am i too old to become a merchant marine
These companies offer seasonal employment that might be a good way to get your feet wet. One of my daughters is all for it - my other daughter thinks I’m a lunatic. As well as the usual examination parameters, to ensure fitness in all shipboard activities, an eye test is also required. A DEMANDING JOURNEY. They also provide scenic and sightseeing … Here the candidate received the required qualifications interspersed with regular sea trips to gain engineroom experience. For advice on applying for a course at a Marine College, please click link. Please click on link to see some of the Marine Colleges participating in these courses in the UK. Another thing to look into is dynamic positioning officer (DPO). Here's What You Need to Know, 4 Most Common HVAC Issues & How to Fix Them, Commercial Applications & Electrical Projects, Fluid Mechanics & How it Relates to Mechanical Engineering, Hobbyist & DIY Electronic Devices & Circuits, Naval Architecture & Ship Design for Marine Engineers. Im 54 years old and just finished my 3rd 28 day hitch. He's also 66 years old. What are your thoughts on older women (did I mention I’m female?) $100k for little over 6 months of … A merchant marine owned at home is not essential to an extensive foreign commerce. SHIPPING company Malaysian Merchant Marine Bhd (MMM) came to life in 1993, and was first introduced to the investing public when it was listed on the second board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in 1997. There are 7 around the country. The next section deals with the modern requirements for the mature candidate to enroll in the Merchant Navy. That depends on whether you’d like to become an Officer or a Rating. First, have you given any thought at all where in the maritime industry you would like to work? This is an article on marine Engineering, and in particular the choice of a second career in the Merchant Marine as an Engineer Officer. There are many great times when working on ships- especially cruise ships- but it’s A LOT of work. It won’t be easy, but you’re actually a few years younger than the average age in the industry. Kings Point is free, the others vary in costs. To apply for a Merchant Mariner's Credential, you must do the following: Submit proof of U.S. citizenship, permanent resident status, or foreign citizenship. I've been trying to do the college thing but I've been getting antsy. The physical requirements are tougher than they used to be but they still aren’t as tough as say for a firefighter. That leads to certification. Welcome! They may provide emergency services, help other vessels maneuver and carry oil and refrigerated cargo in addition to people. Beyond a profession, it is your way of life. You might be too old to enroll into Kings Point, but are not too old to be a merchant marine officer. Infact Maritime industry is getting so much safety conscious that Marine Courses are becoming too much burden on us. You can do anything you want… if you want to bad enough! But I’ve decided to become a Merchant Marine…which means by the time I can actually get all my ducks in a row I will be 52 and in better shape than I am today. report. I spent many happy years at sea in the Merchant Navy as an Engineer Officer. I've read that there is an age limit (around 27). I was born on a planet that was colonized 50 years ago by the human race, a planet that is 40% terraformed. Any medical condition that requires taking regular specialist medication may be a disadvantage as it is unlikely that these will be carried in the ships medical department; loss or running short of medication at sea could become a problem, but this is dependent on the medication and medical condition. There are lots of fat people out here but theyve all paid their dues long ago… Also, gender bias runs quiet and deep here. I say to go for it, but anyway, best of luck in your quest. 609-294-6500. MMD are s**t I really want a job that travels and I was thinking that being a Merchant Mariner (or someone who works at sea) would up my alley. 24000 photos and videos mainly relating to the British Merchant Navy. A NOBLE PATH. Also what degree is better to have as a Merchant Marine Engineer (engine license): Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering? By day 8 of first hitch I woke up in the middle of the night with huge cramps in both legs. During the revolutionary war, a group of mariners took action after hearing of the success at Lexington. From what you said about being older and out of shape, you should probably look into either deep sea shipping with the union or go on the passenger ships/boats. Reporter Kevin, DAVID SILVER says this is just the beginning and those pirates learned a valuable lesson and will be better prepared for the next attack. With companies seeking diversity- you may actually be at an ADVANTAGE. There were several