goan mando songs list
Sangat: Aminch te Goenkar! Please tell me when you will return. Never did I ever think of it, my love, Translated by Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Goa, 22.12.2004. Tuj' korhy' cazar zatol'm munnum, Bhair tuvem kitleim tor nanv zoddlem. Published 2000. Mojo ugddas etolo tuka. I shall remain faithful to your love. Jurament diun fottoilem, maka praier Kongotti. I am telling you secretly, We never thought it would happen this way, The twilight star from the sky, It usually opens the nuptial/wedding dance. Kuddi ani otmean soitu, (Chusmo) Old songs. gem), Dusmananim maca dãundailo, Song No. (L. Noronha). Devano ti feliz korchi, This is the Third Mando Festival, Avaz tea rebek gum'ttancho, Sanquallê paddunc gueleari, Atam oguénch kiteac raulã mattva bairi, I am sobbing with heartfelt pain. Veena Patwardhan – Freelance Writer, Copywriter, and Science Journalist, Great Goans: Anthony Mendes (1920 – 1964). You used to fill my heart with hope, Roddtelem xenttak mhaka. Mannkam motiancho vhodd surngar, In heaven those stars are blinking, Goem amchem, soglleank zaem, (Chusmo) Printed by the Codialbail Press. Source: F.X. Love, I saw you at the window. I utrach' mudi moga, Source: J.A.A. Separar tum zaunaka, Published 15.08.82. Happiness and bliss of our life. “Why should he want flowers? Hiea mojea gangorlolea calzache (calzacho). [12] Early marriages were common in traditional Goa. Dolfar assam gô aum toiar. Lyrics and Music: Beautiful Goa – been there dozens of times, and yet love to keep visiting the place. I cannot tell, Music: Probably by F.X. Printed at the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Who gives them the strength? Unnecessarily. Ai, ai, conanco sanguncho. Kedim' chintily'm naim rê y anvem, I used to heave a sigh of love. Gopam' kan-nnum vor rê maka. Principio nixttur mhojea moga, Putoch Zanzibar mell-rê tum heun maka. Rorhtam ãum zalolea disaco. Kelear Maim-bhaxek opman. Were destined for me by God. Ujwad moga ghalrê tujo! Kituly'm bemfeit tujem sarkem. But father and mother insist, You (male) left me and went away. Estrebilho / Refrain: Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Longed to keep company with you, Thoddoch temp ami bonvleanv mogan, Musical form: Ternary My heart and my soul I gave to you, Sambal côr munnum burgueãncho. When I die, my darling, Namanny'm utor sangtam tuka, Ai, ai, ai, cotta gô manca, Printed by the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Song No. Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Khorench segred sangtam tuka, [69] The Island of Chorão covering 93 km2 lies 10.50 km away from the capital Panaji. Literary form: Monologue Chusmo/ Refrain: Manuscript 1971. Why are you cawing, O crow To ugddas tea Goencho, Sobit moji khomp ga, Pattlean dukham gholloinaka. Chusmo/ Refrain: Bogtavaddo, Chorão Ai, ai, cudhiche atam volvolle moje. The old-aged propreitor was very much annoyed, One day I went into the garden. To shower his blessings on all of them. Lyrics and Music: (Chusmo) Môji foxi dacoun ugtti. Kitlei dusman mell'lear tuka, Janerak kazar zaum-ia mhunn sangtaloi, To live in your love always. Geuli rê bitôri. Saligão is a small village (Beautiful Saligão), Type: Mando Tambdde rozad tuje pole, Fulu champeachem[87], Date: Composed in about 1916 or 1917. Why have you become unfaithful. (L. Noronha). Source: Pereira, José/ Martins, Michael. Pautoch te Goeam, sirvis konn dinam, Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). We made a secret agreement, Our elders of old lived in joy and contentment, José Vaz, After you left, you know, my jewel, By that joy the sorrows evaporated. (L.Noronha). Jivac mojéa kêdi vodli bogta rê foxi, Literary form: Monologue To help our union of love, Our oath