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Kenobi revealed that he had spirited Roan away from prison to the Eleven's safehouse, where he was recovering from neurotoxins administered to him by the Empire. Ferus ahnt, dass er Vader aus seinem früheren Leben kennt. Soon after the execution of Order 66, Olin founded a rebel organization on Bellassa in opposition to the Galactic Empire, newly in control of the galaxy. [4], Searching the streets of Coruscant, the two deciphered the woman's clues, inferring that the orange street lamps that glowed similarly to a setting sun were characteristic. With the Erased, he traveled to Coruscant, although he was the only one who met with the Sith, along with Sly Moore and Moff Tarkin. CHAPTER 1 The rain falls down in a steady pattern. Eventually leaving the Sith and Empire, as well as breaking Palpatine’s hold over her mind, Mara Jade became a Jedi and one of Luke’s closest friends and allies, eventually marrying him. Confused about the situation, the Sith's threat made Olin wonder why the Empire was so concerned with Samaria. The Jedi teams thwarted the invasion and exposed Galen, the Radnoran scientist who had originally developed the toxin, as a traitor, but Skywalker and Olin remained at odds even after their success. Only the quick action of Clive Flax, a fellow prisoner and a friend of Olin from the Clone Wars, saved Olin from being suffocated. He sensed Olin hiding in the shadows. Although the Sith Lord did not explicitly state it, Olin realized that his presence was to be used to crush the morale of the resistance on his homeworld, making them feel that defeat was inevitable. Because of this, he had warned her to avoid the Temple. [9], At some point, Olin and Tachi embarked on a mission to the mining planet of Quas Killam, although the exact date of the mission is unclear. Standard. Pages 132 and 133 indicate that Luke, Leia, and Han carry his body to the Millennium Falcon, and the next few pages suggest that his body was loaded onto the Falcon. Biographical information Recognizing Olin, he prevented the thugs from attacking him and Flume, and invited them inside. He and Flax successfully destroyed the explosives, preventing blame from being pinned on the Naboo. Pinning Malorum against the melting pit, Olin left himself open to an attack. Masters A powerful dark side user who is neither Sith nor Knight of Ren, Snoke was thought to be Palpatine’s successor for a time, but the mysterious Supreme Leader of the First Order is not what he seems. Remembering that Order 66 had been a large-scale operation, the Jedi felt it was important to discover the details of the operation. [12], During the reception the next day, the Jedi successfully managed to steal the codes required by the resistance. Before leaving, Olin contacted Kenobi and informed him of the recent developments on Coruscant. When Olin refused to reveal the information, however, Malorum indifferently walked out. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In dieser Vision befanden sie sich auf einem Plan… [19], On his way to an Imperial starship, Olin managed to pass on the details of his encounter with the Emperor to the Erased, who utilized disguises to get close to him without attracting the notice of a trailing prowler droid. He was forced to seek other methods of finding clues. Olin first worked closely with Anakin Skywalker in 27 BBY during a mission to evacuate the planet Radnor when the release of a deadly airborne toxin left many of its citizens unable to flee in the face of near-certain death. He and Olin often went on several missions together as their masters were often together. Earlier, she had built a customized ship utilizing parts from a mole miner and an ARC-170 starfighter that was capable of burrowing beneath Coruscant's crust. Evading enemy starships, the Jedi team arrived safely at Typha-Dor. Zan Arbor then recognized Skywalker from her experiments upon him on Vanqor, and realized the impostors were Jedi; after this the four were taken captive and sent into the prisons. Faster than an eyeblink. Raised as Palpatine’s adopted daughter, Mara Jade was also an Emperor’s Hand, trained as his personal Sith assassin due to her astounding intrinsic strength in the Force. [13], A few months after resigning from the Jedi Order, Olin met Roan Lands one morning in a cafe. [4] Deceived by Obi-Wan Kenobi into believing that Skywalker had been killed by the Empire,[1] Olin solemnly remembered the young Jedi he had known, and looked upon his death with sadness,[4] although the two had never liked each other. Though Palpatine personally trained numerous beings as Sith (or simply unaffiliated dark side users), there were several instances of tangential apprentices of his in the Legends universe. Roan Lands/Ferus Olin (1) Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader (1) Anakin Skywalker & Original Character(s) (1) Include Additional Tags Anal Sex (6) Bottom Anakin Skywalker (6) Kissing (3) Alternate Universe (3) Oral Sex (3) Sex (3) Blow Jobs (3) Crossover (2) One Shot (2) Smut (2) Other tags to include Exclude ? [15], In a hidden cave formerly used as a hangar by the Jedi, Kenobi picked the three up in Toma's ship. Besser als bei "Jedi-Padawan" und "Jedi Quest" haben die "der letzte Jedi" Bände eine zusammen hängende Handlung. Garth Ezzar was what’s known as a “Dark Side Marauder,” essentially a criminal who uses the dark side to commit crimes. [18], In the end, Malorum was closely bested by the former Padawan. share. [3], Despite these tensions, the four Jedi were able to cooperate well enough to gradually discover the explanation for the release of the toxin. Squads of stormtroopers with AT-RT's entered the Temple before they could escape, with Malorum at their head. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. The two Padawans often clashed despite working together on numerous missions. Learning that Vader was searching for the person who destroyed the Death Star, Olin began tracking Slej Hant, whom Vader commanded to find the information. Skywalker was considered the most-gifted apprentice with Onlin being the second. Gender For his heroics in saving the life of the Chancellor, Olin received a special commendation from the Jedi Council. The Didact vs Darth Vader. One he had not felt since his years at the Jedi Temple. Geith stirbt durch den Beschuss von Palpatines Auge in einem Kanonenboot. However, before leaving, Olin sighted Jenna Zan Arbor on Korriban, who left the city of Dreshdae to return to the Valley of the Dark Lords even as Olin and Flume left the former Sith stronghold. Olin returned the droid, and left Flume, but refused to take Flame to meet his resistance movement. Moreover, his training evidently did prepare him for more than fighting, as the Clone Wars-era Maul founded a criminal empire of his own and conquered the planet Mandalore twice, demonstrating shrewd manipulation skills similar to Palpatine’s. Faster than he'd seen anyone move, anyone except Yoda." Like Luke Skywalker would later do in Dark Empire, Olin attempted to feign joining Palpatine so he could undermine his Empire from within. After returning to the room where he spotted Jenna, he discovered, to his shock, that she was using Lune Oddo as a test subject, with the forced assistance of Linna Naltree. Along with Flume, he set out to Coruscant to rescue her, leaving Raina and Toma to care for Garen at the asteroid. However, Hydra stated she would be accompanying him, much to Olin's displeasure. The speeder was closely trailed by the Roshan droids, however; Divinian had programmed them to fire at his droid with low-power weapons, creating the illusion that the Roshans had attempted to assassinate him. 44 BBY (9BrS)[2] [20], Aboard an Imperial starship, Olin managed to discover the existence of a large-scale Imperial operation, codenamed Twilight. [20], However, they realized the Empire likely knew this as well. He puts a hit on Luke Skywalker, so that Darth Vader will suffer the emperor's wrath and he will become his apprentice and his grip on the galaxy will be supreme. The Sith Lord escaped Korriban, and Kenobi struck down Omega, ending his vendetta against the Jedi once and for all, but leaving repercussions throughout the Jedi that would never fully fade. The Fallen Warrior. Olin refused to be shrugged off, and attempted to enter, but a group of thugs emerged, drawing weapons and preparing to drive him off. He released Teda and Zan Arbor, and gave the true Slams permission to leave, attempting to use their flight as justification for his planned execution of Teda's followers. On their way to investigate the ship that "Farel" had bought, the two managed to lose a trailing seeker droid in the city's disorganized traffic; however, unknown to him, Divinian had also planted a sensor tag on his boot. Within the Empire, Cronal’s influence was almost equal to that of Palpatine himself. "It happened before he could get out another word. The mysterious and nihilistic leader of a Sith splinter-religion called The Prophets of the Dark Side, Cronal became an apprentice of Palpatine’s shortly after the rise of the Galactic Empire. Wie vereinbart, bricht Obi-Wan in die imperiale Garnison ein und findet heraus, dass Roan nicht nur mit einem Mittel vergiftet wurde, sondern mit vielen verschiedenen. Ferus fought X-7 and killed him. [2][3][5][9][13] Before the two left the room, they narrowly escaped a run-in with stormtroopers, escaping only because of the failings of the white-armored troops' helmet sensors. In Legends, Moore’s involvement with Palpatine went even deeper. But he was betrayed. Beliebte Taschenbuch-Empfehlungen des Monats. Kenobi warned the Padawan that Malorum's investigations into Polis Massa needed to be stopped. The Eleven developed a plan with the two to ensure that all the prisoners were returned safely, in case of a double-cross by Malorum. Olin accepted the Sith's offer when Palpatine stated that he would give Olin command of the Inquisitorius, and give him authority over those hunting for Force-sensitives. However, an informant told Olin of another Imperial on the