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Can I apply for Nursing Assistant in Indian army. Hi Tarun. I want to know that in both the nursing assistant or general duty what are the salary structure available. Army is not a job where you not only need your brain but body too. For soldier GD:-There will be multiple choice questions i.e you will have to select one of the four options given. After solving questions of the previous year, you will find the written exam very easy to crack. July 10, 2016 Reply. Before you apply for any open rally, make sure you fulfill all the eligibility criteria. In the above article we have provided the PDF files which are the sample papers. sir please give me suggestions. Hi Akash. keyse? First I would like to thank you for creating this blog and putting all the necessary information. Mai OBC me aata hu. For the convenience of the candidates you can give the exam in any of the language that you prefer. So, if you have small tattoo of just your name then there is nothing to worry about you will not get disqualified. In this article, we are providing you Indian Army GD 2020 question paper with answer key in English / Hindi language. It shouldn’t be a problem, but to be on safe side you should apply for address change in your aadhar ID. And applicants also can check the AWES TGT Teacher Exam Pattern & New Exam Syllabus 2020. Hello Himanshu, yes you can clear the medical test. Hi Anish. plz tell me sir……. I mean will they do my medical again? Hi Himanshu. me jammu se hu mujhe aapne state subject ke baare me puchna hai mere state subject me mera naam ashish sharma ki jagah ashish bar diya hai par mene sign me ashish sharma likha hai iska koi problem toh nhi hoga na . Download Army GD Admit Card 2020: Click Here, आर्मी जीडी हिंदी मॉडल पेपर्स 2020 डाउनलोड करें | 2020 आर्मी जीडी की तैयारी कर रहे कैंडिडेट्स आर्मी लिखित परीक्षा के लिए मॉडल पेपर्स यहाँ खरीद व डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं | आर्मी जीडी मॉडल पेपर्स हिंदीं में भी मौजूद हैं | ये सैंपल पेपर्स आर्मी भर्ती के लिए बहुत ही महत्व रखते हैं | सैंपल पेपर्स में आपको आर्मी जीडी के लेटेस्ट सवाल है और ये सवाल भर्ती पेपर में भी आ सकते हैं |, To Download Latest Indian Army Model Papers with Solution, Click Here. Hello Jordan, here you can purchase 10 solved sample paper for Army GD @ Rs220, call at 9557655662 for any query related to purchasing. The question paper will be of total 200 Marks and candidates will have to obtain minimum 32% (32 marks) in … Indian Army Syllabus 2020 Pdf download links are available here. You can download Indian Army GD Model Papers in PDF below. Be regular, Study is not a single day event. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Download the previous year papers from here and start practicing. please confirm me. Feel free to download, share, comment and discuss every wallpaper you like. Hi Dishant. As, you have mentioned in your comment that you don’t have your final year mark sheet, there is nothing to worry about as for GD post you have to be just 10th pass so all that would required will be your school mark sheet. Hanish Thakur. please mjh btaiye. All the best. Just grab the chance before it gets too late. Hi Piyush. So, if you have any query, then feel free to ask. Buy that book. this test will not be like the one you gave during rally. Hi Raj. Before moving further to practice the Previous year papers, it is necessary to check on the exam syllabus. I want to join Indian Army as a clerk but I am passed class 12th with 58% and got 45 marks in mathematics, 74 marks in English and all other subjects have above then 50 marks. Hi vivek, You are eligible for the indian army and yes you can join indian army. please suggest is English compulsory in 10th for Sold Gd. Please sir tell me. Please Main There is one more plus point, you will get to know, how actually you have to manage the time. If both your knees touch while you stand straight, then according to army physical standards you are not fit to join army.So, sorry to say but you can not apply. But still, hundred of candidates get selected through these processes. Unknown February 28, 2017 at 10:10 PM. Hi Rajnish. Download Indian Army SSC Technical Previous Year Question Paper Sarkari Book Jan 24, 2019 0 Indian Army SSC Technical Online Form Notification आ चुकी हैं जो छात्र इच्छुक हैं ओ सभी 23/1/2019 से आवेदन कर सकते हैं. sir iss bar selection mai written test physical se phale hoga kya? We are happy to help you in every possible way. There are only 3 free sample papers but you can pay for more papers if you need them. We have provided all the papers in the above article, you can get them from there. I have completed 10+2 with science in the year 2013 and then I pursue ITI. Indian Army Question Paper in Hindi – Sample Paper – Model Test Paper – Pervious Year Paper. Yes, you can go to the upper level. Please tell me if I am eligible for Clerk or not. What should I do please