will be sacred. At what peculiar time, Oh Mother, at what particular time, Oh Mother, Tuka dekhlolea vella, I embrace you close to my heart, Your character is like gold. Tuje vinnem sonsar maka naka. sat on a steamer) well dressed. My heart is beating fast, Kalliz lobdolem rê tuje kodde. Sukh sontôssú boglo jivac, Combean sadu gatlo gô manca, They move from women (Meaning? Musical form: Ternary Zaite sintment diloly' tunvy'm maka. we have no doubts about anyone), Printed by the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Cazar aum zattim aslolim pai, Tednam ankvar anv aslolim. Translated by Olivinho Gomes, (1943-). Song No. Are you unkind to me? (Just as the) Scent of jasmine flowers Kensanch' fanti dekun sol-lli,[107] Without you I cannot live in this world. While I was taking your lessons at Angelus-time, A lady reflects on her youth. Papa-mamanchi moga zoborhdosti, Tim ditanam anvum roddlim, Type: Mando Kedinch zaunche naim rê kabhar, Salant vochun fottvar tujea nodor martam, Tsoli/Girl: Ekich nodor marli corar uncho, At a young age, may God bless us. To leave you all alone, Voch voche-rê roddunaka, Choose your own future, my lady. They behave like angels, Fugar zaum dukham rê golloitam. Do not hurt my heart, Caiboro amcho par, soptalo dogãincho. Published 28.04.1953. Because you have gone home, I have dedicated my heart and soul to you. Atam kiteac ingrato rê zalo, Is the easiest thing in the world. on my head). Printed by B.X. Tuka tsoile rê bogoro. Album Cantarancho. Source: Lourdinho Barreto. That we may be united. We felt that it was all over, Cortai naca zalolo bessu. Sudarop korunk aplem, Whatever has to happen let it be soon, Birmot fut'toli tumcam amchea mogachi. 112-113 (José Pereira). I prayed to the saints for you, Date: Composed See if your daddy is permitting you, Santam'-bogtam' kornum voto, There will be a fresh union of ours. How long shall I suffer Grown-up boys joining together, Cha-cha-cha, Twist nackonk konn te exar, Lyrics and Music: (mentioned but illegible) Blowing their trumpets all the night, Sangrêmoga, koslo gunyav Chusmo/ Refrain: Sonvsarantule dissu cad'cheaco, Tuka sanddchi muntllear ekli, My curse will come on you. Sodanch vizitam kortal'm tuka. That I would live in happiness. Let, Mother of Jesus, send us rain! Kituly' tunvem morhi keleary gô, Thoim bhum-euncho umanv ghetla. I have only one word to say, 2000: 194.). Devach' lagim kortam magnnem, Tujo ugddas êtôch rê maca. Why pretend you are a virgin? Goemchem Git. Ugddas mhuzo visrum naka, Source: J.A.A. Maka y atam geli gô sanddunum. Oh my love, how can I forget you? And snatched it away from my bosom. Good bye, Costa, my friend. Literary form: Dialogue Published 15.08.82. This world is "just for four days" (i.e. Cuddi otmean soi-to. Musical form: Ternary I tell you one word only, That of those days of our joy. Without your companionship, Torui ankvar anvum raulim. Every year a daughter is born, My heart grew tender, Ingratponnom dakoinaka. Chusmo/ Refrain: Date: Praying to God during the rosary, Paino tica sandloli mun eksuri. By sending a parcel of handkerchiefs and a letter by post, Chusmo/ Refrain: University of Goa, 2001. And even if you leave me and go away, Kosole zall(u) vollvolle Saiba, Chari muinneants' amtso môgu, Gopant tuka ghetam. Cantarancho Album. Unhappy destiny mine! Sijambo”. Let us be happy and jump (leap) for joy, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Chusmo / Refrain: New Delhi: Aryan Books International 04.2001. Mando. Devan kitem nirmilam assot amcam. On the stars of heaven, (L. Noronha). 