to death. Usopp going into his fights shitting himself might make him one of the bravest out there lol. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And that's the thing. In addition to that, his body was more slim while in his latest appearance, it seems to have become more muscular. He wants to be THE BRAVEST, and no one can say that he is, not even himself, except for his captain, which is Luffy. To get into the theory, Usopp has a history of telling lies that actually come true during the story. "WAARGH!" It's like comparing Usopp leaving to Nico Robin, grossly different. Press J to jump to the feed. He says things that he wants to see. Beware of links and fake admin scams coming from friends. They were added in as he wrote Sabaody Archipelago. It's very vague, and its clearly written as 'Lie turns into Reality'. info. For instance, he discovered giant goldfish, pirates came (though they don't find out), and the existence of an island of dwarves. And you bring your whole self to reach that, but it order to do that, you have to deal with the most atrocious of outcomes. What does this entail? Usopp's number is 04, and that is bad since 4 is considered an unlucky number over at Asia "Your mind is the real weapon." here’s my version 1)The thousand sunny gets destroyed by the pluton found by Blackbeard pirates.A really pissed franky takes permission of his Captain to salvage the thousand sunny and make a upgraded version of pluton. However, as odd as it may seem to the series faithful, the series really may be coming to a close. People not getting the Usopp = Sogeking theory , Usopp having a normal nose: Interesting fact? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Things are different now and Luffy will probably be able to do more than Roger could in terms of revealing more about the true history of the world (with Robin's help, of course) but the parallels are still unsettling. Characters throughout the years have mentioned Luffy's similarity to Gol D. Roger, and Roger himself also passed away pretty young due to some incurable disease. Usopp challenged Luffy because of Going Merry (Never forget, sniff) and that was when we saw one of the first instances of pure idealization and realization from Usopp. Theories. But anyway, today I am going to give in my theory in a proper way and hopefully get some of your attention. And clearly had a better reason to leave than Usopp, so it’s not the same thing, and Zoro will look pass that. Oda pointed in this chapter to more recent events. Manga: Add manga links. Currently we have several open parental conflicts, even Luffy - Dragon, Usopp - Yasopp; but I don't want to go into depth with them. He is meticulously clever and dropping hints and linking things together. "Luffy.....I'm the bravest warrior in the sea now..right? wait is there an SBS link for this? It made me realized Ussop's dream is the only dream he can achieve with his last breath. Everyone says their dream with Usopp kinda looking hesitant eventually saying he'd like to become a brave warrior of the sea. A running gag in One Piece is that Usopp's lies eventually turn out to be true (with some minor modifications such as his age). He's lying, he killed a SH. Hence why, I believe , his final moment will be him being declared as the bravest warrior of the sea and the best sniper. He knows he stands no chance, he even tells himself that, but in the end, things goes the way as he predicted. No more Christianity. ... welp now the kaido = dragon theory is debunked for real also man robin's bounty should sky rocket btw No Theory Available. His last words will be like what he stated above. This will happen likely by the end of the series, meaning after travelling to Elbaf with possibly CHAPTER 799 SPOILER and gaining a lot of eyes from the Giants. Posted Feb 07, 2014 No, really, he defeated Perona by TRAUMATIZING HER. We barely see Strawhat Crew interactions anymore. "'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?' I’m not sure necessarily how it would go, but I picture the straw hats aligning with the giants in a battle that will determine the fate of Elbalf. Usopp, or God Usopp, or the best friend of Sogeking, has been a fan favorite character (not all fans, just a general assumption) due to his character development and also the fact that some people has stated that we (as normal people) can relate to the most.
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