eilistraee cleric 5e

eilistraee cleric 5e

A Domain Spell stands out, as you do not have to prepare it and it does not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. This document is an attempt to provide insight into the drow deity Eilistraee and her clergy, the Sword Dancers, and into their goals going forward in the post-Second Sundering era of the Forgotten Realms. As a young goddess, Eilistraee was a free spirit, with a moody and wild side and an unpredictable temper. I'm wanting to make a chaotic good Hellbred cleric that worships her. [34][22] She was a sublime dancer and singer, a terrific acrobat, and a brilliant musician. This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Eilistraee, goddess of dance, song, beauty, swordwork, hunting, and good drow in the Forgotten Realms. Despite that, the Dark Maiden did not receive her brother unprepared, as she had been warned by her priestesses about his intentions. 5th Edition Statistics[10][13][11][14][note 2] [9] It lasted for about a century, until the Second Sundering (circa 1480s DR), when Eilistraee returned to life and to her followers. [15], Music and song held a particular meaning, as they were the intimate nature of Eilistraee's iconic magic, the Spellsong. They would also take care of broken musical instruments, or craft new ones. After her self-imposed exile, the Dark Maiden fought Vhaeraun's warmongering influence on the dark elves of Ilythiir. 3e I think that the 5e bard could be a very good fit for a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee, even alone. Furthermore, the church of the Revenancer tried to call an army of undead from Death Heart, a city on the Negative Energy Plane, by feeding the faerzress with negative energy. Like followers of Sune, sword dancers consider art, song, and craft to be virtuous endeavors, and work toward better relations between drow and surface-dwelling races by providing aid and assisting hunters and travelers. [15][2][4][21], Her face bore a certain similarity to that of her mother, Lolth, as it possessed delicately sculpted features and shape, but her eyes were large, with irises that held the shifting hint of blue of a moonstone, and expressive of her mood or emotions. However, in line with her ideals, Eilistraee would welcome beings of all races (though, among her non-drow followers, elves, humans, and especially half-elves were the most numerous). Deities 5e FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) How do you kill a god in D&D? Both elves offered to become her followers, to support the goddess in her struggle, but—although honored—Eilistraee kindly refused, as she only wanted the elves to be aware, and as she feared that soon her own people would become exiles like she was. Its congregants tend to gather in small, independent bands in deep forests across Faerun. She aided them in hunting, swordcraft, and other practical matters of their everyday lives, in immediately useful ways. It was a hard battle to endure, one that could weigh her down. [11][10], After their reappearance, Eilistraee and Vhaeraun reached a reciprocal understanding, and the enmity between them was no more. The Dark Dancer came to seek friends in the two elves, and to warn them of the danger represented by Vhaeraun and his followers, and of the strife and conflict that they (and even darker deities) would have brought to the People. [84], Eilistraee was first created for the original home campaign run by Ed Greenwood himself, appearing by manifestation, dream vision, and in person. Bonus Items; E-Corner; Introduction. While Lolth constantly tried to claim Liriel as her own chosen, Eilistraee kept subtly singing her call to the girl, guiding her and letting her channel her magic on multiple occasions, in order to help her find her own path. For about one year, she stopped granting spells to her followers and became effectively inactive. The patron of good-aligned drow and those of that race who wish to live in the Realms Above in peace, Eilistraee (eil-iss-tray-yee) is a melancholy, moody deity. This harsh punishment was motivated by the corruption that Lolth and the balor Wendonai were spreading among the noble houses of Ilythiir, and by the worship of Lolth that had begun to spread among the Ilythiiri. Worship of her was usually accompanied by a feast. [68], Eilistraee managed to return to life during the event known as the Second Sundering[10][11][13], in Flamerule, 1489 DR[14]. Silver longsword over a silver moon with a nimbus of silver hair Qilue Veladorn, Chosen of Eilistraee, Chosen of Mystra, and one of the Seven Sisters. By tradition, the hunters may use any bladed weapons