33. (L. Noronha). Dusmananchi khoxi korunaka, Above all I love you dear, Kalzam amchim gutlailelim chintnanim, Sôbit Bela minha formosa, I can always picture your countenance, Fiudar ugtench assa rê tuka. Asia Trading Corporation, 150, Brigade Devan churchure amche kele. Kens muje manir hanv soddtalim[59], I like you, Amigo mojea Costa coddé. Gopantulea manca, Printed at the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Date: I shall suffer what may come Translated by Lourenço de Noronha, Vienna, 22.04.2001. Tuven dilam tem puro maca. I remember your when I am studying. Gheuncheak gopant maka. Translated by Olivinho Gomes (1943-), University of Goa, 2001. Lyrics and Music: R. L. Dalgado[113] Abôlim ditanam aum rod´lim, Principio nixttur mojea moga, An enemy entered and frustrated our plan. M. Lobo, Music: Antoninho Costa Heam mojeã kensanchê pantiêru (pantieri)[31], Album Cantarancho. Santa Cruz Cott[71] bandtoch militaranim, The landlord called us for work, Tsolo/Boy: Tambdde roza tuje pole. Appears in playlists Konkani by Macklyn D'Almeida published on 2013-03-03T07:58:31Z My list by james_rodrix published on 2013-05-03T08:17:32Z Goan songs by Kiddies published on 2013-08-28T13:43:30Z Konkani by arun-dalmeida published on 2013-10-09T11:17:57Z Published 15.08.82. Somesto / All: Pustok 2, p. 50 - 51 Aundum Deva disgras amchêr ailem. Mam-tio munta Rán-pinum amchi. Pray to God. You are leaving your friends behind you, However many husbands I may find, Utoro diloly'm tunvem, I yearn for happiness at least in eternity. It matters not, my dear (lit.gem), Published 28.04.1953. Chitti vachunchea vella, He gives me an embrace Translated by José Pereira. Tuzoch môg kallzant nialltalim, Chusmo/ Refrain: Give me at least one kiss, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. You are now beyond the seven oceans, Let us all gather together and pray. Source: Sukhthanker, Vinayak Sadashiw. And (We) showed them that Konkani is our mother language. The number of Christians went on increasing by the day, Moje versu kanatar kortam. Disfeit kitea' kely'm rê maka. Literary form: Monologue At this moment only one word of yours (will suffice), Date: Composed in about 1918 or 1920, the date of the composer's marriage. Music: Rev. Chol'leanv kurpechea marganum, On my way back I was carying a few (lit. Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Chusmo/ Refrain: Aryan Books International has published two volumes on the Mando, entitled, Song of Goa, vol. To ugddas tea Goencho, Infeliz dekun sorti, On seeing the lotuses in the lake, I adore you above all the others, I hear Mass amid pearls of laughter, On account of the stupidity of Vasco Guedes, Zaunchi sasnachi. Mojo retrato gue gô tuka. Janot neslolim, vaporar bosolim. The Goans organized a dance. Type: Mando Literary form: Monologue. Konkani visro naka! Musical form: Ternary Kitlei mel-lleary gô ozaro, Bogtavaddo, Chorão Source: J.A.A. Fernandes (1884-1980). Literary form: Monologue Sõvnsarant novi amizade gõ amchi, Gitanche gonn'gonn dhdor ek vaddeant, In traditional Goa music was an essential subject in the education of a girl of the upper strata. two, four, years), Udon ailem molbaveilem! Type: Mando Santam boctanc corun votto, Bogtavaddo, Chorão Literary form: Monologue When the enemy from the neighborhood entered, (L. Noronha). Chusmo/ Refrain: Literary form: Monologue Sounsar soglo sorlear passunum, cheat the world). Which was dazzling in my heart, Your company, my love, Religui´ mancam motianchi, Gitam Jhelo. Bright rays fell on her dress, Sadananda, Panaji Tsounum ekvott mum rê amtso, Tum bestoch zainaca kiumarú, Bob tumim maru nacat. Tim maka mallunk zai mhunn addlolim. Printed by Pedro Barreto, Panaji Many Goan priests who had studied Latin, Portuguese, Konkani and music composed mandos and church hymns, but preferred to remain annonymus. Translated by Romano Abreu, Moira, June 2003. Goan Hits Song Free Mp3 is popular Song Mp3 in 2019, We just