jango fett, boba fett
[7], Later that day Boba and Krrsantan met Vader out in the desert after meeting with Jabba. [72] However, after Lucas decided to not make a third trilogy, Fett's role in Jedi was changed to a relatively minor role. The costume is purely cosmetic and offers no gameplay changes. [26] During the Imperial Era, he had a penchant for disintegrations. Human (clone)[3] The character was also added into the 1997 Special Edition of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, where he was portrayed by Mark Austin,[source?] [3], Fett survived his fall into the sarlacc, though he was quickly separated from his armor, which was found by Jawas and later acquired by the Tatooinian sheriff Cobb Vanth. Boba and Kenobi briefly fought one another, before Bossk intervened and started a riot to defend Boba. Boba was the only clone to be unaltered. However, Kryze referred to Jango as Boba's donor instead of his father and insulted him for being a clone, which irritated Boba and caused him to provoke Reeves into fighting him by threatening Kryze.[34]. Boba seemingly agreed before proceeding to knock Ashon unconscious. Fett then brought her unconscious body to Slave I in order to bring her back to her father.[14]. The manifold capabilities of Slave I, ranging from a stolen military-grade jamming and masking device to its duo of short-range twin blaster cannons, meant it was among the most dangerous aspects of Fett's arsenal as he tracked bounties throughout the galaxy. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. [5] He was also an honorable man according to his friend, the pirate Hondo Ohnaka. They went on to form the backbone of the Grand Army of the Republic,[5] which the Jedi Order held authority over through their new title as Jedi Generals. The two then fought again until Valance grabbed him. [34], Boba entered, stood as the center of attention, and addressed the gathered criminals and spacers, telling them he was not going to leave until someone provided him with the boy's name. Following this, Slave I landed on a desert planet as Fett and Djarin entered a cantina to speak with Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves. Boba also has built in knee darts, and the color is obviously different. Slave I pursues R2-D2, who pilots Windu's starfighter. Remove this notice when finished. Bulloch was the first of four actors to have taken on the role in some form. In the ensuing battle, as Kryze crashed the shuttle into the cruiser's launch tube, with Fett disposed of the fighters before jumping away into hyperspace, leaving the infiltration team to finish their mission. During the last days of the Separatist Crisis, Boba and Jango retreated to Geonosis where the latter was killed in battle by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Boba, Sing, and the Jedi in a standoff on Florrum. After Wesell failed to kill Amidala upon the Senator's arrival to Coruscant, Fett provided her with a pair of deadly kouhuns and tasked her to kill Amidala in her sleep. By the era of the Galactic Empire, Boba possessed the same set of Mandalorian armor worn by Jango, although its appearance had been altered significantly. [4] He had black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.[3]. [46], Imperial Security Bureau Agent Andressa Divo, who believed Fett was not of Mandalorian heritage, noted in Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious that, despite there not being a shortage of knockoff Mandalorian gear in circulation among the bounty hunting profession, she believed that Fett's gear was authentic. This gave Jango enough time to reach the ship and leave as Boba piloted it, though Kenobi arrived on the platform again in time to attach a tracking device to its hull. He is present during the events of The Phantom Menace and assists Darth Sidious as his main ally. Fett led Kenobi on a prolonged chase through Geonosis' asteroid field and eventually locked onto his ship with a missile, believing Kenobi to have perished.[3]. Boba was the son of Jango Fett. Homeworld During the fight, Boba engaged the ship's blaster cannons and fired at Kenobi repeatedly in an attempt to kill him. Organa was, however, able to free Solo from carbonite freezing, and the smuggler emerged temporarily blind as a result of the freezing process and Organa got captured and made a slave girl for Jabba. When Vos' attempt failed, Ventress approached Boba once again at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina on Tatooine with the hopes of recruiting his syndicate to rescue her new partner turned lover. On the DVD commentary for Return of the Jedi, Lucas stated that if he had known Boba would be a popular character, he would have made the character's death in Return of the Jedi more exciting. [48], Following this, Fett followed the Imperial Shuttle piloted by Kryze in Slave I as part of her plan; to send out a distress signal to the cruiser whilst under attack from Slave I in order to board and take over the ship. Jango Fett was a human male