mission. He learned from Garen that another Jedi had sought safety at the Crystal Cave… Fy-Tor-Ana. Handlung Besuch der Inquisitoren. Also, Aaren Larker sacrificed his life by posing as the thief of Divinian's droid. [1] However, confessing his fears for his rival seemed to release a weight from Olin, and the two Jedi later became, if not friends, certainly much less antagonistic towards one another during much of the remainder of their search for Zan Arbor. Aware of Luke’s true intentions, Palpatine nevertheless played along, trying to genuinely corrupt Luke with the allure of the dark side, nearly succeeding several times. Though she never became a Dark Lady, the Fosh known as Vergere was a mysterious and manipulative Sith who, according to the true Lady of the Sith Lumiya, was a former Jedi who may have discovered Palpatine’s true identity before the start of the Clone Wars. [15], Dodging Imperial fighters, Raina piloted the ship to the atmospheric storm where Olin, Kenobi and Flume had evaded Boba Fett. [19], Olin and Flax tracked down the ship of the saboteur in the Fountain Towers' hangar, but saw something unexpected inside it— a child's laser lasso. Ferus Olin with Siri Tachi and Anakin Skywalker. Nov 6, 2014 - Ferus Olin, Jedi Knight - Adobe Illustrator. [4], To escape scrutiny, Olin and Flume fled to Malorum's private office, located in what was once Yoda's quarters. [14], Grief-stricken with guilt that he had not told Ry-Gaul about the damage to Veld's lightsaber, and believing he had inadvertently caused Thel-Tanis's death, Olin made the decision to resign from the Jedi Order. As such, he secretly met with the Eleven and Flame, informing them of the Empire's plans for the captured Amie Antin and helping prepare a rescue operation. Although it is mentioned in Secrets of the Jedi that Olin and Siri Tachi embark on a mission to Quas Killam, the exact chronological time of this event is never stated in canon material. The Didact vs Darth Vader. Next: Star Wars: Every Upcoming Movie & Release Date. [19], He, Oddo, and Flax fled their room, knowing Vader's men would soon begin searching the Towers. Ferus Olin Like his master, Cronal was a brilliant and ruthless manipulator, leading Imperial Intelligence, providing dark side-fueled prophecies for Palpatine, and training other Imperial Sith, such his daughter Sariss and the Inquisitor Jerec. [1], However, Fett and D'harhan tracked the trio to the Red Twins spaceport,[1] and after a confrontation in the spaceport, which resulted in D'harhan's detainment by authorities, the three fled the Red Twins. Ferus Olin bekommt von Imperator den Auftrag, nach Machtsensitiven zu suchen. The Empire, in an effort to crush the Bellassans' resistance, made finding Olin and Lands a top priority. Olin still believed he was merely pretending to be on the side of the Empire, though. A rift had begun to grow between he and Skywalker after the latter's showdown with Olin during the flight to Korriban, and he asked Olin, not Skywalker, to repair the lightsaber. [12], The factory was destroyed by the owners to cover up the illegal activities that took place inside, and Tachi and Olin barely arrived in time to rescue Kenobi and Skywalker, only to discover that their quarry had fled Falleen. While he continued his investigation, Olin spotted Jenna Zan Arbor in the facility, though he ignored her since he was investigating Vader. Legends, especially Marvel’s original Star Wars comics from the ‘70s and ‘80s, showed Vader taking after Palpatine, becoming a chess master-like strategist who often defeated (or corrupted) his opponents without igniting his lightsaber. When Luke and Div hesitated too long and the other TIE fighters attacked, Olin began attacking the other fighters. Bog Divinian, attempting to prevent a trade agreement between Samaria and its technological rival Rosha, had electronically linked his newly acquired Personal Droid Helper with two Roshan prowler droids. [17], Leaving the melting pit behind, Olin exited the palace to discover that the Empire had been routed. In the current canon, however, Maul not only survived his duel with Kenobi but had his background retroactively changed. After Olin and Princess Leia finished evacuating prisoners from the moon, Olin felt Vader's presence. Unable to prove the corruption and crimes of the celebrity athlete Maxo Vista and his confederate Liviani Sarno, head of the Games Council, the Jedi left Euceron with a hollow victory and mutual feelings of animosity between Olin and Skywalker still lingering. Wütend über die Bloßstellung befördert Palpatine Ferus zu Vaders … Omega and Zan Arbor really planned to use the Zone of Self-Containment in the Senate to assassinate Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The two managed to escape the prison and discovered that Malorum was researching an event that had happened in Polis Massa. At some point before 0 ABY, Darth Vader visited ancient Jedi ruins on Dantooine which housed an active, yet unmanned, cloning facility.
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