apprentices in their 60’s when I went to BST at Piney Point- and I have sailed with ladies in their 60’s and 70’s. I think that if you want to do it, do it. By registering with our site you will have full instant access to: 229,000 posts on every subject imaginable contributed by 1000's of members worldwide. Be at least 16 (with parental consent for minors). During times of crisis The Merchant Marine have become Naval or Coast Guard assets and have courageously supplied the resources—human and machine—to defend our continent and support our Allies. Yep, too Old. There are cargo ships, tugs, offshore and smalll passenger vessels to name just a few types out there. The Merchant Marine is composes of privately owned and operated US merchant ships. "Become a Merchant Marine: Education and Career Roadmap." Grabbing their pitchforks and axes they rode an unarmed schooner right up to a British warship. It should also be pointed out that many ships require emergency evacuation and fire and emergency drill; these are very strenuous, and require the seafarer to be physically fit. Once accepted by a shipping company, they will sponsor you to attend marine college on a ships engineer course. I joined the British Merchant Navy as twenty year old, having served my apprenticeship as a marine fitter in Harland and Wolff Belfast. Go to the U.S. As in the UK merchant navy, there is a strict medical to pass as one of the entry requirements to joining the USA Merchant Navy. Neither your age- nor being a female should be much of a hindrance- unless you use them as an excuse. The Merchant Marines have been around longer than the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy. ricardo993 (61) in The Ink Well • last month. changing course so late in life? However, it is better to check with US Shipping Companies and other Marine Academies. How to Join the Military After Age Thirty-Five. Others require an academic record of the subjects and the number of years studied, e.g. Go for it! I’m a female with more than just a few grey hairs on my head and I absolutely love this industry! The other route was to go get sponsorship from a shipping company and enroll in a Marine Engineering College. I know you don’t like the cruise ship idea- but it’s a way to get a foot in the door- and it’s a short term commitment- so you can see if you like it. Very expensive and time consuming since 2002. In the training required to become a Marine, you will learn to answer that call fighting for our Nation and sharing in a sense of purpose with whom you will form an unbreakable bond. This is a leap for me having been a business professional for almost 30 years. I am 51 years old and pretty much way out of shape. Redwood what was your position on the MSC ship. Admired. This will consist of theory of ships engine interspersed with trips to sea to gain experience and seatime. I am 47. Last year I quite my job in IT and am currently one year into a planned 4-5 year trip sailng our 38foot sailboat to the south pacific and beyond till we run out of money. The US Mercantile Marine is somewhat different with some Shipping Companies having an age limit as young as 27 years old. The US Merchant Marine is failing and even MARAD’s crown jewel, The United States Merchant Marine Academy at King’s Point, has generated a large … I’ve done some research and would actaully go to Piney Point for training in their apprentice program. But adventure is often what we call adversity when hindsight is applied. I’m 46 and considering going back to school to pursue a career in maritime engineering. Forget about it. It’s worth remembering that you could find yourself working with and taking orders from colleagues much younger than you – of college or school leaver age. Any older folk out there? While today's most famous merchant mariner is Richard Phillips, former captain of the Maersk Alabama, others include filmmaker Oliver Stone, writers Louis L'Amour and Jack Vance, as well as playwright and screenwriter David Mamet.You can become an officer by going to one of seven … If you want the fastest path to a 3rd mate license, you should probably go to an academy (unless you already have a lot of sea time). The United States Merchant Marine refers to either United States civilian mariners, or to U.S. civilian and federally owned merchant vessels.Both the civilian mariners and the merchant vessels are managed by a combination of the government and private sectors, and engage in commerce or transportation of goods and services in and out of the navigable waters of the United States. When the money runs out, we have to go back to work. Question from Cheryl: SGT Volkin, I am joining the military at 34 years old. BARNEGAT BAY In 2012 he tried to convince the government to accept military applicants no matter their age, as long as they could meet the minimum health and fitness requirements. You are not too late! I always wanted to go to sea from an early age as I grew up in a sea environment, with my father and uncles having their own fishing boat. Experience in engineering, especially diesel engine maintenance and overhaul will be helpful when applying for entry to a shipping company, as the majority of merchant navy ships are propelled by diesel engines. 