bala shark and gourami
Others, like the Dwarf get up to 2.5 inches...and the Honey gets up to 4 inches. ? 1. They can get to 6 inches in length, while their fins can extend to 8 inches. Sadly, bala shark has become extinct in lots of its natural habitats. What is the typical character of Bala Shark? probably a canister filter. How do you think about the answers? I have a tank with a Kissing Gourami, 1 RTS, and 4 Angelfish...I just adopted out 2 Bala Sharks that were 9 inches (rescued them...until found a better home)...and didnt have a problem with any of these guys living together. The fish prefers clean rivers and streams with fast water flow, since slow flows are not for it. Angelfish and Bala Sharks thrive in similar aquarium conditions. The fish are, therefore, unable to fight, and any aggression is settled by bumping into each other. I have my dwarf blue with bala sharks, an angelfish, ropefish, ram, 3 platys, and my betta but he is a nice betta. The best tank mates for a group of Bala Sharks are fish close in size and with a similar peaceful or semi-aggressive nature. First Off...Gourami can live with all the fish you mentioned. Chinese High-Fin Banded Shark – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Bala Shark – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Breeding, How to Sex Neon Tetras? Get your answers by asking now. They can grow to about 6 inches in size, which is still small considered to the size of a full-grown bala shark. Oscars are also aggressive and can attack bala sharks, especially when bala sharks are still young and small. The aquarium should be densely populated, with a large open area for swimming. The bala shark needs a large aquarium.Minimum, they require 120-gallon fish tanks to keep them healthy, but ideally, hobbyists will house them in 150+ gallon tanks.These freshwater fish get rather large and are used to swiftly flowing, clean water. Guppies and dwarf gourami share a lot. They prefer a temperature between 73.0 to 82.0ºF and a PH range of 6.0 to 8.0. It is ideal to keep at least 4-5 Bala sharks in the same aquarium. This is the reason behind why they are so popular among the novice and adept aquarists. Id definitely look to upgrade to a larger tank asap. The temperature and PH should be at 76-80 °F and 6.5-7.4, respectively. will a common pleco eat dwarf water lettuce? your fish are sufferinfg. Other Bala Sharks, Corydoras, Rainbowfish, Gourami, Rasbora, Char (Salvelinus), Tetra, Minor Tetra would make good tank mates. Scientific Name:Balantiocheilos melanopterus 2. Both fish will thrive in temperatures of 72 to 82 °F, and among plants found in the river systems of South America. These little fellows will bring plenty of variety and bright colors to your tank. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. ? The red tail sharks dont get that big, but they are pretty tough and as long as they are too big for the others to swallow they will be fine. Discus fish originate from the Amazon, making them ideal tankmates for Bala Sharks. The red-tailed shark will only be aggresive with another red-tailed shark to show dominance but will not kill any of your fish. The long and lean body of the clown loach enables it to cut gracefully through water. will the new members survive in the tank, will … There are some species of smaller fish that should be avoided as tankmates as well. take them all back then decide what size tank you have. Aquarists have produced different color variations in discus fish through selective breeding, and it can even take six years for the fish to reveal their brightest colors. I have 5 gouramis all but one are bigger with,gold rams,tiger barbs,an angel,rainbow shark ,bumblebee catfish and a gold spot rhino pleco. It is best to keep them with equally larger fish since Bala sharks can make food out of smaller fish. Due to hybridization, the mouth of the cichlid cannot fully close, and their teeth are positioned in the throat. The clown loach is indigenous to the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo, and it’s common fish food in these areas. The kissing gourami, commonly known as a kisser, is another ideal tankmate for Bala sharks. 2 Males in a tank that is small...then prepare for one to chase the other to submission...unless tank has heavy plant cover. They love to forage for food, so you should use a soft substrate to protect their bodies. Bala Sharks like Gourami, Rainbowfish, minor tetra, corydoras, Rasbora, Char and Tetra are the best tank mates. Bala Sharks are best in schools of 3 or more and get up to 18 inches...a 75 Gallon minimum Tank is required for these guys. When kept in a community aquarium, discus fish are quite peaceful, and they will quickly escape aggressive situations. The tank should have plenty of plants and drift wood, while the temperature should be kept between 72 to 82 °F. They are active swimmers, but they need places to retreat to when they feel threatened. These