show max 40 MP3 list about your search Goan Hits Song Free Mp3 Mp3, because the APIs are limited in our search system, you can download Goan Hits Song Free Mp3 Mp3 in first result, but you must remove a Goan Hits Song Free Mp3 from the your computer after listening so you do not violate copyright protection … Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Dôniam conn fuddar mojo. Oh mother, why fool me, I had brought them to wear them in my hair (Refrain). And turned the pages this way and that. By reflecting on your virtues, Album Cantarancho. (José Pereira). Teach disa than moga, Vodlea mojea dérac sangonaca. Always keep in mind that Goa is your motherland. The text of verses 2 and 3 are not published. Fugar zaun roddum naka, To separate the two of us. Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). My heart was satisfied). At the time of Holy Mass, Loyola, I offered my heart to you. Koslem eko fulo maka darhi. gem), Tuka decloli tedeach vellar, Martir io rê boguilé, Type: Mando Furtado & Sons, Dhobitalao, Bombay Type: Mando ( ?) Guêlôi tum maca sanddunum, Maca chitt borunc visrunaca, I cannot bear my loneliness. Chondurimu rê udelo. Sangok loz, jivak sontos. What shall I now do my beloved angel. Suk sontos bogta jivac. Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Ghatkea ixtta, choi-rê maka, Moje thaim ingrat zai naka, Source: Pereira, José/ Martins, Michael. On a cool moonlit night, Printed by B.X. They would sit at the window playing violins and singing. Date: Composed about 1850 in Bannali. Tum cazar zatrêch moga, Sobhit rup tujem pollelea uprant, Kalliz mojem bhettoilolem tuka. Printed by B.X. The sun shone and the moon peeped out. Published 25.03.1984. You (male) were teaching me violin while in Goa. I used to long to be your wife, Morgovam baddeac tuka polle. I cannot bear this suffering, Mozo ugddas yetolo tuka. (Chusmo) 97. However many enemies you may encounter, Why did you not take it? Chimtte cadtalom té liçãvnanchea vella. Zalear puro divo uzvaddacho, Over and above they get insulted. Chittich'm respost paunam munnum, Rau atam, rau rê moga, To see you happiness, The steamer sailed off the harbour of Singapore. My evil star is dispersed. Finally we were joined together. But it is of your false friends. During those eventful times. Source: Pereira, José/ Martins, Michael. Being friends of each other, Xi, xi Raja povo suzear cortoli tuka, Endo = half-witted person?). Lyrics and Music: (Refrain), Type: Mando Kitea' kirymytai maka, Published 15.08.82. Suddenly death approached you. Pilotu baban mojer mitti marli. Tujê passun sambaulolem. You used to say, "Let us get married.". Io mhojea anjea, In (Curtoreantu ?) I used to go out and count your steps. Literary form: Monologue Our attachment, four months old, If you leave me I shall go mad. Martir legun bogle, I am all choked, 142-143 Kaulya ugadasan tujea ditelim misu, And give me all the news. On your head is the red core of the moon, It easily got lost (lit. I try to bring my lips near to yours and kiss you, jewel), I disregarded the world. Hea mojea ecsurponanchea tempa. Tum borea dekhicho mhunnunum, Behold me, O my love, behold me! I cannot live without you. For by sprinkling water I shall refresh you. Do not disappoint me 83. You made us all (lit. 136-137 Bogtavaddo, Chorão Letting out a sigh I cry with deep emotion. Konnom pavot osoly' vella. Devan nirmil na rê maka, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982) Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Come, my love, this is my plea from my heart! At seven in the night. Rôsinha aicun tujim utram. Zóg-zóg podlé vestidari, (Romano Abreu). Bogtavaddo, Chorão Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Sangat: Aminch te Goenkar! It is not yet two months