matthew 4:23 meaning
Let in the ear, that preach ye upon the house-tops." Where the Gloss iii. rightly transposes sickness and disease; for νόσος (A. V., sickness) carries the notion of something severe, dangerous, and even violent (compare the Latin noceo, to hurt, to which the root is akin). In the chiasmus above this parallels His proclamation concerning the need to repent because of the presence of the Kingly Rule of Heaven. The Good News of the Kingly Rule was that God was now at work among them by His Holy Spirit through the One Whom He had sent (Matthew 3:11), calling to repentance and forgiveness, and to a new way of life (Matthew 4:17; Isaiah 45:23). Homer always represents νόσος as the visitation of an angry deity. The synagogues, the Jewish houses of worship, where the Jews met every Sabbath, furnished Jesus a congregation and a suitable place for teaching. The sacrifices of the Jews were appointed to be held in one place, at Jerusalem. This time he took the four fishermen whom he had just called to personal service. Prayers were also offered; and at the close a solemn benediction was pronounced, and the people responded Amen and dispersed. The larger towns had several, and in Jerusalem the number approached five hundred. This is the priority of Jesus’ ministry as stated in Matthew 4:23. i. He sympathized with all human affliction and healed the body in order that he might heal the soul. If He is not the Source of everything, as He was for Jesus, then it is a work of man and not of God, and "the weary workers toil in vain" (Psalm 127:1, paraphrase). malakia. failed in any thing...Certainly the signification of the word bishop, and angel What shall we say to those lazy fishermen who can set others to the drag, and care only to feed themselves with the fish, not willing to wet their hands with the net? law in their order. St. Matthewâs first mention of our Lordâs miracles cannot be read without interest. the almoners or takers of the collections or alms. Our own day of sickness and trial is not far off. But if salt loses its taste, you … used a liberty of enlarging himself in paraphrase. — Mt 4:18-22 ; … See Luke 4:16; Acts 13:15. ‘And Jesus went about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the good news of the Kingly Rule, and healing all manner of disease and all manner of sickness among the people.’. Preaching - See the notes at Matthew 3:1. He did not, however, at this time proclaim himself to be the Messiah. Occasionally, in a context characterized by some difficulty, there will be a “key” passage that unlocks the meaning of the material (cf. The word gospel is from EUAGGELION, and its universal definition in the lexicons is "glad tidings" or "good news." Given the opportunity, the duty follows; cannot be neglected without sin—the sin, at least, of leaving undone what we ought to have done. { καπηλευοντες, 2 Corinthians 2:17; corrupting, as men do by their false wares, or mixed wines.}. I. Christ regarded man in his whole nature.—He did not sink the spiritual in the material; He did not sink the material in the spiritual. synagogues to Christian churches, in the history of the New Testament. phylacteries upon his head, then it is allowed him to pass by, because they bear him Neither Christ nor His Apostles attempted to subvert the established order of worship. 7. Any prominent visitor could be called on to preach on the Sabbath once the Law had been read, and at this stage Jesus was regularly offered the opportunity of doing so. the days of that intervening week, wherein they met together in the synagogue. Hither that of our Saviour hath respect, Matthew 10:27; "What ye hear And Jesus testifies in Luke 4:18 that He was "anointed" to preach the gospel to the poor, another way of saying that He was set apart. Seven persons were called upon to read, and the lectionaries were arranged so that the Pentateuch (Books of Moses) would be read twice in seven years. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of disease among the people. By me synagogues, which was moral, into the Christian church; to wit, the public ministry, Matthew 4:23. Before our preaching commenced I noticed that the rajah’s father-in-law was suffering from fever and in some pain. Jerusalem was credited with 480, or at least 460, of these houses of worship. rightly transposes sickness and disease; for νόσος (A. V., sickness) carries the notion of something severe, dangerous, and even violent (compare the Latin noceo, to hurt, to which the root is akin). Synagogues; edifices erected in the principal cities and towns, and used for religious worship, and for other ecclesiastical purposes. \" These six units are Jesus' explanation of the Christian righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees. "Ezra (say they) decreed ten On week-days only three persons were called upon to read the Law. permitted the Jewish synagogues to use their own laws and proper government, why, I pray, Sickness, Disease, Torments, Taken, Lunatic. And the doctor In point of officers and mode of worship, the Christian congregations are modeled after the synagogue. 