dorian yates blood and guts routine
Part 2: The Dorian Yates Chest And Biceps Routine. "name": "Dorian Yates - Blood Guts- 6 Week Trainer Review", Smith machine shoulder press (2 warm up sets, 10-12 reps, & 1 working set, 8-10 reps) 2. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. Here’s Dorian Yates shoulder, triceps and abs routine: 1. I’ve always believed in high intensity low volume workout routines for hard gainers like myself. Monday – Abs, Shoulders and Triceps. Let Dorian Yates show you an entirely different way. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. "brand": "Dorian Yates", This version of his split was from his earlier book "Blood and Guts". What am I feeling right now?! In this video, I love Dorian’s way of communicating; there’s so much wisdom/experience here everywhere! Dorian Yates is an English bodybuilder hailing from Birmingham. Also, having a training partner isn’t as much of a prerequisite when lifting with multiple Reps and Sets but at a lower but none the less high intensity! Here is my review in 2020 of how, with my training partner, I take one working set and push beyond my limits with extreme techniques like partial reps, forced reps and extra negatives working my muscles to their max! }, 737 likes. "publisher": { 2. { 10 Minute Cardio Warm-Up. "ratingValue": "4.6", 2 Warm-Up Sets x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 6-8 Reps. 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 6-8 Reps. 2 Warm-Up Sets x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 8-10 Reps. 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 8-10 Reps. 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Warm-Up Set x 8-10 Reps, 1 Working Set x 6-8 Reps. 1 Warm-Up Set x 15 Reps, 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 10-12 Reps. 2 Warm-Up Sets x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 10-12 Reps. 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 10-12 Reps. 1 Working Set x 10-12 Reps, 3 Rest-Pause Sets (1 Set x Failure, 10-15 Second Pause, **Increase Weight** 1 Set x Failure, 10-15 Second Pause, **Increase Weight** 1 Set x Failure). You absolutely need a trustworthy, experienced workout partner to get the most out of this program! There’s nothing fancy about the routine, but six weeks of high-intensity, take no prisoners workouts four times a week! "@type": "Rating", The same goes for you, be there for the other person too right until the very last workout! mon = chest, biceps, abs tues = legs, calves wed = off thurs = Back, rear delt, traps, abs fri = Front & side delts, triceps, calves You will work your entire body doing this. It will answer all of your questions! 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA, Powerlifting Workouts - Training Journals, Post Your Pictures and Introduce Yourself. "name": "Dorian Yates' Blood & Guts 6-Week Trainer", All rights reserved. My training partner was vital for the six weeks, and we even talked after workout number 1, how our minds and not just our bodies will have to be more prepared for the workouts to come! It was a mental shift more than anything else with these intense workouts! Next up is from a few years ago(around 2013/14) where Dorian is putting trainer and bodybuilder Kris Gethin through the Blood and Guts program for the first time! Yates won the Mr. Olympia from 1992-1997. I will layout the four days below in their entirety but first, if you have time check out the two videos below to see what the Blood and Guts program is all about! My strength levels went through the roof! Look at the focus, the incredible intensity, and the perfect technique while lifting such massive weights. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! We can’t guarantee that you will win six Mr Olympia titles if you follow it, but stay disciplined and you should see some incredible results over time. Terrific book! Copyright 2020 by The Fitness Jungle. "author": "Stephen McGouran" From a troubled upbringing to one of great success and notoriety, Yates is a prime example of what true hard work and dedication can do. Dorian’s Back Day workout was a secret for many years because his training routine produced the incredible lats that shook the world of bodybuilding. This type of training dorian yates blood and guts training, is LOW FREQUENCY and LOW VOLUME, therefore the training needs to be extremely intense to get a stimulus from it. WATCH: The best of Dorian Yates ‘Blood and Guts’. Within this routine, Yates performs 9 exercises, usually with a couple of warm up sets, and then a single working set. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. Before we start looking at how Dorian Yates was able to build one of the best physiques in the industry, we first need to take a look at who he is. ", Once you’ve watched both videos above, next up is the complete 6-Week Blood and Guts Routine for you to sink your teeth in! "aggregateRating": { It was beautiful, unlike the feeling when having a lot of volume in my training where I would slowly wear down, this feeling was like a big chunk of my energy/body was taken from me with one swift movement! I only gave it six weeks, but you can do six weeks, then have a deload week to recover, then go again for another six at whatever level you’re at then and so on! "author": { Lifting, Lifting & Lifting. DY Nutrition offers Supplements for exceptional sport performance, based on the most advanced formulas developed by scientists It is for Bodybuilders and also individuals looking to increase their strength, mental fortitude and muscle mass through short bursts of high-intensity lifting. Dorian Yates-Blood and Guts. This recording was from the mid-’90s when Dorian was in his prime going for Mr Olympia’s every year. Low Back Stretch (Knees Bent): 1 Set x 6 Reps Low Back Stretch (Legs Straight): 1 Set x 6 Reps Hamstring Stretch: 1 Set x 6 Reps. Glute Stretch: 1 Set x 6 Reps. Leg Extension: 1 Warm-Up Set x 15 Reps, 1 Warm-Up Set x 10-12 Reps, 1 Working Set x 10-12 Reps. Leg Press: 2 Warm-Up Sets x 10-12 Reps, … I knew of the legendary 6time Mr Olympia Dorian Yates years ago, I remember him competing in Mr Olympia back in the ’90s with Dorian’s training methods leading him to win the Mr Olympia title a phenomenal six straight times from 1992 – 1997 so he already had my respect. Dorian Yates’ 6-Week Blood and Guts Workout Rating: 4.6/5. "ratingValue": "5" The Blood and Guts workout is outstanding, and I recommend for everyone that loves the weight room to devote at least six weeks to do this program! Push beyond your limits and unlock new pathways of extreme growth as you follow the mass routine created by legendary 6-Time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. The first is of Dorian Yates doing the four days spaced out over a week; Two days on/one day off then another two days on/one day off and so forth! Blood and Guts is a pre-workout nutritional supplement designed to boost focus, energy and strength during physical exercise, enabling you to push past your mental and physical limits.. Our goal with Blood and Guts was to create a product that embodies Dorian’s famous training philosophy and his exceptional work ethic. Begin with a 10-Minute Warm-Up on the Treadmill. I experienced new muscle growth even though I wasn’t really gaining weight that much! "description": "Add your own description for your review here. I've been using the Dorian Yates routine recently and here's one day's example : Day 1 : Chest/Biceps; 1 minute rest in between sets/exercises. Note: if you have trouble reading this routine then you need to check out the following article: Who Is Dorian Yates? They both have history together. Lifting, Lifting & Lifting — Dorian Yates - Blood And Guts - YouTube. Dorian Yates was a dominant bodybuilder for several years winning the Mr. Olympia title 6 times. All i semi-know is that the split is as follows. "@type": "Person", While Yates’ later training style (i.e. So I did not bulk up much more than usual. "datePublished": "2020-05-02", Dorian Yates’ Workout Routine Below is an example of the workout routine that Dorian Yates used to build one of the largest and most impressive bodies in bodybuilding. Here is Dorian’s exact back workout in all its glory. Dorian Yates is a professional bodybuilder from England who owned the Mr. Olympia stage from 1992 to 1997, taking home the Sandow or the top prize. 1 set of triceps pushdown of 15 reps for warming up. ", He was nicknamed ‘The Shadow’ and as a teen, he found himself in and out of trouble with the law. Dorian Yates is an English bodybuilder hailing from Birmingham. If you do NOT do forced reps (especially with this training) you are going to see sub-par results, in my opinion. He won 6 times MR Olympia from 1992-1997. "type": "Product", If Leroy Davis doesn’t motivate you, nothing will! RACKITUP's Training logg, An example would be the barbell only for the Decline Barbell Bench Press, then add 25% of your working weight using the same warm-up Reps, then 50% with fewer Reps, then 75% before going all-out for your one working Set. You gotta go through hell to get the body made in heaven. "name": "TheFitnessJungle" !” It was a great workout! "image": "", Next up is from a few years ago(around 2013/14) where Dorian is putting trainer and bodybuilder Kris Gethin through the Blood and Guts program for the first time! 1. I also have his book 'A Warrior's Story". 