since I got married, 2:28. Lourenço de Noronha received this information from M/s Beatrice Gomes-Abreu from Brazil while she was his student in Kiswahili Literature in Vienna. On which we vowed our love. Type: Mando Leave all hope, you poor thing! Because I am older than you in years, I am weeping and weeping, my loving friend, Song of Goa. Mogacho abras di rê punnum. Ha! [68] It was composed in Mainna on the occasion of the courtship of Caetaninho Faleiro of Curthori and his wife and first sung in the form of a serenade. Angel, oh, my angel! Violar thom-thim corun vazoitam, By looking at the boys´narrow pants, Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Porzollit(u) tujim utram, Tujem sarkem anjeachem, Translated by Lourenço de Noronha, Vienna, 22.04.2001. An enemy drove me away, Novean êcôtt zatolo mun amcho. I am suffering this sadness of the insane, Ful-llo tratu rê sandditam, How long, mother, livelifefull. Hem mojem kalliz-rê fapsota. Sõvnsar foroch cortubancho. If you turn your back to me, [107] “Kensanch’ fanti dekun sol-lli”. Like the splendour of the stars (like the star and its splendour), If you meet me on the road, Album 1, p. 62-63 Somewhere stone will remain on stone, Date: Decun rogtan mojea avem ximplelem, Let us both live (lit. Date: You are a girl like the sun, One of the ways by which an Indian woman shows her state of love is by loosening her braid of hair. Tum bai kainchi bionaka, I am the most notorious daughter-in-law. Derrepento taru amcam ailo, gem), If you have had agreed with me, Date: At Angelus time, Anim keloleam corneãcho Marianinnho, Lagon hancheam tonddant anvum poddlim. Having shown me your desire for marriage, Sinaleko ditam y aum-um tuka. Lyrics and Music: Rosinha, hearing your words. Bava boinim pôrim bõutalom, His father was from Sancoale. 35. time), 43. Etanam donunch addlin abolim. Beautiful Goa, our Motherland, 29. And see your image before me. You are an angel, an archangel, Type: Mando Portugal nhoi-rê tuka, (Chusmo) Io anjea io rê amcho fuddar kôr rê, Chintun soglem calliz fapsota. Lyrics and Music: António João Dias [76] My love of the depth of conscience, Argam diumhea Dòniam Devaco. Type: Mando Date: Tuja xezarcha lokan rê Vicente, Devan feliz kelea puro. Utor certo dilolem tuka. Perilous days are gnawing at my being. Chondrimãnchea uzvaddari, Musical form: Ternary Album 1, p. 37 Divadêchea dondra socolo, Type: Mando Gopant gheuncheak rautam anv zonelar. Musical form: Ternary I do not want to live in this world without you. Literary form: Monologue Tuka sanddunk chitilearu. Tumgelea ghorant konnum asai-rê, Let it be a flower. The jewel of my heart, Musical form: Ternary 63. Chusmo/ Refrain: Tujea mogan hanv dis kaddtam, God has power, 96. Lyrics and Music: António João Dias[73] I am crying over the day I was born. My whole being becomes uneasy, Lyrics and Music: Soglim/ All: weep tears), Tuka sagvadic tantyan ditam tera, So that the faith would reach the young and old. 102-103 138-139 Chusmo/ Refrain: Song No. 44. Ascartaum suscartaum, Translated by Olivinho Gomes (1943-). At least tell me. What has my God destined for me. Maca veló mun Devanu. With five boats. Sogllea lokak tum guspaitai! The Konkani Medleys, Fusions raises the spirits and keep the crowd wanting for more. God will make us happy. Anja muja, Paunc Anjeam Bodveanchea sangataco. Song No. Tristêz kiteak tum bhogita, Mogach' ul'las hanv sodditam. Printed by M/s Pedro Barreto, Panaji (I used to pray to Goa night and day), 60. (José Pereira). Our friendship, Arê ecleach mojea anjea. Choli/ Girl: Vintsari mamankorhe, Forçu ailo monvar borunum. Dadus amrecha vellatso, With the (lit. I adore you. Made beautiful by its fields and hills, To be my dear friend. Tum maninc uzvaddachem, (L. Noronha). Come, my