Mandalorian bounty hunter and the clone template of the Grand Army of the Republic. [27] Boba's armor was also adorned with numerous braids hanging from the shoulder, which he displayed as trophies of his fallen prey. However, Fett denies this and reveals he simply hunts bounties, implying he has no moral code. [5], Shortly after the Fetts' arrival at Geonosis, Kenobi began investigating the Separatists on the planet and was captured by the Geonosians. [12] Hondo Ohnaka, the leader of the pirate Ohnaka Gang, dragged Aurra from the wreckage of the ship[28] and rebuilt the vessel, adding it to his personal fleet of ships. Live-Size Wearable BOBA Fett or JANGO Fett Helmet // Mandalorian:S2 or Star Wars TCW // cosplay // raw cast or finished RepublicArmoryAT. No copyright infringement intended. Hair color After the spies attempted to engage Boba with Ion disruptors he disintegrated them using a weapon accelerator, which angered Darth Vader who refused to pay Boba the bounty as there were no bodies. [30], At some point before the secret mission to Tatooine, Boba traveled to Coruscant where he encountered three rebel spies. Brown[3] [16] Despite providing the genetic template for and overseeing the training of the clones, Fett felt no particular pride in them and viewed them as the Kaminoans' achievement. In the Petranaki arena, during the scheduled execution of Amidala, Kenobi, and Skywalker, Jedi Master Mace Windu led a Jedi assault team to rescue the three prisoners in what would be the first battle of the Clone Wars. When Kryze referred to Jango as his "donor" due to his clone origins, Fett responded with hostility, angered by her mockery of his father. Jango cut the wire and was able to make his way back up the platform, while Kenobi landed on the lower levels. $2.99. During his time in prison, a Republic plan was put in motion aimed at preventing a suspected kidnapping plot against Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Chronological and political information Clone troopers were identical copies of Jango Fett, albeit modified for growth acceleration and docility. Solo survived the process, however, and Vader turned the frozen smuggler over to Boba, who had Solo taken to Slave I. The Sith recruited Fett to become the genetic template of a secret clone army. A genetic clone of his “father,” bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age. [34], Boba moved in and hit Skywalker across the head with his carbine and ordered him to surrender. [17] He nonetheless did not care to harm the clones,[19] and briefly considered leaving his bounty hunter companions to stay with the other young clones who escaped the Endurance. Fett subcontracted the hit on Senator Amidala to Zam Wesell, another bounty hunter. With or without his armor, Fett had the skill to defeat multiple opponents. Boba was given the choice to either stay with the clone cadets or leave with the bounty hunters, and Boba somewhat reluctantly chose to leave with the bounty hunters.[17]. Er spielte eine entscheidende Rolle sowohl in der Geschichte seines Volkes, das er als Mand'alor im Mandalorianischen Bürgerkrieg anführte, als auch beim Untergang der Republik am Ende der Klonkriege: Jango Fett wurde im Auftrag der Sith der genetische Vater - Genspender - der Klonarmee und war an ihrer Ausbildung beteiligt. With careful observation, Boba found that there had been three inhabitants living in that moisture farm, and that the third inhabitant had most likely run off with the droids. He was also to be apprehended alive. Making his theatrical debut in 1980's The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett had a minimal role in the original Star Wars trilogy but became a firm fan favorite nonetheless. The helmet exploded just after Windu noticed it, and remembered that Jango had a son—deducing that Boba was the one attempting to kill him. [Source]. Help us. [3] Aside from these modifications to their genetic structure, the clones were otherwise physically identical to Fett. [3] Fett raised this clone as his son,[5] whom he named Boba Fett,[3] and remained on Kamino to supervise the flash-training of the clone troopers. With the Endurance critically damaged, the crew began to abandon ship. When Fett and the rest of the group arrived to collect him, Mayfeld confused Fett for Djarin due to his Mandalorian armor, which had now been re-painted. [31], Later, Boba was present in Mos Eisley on Tatooine when Jabba confronted Han Solo, one of the Hutt's smugglers; Solo owed Jabba money after having dumped his smuggling cargo before his ship, the Millennium Falcon, was boarded by soldiers from the Galactic Empire. Male[5] Boba traps Skywalker in Kenobi's old home. Gender Throughout the Clone Wars, the Grand Army of the Republic was composed of clones of Jango Fett. As Fett attempted to finish Lash off, Lash's ship came under attack by General Vukorah's ship. [48], Around the same time as when Vanth traded for the armor, Dengar and fellow bounty hunter Mercurial Swift entered into a fight in Coronet City on[47] the Core World[49] of Corellia. Mass Boba, whose identity was not yet discovered, and the other young clones were sealed into an escape pod and jettisoned into space, but Boba sabotaged the pod in order to separate himself (and his fellow pod inhabitants) from the other escapees. 