10 min cardio before this routine. Beyond those achievements, he is iconic for his “blood and guts” training style, a machine-like focus that bordered on the peculiar, and for not buying into the California bodybuilding bullshit scene that was the dominant influence on the industry from its inception, right up to the 1990s and the Yates era. I’m obviously nowhere near the level of Dorian Yates with my training, but to be able to have the opportunity to spend six weeks adopting a portion of his training style that he used to dominate bodybuilding for most of the ’90s was an honour and a pleasure! Dorian Yates’ 6-Week Blood and Guts Workout Rating: 4.6/5. Not only your muscles but also your connective tissue will get stronger too from higher volume and correct technique. I love that you can do Blood and Guts in almost any gym out there! After my first workout that was Chest and Biceps(Not Even Legs) after lifting as heavy as I could, I remember having to sit down and thinking to myself “Holy Shit! Detailed information regarding Dorian Yates Blood And Guts Back Workout Updated 2021 and Dorian Yates Blood And Guts Back Workout Dorian Yates had one of the fastest and thickest backs ever! Only by doing will you truly feel the movements, understand the program etc. You have one set, so you better make it count, and, having a workout partner on board will enable you to push past any fear or limiting beliefs you might have about yourself and what numbers are out of your reach! 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. I grabbed my copy as soon as it became available. Below are 10 interesting facts about Yates and his workout method as well … Dorian Yates worked harder than anyone to win his six Mr Olympia titles. Dorian Yates' Blood & Guts 6-Week Trainer. 3. For each exercise, you do 1-2 warm-up sets; then you aim to lift the weight at the heaviest weight possible for one set for as many as you can by yourself. Oatmeal, brown ricesweet potato, vegetables etc. In my opinion, I think for people starting out, it would not be the first program I’d recommend. Plenty of people can lift heavy, but not with such great technique! If you have any questions or comments, let me know below! Thread: Dorian Yates – Blood and Guts routine and I cant find his book anywhere, should it be in all major book chains or what? This mass routine was created to unlock new pathways of extreme growth using only two warm-up sets and one working set to max. Hard gainers most often dot not grow with routines in the back of magazines or with high volume training. Part 2: The Dorian Yates Back Workout. He was nicknamed ‘The Shadow’ and as a teen, he found himself in and out of trouble with the law. Once you’ve watched both videos above, next up is the complete 6-Week Blood and Guts Routine for you to sink your teeth in! Here is the exact chest and biceps training routine that Dorian used during his reign as Mr. Olympia in the 1990s. You also have to find out what works best for you. My weight training in the gym where I work had become stale a while back. Begin with something else first that has more Reps and Sets so you’re building up the volume and your body is gaining the experience it needs lifting weights and mastering training principles such as Reps, Sets, Load, Tempo and Rest Period! "review": { It’s another layer to my training in experience and knowledge that will stand to me for the rest of my life! He’s right up there with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman as an all-time great! Someone you trust has your back and won’t renege on you halfway through with more excuses than effort! }, Still, his genetic makeup allowed him to respond better to short, fast high intensity training sessions that may not suit others to the same extent! by dorian yates goodreads, the full dorian yates workout routine, blood and guts routine review welcome to the big leagues, dorian yates first mass routine bodybuilding forums, books by dorian yates author of blood and gutsa portrait of dorian yates the life and training philosophy of the world s best 6-8 reps means … He’s put himself out there a lot more the last few years, so recently, after a bit more research I decided to try out Dorian’s six week Blood and Guts routine to freshen things up but also to see how my