3. — JESUS’S MINISTRY THROUGH GALILEE, Matthew 4:23-25. The Church of the Patriarchs worshipped in tents, or under the open sky, or wherever their devotion saw reason to raise an altar. The Lord of the Harvest It's Harvest Time Matthew 9:35-38; 9. They consisted of eighteen eulogies or benedictions called Tephillah. In the Old Testament we read of them only, Psalms 74:8, as at that time burnt up. The law was so divided that the five books of Moses, and portions of the prophets, could be read through each year. Synecdoche (of the Whole) for all parts. . The Gospel, that is to say, the glad tidings, or joyous message, is the proper name of our religion, and will be amply verified as such to all who cordially embrace it. St. James calls the place of Christian worship, The existence of synagogues long before the captivity cannot be proved. The first three and the last three of the eulogies are very ancient, and may well be said to have been in use in the time of our Lord. 14:27). Our passage contains three paragraphs: Verses 12-17 Jesus withdraws to Galilee Verses 18-22 Jesus chooses four disciples Verses 23-25 Jesus teaches, preaches, and heals As we will demonstrate, each of these paragraphs has something in common with the other two, and it is that connection which provides the key to this entire passage and its contribution to the Gospel of Matthew. Then followed the prayers before the ark. But by what right was Christ permitted by the rulers of the synagogue to preach, being 6. The word synagogue occurs many times in the New Testament and I will give Thayer"s definition of the original Greek: "In the N. T1. The national worship was conducted at Jerusalem where the tabernacle and later the temple were located. village." These exercises took place every (Saturday) Sabbath. idle persons, but such who," not being encumbered with worldly things, "were to be understood, Acts 13:42. There were also three deacons, or almoners, on whom was the care of the poor; and 'This Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Be Preached'. Accordingly, in the 74th Psalm, which, by whomsoever it was composed, plainly speaks of the destruction of the temple, of Jerusalem, and of the Jews, by the Chaldeans, we read of all the synagogues of the land being burned up, which certainly implies that there were synagogues in the land before they were thus destroyed; and therefore before the captivity of Babylon. To confirm this preaching, of a new and startling character, our Lord wrought miracles: Healing every disease and every sickness, etc. When a very learned rabbi gave a theological discussion, it was not spoken to the people directly, but a speaker gave a popular transcription of the discussion transmitted to him. See Acts 9:2; Acts 9:20. R. Chaggai, when he appointed the Parnasin, Preaching the Gospel of the kingdom - Or, proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom. Synagogues were of old time, Acts 15:21; how ancient we know not. the nations of the world. His preaching was preparatory; the full gospel could not be preached until after the occurrence of the facts it presents (comp. Let us consider the Union of Teaching and Healing which the ministry of Christ joined together. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching It signifieth to publish, and (as a herald, κηρυττειν) to deliver a matter in the hearing of a multitude with greatest majesty, constancy, fidelity, and liberty of speech; not budging or balking any part of the truth; not huckstering the word of God or handling it deceitfully, but as of sincerity, as of God, in the sight of God, speaking in Christ. have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death. He went about, not like Satan, seeking the destruction of men; but as one that went along with him says, "doing good", Acts 10:38, both to the bodies and souls of men; for he was, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom. "God does not refuse the prayers, although sinners are In the time of Jesus and the apostles every town, not only in Palestine but also among the Gentiles, if it contained a considerable number of Jewish in-habibtants, had at least one synagogue, the larger towns several or even many. The same statement is again made by Matthew in another place, (Matthew 9:35 . Matthew 10:27, and Matthew 11:1; comp. Matthew 4:23 went throughout the whole of Galilee: This marks the beginning of Jesus’ first preaching tour of Galilee with his four recently selected disciples —Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Words in boxes are from the Bible. In Matthew 4:23, the Rev. Luke : Matthew 4:23. To have considered the poor and needy, to have been, as it were, eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, strength to the weak in body, will be a thought of comfort when we shall feel in our own bodies the need of every consolation which God vouchsafes to His servants in the day of their calamity. Commentary on Matthew 4:23-25 (Read Matthew 4:23-25) Wherever Christ went, he confirmed his Divine mission by miracles, which were emblems of the healing power of his doctrine, and the influences of the Spirit which accompanied it. p. 630 (Euseb. 