help me sir. Mõhd.Anwar . Here, we have online tests for practice. It is on 31st July in ad center. Replies. Yes you will get extra marks. As, you have mentioned that your father is an ex-service then you can get number of benefits for relation certificate. Hello sir Mai ek football player Hu district level ka certificate haij mere liye army me kyaa option haii? Hello sir please suggest me book for soldier GD exam. CEE for Army GD contains a total of 50 questions from all the sections (General Knowledge, General Science, Maths, Logical Reasoning) and comprises a maximum of 100 Marks. Jai hind sir, mere chacha army me the kya iska mujhe bharti me kisi tarah ka benift milega? My self Ayush pandey. The first stage is the Physical Fitness Test where candidates are tested for different physical capabilities. Practicing the Indian Army Soldier Previous Question Paper helps to boost up your score in the Indian Army Soldier Written Test. Hello mam. Apart from this, there will be questions from Environment, Books & Authors, The world of plants and animals, Religious Communities and Principal Languages, National & International Days and International Organizations. Read the newspaper, watch news channels or whatever you like, just do it in your own way, include it in your daily routine. We are providing you a link, from there you can get full details about physical eligibility of Soldier GD. Download Indian Army Syllabus 2021. We have 54+ amazing background pictures carefully picked by our community. There are 14 dental points, if you are fit with those points then you are eligible. It can be used in many better ways. Hi sir.. can you tell me important question for general science of army gd. GIve at least 4 to 5 hour a day to study, then you will start feeling confident. Sir I have selected in medical and physical in army ,and my exam is in the month of january27th 2019.plz help to pass the exam . Pls sir I want send Indian army GD model pepper, Give us some common sample pdf paper for Indian Army GD. Knock knees can be one of the reasons to be unfit for Indian army or Indian defence forces. The question paper will be of 01 hour duration and will consist of total 50 Questions (04 Marks each). Trust me, they will help you a lot. Hello Shivin, Quicker Study 31,188 views 9:33 All you need is a smart selection and never ending efforts. If you have NCC ‘C’ certificate then you are exempted from the written exam for the post of soldier GD. Just search for ‘Free Online Test With Explanations’ in the search box of our website. Both the post have different eligibility criteria so before you apply for any of it make sure you fulfill the criteria. So, it’s very important that you start thinking positive. And there is no way you can get through racing if you have not done at least 2 to 3 months of preparation for it. In addition, you will get to know the sort of material which is generally asked in the exam. Soldier Technical: Download: 06. Now, first you have to fill the online application form to make yourself eligible for taking part in Bharti. mera name jaydip boricha haii. Sir namskar. Paper pattern and format of Indian army. Sir is there …negative marking in army gd recruitment exam. Koi Donation nahi lagta. Your email address will not be published. This happen with so many youngsters that they qualify the physical test but unable to pass in the written. Looking for the best Indian Army HD Wallpaper? Hi Ravi. sir how to download previous year question papers. Hello Dheeraj, yes, you can apply for Indian army GD. So, I can not present my final result certificate in the army rally on the date of 11/10/2017.I have secured 80% in matric and 56% in 10+. What’s better? Documents mentioned above are required in original alongwith one photocopy of each document duly attested by Principal / Headmaster / Gazetted Rank Officer. I will advice you to take the record of your operation with you on the rally site. Relaxation on physical standards like 2 cm, 1 cm and 2 kg on height, chest and weight are given and also 20 marks are given as bonus in the written exam for the post of soldier GD and others also. Hi Basant. You should mention that category which is in your certificate. Indian Army HD Wallpaper . This is just a normal test, unless you have suffered some major injury during this period, you won’t be rejected. You will not be rejected in this case. per ser ess nehi hua kya ser aap bts skte h ki Army ki copi dobara check ho sakti hai “can army written exam copy be rechecked?”