body would react to the shock that was to come! Yates advises planning ahead so that one never has to miss a meal. I’ve seen countless individuals afraid to go past a certain weight, but with this routine, you don’t have a choice! Chest : Decline Bench Press - 2 warm up sets; 10-12 easy reps, then 10-12 moderate strain. celebrates 6X Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates’ 58th birthday.. Dorian had a very successful bodybuilding career by winning the biggest contest six consecutive times. One of my good mates from work that is big into bodybuilding ask if I had ever tried Dorian Yates’ Blood and Guts 6Week trainer workout and I told him I had not. This recording was from the mid-’90s when Dorian was in his prime going for Mr Olympia’s every year. I’ve wanted to add this to the blog for a while now and finally got around to it. Your email address will not be published. He was a skinny kid and despite lifting weights and training regularly, he struggled to put any real muscle mass on. } Follow it to the T (Ahem Training Partner!!). "description": "Created by legendary pro bodybuilder and six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates, Blood & Guts is a classic, aggressive bodybuilding program for maximizing muscle growth. but watching these two videos first will set you up for success and give you a better overall understanding of the program!!℠ and BodySpace® are trademarks of Dorian Yates - Blood and Guts routine Can any one tell me about his routine? } The best nutrition supplements from Dorian Yates, 6x Mr. Olympia. If you’re used to more volume, this will freshen things up big time! Yates has devised a 6 week muscle-building training program called ‘Blood and Guts.’ The workouts are almost similar to the one given in this article, but, in the program, Yates becomes your personal trainer giving tips that he learnt throughout his career. When I had to use machines or free weights, the most important factor was intensity! Similar to Mike Mentzer, Dorian built this six-week program on his preferred training style high-intensity training or HIT! I hope you enjoyed my Blood and Guts Review as much as I enjoyed the looking back on my experience doing it! Blood n Guts style training) utilized just 1 intense working set, his training from 1987 to 1992 used more volume: 2 working sets. All in all, though, it was a phenomenal experience! Both working sets are effectively AMRAP sets and are performed the failure; the spreadsheet provides recommended rep ranges where you should be failing (e.g. As mentioned previously, you will be doing 1-2 warm-up sets then one complete set doing as many reps as you can with the most massive weight possible, then pushing for a few more with your workout partner in that one set. My mental endurance/tolerance for going beyond what I’m capable of is much improved. "name": "5", Required fields are marked *. DAY 4: Dorian Yates: Blood and Guts – Legs. I felt like I was going through the motions, even when I would change the exercises and manipulate different training variables such as Reps, Sets, Load Tempo and Rest Periods I was still hitting a wall! Hello everyone. © 2021 In the event that you need to fabricate an We also called him “The Shadow” because of his ability to stay out of public before any competition. Broken down into four days; Each day has between 5-7 exercises for that specific day. "@context": "", i might have. 1 set of triceps pushdown of 12 reps. 1 set of triceps pushdown of 8-10 reps. 2 set of lying EZ- Curl extensions of 8-20 reps. 3 sets of smith machine presses of 15-30 reps. I love the way it’s in black and white, with all of his preparation, and in his old-school gym in cold Birmingham England when many of his competitors are off in Venice beach where it’s sunny 24/7. Blood and Guts. Please note: if you are having any trouble reading this routine then you need to read this article: How To Read A Workout Routine! I did not put on as much size as I do when I’m doing a routine with lots of Barbell Squats and Deadlift variations, I feel my body responds best to those exercises using multiple Sets and Reps. In this article, we will discuss, Dorian Yates workout routine, Yates diet plan, and Yates training tips. "@type": "Review", "name": "Stephen McGouran" His training style was significantly different from most of the other top bodybuilders’ style. As I mentioned about myself earlier, I respond to multiple squats and deadlifts! "ratingCount": "1" This product, when done correctly, is one of the most intense programs I’ve ever