634 Route 9 North Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087. The US Merchant Marine is failing and even MARAD’s crown jewel, The United States Merchant Marine Academy at King’s Point, has generated a … I’ve been employed in an engineering operations environment (wastewater treatment) for the last 16 years, 7 years of that at the management level. Hello, There is no specific age limitation to being certified in the merchant marines, but keep in mind that the merchant marine is not really a job in itself. 21 Jan 2021 accessed. The age limit to enroll in a US Mercantile Marine Academy was restricted to 25 years old, however Main Maritime Academy and Great Lakes Maritime Academies are two that have no age limit to undertake a ships Engineer Officerâs course. 01-09-2013, 03:08 PM #3., 10 Jul 2020 published. 10 comments. Also what degree is better to have as a Merchant Marine Engineer (engine license): Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering? Most of the Marine Academies offer various degrees of financial assistance. Have a look at Linblad Expeditions and Cruise West. This was a distinct advantage as I was awarded a Grade A by the Board of Trade Examiners at my grading interview. A merchant marine operates and services passenger and cargo ships belonging to the United States. Absolutely not – as long as you’re fit and healthy enough to pass the industry-standard medical examination, and can show a shipping company your passion for this new career at sea. But if you have a Wife and Kid. Have you checking into taking Basic Safety Training (BST) which is the first level of special training required for everybody. Still I did once get accepted to Helicopter School and in the end couldn’t make the tuition. You could expect to earn £8000 whilst undergoing the course ashore and sea training. I'm 34, am I too old to become a Merchant Marine Engineer? I get that I might have to resign myself to a passenger vessels out the gate but in my completely ignorant estimation it sounds like I might as well work in a hotel near the beach in the long run. I'm 34, am I too old to become a Merchant Marine Engineer? General Requirements. Web. You can get in if your fit enough. If you’re looking toward tugboats, that’s a tougher nut to crack. Perhaps you hear a calling felt inside yourself. In fact, it may be cheaper to hire other nations to handle the carrying trade than to participate in it directly. I am 51 years old and pretty much way out of shape. 4 years English and composition, 2 years maths and 1 years algebra, etc. At 6’ and 190 lbs I felt I was in great shape I got a job as a deck hand on a 100 ton boat. Merchant Mariners are not part of the military. If you don’t like Cruise Ships in Alaska or Hawaii- I doubt you’ll like working in the Gulf of Mexico or on a tug. DAVID SILVER is an Merchant Marine and is very familiar with waters off the coast of Somalia, But if you have a Wife and Kid. Hello, I just wondered if any current serving members of former members of the merchant navy could give me some advice. You are never too old to become a Merchant Marine Engineer in the UK Merchant Navy, well, as long as you are less than 65 years old! I’ve been trying to find information on women who make this career jump later in life and not surprisingly the information I’ve found is very limited. Which part of the country do you live? All Rights Reserved. I have my 50 ton and OUPV and TWIC. Too old to become a mariner? Yes, I was drinking a gallon of wate a day and eating lots of bananas. U.S. Representative Paul Broun, Jr., is a doctor in the Navy Reserves. College fees are normally paid by the shipping company the candidate has signed up with. I agree with c.captain, the small passenger vessel segment might be a very good place to begin. Free training- and you come out with a guaranteed job- and either an AB, QMED, or whatever certification the galley people get… Piney Point is a nice place- gym, basketball courts, and beautiful grounds…. Experience on diesel engines will be an advantage. Color blindness is not a bar to joining the merchant navy, but is very much dependent on its severity. I’d be attending Seattle Maritime’s Marine Engineering track with the hope of coming out the other end qualified to apply for a QMED/RFPEW. If tuition for flight training was a problem, getting anywhere in the maritime industry probably will be also. The other type of vessels are harder working and while women are not necessarily excluded, they are rare. 01 It is simple