. Keep going with the good work, we are always there to help you. The mode of questions will multiple choice questions. Yes, it will definitely affect his selection. Territorial Army Exam Question Papers Analysis 2019. No matter for which competitive exam you are preparing, previous year papers are equally important everywhere. In order to get selected in Army GD, one must prepare from the complete and latest syllabus of Army GD. The Questions in these Army GD Sample Papers 2020 or Army GD Model Papers 2020 are prepared from the Past Year Army GD Papers of the Indian Army Written Exam and with the consideration of “joinindianarmy.nic.in”, which is the official website of Indian Army. plz sir definitely reply . Jai Hind sir I have a doubt regarding my caste certificate. Hello Harikesh, The Students can check Territorial Army Exam Question Papers Analysis by Set Code wise in the official website. Agr apka domicile Maharastra ka hai toh aap part le skte hai waha ki bhari mai. If you know it already then check it once again as a little mistake can cost you a lot. This thick thighs is not major problem you have to qualify all the round thats all. I love India army I may like to be a member someone should help me with the guidelines but I’m not Indian. But if you are running out of time then, you should prepare these topics first. Qualification hai 12th maths but each subject marks have above 40% but maths me 33% hai kya mai iske liye eligible hu. January 14, 2017 at 3:55 am Hi Surya. Then there are a number of posts which you can apply for after your 10th and 12th class qualification. Hello Dik Bir, Urdu (20 Marks). English to Urdu and Urdu to English and simple singular/plurals. Generally, the candidate must have a height of 167cm. If any contrary fact comes later to light, the individual will be held accountable and the service of the candidate will be terminated in addition to legal action. Hamare vaha ka nivas hai but If you are an Indian, then you can download Indian army wallpapers which will give you happiness and courage whenever you see it on your screen. Hello mohan sir plzz kuch previeous paper ka link ya pdf dijiye…. Hello Vikrant, yes you can apply for Indian army GD. You should give a try. Hello Bapin, Sir kya Es website me jo questions diya hai wo written exam me ayega Gd k liye. For Indian Army Nursing Model Papers PDF, Click here : Get Indian Army … So, this means that you will not get any benefit. Sir please tell me that genral ke liye cast catificate compalsory hai kya. Previous year papers of Indian Army Soldier GD will help you to understand the level of difficulty in the exam. But, if you really wish to Join Indian Army, then you must be aware of the Complete Selection Procedure of Indian Army. Is there any advantage of OBC certificate? Kya army soldier GD k paper mein negative marking hoti hai? I know, it’s boring but in order to stay updated with the current affairs, this is the best way. Hi Lucky. Pattern of question paper will be on the following lines:-English (30 Marks). As per the eligibility criteria for the post of nursing assistant you must 10+2 / Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with Minimum 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% in each subject. Hi Jyoti, 4ONO helps you to Find and Get latest educational NEWS. This will going to help you a lot. General Duty / Tradesman: Download: 03. It is no doubt that you need to prepare with good Indian Army GD Books but once the syllabus gets completed from Indian Army GD Books all you need is Indian Army GD Sample Papers. Download GD Paper with Answer 2018. Most of this section will cover the Current Affairs related to latest affairs of the country and the world, Just pay special attention to them. They will help them a lot. Reply. lucky sasamal September 28, 2016 Reply. Army General Duty latest Sample Paper from joinindianarmy.nic.in, Indian Army Female GD Sample Papers 2020 – 21 Women Military Police, Indian Army Tour Of Duty – Eligibility Criteria, Salary, Joining Process, Join Indian Army Result 2020 Written Exam | GD, Clerk, Technical Result, Join Indian Army Registration 2020 – Indian Army Login Form, Join Indian Army Admit Card 2020 | Download Admit Card For Bharti Rally, Indian Army GD physical eligibility, selection process(Bharti) details, Indian Army Written Exam Important Questions Answers & Previous Year Papers, Upcoming Indian Army Recruitment 2016 â All States, Buy CBSE 12th (Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English) solved last 10 year papers, ISC 12th ICSE 10th Board Exam Result 2020. Hello Lalit, you can join Indian army as a Soldier GD, Sol Tradesman, Sol Technical, or Sol clerk. And relation certificate are only given to the son/brother of ex-serviceman. The Army Public School CBT Recruitment 2020 online application will be started in the upcoming months. So, stop thinking and start acting. The Army in which the soldiers are considered to be the one among the very best in high altitude and mountain warfare recruits a mass of deserving aspirants every year. इंडियन आर्मी जीडी प्रश्न पत्र इन हिंदी – भारतीय सेना हर साल अलग अलग विभाग में नौकरी निकलता है … problem due to this i am so perfect for everything just like runing pulling written etc….. and i have a dream to do something for my country so i am perfect for indian army or not?????? Hi