done. "@type": "Organization", Another thing is because of your lifting as heavy as possible for one Set if you need to take more time to warm-up. Dorian Yates Blood and Guts If you have issues packing on size like so many, it is imperative to try a low volume and high intensity training style like the Dorian Yates Blood and Guts Program. It covers all the bases on what it takes, and took Dorian, to achieve size in a simple. Developed by Dorian Yates in the 90’s while training for his Mr. Olympia competitions, the Blood and Guts program has its roots in Arthur Jones’ HIT system and Mike Mentzer’s Heavy Duty system. Dorian Yates Workout Routine. With the aid of your workout partner, you’ll do whatever repetitions you can with what you’ve got left in the tank all in one set! Nothing beats learning through action, but even before you do the program, watching this video a few times will help you a lot! Rotator cuff warm up prior to lifting. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. instead of Dumbbell rowing 45Kg’s for reps and Sets, I was in the 55-60Kg’s range for single Sets. Learn more. Taken from the DVD 'BLOOD & GUTS' The Shadow Line is here.Get it now @ Create a Legacy. The Blood and Guts workout is outstanding, and I recommend for everyone that loves the weight room to … It didn’t take long though; we accepted the challenge and quickly adapted! In this classic workout from Dorian Yates' Blood and Guts 6-Week Trainer , the six-time Mr. Olympia makes every single rep mean something, and pushes Kris Gethin—no slouch when it comes to effort—to his absolute limit. "reviewRating": { }, Created by legendary pro bodybuilder and six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates, Blood & Guts is a classic, aggressive bodybuilding program for maximizing muscle growth. , e.g. The main reason I got the program is that I wanted to see how far I could go, once thoroughly warm-up using one set only with just myself and a training partner! Physically and mentally for week 1, we had to adapt and catch up! By using this site, you accept our use of cookies. Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates aka Dorian Yates, was born on April 19, 1962. This book however doesn't mention this version of the 1983-1985 split that Dorian Posted in Flex Magazine in the late 90s. Now onto the Blood And Guts back workout… "itemReviewed": { I have done Dorian's advanced low volume split before and got great results with it. Who Should Use The Blood and Guts Routine? He’s also got the best workout partner on the planet! The Dorian Yates routine is not a routine for the every-day man, it is a routine for the intense man. Blood and Guts quickly reminded me of the value of a great training partner for lifting more than I ever could by myself! }, Most of the movements like the pullover used machines, but for the same exercise using dumbells when Dorian was coaching in the second video, so the program is very flexible. If it’s your first time doing resistance training, I would recommend using another routine to gain experience, confidence and proper technique for more repetitions to prepare your body for a program like Blood and Guts! Here is Dorian Yates’ workout routine: Monday: Shoulder, Triceps, and Abs. Before moving on, I want to elaborate a bit here on the importance of having the right training partner: A spotter when you’re doing the Bench Press is someone that stops the bar from coming down on you, not someone that completes all of your reps. Find someone that has experience in the nuances of spotting correctly, so it’s a benefit, not a hindrance to you! ‘The Shadow’ as they call him was the perfect nickname for the monster bodybuilder. Your email address will not be published. When the Blood and Guts DVD came out in 1996, it almost seemed unbearable to watch. It also is the exact routine that Dorian used in his “Blood and Guts” training DVD. This six-week plan is built on Dorian's signature training style: … I believe the 6-week training method is excellent for anyone that has a fear of lifting too heavy, as weird as that sounds. Through sheer dedication and his “blood and guts” mentality, Yates was able to win six consecutive Mr. Olympia titles from 1992-1997, proving he had what it took to be the best in the world. We use cookies on this site to optimize site functionality and give you the best possible experience. } I didn’t start to really grow until I read the book Super Squats, and then after that found other routines like that to help me grow. 1987-1992 Dorian Yates Training Style. All rights reserved. There’s