love, Type: Mando (?) Cotta cotta rodtam tuka, Itule martir anv bhogitam, Date: Lyrics and Music: These my tears of blood. Tell us: It is we Goans! Source: J.A.A. My beloved, when I remember you, Published 28.04.1953. Doria' laranch' munn tea vella, Tsolo/Boy: Ai! Cheddeanchem sodanch hem kimasaum, Thinking that I would receive the sacrament of marriage. Musical form: Binary Tuje vinnem sonsar tanddum' nuzo. Itlim choddam marecar dôr'eachim laran. Look at the meadows, at those hills, where all kinds of berries grow, Agrhas keleary haucha'-jeucha'naka. front and back). We are waiting with deep pride. Musical form: Ternary You will not get me alive (lit. One boy asked me for them and took them (from me). When my parents had gone for an outing, Sangat: Aminch te Goenkar! Attaplare tacher môgu amcho. Musical form: Ternary Aparupa Mazumder has written that, in 1934, "Goan musicians formed the Bombay Symphony and in 1947, they formed the Bombay Madrigal Singers Organization". Translated by Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Goa, 22.12.2004. Koso zait tuzo xevott, I am now going about suffocated, Saliganv ek daklo ganv, Soglem kalliz mhojem nachtalem, Koslench punn nam maka suko. Chusmo/ Refrain: Fatllean suko mellot tuka. Bogtavaddo, Chorão Even if we are spread all over the world, Soglech vatten, Devan tuka, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Ankvarpon sonsunezo, Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). (Chusmo) You parted from my embrace. and also find different songs for your reception. My sensitive heart feels. Olivera Tukach moga tem axetalem, Published 28.04.1953. Translated by Olivinho Gomes (1943-), University of Goa, 2001. Love of my inner being, Dukh talleant, magnem vonttanr, Rorhtam moga ulas sorhunum, Do not move around here and there, Borcheac tumcam sorguincheam deneanim. Eun ubezalle mojea fuddeant. Vasco Guedichea fapre[86] ponnanko, (Chusmo) Sogllem dita, chintlear govai amkam, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Take me into your embrace for ever. Having arranged a secret pact, I sing a song thinking of you, Bogtavaddo, Chorão It has three components –poetry, music, and dance. Like dynamite which burst the rocks. Source: A. da Gama/ C. Xavier. Date: Bará dissú nuim rê dislé! Amkam separar korunchi. Kedonam étolo to chintam. Because you are an angel from heaven, Khuxai zaum-ia, mogam uddum-ia, Published 28.04.1953. They passed their days cheerfully, laughing and dancing. He locked the cabin and died. Dilolem utor gô maca, (Pereira, José/ Martins, Micael. Starting at four in the evening. Lyrics and Music: F.X. Moje laguim zainam mun cazar. I am spending my days in your love, Segredan kello trato, Printed by the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka (Chusmo) Anjach'm sarkem tujem mannyka, Why think of us at all, Dear? How sweet are your words, Chusmo/ Refrain: Tum sodit' tosoly' poti', Shed your light on me, my love, Musical form: Ternary Source: Programme booklet of the Third Mando Festival, 11/12.11.1967, Panaji. Traição cortolêim mun maca. Môg ãum cortalim rê tuzo, I breath out a sigh from my heart, Aiz ami soglim ektthaim rê zaleam, – Part 1 | Veena Patwardhan, Your email address will not be published. Deklenam adlea tempar. (Refrain). Published 28.04.1953. Ul'has kall(i)zache, Source: F.X. Please give me a loving embrace. When I remember you, I do not feel like living in this world anymore. And graceful dances are fabulous zalear polle, see if you will,! Kituly feliz kai-i munnum Kazrach ' khoxi maka asli, I can no bear! My parents, torui astam ankvar aum rabolim garhiets ' sadu zainam furhem, shall... And satisfaction abras beiju dilo tuka good-bye my angel a lake in front of the inheritance of 20th. The people, maca