1.83 meters[3] Species [42] The discrepancy was resolved in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of The Mandalorian Season Two, which revealed that Fett was a Mandalorian foundling. His only goal was to kill Windu. [69] This was officially confirmed when Fett appeared in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" of The Mandalorian Season Two. Fett then points his blaster rifle at Stallo, intending to collect a bounty on him. Boba informed Vos that Ventress was hunting a Volpai fugitive named Moregi on the moon Pantora. After a tense standoff, the two made a deal with Djarin to protect Grogu in exchange for returning Fett's lost armor to him. Onboard Slave I, Djarin sent a transmission to Moff Gideon, warning him that he would be coming to reclaim Grogu. However, Ventress' history with the team continued to haunt the crew. However, on the landing platform where Fett's ship, Slave I, was docked, they were ambushed by Kenobi. When his incarceration ended, Fett took up bounty hunting as a profession, working alongside other hunters such as Bossk, Dengar, and Asajj Ventress. A team of Jedi, led by Master Mace Windu, soon arrived to rescue them. Content approaching. Season 2 Recap Sizzle | The Mandalorian | Disney+, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Head-to-Head, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Exclusive Interview with "Holiday Special" Boba Fett Animator, John Celestri, Jason Wingreen, 'All in the Family' Bartender and Voice of Boba Fett in 'Star Wars,' Dies at 95, CELEBRATE STAR WARS™ DAY WITH NEW COSTUMES IN THE SIMS 4. Taking advantage of this, the younger bounty hunter defeated him. Boba threw a flash grenade that temporarily blinded Skywalker and short-circuited his droid, R2-D2. [2] Although he was born a clone, Boba regarded Jango as his father, who likewise viewed the boy as his son. While initially cool, Fett and his fellow bounty hunters accepted Ventress' job after she offered to pay 250,000 credits in advance. Despite realizing the errors of his ways, he swore he would never forgive Windu for the murder of his father. Djarin passed this information over to Fett, who then entered the coordinates. [6], At some point during his childhood years, like how he had with Sing, Fett learned about the bounty hunting trade from Cad Bane and Ohnaka. At Jabba's decree, Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca were to be taken to the Great Pit of Carkoon, where they would be fed to the sarlacc—a creature that lived in the pit that would digest them over the course of a thousand years. [67], Despite his brief appearances in the original trilogy, with only four lines of dialogue in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba became a popular character amongst Star Wars fans, which surprised series creator George Lucas. As Lash got Cadeliah aboard a escape pod, Boba grabbed Lash by her tentacles. Jango was a great character, a shame they killed him off so quick.Attack of the Clones is owned by Lucasfilm. [8] Star Wars: The Galactic Explorer's Guide would later state Fett had no code except for the conditions for bringing in a target and how many credits the bounty was worth. After speaking to Boba[3] in Fett Code,[18] the bounty hunter only told Kenobi that he had never heard of anyone named Sifo-Dyas, and that he was recruited by someone called Tyranus. Boba made the journey to the sarlacc with Jabba's entourage.[45]. His personal starship was the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft Slave I. Eventually, Lucas decided to not add Fett to the story, saying that he would be "too young" (he would have been 16 years at that point) and that he was not necessary to be involved in Anakin's fall. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Starfighter Aces: Jango Fett – Legendary Bounty Hunter, Attack of the Clones Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh: Star Wars Part the Second, Padmé Amidala - Senator of Naboo (AOTC) -, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Helmets: Boba Fett–Notorious Bounty Hunter, Weapons & Uniforms: The Grand Army of the Republic, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Highlights of the Saga: Raid on the Jedi Temple, Highlights of the Saga: The Secret of Kamino, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, Every Language in Star Wars Movies | Star Wars By the Numbers, Starfighter Aces: Obi-Wan Kenobi – Clone Wars General, Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian: Making of Season Two, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Head-to-Head, The Untold Clone Wars Panel - Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jango_Fett?oldid=9696864.
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