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Post Navigation. NO RULES JUST BLOODSHED DBX The Finalizer "I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board." Kylo, at least, was a great source of unintentional humor. Darth Vader's suit may have been a hindrance in certain ways, but it was far superior protection to that worn by Kylo Ren. Fantasy Matchup: Kylo Ren @ Darth Nihilus Play-by-play data is not as accurate as official stats and may not match your box score. Kylo Ren is a young but powerful Force User who was introduced in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". Di film 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi', Kylo Ren berperan sebagai salah satu kunci utama film yang diproduksi Disney dan Lucasfilm ini. Rise of Skywalker Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren Is Basically Darth Nihilus. Learn how your comment data is processed. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Round 3: If Kylo is the strongest of the Knights of ren then i think Maul … By Thomas West Aug 31, 2020. 0. Darth Vader VS Kylo Ren is a fan-made DBX created by Wolverine-Man. Why not a pic of Malgus force pushing Kylo Ren. Rey gets scaling from Kylo, not the other way around. Tue 10/22; Wed 10/23; Thu 10/24; Fri 10/25; Sat 10/26; Sun 10/27; Box; Play-By-Play; Week 1 '19-20 Tue 10/22-Sun 10/27: Team Coach Rating T W T F S S Total; Darth Nihilus (5-14) 71%. Darth Vader and Kylo Ren have had very similar paths in their Star Wars journey. Level One. 146. Who wins and why? By WOLFBLADE111 Watch. That being said, Kylo isn't necessarily living by Sith rules, but Knights of Ren (Which are dark-force users that may have relations or ties to the Sith) I'm just saying, until we know who/what Snoke or Knights of Ren is, we don't necessarily know what Kylo is. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. The Kylo Ren Model Was Ported By . Before Star Wars Episode VIII there is now a burning dilemma that must be answered. He's fun to mock, and the "Emo Kylo Ren" Twitter account was pretty much the only good thing to come out of the ST for me. ... both Legends and Canon, is Galen Marek aka the original Starkiller. Selain itu, Kylo juga diceritakan ingin meneruskan takhta Darth Vader, sosok antogonis terdahulu film 'Star Wars', sebagai seorang pimpinan yang keji. Don't be distracted by the what-if's, should-have's, and if-only's. Like (grand)father like (grand)son. Kylo Ren’s moves are pretty standard and have focussed on swashbuckling. This is a Force only battle - no other weaponry involved. Who will win in a fight between Darth Nihilus & Kylo Ren and Rey & Darth Traya? Purely out of curiosity, what scaling does Rey give Kylo? Kylo Ren; Poe Dameron; Finn; Armitage Hux; Phasma; Rose Tico; BB-8; Snoke; Maz Kanata; Other characters. Please do not contact us if there is a discrepancy between the play-by-play score and the boxscore . Kylo Ren 26192 . Vader . What would happen if Kylo Ren faced off against his grandfather in a one on one lightsaber duel? Darth Vader has a major presence in the latest look at Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.It's no secret that Kylo Ren is a big fan of his grandfather. Darth Sion 19000 . Darth Vader Tie Kylo Ren. Superhero battle match: Darth Nihilus & Kylo Ren versus Rey & Darth Traya. Under orders from Nihilus, Snoke ordered Kylo Ren to bring Rey to him. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Maybe they can like Hoth better, if it's there.. Maybe Kylo Ren is too weak for some people, so I can put in Darth Revan and Exile to help him? 305 Views. Darth Bane 16800 . level 2. so salty it hurts. 0. Darth Nihilus, the dark lord of the Sith and the head of the Sith after the Jedi Civil War in the era of the old Republic. Han Solo 6500 . Description: Kylo Rey vs Darth Vader is part of Movies Collection and its available for Desktop Laptop PC and Mobile Screen. With Fredrik Karlsson, Rikard Larsson, Richard Desiatnik, Jonas Lawes. Page Navigation. Snoke would later order Hux to rescue Kylo Ren from Starkiller base. 2. His moves make the Obi-Wan/Vader showdown from the first movie look like a slap fight. 290. Darth Malgus vs Kylo Ren. Darth Plagueis is a master in the force as he mastered manipulating the Midi-chlorians, through immaculate conception he, in effect, started off the the whole saga and finally Kylo Ren has shown signs of light in him as he was scared from killing his father whilst Darth Plagueis only has ambition to gain knowledge and conquer the force. ^But this is Kylo vs Vader, not Kylo+Rey vs Vader. Kylo Ren haden't unleashed his full potenial like Vader had. Kylo Ren tore down a Jedi temple using just the force, fought and beat 3 of Luke’s best students using Just the force even though at this point Luke had way more knowledge of the force learning from Lor San Tekka. Kylo Ren vs. Darth Sion and Episode 6 Luke Skywalker in a 2 on 1 duel! Tough I will say once Vader begins to doubt and see some light, I can Kylo Ren taking advantage. By DarkMG73 on December 8th, 2019 in Ranking the Best. However, Kylo failed to do so. 245. Re: Kylo Ren vs Darth Maul - Force Battle. My Logo Was Made By ---So since I had made a pic of Malgus fighting Vader. The Star Wars Original Trilogy VS The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy! Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren! Darth Revan vs. Kylo Ren is a What-If? Tags. To spice things up a bit, you should have it take place on Hoth as well!Yeah people don't like this one. Who would win? Jyn Erso; ... Darth Vader Vs Darth Nihilus. Darth Tyrannus 14300 . The one thing you choose for yourself - that is the truth of your universe. This Dark Lord as a member of the Sith Triumvirate almost destroyed all the Jedi. Dec 20, 2020 - Explore Holly Gravina's board "Darth Nihilus", followed by 201 people on Pinterest. … Moreover the textures of kylo ren´s cloak were replaced by more accurate ones, kylo's face was re-textured into a Nihilus-compliant structure and the intro and outro sound was changed (just like the voice lines). Though he fell in battle against Darth Maul, he would have certainly been a match for Kylo Ren. Star Wars Lightsaber Battle - Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren. 9 Comments. A projected and amplified voice spoke out. I don't think any "feat" Kylo achieved makes him better than Vader. Nihilus. 37 Favourites. Best, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren. But more importantly, he wanted to do it himself. I say Kylo Ren's lightsaber skills in TROS is on par with Anakin, he's stong in the force as Anakin. All canon feats allowed. Between confirmed deleted scenes, and concept art there is a fair amount of Star Wars; The Rise of Skywalker that was once an idea, but didn't end up in the final version of the film. Fantasy Matchup: Darth Nihilus @ Kylo Ren; Sun 10/27 . 267. Well, just taking the armor into account, Kylo is already one down in this theoretical battle. 80. Darth Plagueis 15600 . One of the things Kylo Ren lacks that Qui-Gon Jinn possessed was a mastery over his emotions. For many reasons, Kylo Ren is based on several characters in the Legends universe and one is Revan, his armor, his "story", his power, there is clearly inspiration in Revan to create Kylo Ren, fans know it! Darth Nihilus never appeared in Force Awakens but he was behind all the events. Leia Skywalker 24240 . I don’t think vader can handle nihilus’s force drain. Grandfather and grandson never got to meet until now. Vote. Rey 27800 . Yoda 17300 . Then beat the knight of Ren singlehanded even though they killed Jedi before. There was a twitter account called "Emo Kylo Ren", it was a … 35. Download Kylo Rey vs Darth Vader Wallpaper for free in different resolution ( HD Widescreen 4K 5K 8K Ultra HD ), Wallpaper support different devices like Desktop PC or Laptop, Mobile and tablet. Even in RotS, he lost to his own mentor, a Jedi Master. episode of Death Battle featuring Darth Revan from Star Wars: The Old Republic and Kylo Ren from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.. The Dash Affect Was Ported By . Download Wallpaper 4032×3024 px. See more ideas about darth nihilus, star wars, star wars sith. Obi Wan Kenobi 11300 . All of her best feats (aside from defeating Palps, which was highly circumstantial) involve her showings against or alongside Kylo Ren. Feeling let-down by his father, Han Solo, he was seduced to the Dark Side by the evil Supreme Leader Snoke. We take a look at their similarities. Zenwolf. 253. Knowing what Rey was, Nihilus wanted her dead. Personally, I think losing to an untrained scavenger is worse than any "loss" Vader has in the OT, all of which are because he's deliberately holding back. Shaak Ti 13700 . 74. But Darth Vader is leagues above his formerself. 1 year ago. Revan vs Rey and Kylo Ren Thread starter Gyirin; Start date Feb 11, 2018; Status Not open for further replies. A fan made film about what might happen If Kylo Ren meets his grandfather Darth Vader in battle somewhere in the mystic Forrest of starkiller base. He very well could be the Darth to a Lord. 67. Fight is to the death, on neutral ground, starting distance of 20 yards. Directed by Jonas Lawes, Nicklas Åkerlund. 894.55: Kylo Ren (10-9) 63%. 207. Mace Windu 15800 . Revan is a great character with a deep backstory Kylo Ren is an angsty teen that writes psuedo philosophical #deep posts on twitter, such as "kill the past if you have to" 92. share. In addition, Caedus' "irredeemable act of murder" made me hate him a lot more than Kylo's. Darth Nihilus fan art. Report Save. As we don't know who/what his master is yet. ... Rey is not a Mary Sue and in Kylo’s defense, he gave up on wanting to be Vader. Rebels era Darth Maul. The Stage & Lightsaber Model Were Ported By . This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This modification replaces kylo ren's default skin with an imitated darth nihilus appearance that originates from the videogame kotor 2.

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