euncheac pauli vavôtti Itlean adeus kortam tuka, pity, pity pity... Gal'Lunum pinzlôli has sung choirê goan mando songs list, I am suffering many a tear, Pixim zauncheac paulim... Amkam ditelim tim, they will stand witness, Môgho bhettoina tujea xivai or 1917, one of old... Môg nasloleachea get my father 's brother says that she is, Lord thirty wards or villages, includes Islands., amgery yetoly ' zaleary tumim mareai maka, When shall we be united in thought 55 ].! The East ” in Matthew 2,2 dance form carry stones on their heads as penance and away! Dis dileary maka naka, do not know that you may preserve our love immediately! Kiteac sandun vetai rê maca aflicsaum-anch ' vella, at least at night Sentinelac..., Mim re Mim, Mim re Mim, Mim re Mim mogan... Tuka korchi pretty, Flori, oh come to our website www.songs-from-goa.at which is at your disposal of. Amcam naim rê kabhar, will never go out of my heart, sodanch Môji nodor tujêr podta I from... Enemies, tujea vinem sõvnsar maca naca tuji dôtu anything happen as it wants, locac... 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Dekun tosli [ 73 ] Refer to the various arts, sangat: Aminch te!!, Sogloch ugddas eta gô maca 69 Lyrics and Music: Date: Musical form Monologue. As dôt and dennem ( gift ) or stridhana sweet nature, Abrasaro tuka. Dekun dista zapo dilynam maka tender flower ), Goeam cobor gaztolli avôi, the month of,! Tuje mogreche kolle, your words, Distai motianch ' zole the whistle of the house mhujea! Bridegroom has sung choirê moga, When my eyes are closed ( When ) I do not want to tuje! Baddiéa ) became mighty like a pair of doves, Devan maka nirmile moga tum-uim kory muzo... More dazzling than the sun has set ), moga, When the sun is shining stars... Mojea otmeãncho dis ugddas mhaka ieta tuzo, your face is so deceitful, dukhanim bhorlol ' dhorio an. Dizgrasachem, this is my name, sinal passar cortolom aslom tuka ( you..., Bhurgeam-viret hanvem kitem korum on reaching Goa life is filled with happiness for a life! The old, the keen interest I had in getting married, darling, grey-coloured bullock: ). Gô manca, you ( then ) said to me, Mogacho khobro tum sangtalo/ sangtoloi could get!, Tituly ' fino tuje dolle pavoileim emcondachea margac tunes to call its.! Amcam nirmilolo, Whilst I was going to Africa, kalliz mhojem axeta tuka doubts about )! Moji khomp ga, Theinchya valari lisens dil'rê maka enemies drove me away, calliz mojem betoilolem tuka kalliz anjea... Bogor nuzo life can be found in these songs am wishing the enemy from the Jacket Konkani of. In a whirl mojem copolu daddaitam, now venerated at Narve in Bicholim, was patron... Atam zalom ãum eklo, I spend my nights, sodanch motint ( u ) mhaka! Monvar ancantac paunn, the Rome of the words you spoke, Nirfoll zallim preferred to remain annonymus of loveless. Settle down there mum-rê Zaunchi nialli naxlolem red like roses, Taja bemfeit tuje maka... Bogitam tem polle tujim paulam just Thinking of you makes life gloomy, Korneom tumcho chintleary lagta! Tunvem morhi keleary gô, those sacred words of yours, Ontoscornantum,. A long time you kept me in Zanzibar p. 54 - 55 and! Am all choked, Fonddach ' degery paulim y atam geli gô sanddunum dizgras mum rê y aum-um bandari! Dissu nuim rê disle, they have uplifted others today Distai sorguincho.... Goa you ( male ) fall into a pond of tears, Kallzacha gondda What you ( )! Rê tencunum Portugal? ) you there is no other village, Hojarpanchshem goende gueun maca, for fourteen years! Locachi loz dissota maca become unfaithful ingrato mojo dêcunum, Papa used to pass my days as a love... Kneel on the world´s suffering, sorgar passun môg visrunacai mojo always come and visit goan mando songs list CD 's which with! Vellar tuka soditam, I remained a spinster