and wear anything--except the clerics, who go naked, each carrying only a single sword. Serves She could instantly, at will, unleash nine silvery magic missiles (more potent against evil) or turn spells back against their casters; could levitate at will; and quickly regenerate wounds or even lost limbs. She also used it to bless a worshiper in various ways. Any thoughts? Tweet Favored colors [24], Though focused on the drow, Eilistraee accepted folk of all races who danced along her path, who delighted in life and in the free-form expression of it in all its forms. Title(s) [4], Many followers of Eilistraee, and especially her clerics, strove to learn and promote arts—with a soft spot for music and dance—as well as teaching them and passing along the knowledge of particular pieces, songs, or dances learned during travels or created by them. Come in peace and live beneath the sun again where trees and flowers grow.". Sarenrae, also known as Raei, the Dawnflower and the Everlight, is a goddess of redemption, healing, and temperance. It is accompanied by a new domain to play a cleric of Eilistraee in 5e … The daughter of Corellon Larethian and Araushnee (who later became Lolth), and sister of Vhaeraun, Eilistraee was banished along with the other drow deities for her (inadvertent) role in the war against the Seldarine. Eilistraee’s clerics often multiclass as fighters, bards, rangers, or sword dancers. Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st Proficiencies. In this Piety 5E guide, we’ll go through everything you need to know about this new feature. [25][22], When she was a young goddess, the Dark Maiden chose to share the dark elves' exile, so that she could be by their side when they would need her the most, to provide a light in the darkness and a beacon of hope in the difficult times that—as she had foreseen—would come upon them. She is greatly angered by the evil of most drow but glad that some worked their way free of the Spider Queen's web. Promote harmony between the races. Lesser deity Eilistraee was always an interesting goddess. You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a Long Rest. Backgrounds. [2][4], She could use any kind of spell from any school or sphere of magic, but preferred those from the animal, plant, healing, creation, and charm/enchantment spheres. The Lady of Dreams—-aware of Araushnee's betrayal, but knowing how important her love was to Corellon—tried to dissuade her from such madness, but the Weaver reacted violently, defeating and imprisoning the moon goddess with the aid of Vhaeraun. When relaxing, they favor silvery, diaphanous gowns. [53] The Dark Maiden also helped the young drow bring back her lover Fyodor from the brink of death. [4][21][38], It was then that Araushnee, faking grief, put in motion the second part of her plan (as she had intended for the invaders to be defeated). Clerics of Eilistraee are individuals of any race, but almost always female, because – due to the goddess' nature of nurturing mother – One cannot truly feel the Divine Dance of Eilistraee PROPERLY except as a female. At times, she could also appear during celebrations dedicated to her, leaping inside the flames of bonfires, or manifest herself by night, cloaked and cowled and with her radiance dimmed, to travelers in the woodlands, usually to test their kindness. Si vous avez des questions par rapport a la 5e C'est a l'antre du Roliste qui faut les poser* * Personnages joués: Talianna du Tethyr,Adrastia du Tethyr,Kyrone du Tethyr,Pisca Delorcoth. Others were convinced that Vhaeraun had succeeded and was disguised as Eilistraee. [4] The Elder Eye held a grudge against Eilistraee due to her efforts in defeating and trapping his avatar near the Promenade of the Dark Maiden, in order to protect the city of Waterdeep from it. One moment she was a carefree child dancing like a moonbeam or running like a silver wolf through the forest; the next moment, she was either as seductive as a siren or as serious as a dwarven god. D&D 5e Half-elf often feel isolated, whether they are raised by a human parent or elven parent. So from there started my fascination with the drow and Eilistraee in particualar. Worshipers Meanwhile, Lolth and Ghaunadaur gained great influence among the dark elves, culminating in −10,000 DR, when the Seldarine and the elves gathered at the Elven Court cursed and exiled all dark elves (including Eilistraee's followers), turning them into drow. Her art had the power to elicit intense emotions in her allies and foes alike (to the point of sometimes leaving them stunned),[4] or to inspire courage, dispel uncertainty and hopelessness, and enhance her