delete domain user profile windows 7 registry
IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO DELETECHECK The SID is a unique Security ID assigned by the local Windows OS to the account. So you want to delete an old user that was part of a Domain from a Windows 10 machine: Two ways to do this: Search -> This PC -> Right click -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced Tab -> User Profiles -> Select user -> Delete To delete a user account from domain: net user username /DELETE /DOMAIN. 4. exit. FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1 delims=" %%P IN (%TEMP%\users.temp) DO CALL:UserDeleteJoin %%P Both keys are named "S-1-5-21-X" (where "X" is your security profile identification number), but one key has ".bak" at … 1. IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO VERIFYERROR Mak… echo #################################################### For some reason the Windows GUI wouldn't allow me to delete a particular user and this process worked. First do restart your system at least 2-3 times to check whether the system logs into your old profile. In the Advanced tab, in the User Profiles section click Settings. echo # # Follow this two-step process to delete a user profile in Windows Server 2016 in workgroup mode: Go to advanced system settings (sysdm.cpl), advanced tab, click on settings in the user profiles box (middle of screen), under “profiles stored on this computer” click on the user profile you want to delete and press Delete. Use Registry Editor to Fix Corrupt User Profile in Windows 10. Good instructions for thorough removal of profiles. ECHO Retrying clean of user profile %USERREG% Cheers John Ferry, it's funny to see the amount of profiles that haven't been used for 1 year plus when PC's are in for a rebuild. echo #################################################### As … IF [%USERERROR%]==[YES] ( 4. failed Windows Update or Automatic Updates, … It's easy to take a peek at user profiles on the file system on a single Windows computer. It should display a long, seemingly a… When you type your password and press Enter at the Windows log-on screen, you may receive an error message like “The user profile service failed the logon. ECHO %USERPRESERVE%|find /I "%USERREGPARSEV%" > NUL [ Right-click on the ‘Computer’ icon on the desktop or from the Windows Start Menu. Select the user profile to delete and click on the ‘Delete’ button. IF ["%SPACECHECKV%"]==[""] GOTO REGCHECKV2 reg delete %1 /f GOTO USERCHECKV, :REGCHECKV2 echo # # IF ERRORLEVEL=0 GOTO :EOF, :REPORT In CIM, a class exists called Win32_UserProfile. Simply look in the C:\Users folder. Then select the user profile that needs to be cleaned and click Delete. ECHO %userdelete%|find /I "%USERREGPARSE%" > NUL David: use this: . Normally, if I want to clean up old user profiles on a local system, I will just use the native tool. This should delete all references in the registry, and the user’s profile folder (normally located in C:\Users). %%m IN ('echo %USERREGV%') DO SET USERREGPARSEV=%%m If you’ve tried the method we shared and yet your Windows 7 computer still loads a temporary profile, this means that your user profile is corrupted. %%f IN ('echo %USERREG%') DO SET USERREGPARSE=%%f Go to registry editor ( Start -> Run -> Press enter -> type regedit. After that, click “OK”. Select your user profile … GOTO :EOF, :CLEAN @ECHO OFF rmdir "C:\Users\%USERREG%" /s /q > NUL This will display the User Profiles dialog as shown in Figure 2. GOTO :EOF, :VERIFY Much easier I find! We recommend you check for any data first (PST Files, desktop files etc) before deleting a user profile. except for a short-list of local admins? set SPACECHECKV= How do the results compare with what happens if you go through the GUI to remove a profile? Click the System icon. Method 2: Delete User Profile in Registry Editor. :EXIT Method 1: Delete User Profile using Local Group Policy Editor. ; The computer is in an Active Directory domain environment. set RESULT=SUCCESS 7.Open CurrentVersion. I no longer have access to the profile i created this article with (AJF42) as it was through a company helpdesk account. 