include neon tetra, guppies, harlequin rasbora and other smaller fish types. Kissing Gourami can also grow to almost a foot long. I have my gourami , 2 bala sharks and 5 schooling tiger barbs in a 20 gallon tank. This gourami has been recorded on the island of Java in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. The Angelfish is not as aggressive as other kinds of cichlids, although they will create hierarchies and fight if threatened. Know these in detail: Temperature. Bala Sharks can grow up to 14 inches long full grown, although, their tank size plays a big role in their growth and development. Common Names:Bala Shark, Silver Shark, Tri Color Shark Minnow, Hangus, Silver Bala 3. Tetras are grouped in the Characidae family, and there are endless species to choose from. The name of the fish originates from the wing-like shape of its fins. repost with more information. If you have the space, yes they are compatible. Size of the tank, decor , plants? i have 4 inches long 3 sarasa comet, 2 inches long 3 bala shark, 1 inch long blue dwarf gurami, in my tank of dimension L X B X H, 36 X 12 X 18 inches. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Chinese high-fin banded shark (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) is traded under many common names, including the…, Bala Sharks are among the popular aquarium fish species. 6-7 in ( I already knew bala would get huge so no suprise there) but the other day I went into a "mom and pop" type fish store and saw kissing gouramis approx. Five adult clown loaches will require a minimum of 150 gallons. Gourami likes to pester angelfish with his feelers but that’s it. A large swimming area is needed since they are active pets, but they also like to retreat to caves. No plants yet. They are not particularly vulnerable to any disease, but are sensitive to water parameters; another reason for maintaining nice and clean water in the aquarium; Bala shark is sensitive to water so regular partial changes in the water are necessary. Keep them in a school of at least 5, and a minimum of 50 gallons. In appearance, the fish is very similar to a real shark, it has a high fin on the back, the general shape of a shark's body, but in terms of behavior, it is absolutely harmless. Tetras prefer planted tanks, and a darker substrate will contrast well with their brightly colored bodies. It has a round body, large eyes, and a beak-shaped head. They like to live with their communities in a group of four to five Bala Sharks. view 2 full verison photos of 125 gallons fish tank - photo #2 - Side view 125 - Fish Kept - Pearl Gourami, Bala Shark, Silver Dollar, Jack Dempsey, Green Terror, … The discus fish may be a bit challenging to keep in an aquarium, but they are very rewarding when kept appropriately. An aquarium size of 150 gallons will provide adequate space for a school of 5 Boeseman’s rainbowfish. Bala Sharks will also reach more than a foot in length and are VERY active, so nothing less than a 5 foot tank is acceptable for them in my opinion. So, in my opinion, goldfish is not a good tank mate to keep with bala sharks. The challenge with maintaining angelfish comes in their size. The fish are most comfortable when kept in a large shoal, and you will also notice that they reveal their best colors when swimming in a similar company. Home to 2 Bala Sharks, 11 Bloodfin Tetras, 3 Neon Tetras, 4 Pearl Gouramis, 7 Congo Tetras, 3 Zebra … And get smaller fish. It belongs in the Cyprinidae family. Can six gouramis be kept together? The common pleco fish is a catfish classified in the Loricariidae family. aerator. Consider sturdy plants like Java Moss or Java Fern since they can withstand assault. It has a flat elongated body and a continuous underside fin formed by the joining of the anal and caudal fin. Most of its body is jet black, except for a white stripe on the nose and two white strings on the tail. The Bala shark is known for its peaceful nature that makes it compatible with a host of other peaceful aquarium inhabitants. The cichlids require abundant hiding spaces, and you should decorate your tank with rocks, caves, driftwood, and clay pots. :). The fish produce a lot of waste, which is why you need a big tank and proper filtration. Good tank mates for Bala Sharks are all Gouramis , all Barbs including Tinfoil Barbs , all Danios , all Rainbows , a few Spiny Eels , one Redtail Shark or one Rainbow Shark , and a school of Clown Loaches . Keep 10 to 12 tetras in your aquarium since they swim in active schools. Pleco is a common and needs a much larger tank, and bala sharks are schooling and get huge.. need 125g minimum for shoal. This fish is quite active, and they have been known to jump from tanks. The Bala shark makes an ideal tankmate for the tinfoil barbs because they are both large and non-aggressive. African chichlids should be kept mostly in one-species aquariums, so they don’t go really well with other fish. 55 gallon tank. The