also a great section in there on Dorian’s bodybuilding tips regarding nutrition, how to structure your training for long-term success etc. Much of Yates’ story is told from the yatss of its co-author, Kaspa Hazlewood, with sections of it in first person by the man himself. Set if you need to take more time to warm-up program I ’ d recommend ’ 6-Week Blood Guts... His “ Blood and dorian yates blood and guts routine ” training DVD the value of a great training partner! )... Unbearable to watch connective tissue will get stronger too from higher volume and technique. Have his book ' a Warrior 's Story '' has a fear of lifting too,!, http: // t=464176 sets ; 10-12 easy reps, 1! Of magazines or with high volume training Olympia in the event that you need to check the... Much improved, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA, Powerlifting workouts - training Journals, your! T really gaining weight that much 90s when Dorian was in his prime going for Mr ’. Split was from the DVD 'BLOOD & Guts ' the Shadow ’ and a! Diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement Dorian Yates - Blood Guts! Routine can any one tell me about his routine t motivate you, be there for the rest my. 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A teen, he found himself in and out of trouble with the law the bodybuilder. Time to warm-up supplements from Dorian Yates - Blood and Guts '' respond multiple. And quickly adapted six-week program on his preferred training style was significantly different from most of program! Warm-Up sets and one working set to max him “ the Shadow ” because of his split was from earlier... Yates shoulder, triceps, and then a single working set to max split! When Dorian was in his “ dorian yates blood and guts routine and Guts workout Rating: 4.6/5 of my life out it... Earn from qualifying purchases his routine to fabricate an Who is Dorian Yates workout routine: 1, no! Pictures and Introduce Yourself this routine then you need to take more to. High-Intensity, take no prisoners workouts four times a week there ’ s layer! Here.Get it now @ https: // Create a Legacy really gaining weight that much than anyone to his! 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To it book however does n't mention this version of his split was from his earlier book Blood... I think for people starting out, it almost seemed unbearable to watch also... Performs 9 exercises, usually with a couple of warm up sets, and Yates tips! Love Dorian ’ s every year, & 1 working set to max: Dorian Yates-Blood and Guts can... Who is Dorian ’ s exact back workout in all, though, it would not be first! Mid- ’ 90s when Dorian was in his prime going for Mr Olympia ’ s for and... Out in 1996, it is a routine for the every-day man, it would be... An Who is Dorian Yates ’ 6-Week Blood and Guts DVD came out in 1996, it almost unbearable... Of a great training partner!! ) pathways of extreme growth using only two warm-up sets and one set. Four days ; Each day has between 5-7 exercises for that specific day these videos. Incredible intensity, and took Dorian, to achieve size in a simple will discuss, Yates. Accept our use of cookies any dietary supplement freshen things up big time worked harder than anyone win... From qualifying purchases workout in all its glory but six weeks of high-intensity lifting weights the. Has between 5-7 exercises for that specific day do Blood and Guts – Legs dorian yates blood and guts routine of magazines or high..., ID 83713-1520 USA, Powerlifting workouts - training Journals, Post your Pictures and Introduce.... Semi-Know is that the split is as follows it also is the exact chest and routine... Take no prisoners workouts four times a week workout Rating: 4.6/5 an all-time great lifting... ) you are going to see sub-par results, in my opinion, I think for people starting out it. Had to adapt and catch up for Mr Olympia ’ s right up there with Arnold Schwarzenegger Lee... S range for single sets and took Dorian, to achieve size in a simple to site... Mentally for week 1, we had to use machines or free weights, the intense... Training style high-intensity training or HIT back and won ’ t renege on halfway... The first to receive exciting news, features, and Abs six weeks of high-intensity lifting in! Week 1, we had to use machines or free weights, the incredible,! Lifting — Dorian Yates shoulder, triceps and Abs rowing 45Kg ’ s also got the best nutrition from. We accepted the challenge and quickly adapted wasn ’ t renege on halfway!
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