global technology conference 2021
Held in Las Vegas, CES has been the global gathering place for all those involved in consumer technologies and the next generation of innovations, showcasing products in the areas of 3D Printing, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Computer Hardware/Software/Services, and more. The Gartner Magic Quadrant for ITSM is the gold-standard resource helping you understand the strengths of major ITSM software vendors, insights into platform capabilities, integration opportunities, and many other factors to determine which solution best fits your needs. Register now » The Global Energy Show (previously the Global Petroleum Show) is the only platform in North America where all stakeholders, policy makers, key players and industry professionals convene under one roof. Instead, Citrix will offer a variety of online courses and content throughout the year. That means every organization or business could learn a thing or two (or a lot more than that) on how to best serve your customers, driving business growth and customer loyalty. You’ll get all VIP ticket perks like: ️ VIP Access to WomenTech Global Conference 2021 ️ VIP Access to Live Keynotes, Sessions & Workshops ️ VIP Access to Networking, 1:1 Video & Live Chat ️ VIP Access to Speaker Q&A ️ VIP Access to Hiring & Career Day Date: June 7-16, 2021 Designing Products for a Better Normal for All Seung kicked off the live-streamed press conference by noting the changes all have us have experienced since last year’s CES and the impact this has had not only on the way we live, but also on how we use technology in our daily lives. The Global Agriculture Technology Summit 2021 is our first ever 24-hours marathon virtual conference with the presence of key industry players gathered around the world to discuss current issues and emerging opportunities through the lens of science and technology. Wallis Annenberg Chair Professor in Communication Technology and Society. Read on to discover more about the biggest announcements from Samsung’s CES 2021 opening press conference. SecureWorld Upper Midwest Virtual Conference 2021 March 18, 2021 | #SecureWorldVirtual. The AMBA & BGA Global Conference is designed to address the issues that Business Schools face on a daily basis. Date: June 1-2, 2021 Sat, 10/02/2021 … Many of these events are free. This site will be closed on August 1, 2021. The 28th Biennial IPRA General Conference On PEACE TECHNOLOGY Positioning Fourth Industrial Revolution and Emerging Technologies in Fostering Global Peace, 11th to 15th January 2021, Nairobi, Kenya University of Southern California . Known for offering an extensive overview of the international market, this six-day event attracts close to 240,000 visitors from more than 100 different countries. Gary S. Chan. Thu, 09/30/2021 - 08:00. The upside of these virtual events: This year as every year, we research and curate a list of the top IT and tech conferences. The 2021 Google Cloud Next details haven’t been announced, but the website indicates that we should expect a 2021 version. IDUG’s annual North American event brings Db2 professionals together online this year. The main theme of Hacking HR’s 2021 conference is Unlocking Your Potential. Global Energy Show 2021. The year 2020 was defined by the global pandemic COVID-19. Global Oncology Site Solutions Summit 2021 Postponed: Austin: Texas: estimated. From core to cloud to edge, BMC delivers the software and services that enable nearly 10,000 global customers, including 84% of the Forbes Global 100, to thrive in their ongoing evolution to an Autonomous Digital Enterprise. In 2020 we celebrated 38 years of hosting the largest and most informative health care investment symposium in the industry which connects global industry leaders, emerging fast-growth companies, innovative technology creators and members of the investment community. In 2021, educators, school and district leaders, and technology providers grappling with the pandemic will continue to innovate and to accelerate changes in our classrooms. March 18, 2021. Hosted in Calgary, Canada, the Global Energy … Date: October 8-10, 2021 Gartner’s Digital Workplace Summit is geared specifically towards the roles of digital workplace leaders, architects, IT leadership, and application leaders. Read More. Conférence - Conférence d'orientation et d'insertion professionnelle. CYBER 2021, The Sixth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems; GLOBAL HEALTH 2021 Steering Committee : Matthieu-P. Schapranow Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH Germany : Lorena Parra Boronat Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Spain . 09/30/2021 - 10/02/2021 @ 8:00 am - 6:00 pm - After the completion of our 2nd Edition of Food Science and Technology held in London, UK during September 19-21, 2019. Digital Workplace Experience (DWX) is turning their usual three-day event into a series of free virtual events throughout the year. From mainframe to mobile to multi-cloud and beyond, our solutions empower enterprises of every size and industry to run and reinvent their businesses with efficiency, security, and momentum for the future. Advisory Council. Register Now. This event is for everyone in your data analytics function, from technical- to senior-level strategy. Use the right-hand menu to navigate. Ed Morche, president of strategic enterprise and government markets at Lumen Technologies (NYSE: LUMN), will present at the Citi 2021 Global TMT West Virtual Conference on Jan. 6. Why attend CWD 2021. WILLIAM … (We’ll post more here when it’s announced.). Last Date of Registration 20 January, 2021. Breadcrumb. This year’s digital event experience will take everything online, but its premise is the same:to be the leading AI and hybrid cloud event in the world. The Manufacturing & Technology Conference is purposefully designed to help manufacturing executives and leaders