8:8; see also Buxtorf's Tiberias, chapter 8. Not surprisingly, Jesus quickly becomes famous not just in Galilee, but in every region around it, from Syria in the north to the Decapolis, or "ten cities," in the southeast and on both sides of the Jordan River. This gave Jesus a ready-made audience. Right before the ark, and facing the people, were the places of honor, where the elders sat, the seats or pews for the men filling the remaining space. And added the meaning: they are the When the Romans called Batlanin, men of leisure; "who were not to be esteemed for lazy and Ezra, and not without good reason. — JESUS’S MINISTRY THROUGH GALILEE, to collect; and its signification is about synonymous with, our American word “meeting-house.” They were very numerous in Palestine in our Saviour’s time, it being allowable to raise a synagogue wherever ten responsible men could be found. care about other matters of the synagogue. When, therefore, Christ was reckoned among It was customary in this place, and in these exercises, to propound questions. New Testament in this sense; and that Christ sometimes preached in these divinity-schools, Synagogues were built in any place where ten men were found who were willing to associate for the purpose, and were the regular customary places of worship. It encourages God's servants, both in doing work, and suffering work, that they serve the God who made all things, and therefore has the disposal of all events; and the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people. Again, Matthew calls it the Gospel of the kingdom, by which the kingdom of God is established among men for their salvation. (Calmet). Besides these, there appear to have been alms-gatherers. But the former passage does not necessarily imply it: and it is doubtful whether that Psalm was not itself written after the captivity. The arrangements of a Jewish congregation, as well as the construction of the synagogue, seem to have resembled those of a modern Christian Church. References: Matthew 4:23, Matthew 4:24.—H. iii., p. 164. incumbent on him to oversee how the reader reads, and whom he may call out to read in Our Saviour imitated their example, and was commonly seated in addressing the people, Matthew 5:1; Matthew 13:1. The Jews met every Sabbath [Saturday] in their synagogues for worship. James 2:2. the Christian synagogues or churches of Jews; nor did it permit them to live after their Healing all manner of sickness.âIn the Greek, as in the English, sickness implies a less serious form of suffering than âdisease,â as the âtormentsâ of the next verse imply, in their turn, something more acute. 5. They do not make two brethren Parnasin. Good News of the Kingdom. When the law was read, the officiating person rose; when it was expounded, he was seated. It is blindness, palsy, leprosy, death itself. Matthew 4:23. In the next three verses are condensed the labors and teaching of a long period, of which a detailed account is given in the following chapters. witness that he is not unmindful of the law." The same statement is again made by Matthew in another place, (9:35.) These are three things that Jesus did: preaching, teaching, and healing. In taking care of all manner of ailments Jesus proved his superhuman power. These exercises took place every (Saturday), The synagogue had its regular officers, who may be divided simply into four classes. Jesus teaches in Galilee. hath these words, "He had no speaker, that is, he had no interpreter Besides these there was 'the public minister of the synagogue,' who prayed publicly, For, it is certain, the Jews neither did nor could assemble in the temple at Jerusalem for public worship every sabbath day, and therefore it is probable they had other places throughout the country to assemble in. every prayer: and it would be too much particularly to enumerate what those prayers were, Parnasin. ‘And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.’. After the restoration from Babylon, they became very frequent. Occasion we learn that Jesus can not be proved ' ministry all around the of. Commit the biggest sin Galilee Herod the tetrarch ’ s servant and confidence! 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