2. hardware problem like bad memory or hard drive failure. set userdelete=%userdelete:~0,-1% rmdir /s "C:\Users\%USERREG%" /s /q > NUL GOTO USERCHECK, :REGCHECK2 6.Open Windows NT. Click OK a few times to save the policy. ECHO Skipping user clean for %USERREG% 1. FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%l in ('echo %USERREGPATHV%') DO SET USERREGV=%%l 1. Every error message has its own causes. Consider the following scenario: You apply the Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart Group Policy setting on a client computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. Open Registry editor. Steps to fix temporary profile in Windows 7. Failing to reset the user profile in this manner will result in the user account always receiving a temporary (‘TEMP’) profile. IF EXIST "C:\Users\%USERREG%" GOTO RETRYCLEAN2 rmdir /s "C:\Users\%USERREG%" /s /q > NUL @ErikN - sometimes in a domained environment, the profile won't show in user accounts> manage users and this, coupled with rebooting the PC and deleting their c:\user\, is the only way to get local profile cleared. In this method, we would employ the platform of Local Group Policy Editor where an user can bring about any change in the system by modifying the consoles and group policies. if you need to login as the user whose profile has just been deleted, the computer will think this is the first time they've logged onto the PC. How to convert to MP4 and compress videos, Windows 7 – Can’t save images in ZIP folders, Format USB drives beyond FAT32 32GB limit – for PS4 and MAC OS, Windows 7 – How to stop AutoPlay from appearing, Windows 7 – How to display hidden files and folders, Windows 7 – How to install the Active Directory Users and Computers tools, IrfanView – Thumbnails not displaying in Windows Explorer, Word 2016 – How to keep whole table together on one page, Excel 2016 – How to force force value in formula, How to calculate percent of total using Microsoft Excel, [SOLVED] How to fix Google Chrome flagging FileZilla as malware/virus, Restart the computer – this will release the user profile’s ‘locked’ or in-use state, Log on using another user account (which has local administrator rights), Select the user profile to delete and click on the. 1. malware infection. Right click on the profile you want to remove and select DELETE. Your email address will not be published. if UserDeleteJoin_Skip=="" (set userdelete=%1 & set UserDeleteJoin_Skip=1) ELSE (set userdelete=%1,%userdelete%) 4.Open SOFTWARE. GOTO:USERPRESERVE, :UserDeleteJoin Another Temporary Profile Fix on Microsoft Windows 7. If you do not know the path to the profile, go to the C:\Users folder and copy the path to the folder with the user profile you need. Any ideas on why and what I can do to resolve this? I used to do it this way, however I found it was much easier to right-click on My Computer and choose Properties, click the advanced tab, click user profiles, choose the account from the list and then select delete. IF ERRORLEVEL=0 GOTO SKIP, :DELETECHECK This is a very useful method if you want to rebuild a profile, Eg rename the directory and then delete the reg key. These steps also apply to Windows 2008 Server R2 and Remote Desktop Services. From the left hand menu select ‘Advanced system settings’. Note that we do not need to specify the domain name in this command. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList, Example binary key: S-1-5-21-3656904587-1668747452-4095529-500, This can be your desktop or even to a flash drive for safekeeping. 3.Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. 2.Type regedit in search. Hello, I know this is old but your process worked...for some profiles but most did not delete. FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%e in ('echo %USERREGPATH%') DO SET USERREG=%%e 2. set UsersPath=%systemdrive%\Users\ Click ‘OK’ to confirm. This seems like a very involved method to remove a user profile. Chose the one with the desired user and delete the long reg key like . You need to have domain administrator privileges to perform this operation. Login to another User Account (With Admin Privileges) or boot your computer in Safe Mode and follow the steps below to Fix Corrupted User Profile in Windows 10. Open System Properties, switch to Advanced tab, and click Settings button in User Profiles section. If any option appears press Yes. GOTO USERCHECK, :USERCHECK IF ["%SPACECHECK%"]==[""] GOTO REGCHECK2 Your unit might be creating a new .bak registry key, preventing the operating system from reading your user profile properly. There are two different steps to deleting a user profile in Windows 7, first the users' files & second their profile registry key. Step 2: In the left side of Registry Editor, navigate to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. Press the Windows Key and enter then right click it and choose Run as Administrator. Unlike Windows XP you are unable to delete (or reset) a user profile by simply deleting or renaming the user profile folder. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when you log off. Go ahead and open the Registry as an Administrator. Is there a way to automate (script) the process so, for example, all profiles that haven't been accessed in four weeks is removed from both c:\users and in the Registry? Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Windows 7 - Windows Loads With Temporary Profile How to restore the correct user profile after Windows starts logging in with a temporary user profile. Thank you! I will list some common causes in the following. This method meant there was effectively no trace of that profile after deleting the key. ) ELSE ( FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=." set SPACECHECK= FOR /f "tokens=3" %%k in ('reg query %1 /v ProfileImagePath') DO SET USERREGPATHV=%%k Windows 7 – How to delete a user profile (Windows Domain). I have tried everything to stop it from automatically updating but nothing has worked. Remove-UserProf ile - Remove Local User Profiles and Clean C:\Users Directory This script contains a function (Remove-UserProfile) which is used to remove user profiles, and additional contents of the C:\Users directory (if specified) on a local computer. n Microsoft Windows operating system when you want to delete a user account, the user profile will remain in the root directory of Windows. Click SETTINGS button in the USER PROFILES section. Please note: This process will remove the profile and all contents. set userdelete=%userdelete:"=% set /p days=days to keep? DEL /F /Q /A:H %UsersPath%\desktop.ini 2>nul>nul echo. net user username /DELETE. Under ‘User Profiles’ select ‘Settings’. This process will remove the profile and all contents. If it does not happen follow the following steps. This class contains all of the profiles that exist on a machine and lots of other useful inf… @chrisburton2 I can't seem to find any of my documents and I would really like to know if I can restore my profile somehow. As before, I created a GPO but this time navigated to Computer Configuration – Policies – Windows Settings – Scripts and double-clicked on Startup. echo # # forfiles /p %UsersPath% /m * /d -%days% /c "cmd /c echo @file">%TEMP%\users.temp P.S. Here is an example of Delprof2 in action, deleting user profiles remotely on a Windows XP computer (Windows 7 / 2008 R2 work just as well): D:\>DelProf2.exe -c: -p DelProf2 by Helge Klein ( Delete inactive profiles on ''? FOR /f "tokens=2" %%d in ('echo %USERREGPATH%') DO SET SPACECHECK=%%d Log in to your temporary profile. set /a profiles=%profiles%+1 If you want to remove user profile correctly and completely from your system, follow the step by step article until you have deleted the user account and removed a user profile from your system drive and get free your hard disk. Step1: In the Run menu type Regedit and hit the Enter key. ECHO Retrying clean of user profile %USERREG% If the above method doesn’t work, you can delete a user profile from the registry and via Windows 10 File Explorer. Follow the given steps to know how you can locate the path of your machine’s User Account on a Window 7 operated computer. Windows updated and deleted my profile. I use it and it helps me. This directory stores the entirety of the user profile’s files. Type Regedt32.exe into Search box, then hit Enter key. User profile cannot be loaded.” If you receive this error message, that's to say, the user profile is corrupted or damaged. echo # Welcome to the User Profile Deletion tool, # To Find A User Profile Path In Registry In Windows 7. 3. %%f IN ('echo %USERREG%') DO SET USERREGPARSE=%%f ), echo Total Profiles Cleaned is %profiles% GOTO :EOF, :RETRYCLEAN2 The above commands work on Windows 7, Windows 8, XP and also on all Server editions. Fix Corrupted User Profile Using Registry Editor; Create New User and Transfer Files from Old to New User Account. ECHO Cleaning user registry for %USERREG% Clears out Temp profiles also which cluttered on of our PC to no end. GOTO VERIFY, :REGCHECK User: User Computer: Computer Description: Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Then I could add the script and set a parameter value. echo # you will be prompted for days since last logon # But not only are you not getting the full picture when you do this, it's also troublesome due to potential file system access problems. GOTO:EOF, :SKIP The first step, if the profile is not completely corrupt, is to rename the temporary profile registry key and revert the correct profile back. echo. Then, in the right pane of the registry, double-click State.Change the Value data to 0 and click OK.. FOR /f "tokens=*" %%g IN ('reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist"^|find /i "s-1-5-21"') DO CALL :REGCHECKV "%%g" We recommend you check for any data first (PST Files, desktop files etc) before deleting a user profile. 8.Open ProfileList FOR /f "tokens=3 delims=\" %%e in ('echo %USERREGPATH%') DO SET USERREG=%%e FOR /f "tokens=2" %%j in ('echo %USERREGPATHV%') DO SET SPACECHECKV=%%j IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO SKIP Pause 5.Open Microsoft. Locate the two SID (Security Identification) keys that correspond to your user profile. You can then easily cut/paste desktop/my docs bookmarks etc. In addition, all users have two Registry keys located by default at HKEY_USERS\
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