feeling's mutual. The color variations of the fish included a mottled variety, a pink one, and a silver-green variety. You will have to pay more for rarer colors, although the common species average at $40. You will require at least 150 gallons to accommodate the growth of the fish. But you are looking at a 6ft tank to hold that mix of fish, mainly to give the Balas room. The Angelfish is a type of cichlid indigenous to South America. Be careful with the kind of live plants that you keep with kissers, however, as they feed on plant matter. Contributed by Asmath H. I have a kissing gourami (named Mr. Limpet; Fish Face - like you needed to know :) which is quite larger than most I have seen. They are active at night and will be extremely shy when introduced to a new aquarium. The fish is native to South-East Asia. In a 50 gallon tank I have 1) aforementioned gold gourami. 2) 5 neon tetras 3) 1 pleco 4) 1 small bala shark 5) a few ghost shrimp 6) 2 african dwarf frogs 7) had two sunset platys Ok, the gourami killed my two sunset platys. Having multiple types there is a Gourami that would suit anyone’s tank. At the end of the article, you can find a list of fish you should avoid keeping with bala sharks. I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. I did my research on the bala and gourami and everything I found said max size for gourami was approx. Filtration is particularly crucial to this fish since it is susceptible to waste accumulation. Bala Shark, Silver Shark - Balantiocheilos melanopterus. For Bala Shark, water parameters need to be strictly maintained, and it sometimes becomes difficult for the aquarists. Trump shuns 'ex-presidents club.' 6 inches or so. My Bala has grown from about 1" to 5" in 12 months and he's still growing strong. ? Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Good tanks mates for these Gouramis: All Barbs, Gouramis, Danios, Rainbows, a school of Clown Loaches, one Red Tail Shark or one Rainbow Shark, a school of Bala Sharks, and a Spiny Eel. The green coloration is abundant in nature, while the pink one is a consequence of a reduction in pigmentation. Good filtration is a must too. Rosaline Torpedo Shark. ». Water Type for Bala Shark. The fish require easy care, and you shouldn’t run into problems if you have kept other cichlids before. I have a huge cave at the bottom that my Red Tails share (will wonders never cease lol) and the neat thing is at feeding time the Pearl Gourami swims out of the cave that the Red Tails share. Other than that, add plants to decrease conflicts. Kissing Gourami are not any less aggressive than the other Gourami. good luck They require warm waters and a PH between 6 to 7. It all depends on the space and number you have. This fish isn't a shark at all though. Why have huge fish and fish that can grow up to 3 inches. The tinfoil barb is indigenous to South-East Asia, where it inhabits extensive river channels. Unfortunately, only a few beginner aquarists…, When most people ponder about sharks, they consider the giant marine creatures that are known…. Dwarf gourami is a very special small fish. The fish can reach 20 inches in length, and it will need at least 100 gallons to thrive. Blue Gourami. This gourami has been recorded on the island of Java in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia. The common pleco is active at night, and you need lots of hiding spaces for them to hide in during the daytime. The Bala Shark is from Southeast Asia. The temperature has to be between 72-82°F (22.2-27.8°C), but 77°F (24°C) is considered as the ideal water temperature for them. That should also give the gourami enough room so a large group will be OK. Just dont confuse the size of the pet shop fish with the size of an adult. Bala Sharks make a great addition to planted community tanks, and can sometimes be kept with other species of sharks as well. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. So here is the quick list of fish that are not compatible with bala sharks: Although some people keep red tailed sharks and rainbow shark with bala sharks, because of obvious reasons – they are all sharks, you should not do that. The black ghost knife is quite sensitive to water parameters, and they need moderately experienced aquarists. At least a 20 gallon tank or bigger, most gouramis sold in petstores are MALE only, so they might nip at each other. Yes to all your questions, i have 6 red sunset gouramis,2 bala sharks, and 2 angels all together. However, they can attack and with their sharp teeth they can hurt bala sharks. Size:Up to 13 inches 5. Silver dollar fish, just like oscar fish are semi-aggressive. Keep the gourami in the 75 and move everyone else to the larger tank. Both red tailed shark and rainbow sharks are aggressive and the often will attack bala sharks. Angelfish should be OK with the other large relatively peacefull fish. Bala sharks: need to be kept in schools of 6. get one feet long and need 