to register and membership is absolutely free. What are the shore-based opportunities when I am ready to leave the sea? You are not too late! One lady Nic was great sailed twice with her on two dif vessels great lady she carried her weight and didn’t want you help unless it was some thing that if a guy was doing it you would offer to help him hope to get in touch with her again she is welcome on my boat any time and she went on to get eng lic so was her plan Too old to become a mariner? That could be Navigation (Deck), Engineering or Electro-technical. Academic entry qualifications required differ between Marine Academies, most requiring the candidate to take either a Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or a American College Test (ACT) passing with a minimum SAT verbal attainment of 600, coupled with a math attainment of 660, a strong high school record is also a requirement. 21 Jan 2021 accessed. Fuente. If youre not in good shape dont kid yourself. We are currently in El Salvador. The camaraderie of 1000's of ex Merchant Seamen who use the site for recreation & nostalgia. Kings Point is free, the others vary in costs. Here we are all equal whether ex Deck Boy or Commodore of the Fleet. I would recommend to pursue the small passenger vessel track. There are certain restrictions on age and physical ability to joining the Merchant Marine as an engineer, as well as previous experience. Then you should apply to a maritime sponsoring company directly. A medical examination is required carried out by an independent doctor under the rules of the Maritime and Coastguard ENG1. 40 years old and I am 40 years old, and learn about the experience need... To the Navy and Coast Guard young to apply, you can into. For hijack, Merchant Navy in few years came up with the most expensive solution of Armed Security Guards. Well good luck and not to be stereo typical cook onboard is a great place to start if you can cook good guys will over look other short comings, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. If you are designated a principal, conditional or alternate appointee, notify the Academy whether you accept or decline your status. Both these routes led to the achievement of qualifications and promotion to Second and Chief Engineer, highly respected and well paid positions aboard ship as well as being recognized by shoreside engineering industries., 10 Jul 2020 published. Hi, I am 19 years old and looking to get my foot in the door of the Merchant Marine Industry. The Slater Fund, managed by the Marine Society with Nautilus International, offers Slater Scholarships of up to £18,500, with an additional discretionary £1,500 for completing the programme.The Fund helps ratings study for the first certificate of competency, and can also help Electro-Technical Officers and yacht crew gain STCW certification.It was established in 1977 in memory of former MNAOA General Secretary John William Slater. We shall look at merchant marine information that is available to the mature person to join the Merchant Marine including the Marine Colleges open to them. save. HVAC: Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning, Introduction to Merchant Marine as a Second or Third Career, Overview of Entry Requirements to Mercantile Marine as an Engineering Officer, Merchant Marine as a Second or Third Career; Opportunities for a Mature Candidate, For advice on applying for a course at a Marine College, Please click on link to see some of the Marine Colleges, Commercial Energy Usage: Learn about Emission Levels of Commercial Buildings, Time to Upgrade Your HVAC? Some very familiar names have served in the Merchant Marine at one point or another. Members experienced in research to help you … Wait for your senator's office to inform you of your nomination status. I am 40 years old and I am interested in training to be a deck officer. And- it’s often tough to get used to the constant work- the lack of privacy, and the inability to go home. You will leave hearth and home behind while you stand united with your shipmates in a life-and-death struggle against the physical world, making the oceans your playground while other, lesser mortals, can only shake their heads in wonder at one of the Princes of the Earth. But have a look here for good info. History of the VW Pathfinder Marine Engine. There are 7 around the country. (So much for me running away to sea!) So, I'm a 30 yr old man. The merchant seaman is a professional. Copyright © 2020 Bright Hub PM. Years studied, e.g was to go home industry you would be good to go get sponsorship from shipping... At sea in the maritime and Coastguard ENG1 of years studied, e.g at one Point or.. Decided to embark on Officer training, you ’ re actually a few types out.!, hurdles, pros, cons, highs and lows with the most ammenable hiring... 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