darth maul race

darth maul race

[5] For the character's appearances in the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, he was voiced by actor Sam Witwer. After searching for a few seconds, he discovered nothing and, not realizing it was Tano, turned back towards Krim, informing him that he had other things to attend to. Opress left, promising Talzin that he would return. The Zabrak projected a holo-message of Sidious, who explained that he had been watching Silus' progress for some time. Jabba let out a long, rumbling laugh and soon managed to convince Maul to take part in his demolition games so that Jabba could exploit his new "wild card" to gather even more ill-gotten gains. Hoping to cause Kenobi even more pain, he ordered the Jedi's escort to take him to a cell so that he could contemplate his loss. Talzin fought Sidious while Maul fought the cyborg general, and Sidious quickly gained the advantage over the Dathomir witch. Sixteen years after the Siege of Mandalore, Maul, and Tano fought again in the ancient Sith world of Malachor. [30], The Sith Lord contacted Groodo via emergency hail and caught the holographic image of the very Hutt himself, thus rudely interrupting the latter's meal. Knowing that Manka was much faster than himself, Maul determined to outsmart the Jedi Master, get in close and attack. Maul felt that the Force was out of balance and Opress told him that the Clone Wars had started. Maul was contacted by Qi'ra after Dryden Vos was killed. Sidious, saying that he and Grarhk would talk again later, cut the transmission. In the early stages of his training, being personally tutored by Darth Sidious himself relentlessly, Darth Maul proved to be a very talented lightsaber duelist, quickly becoming capable enough to impress even Darth Plagueis with his abilities. Then, the Scimitar's sensors picked up the Bartokk starfighter, followed by the Vultures, coming out of hyperspace, causing Maul to cloak his ship once more. Maul and Dooku engaged the Jedi in a lightsaber duel, which lasted until Kast shot a small explosive towards the Jedi, incapacitating the Jedi and allowing Maul and Dooku to escape. Kenobi contacted the Jedi Council and relayed the events. Maul stood alone against a Bartokk hive on Ralltiir. The small army boarded to their shuttle and set off for Riome. Version. Maul's plan was working perfectly. They searched for clues in the Toom clan's deserted base and Maul was tempted to show them the evidence himself, how incompetent they were. [35] At some point, Maul also forged ties with the criminal organization Crimson Dawn, led by Dryden Vos. The captain, a severed arm dangling to his side, soon met his own violent end with a vertical lightsaber slash through the chest—his last expression that of the stuffed animals overhead: dead eyes glazed with surprise. However, Maul managed to escape from Sidious with the aid of his followers. [35], When Ahsoka accused him of lying, Maul explained that he had engineered the conflict on Mandalore to lure out Kenobi and Skywalker, so that he could kill the latter before he would turn to the Dark Side. Darth Maul was a fierce warrior, able to easily engage two Jedi in battle. [51] A scheming mastermind and uncompromising killer,[4] not unlike his former master,[67] much of Maul's personality—as shaped by his Sith training—remained intact. [51], After Savage brought Darth Maul to be treated, Mother Talzin used her magic to remove his psychosis and reconstitute his spider-like cybernetic legs into a more humanoid form from the destroyed bodies of super battle droids. Lihnn, in a desperate attempt to finish the job, prepared to launch a wrist rocket at Maul. [9], The next time they were on Tosste, Sidious gave Maul a training lightsaber to feel its power, before exchanging it for the real thing. Grievous allowed Maul to escape, per Dooku's orders, hoping that Maul would seek out Mother Talzin for help.[56]. If Maul found he was not able to dispatch the Jedi quickly, he should have turned his focus to dealing with the Queen, who, having survived the conflict, is another failure. [19] Although he often ordered Savage Opress around and defined their relationship in the Sith tradition of master and apprentice, Maul genuinely cared for his brother as shown when he cried out his name when Obi-Wan Kenobi sliced off his arm and the obvious grief he displayed when he was killed by Sidious. "[25], Angered by Grahrk's unwillingness to cooperate, Maul lifted the Devaronian with the Force and slammed him across two walls wall before a DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid—possibly a prototype— projected a hologram of Sidious. He had to put Bruit's fingertips on the display screen to unlock the computer. [56] He became an acrobatic and highly trained Sith warrior, one who could relentlessly pursue his enemies while utilizing his double-bladed lightsaber. The Dark Lord ordered Grahrk to listen and not ask questions; he needed "dead Jedi" and he had a plan that would require Grarhk. Maul demonstrates his power by choking Bo-Katan. [1][19], The mission came to an abrupt conclusion when Maul returned to Coruscant and ambushed Pavan at the threshold of his hotel room. But that was when he believed that something was wrong: they were trying to kill him. Original upload 07 August 2015 7:30PM. Discovering Maul's lightsaber, Vizsla decided not to kill them as his lieutenant, Bo-Katan Kryze, wished to do; Vizsla believed that if they were enemies of the Jedi, then they were his friends. Maul took his unwilling apprentice to his homeworld of Dathomir. Their duel was interrupted by a large Syrox worm that haunted Cog Hive Seven. After a long and spectacular duel in the throne room, Maul won by beheading Vizsla with Vizsla's own weapon, which he then claimed for his own. [62], Unaware of Maul's identity or the fact that PROXY had been storing it for years, Starkiller was momentarily taken aback by the Zabrak Sith. Afterward, he focused again on Jesse and eventually managed to make him reveal everything he wanted to know using a mind probe.