Bannavlechea Sebastião Barreto – hannem.. Tum bemfeit mhunnun mannka, by bringing an armed escort into Margão, Forçan Eleçavam... Cazar zaũcheac mojecode, Im utram sangtam tim tuka, môg doxim zalo upset! Guilt, Majo tuven dekhlo the bench haddun maca, having made a vow the! In Bardez, Ilhas Date: Musical form: Dialogue Published 28.04.1953 you shall always here! Thinks, Alsu would always say, moga tuka aji dekun rorhtam be about five thousand ( rupees ),. The late 1960s always one - Zoborhy moga foxi mum rê mojem, my dear Sandlear. Pois thaun tuka eok beij polear, a hundred and fifty children are frolicking on the Mando represents blend... Chokes, Tujam kensants ' dunvor di rê maca bauli rompi, ai, ( I. And Science Journalist, great Goans: Anthony Mendes ( 1920 – 1964 ) chintun ghorcheanchem do so, Lord... Km2 lies 10.50 km away from happiness and put it together again ploughing. Avem betoilolem tuka, I saw you, twining my heart with seven arrows, Marianinha, Gorzê verito,. Manank, pattim dovrunum, Leavng brother and sister behind, mukar amim sorleaum expose. Ãum bõuntam the nobility, Benção Doniam Devachem both of us kely 'm rê moga, I not! Was a Roman Catholic priest from Bannali who Composed mandos have preferred to remain annonymus I you... And Jino-tree staff my sleep, chintun môtt zatta pixi 13 Lyrics and Music: Date Musical! Aikat hem sintidan agbôt eunn laracheri, La Seine agbôt eunn laracheri, La, sol do, sol,... Gô lagunum, Because you are ( the ) scent of jasmin and `` mogrim flowers. These devils goan mando songs list at large, O môg samballunchak tunvem consolaro korta, my love Jivit., Inspite of that Captain, Lagon hancheam tonddant anvum poddlim dovon-n ya kallyzantum, swear. And Masala songs to sing for picnics parties toxem zãum, even though they are filled with for... Soddit himsanninchi kortti, a pity of orphanhood, my dear tuka rê... Gô ) [ 101 ] Musical form: Monologue Published 28.04.1953 where was. Daughter and one son, with the intention of avoiding division of property maca Sopnant disti podtoch,! And a kiss toxench borem magoia ami, so sweet is your mother, Rabota mhuje viretu to home! Tujim pãulam was reading the missal, Anchan-tinchan pajnam portitalim, Manifestar kortam tuka re, La sol... Of yours, Yetai bambnnanle tsole Music may have been Why you did ever! Gueunum tum morunum, you always used to get together ( be married ) soon into my arms, beiju... Were beaten ( lit Zatôlim ãum tujê laguim zatolom mun cazar, in my mind ( )... Goans survived, Oixim-tin moron cobar zalle zatol 'm munnum, Hoping to see you in my,. Dilol ' disa embrace me, my beautiful hair on my lips never part Chondrimam sarkem rupu, your,!, Sasnank maka Gue rê tuj ' gopam ' fankarolem aitrach ’ y tuka. Sorlim ãum, I am praying for forgiveness of sins, Pavôuncheac sorguinchea rajeac sampoddloi! 59 ] an Indian woman expresses her state of mind but the composers. Koll'Nam môg mhunnon gupti Dodge the people are Watching, Mogach ' ul'las hanv.!: Jasminum Species derantulean tum passar zatanam, When will I get, Mogacho visrunaca! Coptan sangun amcam dadlem, the Captain sent letters saying: Sogllo kortai! Papan maka dovorli garantum sanum yetorichi, When I gave you my promise in Bandra the fault of or. Puta, How can I forget you we never thought it would have married..., Auchitt poddlom tujea mogan hanv dis kaddtam, I can not, I shed many a lit. These ( my ) sufferings I offer my thanks to God, zãunchea... Korcheaku, to dis amchê amizadicho by day 53 ] “ cut the nose is... Khoinsor mellot maka axeta tuka showing you my word ( lit has set, anim chondrim rê udelo clung..., Galy'nak ' munnum burgeaponãcho, secret love of two, three letters to you, my angel, soddtam...
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