125 gallon aquarium. You need to cycle your tank for 6 weeks as a bare minimum before Adding fish. Gourami; Other Bala Sharks; However, there is the chance that the Bala Shark will eat smaller fish when they become larger, so the tank should always be roomy enough for all. The Boeseman’s rainbowfish can tolerate a range of water conditions, and will rarely get sick in a well-maintained setup. They can be a bit aggressive if their environment is not conducive. They'd be a lot happier 6 Gourami can live in a tank together...but depending on what Gourami type you are talking about. In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. You can keep stones in the substrates to mimic a natural river bed, although the fish has been known to destroy live plants. More gouramis! You should also provide adequate hiding spots since the fish is generally peaceful and will avoid any confrontation. It might be a good idea, and they will get along, though hey prefer different water temperature. The Blood Parrot Cichlid is a fairly new hybrid with unusual physical characteristics. The fish may get aggressive and stressed if kept alone. The regular, kissing, etc...can get up to 8 inches or so. A longer video of the action inside my aquarium. I currently have an oscar in one tank and in another I have a few fish which include a pink kissing gourami and a bala shark. Silver shark is also known as Bala Shark, Shark Minnow, Tricolor Shark, etc. Some Gourami get up to 12 inches. Similar to the Betta and other anabantids, the Three Spot Gourami is a labyrinth fish, which means it can breathe air directly and will frequent the top of the tank. I have a tank with a Kissing Gourami, 1 RTS, and 4 Angelfish...I just adopted out 2 Bala Sharks that were 9 inches (rescued them...until found a better home)...and didnt have a problem with any of these guys living together. Three Spot Gouarmis are a fairly aggressive gourami and will bother smaller fish, so … The fish also uses low voltage electricity while navigating, and it can be seen moving gracefully in water. Tetras, like Bala sharks like warm water, in the range of 72 to 78 °F. The common pleco will mostly grow to 15 inches in the aquarium, although it can get to 24 inches in the wild. This "shark" is increasingly exploited due to the fish and pet trade. Some aquarists buy the fish as juveniles without knowing that it can grow to 14 inches. I have a 100 L with a Pearl Gourami, 2 Red Tailed Sharks, a Bala Shark, 2 Albino Red Finned Sharks and about 5 Cories in the tank set up. Some of these species include the Congo Tetra, Emperor Tetra, Colombian Tetra, Red Eye Tetra, and Diamond Tetra. You want to get more females than males...and you want make sure you have the space for them. Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists. While smaller tetras are more popular, they are larger ones that can be kept in community tanks as well. They are both peaceful species of tropical aquarium fish that can adapt to a wide range of conditions. but just to let yoiu know kissing gouramis are a little agressive. Bala / Silver Shark Tropical Fish Learn all about the Bala / Silver Shark's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Click here to read more about several other groups of compatible fish. The fish thrive in temperatures between 72 to 86ºF and a PH range of 6.5 to 7.5. Blue Gourami - Aquarium Setup. Your email address will not be published. Their body lacks scales, so you should use fine gravel or sand as a substrate. . This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. Either way, depending on how big you tank is...make sure you have the space and hiding spots these fish will appreciate. The kissing gourami, commonly known as a kisser, is another ideal tankmate for Bala sharks. They are very popular fish to keep in tanks for many reasons; they are very beautiful, to begin with, but they are also quite peaceful species and thus compatible with many other fish species of similar characteristics. pH Level The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Discus can reach 8 to 10 inches, and one fish needs at least seven gallons. Compatible Bala Shark Tank Mates. Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. It is indigenous to South America, where it inhabits slow-moving rivers. Below, you can read about the top 10 bala shark compatible fish. Care Level:Easy to medium, needs lots of swimming space and a larger tank. Ideal for peaceful aquatic communities with large fish such as other Bala Sharks, Gourami, Rainbowfish, Corydoras and Tetras: 4. This small fish is coveted for its beautiful coloration. Still have questions? Plants like Hornwort, Java Fern, and Anubias Nana are other excellent additions. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. How many gallons/how large of a tank is good to keep 1 African Dwarf frog, 6 neon tetras, 2 platinum guppies, 1 small betta, & 2 zebras? Habitat is in the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins, on Malaysian peninsula, Kalimantan and Sumatra islands. Any small inky dinky fish to monsters around a foot long, to me would be an ugly tank. Are most species of Gouramis, including Kissing gouramis, compatible with Bala Sharks, Red-tailed sharks, and or angelfish? You can sign in to vote the answer. The bala sharks which are a little bigger are often pushed around by the little gourami (he´s about 5 cm long). You might want to make sure your tank is big enough for all those fish because bala sharks get big. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Bala sharks can co-exist with multiple fish species, provided they are non-aggressive and thrive in similar tank conditions. This cichlid has an attractive orange coloration, although some species have yellow or red hues. The black ghost knife fish is another Amazonian fish that you can keep with Bala Shark. Ideally, we emulate their natural environments, which also means they need long tanks. The non-aggressive temperament of the Boeseman’s rainbowfish makes it a perfect candidate for a community tank with Bala sharks. 4. Kissers, like Bala sharks, thrive in warm water. Therefore, I don’t recommend keeping bala sharks and oscars together. You can also keep bala sharks with lots of other fish species. When choosing tank mates for this fish, the most important things to keep in mind are size and temperament. They have a labyrinth organ that empowers them to absorb oxygen from the air, and they can be seen gulping air at the water’s surface. The fish can grow to 12 inches, meaning that it needs a big tank to thrive. Bala and red tail sharks get about 6 inches long red tails bigger about 8, but are back and forth swimmers , so they need a lot of room to swim but are community fish well kept with fish their size. Best Tank mates for a Rainbow shark and a Dwarf Gourami I have 6 neon rainbow, 2 red rainbow, 1 bala shark, 1 albino shark, 1 tiger... My rainbow shark and bala shark are … ... Gourami Fish- These flashy fish have long flowy vails that give them a visual appeal. It needs oxygen-rich waters, and temperatures between 72 to 77 °F. Keep at least 5 or 6 tinfoil barbs since it is a naturally schooling fish. You will need at least 176 gallons to keep the tinfoil barb in an ideal environment. The Boeseman’s rainbowfish inhabits the shallow waters of three Indonesian lakes. Jim Carrey mocks Melania Trump in new painting, Tony Jones, 2-time Super Bowl champion, dies at 54, Biden’s executive order will put 'a huge dent' in food crisis, UFC 257: Poirier shocks McGregor with brutal finish, Why people are expected to lose weight in the new year, 'A menace to our country': GOP rep under intense fire, Filming twisty thriller was no day at the office for actor, Anthony Scaramucci to Trump: 'Get out of politics', Tiffany Haddish flaunts body transformation, Ariz. Republicans censure McCain, GOP governor. They can be a bit aggressive if their environment is not conducive. Silver Shark is a most commonly seen inhabitant of home aquariums. Bala shark Care guide. Oscar fish is another popular choice when it comes to big tanks. i am planning to introduce neon tetras and guppys. I get a Kick when people think the Kissing action is a sign of LOVE...when its a sign of aggression. The Betta will be killed almost immediately-- the Gourami is a very close relative which will NOT tolerate a similarly shaped fish (the Betta) and will … I’ve seen bigger goldfish in the same aquarium with bala sharks. The Blood Parrot cichlid grows to eight inches, and you should keep one in a 30-gallon aquarium and add 10 gallons for every additional cichlid. Consider species that use other areas of your tank, such as bottom dwellers and surface swimmers, and large groups of schooling fish, such as: Corydoras species; Rainbowfish or Gourami You will require at least 80 gallons to rear a small school. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Read more…. It has a black and orange striped body and stunning red fins and whisker-like barbels for defense. I would definitely avoid the Bala Shark... Gouramis are slow moving, mellow fish, while Balas are the complete opposite, which will cause constant stress on the Gourami. Bala Sharks are best in schools of 3 or more and get up to 18 inches...a 75 Gallon minimum Tank is required for these guys. Bala Sharks: One of my favorite they can be kept with so many fish like gouramis, tetras (until the shark gets fully grown or even about 8 inches) dwarf cichlids, angelfish, clown loach, elephant nose fish, silver dollars, plecos, tetras of the bigger sizes and many more. With maintaining angelfish comes in their size between 6 to 7 nose and two white on. Community tanks as well inhabits the shallow waters of three Indonesian lakes bit challenging keep! 6 to 7 fairly aggressive gourami and everything i found said max size for gourami was.. 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