Ankit. Sir kya mai army me ja sakta hun? There will be Physical test, along with the written test and medical test. Y If you are reading this, then you must be having a great desire to join Indian Army. Hello Aditya,, yes you can join Indian Army, you have to register in the official site of join Indian army. Indian army gd question paper in hindi pdf ko aap hamri site helptak.com se niche diye link se download kar sakte hai army gd paper ko qualify karna bhut aasan hai baki or test ke hisab se gd ka paper bhut aasan hota hai aapki thodi si teyari aapko indian army me selection karwa sakti hai. Toh koi problem hogi kya sir. There will be negative marking in the exam, so choose your answers very carefully. Hi Sir. There is no goal too far, no mountain too high! Hello Sir. The more you revise, the more stuff you will get. To main Also, for more State and Central Government job updates do subscribe to our site Recruitment Hunt. We will direct Provide Territorial Army 28 July Exam Paper 1 Paper 2 Answer key 2019 link on this web page. Mathematics (20 Marks). sir plz tell me.what soldier genaral duty needs minimum qulification sir, Hello Saikumar, In the same way, an Indian Army GD aspirant must practice in an exam like environment like Indian Army GD Online Test which will help aspirants to check their preparation level and prepare accordingly. l have a dream to join indian army i like very much out of my life. Sir, can you please tell me the documents that are required during the Indian army bharti. Looking for the best Indian Army HD Wallpaper? Your email address will not be published. Sir, 1. Sir i am DEEPAK KUMAR The general questions from Science section will be there in this part, like Human Body, Food and nutrition, disease and prevention, vitamins and their effects, Basic knowledge of Human body parts, Medical Terms, Scientific Terms, Measure, and Scale, Scientific and Research Institutes in India. Charles July 10, 2016 Reply. Sir please upload some questions as online test for preparation of army gd exam. Sir please tell me what I do. Now, if you are unaware of the paper pattern and format of the written exam, then below are the details of the paper pattern for the different department like GD, technical etc. All the Army GD aspirants must solve Model Papers because they can provide various advantages which are listed below: Army GD Model papers can help aspirants in knowing their weak and strong sections. As, per the eligibility criteria for clerk post you must have 60% aggregate and minimum 50% marks in each subjects in 12th. Isn’t it a good idea! We are humans and it takes merely few seconds to divert our mind from positive to entire negative. If there will be any notification release by the army we will surely update it in our website. It will surely help you in clearing the GD exam. There are different ways and an ample amount of study material available in the online and offline to prepare from, for the Army GD and all the Indian Army exam. There is no relaxation that is given based on OBC certificate in Indian army. Hi Nihal. hello sir, give me some advice how to passing of written exams for the post of army gd? So, each and every question of Army GD Sample Paper is very important and can play an important role in the Army Soldier GD for all the candidates who are preparing for any of the categories be it Army Soldier GD, Army Soldier Clerk, Soldier Technical, etc. Sir agar kisi ki aankhon ka laser operation hua ho toh woh kya medical test pass kar lega. Plz pls plz riply. Indian Army GD Question Paper Pattern 2020 The whole paper is of 100 marks and there are 50 questions in total, that means each of question will carry 2 marks. Hello Ajay, we have Army GD Sample Papers which is exactly according to the Army GD syllabus and most of the questions comes from these sample papers. kya main Indian army join kar skta hun? You will be required to be in your perfect medical condition if you really want to get in Indian army. As, per the latest news written exam will be conducted first but, this is not an official news. mam can you tell me the physical detail of gd army, Hi Tarun. But, now  the procedure has changed to apply for the Bharti. If his knees seem to be touching or leaning towards touching then he have knocked knees. Please reply. Sir, is it necessary to have math in class 10th for army GD? Can check Territorial army exam question papers Analysis by Set Code wise in the above article we have amazing. That your father is an ex-service then you are reading this, you! The candidate must have a doubt regarding my caste certificate to register in the.. If there will be negative marking hoti hai not an official news from... The Students can check the AWES TGT Teacher exam Pattern & New exam.! Key 2019 link on this web page one you gave during rally cast catificate compalsory hai kya chacha army kyaa! 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