improve their operational efficiency and thrive in an industry that demands constant change.. Français; English; Français . Appel à propositions : Colloque International « La société en réseaux : réévaluations et applications d’un concept » Conférencier plénier confirmé : Pr Manuel Castells . Still, the key speakers are the top caliber you expect from CES, including: Date: February 11, May 13, July 15 & October 14 Cost: $800-$1,200. The 39th Annual Health Care Conference will take place virtually on January 11-14, 2021. In lieu of an in-person conference, we will provide virtual access to corporate presentations. USA Conferences 2021 and 2022 has Wide range of Medical Conferences in USA, Healthcare Conferences in USA and it is also known as International USA Meetings The Township of Langley and the City of Maple Ridge are proud and excited to host experts from around the world, digitally, from the lands of the Coast Salish peoples to discuss ways technology can best serve communities. VIRTUAL CONFERENCE … 09/30/2021 - 10/02/2021 @ 8:00 am - 6:00 pm - After the completion of our 2nd Edition of Food Science and Technology held in London, UK during September 19-21, 2019. Global technology conference Collision has cancelled plans to host its annual event in Toronto next year and instead will host the gathering online again. Location: Berlin, Germany. Rendez-vous incontournable du début d’année et temps fort de l’innovation, cette édition sera l’occasion de Découvrir les nouvelles startups accompagnées par Atlanpole et le résultat de vos votes pour l’élection du coup de cœur 2020. is one of the best conference alerts websites to get notifications for upcoming conferences, academic conferences, conferences 2021, conferences 2022, national & international conferences of your choice. 27th ICE / IEEE ITMC 2021 Conference on Innovation, Technology, and Engineering Management for our Societal, Environmental, and Economic Resilience Read More. Another industry-leading event from Gartner, this Data & Analytics Summit focuses exactly on that: how your organization can develop a resilient data and analytics strategy that leverages both data-driven decision making and AI. The 2021 Smart21 Announcement virtual event will be co-hosted by the Township of Langley and the City of Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada from February 22-24, 2021. Like earlier technologies, biotechnology promises to provide many advantages, especially in three broad categories: environmental protection, higher yields, and improvements in human health. estimated. 3 rd ICIRMCT 2021 aims to build a platform for both researchers and readers to explore … SSM Health. MEC conferences are amongst the finest Nano conferences … Add to Calendar 2021-01-21 09:00:00 2021-01-22 17:00:00 Advanced Semiconductor Technology Conference (ASTC) 2021 This conference encompasses topics regarding advances in Connecting, Sensing and Predicting. 2021 dates for IT Arena are confirmed online, but most other details aren’t released yet. The content might be spread out or recorded for later, so you can engage with it when you’re ready. Visit Events Page View this Event. Visit website; . Location: Online IFA serves as the main meeting place for key retailers, buyers, and experts from the industry, showcasing the latest products and innovations. WHAT IS INTERCON? The theme of this year’s artificial intelligence event is the age of implementation. In the meantime, watch conent from the 2020 in-person event or listen to speakers like: (As soon as there’s more, we’ll be updating our Complete Guide to Google Cloud Next. Even those, Keith Enright, Chief Privacy Officer Google, Adrienne Lofton, VP North America Marketing Nike, Intranet, Knowledge and Collaboration Leaders, L&D, HR and Employee Experience Executives, February 11, 2021: Navigating the R/Evolution of Work, May 13, 2021: Collaboration & the Knowledge Ecosystem in Modern Organizations, July 15, 2021: Employee Experience, Digital Literacy & Workforce Skills, October 14, 2021: Future Workplace: Emerging Technology, Innovation & Intelligent Platforms, Anima Anandkumar, Director of Machine Learning Research, NVIDIA. Email Print Friendly Share. Location: Online We encourage scientists, and those who are applying new materials in new solutions or improving existing solutions, to submit findings, discoveries and areas that have to be explored further. Of course, we can’t forget our flagship annual event BMC Exchange. The most comprehensive technology events calendar updated on daily basis. Join industry leaders, executives and experts as they examine last year’s amazing advances in AI and discuss the most pressing issues in AI adoption, ethics and trust. AllConferenceAlert help professionals and enthusiasts to attend international conferences in various capacities - speaker and attendees. This year’s tag line is “It’s time to go spatial. This year’s event will be spread over each week in March. BMC Exchange 2020 offered a customizable format so you could curate content for your career, something we expect to build on for this year. For over 50 years, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has been the starting point for the newest technologies and innovations in the world. IBM Think is IBM’s global flagship conference. Recent dramatic events worldwide, from floods and bushfires to the ongoing pandemic, call for a revaluing of the contribution of impact assessment tools to anticipating and preparing us for such challenges. ), Date: June 17, 2021 The Fourteenth Global Studies Conference will be held at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 5-6 June 2021 -- a blended and online conference. The International Db2 Users Group (IDUG®) is the foremost independent, user-driven community that provides a direct channel to thousands of professional Db2 users across the globe. Top IT Conferences of 2021 Consumer Electronics Shows. View Agenda. The speakers for the 2021 event haven’t been announced yet, but this list from last year’s event offers some clues: Date:May 4-6, 2021 is one of the best conference alerts websites to get notifications for upcoming conferences, academic conferences, conferences 2021, conferences 2022, national & international conferences of your choice. L'autonomie du droit pénal. Webinaire - Paris Webinar on Financial Technology and Crypto. 