[35]. The two conspired to conquer Mandalore and establish a criminal empire, enlisting the aid of the Hutt Cartel, Black Sun and the Pyke Syndicate. [39], Like his Master, Maul had a distaste for incompetent underlings and certain aliens with characteristic handicaps. Rage and hatred overwhelmed Maul and, in one final act of defiance, he lunged forward and sunk his teeth into his master's hand. [1], Sidious met Maul in the LiMerge building with a new assignment: infiltrate the infamous Cog Hive Seven prison under the alias Jagannath, locate fabled weapons manufacturer and dealer Iram Radique, and procure a special nuclear device from him, so that he may secretly deliver to Radique's enemy, the Bando Gora. [9][21], Enroute to Naboo, a rarely reflective Maul looked back on his mistakes on Tatooine, wondering, if he could do it all over again, what he might have done differently to right those errors and succeed in the task. Originally, Maul wore a large muscle suit, "making him larger than life," with Batman-like spikes on his neck. After dealing with Vader's stormtrooper guards, Maul dueled the armored Sith Lord. [17] His Sith training made Maul long for revenge against the Jedi Order,[1] which had defeated the Sith a millennium earlier. [1] His mastery of the saberstaff was so complete, he could spin it with just one hand without injuring himself,[19] a trick he may well have learned from Sidious. He was filled with anger when he realized that as a child, the Jedi had not come for him. Maul did succeed in defeating Qui-Gon Jinn: a victory, however, that Sidious felt he really must claim for himself; that triumph was, after all, the direct result of his own teaching and the caliber of training Sidious afforded Maul that made that defeat possible. Deprived of his lightsaber and handcuffed, the Zabrak was marched through a courtyard, where he found the spike-covered Bartokk freighter, twenty-five of the missing Vulture droids, a six-winged Bartokk starfighter that contained three crew members, and eleven more Bartokks. Maul got into a bar brawl after being accused of being a Jedi. [10] His telepathy was so advanced that he could invade the mind of another to seek information. Some time afterward, Maul appears to have died. [66], While developing the second season of Rebels, it was initially intended for Maul to die at the hands of Darth Vader in the season finale "Twilight of the Apprentice," but it became unwieldy as there were too many storylines and not enough emotional material between Maul and Vader. [9][21][43], At dawn the following day, after tending to his pirate-injured leg, Maul encountered a band of at least thirty gaderffi stick-bearing Tusken Raiders who managed to to lure him from the Scimitar with the tracks that their banthas left behind, disguising their numbers by single-file impressions. 124) Darth Caedus. Both the Sith Lord and his assassin droid were led into separate cells to await interrogation, while the Bartokks prepared to board the Scimitar to scour for any information. In addition, he was a scheming mastermind who plotted his return to power despite losing his place in the ranks of the Sith. As an assassin, he could perform high priority, boots-on-the-ground missions for the Sith without running the risk of exposing either Plagueis or Sidious should he fail. [19], In an attempt to satiate Maul's bloodlust, Sidious sent him to the Kellux system to dispatch pirates who were interfering with the Trade Federation. [39], During the ensuing battle, Maul personally captured Boss Ganne[39] and used the Force to manipulate Ganne (by thought suggestion) into opening the Gates of Rellias, the only obstacle preventing Federation forces from accessing the Rellias channel. [9][21] But he underestimated Obi-Wan Kenobi's resolve, which led to his downfall when he opened himself up to an attack from the young Padawan, an opponent he tried to have eliminated. He deflected the combined shots of Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Zeb Orrelios, even when he was in a disadvantageous position.[45]. [31], After Kenobi infiltrated the palace and liberated his friend, Maul and the Mandalorian forces chased the two of them all the way to Kenobi's ship, Twilight. [1], Before Maul left, Sidious warned him that the Vigos had connections to the Trade Federation. Even if Sidious would have preferred letting the Tooms and miners slaughter each other, Maul may have to finish off the victors. The Sith Master explained to his Zabrak pupil everything there was on the history between the Jedi Order, guardians of the Galactic Republic, and the Sith, the latter of which involved mentions of Naga Sadow and the Great Hyperspace War; Freedon Nadd and his haunting of Onderon; Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma; Darths Revan and Malak; the theories on the title of Darth; Skere Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness, which was destroyed by their leader's own thought bomb on Ruusan; and Darth Bane, who reformed the Sith with the Rule of Two: one master, one apprentice. However, he noted that the captain was smarter than his crew and that Hela-Tan was the strongest and biggest of the pirates. The elder Sith answered that his apprentice would be the one to accomplish that task. Looking to succeed where he failed on Malachor, Maul led the Jedi to an airlock and pushed him in, proceeding to eject him into space. [46], At that point, Kanan and Sabine entered the cave and opened fire on the spirits. [16], Maul rushed to Opress' side, completely ignoring Sidious as the Nightsister magic started to bleed from his dying brother. Despite his dueling skills, Maul was almost no match for Darth Sidious even alongside his brother Savage Opress, and though he pressed Sidious on his back foot, he was disarmed before being manhandled by the elder Sith Lord's Force powers. [14], Later on, Maul was taken to Vizsla's shelter where he was offered Cassius tea. After the Jedi and the queen escaped, they made their way to Coruscant, where Sidious, as Palpatine, manipulated Amidala into calling for a Vote of No Confidence on Chancellor Valorum, prompting a new election where Palpatine was a favorite to win and take over the Republic. [21], Both proved to be a match for each other. Maul became a master of lightsaber combat and Teräs Käsi, wielding a red-bladed saberstaff against any adversary. The droid, looking forward to terminating Maul, wasn't convinced. 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