27. jan. 2021. All industries are welcome here, to learn about technologies including: Citrix Synergy is one of the top industry conferences on digital business transformation.This year, as last, Citrix has opted against a single in-person event. AMBA & BGA Global Conference 2021 – Association of MBAs AMBA & BGA Global Conference 2021 | 10-12 May 2021 The AMBA & BGA Global Conference is designed to address the issues that Business Schools face on a daily basis. Passenger Terminal CONFERENCE 2021 Virtual ‘LIVE’ will bring the aviation industry together at this globally important time to discuss new challenges, strategies, collaborations, innovations and technologies that will be vital for the industry’s future... CONNECT > QUESTION > DISCUSS. The 2021 Deans Conference will take place online on 3-5 February rather than being hosted by IE Business School in Madrid, but the community remains the same: an open, honest and trusted forum to delve into the good, the bad and the ugly of the past year. To do this safely and effectively, we are happy to invite you to join us for an eight-day, truly global virtual experience—EFI Engage Conference 2021. The BEYA STEM Conference announces 2021 Award Winners Published December 18, 2020 By : Lango Deen The upcoming BEYA STEM Conference will be hosted on Feb. 11-13. Learn more about BMC ›. Tech event calendar 2021: Upcoming US shows, conferences, and IT expos Our sortable chart offers information, dates and locations for a variety of US IT-focused events coming up over the next year. Global tech conference Collision moves Toronto event online in 2021 due to pandemic | This will be the second year the travelling conference has … Global Energy Show 2021. We’re taking a guess that re:Invent 2021 will happen, likely in late fall or early winter. Black Hat USA. Location: Online European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conferences, aka ESPC21 Online, offers affordable, world-class Microsoft 365 learning at your fingertips, from wherever you are in the world. GSTC 2021 Brochure Find out more about the largest space event of its kind in APAC. Our conference supports the global effort to eliminate chemical weapons and fosters co-operation through the exchange of information and ideas relating to safe disposal. IFA is held in Berlin, Germany, and is the leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances. TNW2020 was taken online. Top 10 Technology Conferences of 2020-2021 [All conference dates and formats are subject to change.] The Dublin Tech Summit brings together top global leaders in technology, innovation, and business to help shape the future of trends and technologies. Whether an engineer or designer or IT director or data scientist, there’s an explorer in each of us. ©Copyright 2005-2021 BMC Software, Inc. 2019 Conference recordings can be found here. Location: Online, Americas At over 300 conferences a year across Europe, Asia Pacific and the Americas, we connect corporate leaders and the global investor community, influential policy makers and industry experts. The 2021 Deans Conference will take place online on 3-5 February rather than being hosted by IE Business School in Madrid, but the community remains the same: an open, honest and trusted forum to delve into the good, the bad and the ugly of the past year. It will also offer an opportunity for us to look forward as a network and as a community on what is next for business education. Cost: €60-€1,500. The 2020 version was taken online, where you can look at the agenda and some content. Each of the four event days has its own theme: Date: March 2021 In light of the global pandemic, the digital twin of the physical event will provide a new experience for attendees. (This article is part of our IT Conferences & Events Guide. Cost: TBD. TORONTO — Global technology conference Collision has cancelled plans to host its annual event in Toronto next year and instead will host the gathering online again. 5th Annual. The 2021 conference’s four tracks are: Date: April 27-28, 2021 Learn about the concepts, supported by real examples of use case, solution providers showcasing smart solutions, videos featuring smart & model factories, and panel discussions. Smartening Impact Assessment in Challenging Times. EmTech Digital 2021 is exactly for those companies who want to do AI right. Crown Castle to Present at the Citi 2021 Global Technology, Media and Telecom West Conference . The conference will feature companies across the following sectors: Biotechnology, Healthcare Supply Chain & Pharma Services, Healthcare Information Technology, Life Sciences & Diagnostics, Medical Technology and Facilities & Services. During september 1 – 4, 2021 Location: online Cost: conference and tutorial packages available ; at!, likely in late fall or early winter content throughout the year 2020 was defined by global. For more information as soon as its available Invent 2021 will showcase how human. Back often or early winter Google executives about new and updated Cloud services biotechnology applications in these prominent fields Collision. We should expect a 2021 version, we should expect more online-only events, love that Adobe Summit is on! Like to add a tech/IT conference to the directory is where advances world-changing... It conferences & events Guide each of us June 2021 speed of ”... Et ) for InterCon is to provide a platform for networking and opportunities. 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