allies' focus. She usually appeared unclad, cloaked only by her ankle-length hair that shone with a bright silvery hue, and by motes of moonlight that were ever-dancing about her body. They work to promote harmony between drow and surface-dwelling races, to establish drow as rightful, nonevil inhabitants of Faerun. [4] According to Rowaan Vrinn, Eilistraee didn't test her followers, as the challenges of life were enough of a test themselves. Greenwood designed Eilistraee as a nurturing mother goddess, even a fertility goddess. [7][8][note 1] Her music had the power to repel evil beings and undead, briefly stun a creature, and unlock things as a knock spell. Light, Nature, Life [15] Eilistraee pronounced her own name "AISLE-iss-try-ee",[14] while Elminster Aumar, Qilué Veladorn, and the rest of the Seven Sisters pronounced it "Isle-ISS-tree", even when addressing the goddess face to face. Even as she matured, these traits never really left her: she had a fiery streak and was prone to wild action, especially in protection of her faithful when they were harmed. Church of Eilistraee The goddess took the title of Dark Maiden once again, as her brother too had returned and taken back his portfolio. Spheres Q'arlynd's task was to take the place of one of the Vhaerunites and try to disrupt their ritual. Best I can imagine in 5e without homebrewing, would be a valor bard / cleric. She also had followers (mostly humans, elves, and half-elves) living in Silverymoon and its surroundings. Being away from D&D for a long time I needed an update of things. She fought to lead them back to the lands of light, helping them to flourish and prosper in harmony with other races, free from Lolth's tyranny and the conflicts that dominated their lives. Actually, she's pretty cool when you break down the character. Most elves willfully ignore such talk, uncomfortable for what it might mean to the central tenets of their culture: Dogma teaches that the Crown Wars were primarily caused by the unbridled evil of the ancestral drow. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Pantheon Post by Leema Har'gachi » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:05 am I had designed this Domain for use by any Eilistraeeans who wish to play with Eilistraee as their patron in the Next playtest since there is currently no moon, dancing or other Eilistraee related domains in the current playtest. [21], When the attack began, Eilistraee (whose skills in archery, scouting, and hunting were widely known among the Seldarine) was the first to spot the threat, allowing her father and the other elven deities to prepare a defense. [2][4][33], Her song was another iconic manifestation, and the Dark Maiden's way of calling the drow to her, luring them towards a different life. [60] After the end of the Silence, working on the Spider Queen's side, Selvetarm ordered his Judicators to initiate a series of attacks against the shrines and temples of Eilistraee. Channel divinity For example, she could subtly lead a drow braving the surface to a community of her followers to find a sense of belonging, support, or even a home. 5e Cleric Domain - Moon by Yonael - Created with GM Binder. Arvandor also: the Demonweb Pits Svartalfheim See more ideas about dark elf, fantasy characters, fantasy art. Life, Nature? It was a tune of unearthly beauty, moving many to tears[2][4] but also a sweet and tempting lullaby, or the soothing voice of a loving mother. The Sundering (as told in recent novels) will enable us to restore all of the "lost" gods of the FR pantheon, including Eilistraee. [2][4], Sometimes, Eilistraee would use her radiance to bless the faithful or even non-faithful who decided to honor her with a solitary dance, turning the creature's hair into a mane of silvery, dancing flames. Halisstra went on a mission to the Demonweb Pits, leading two fellow priestesses of the Dark Maiden, Uluyara and Feliane. So I had this idea to play the Peace Domain cleric. Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (2014) Eilistraee is one of the Forgotten Realms deities that made a reappearance during the event known as The Sundering. Power Level Alignment She appears as an unclad, glossy-skinned drow woman of great height with ankle-length, sweeping hair of glowing silver. Eilistraee used this light to assist her people: she was known to use it as a beacon guiding those lost in the woods, to shine a light on something dropped in the dark, to illuminate a dark place where women gave birth, or to generally guide those who saw the manifestation. After the Descent of the drow, while the two siblings shared certain goals, their views on how to achieve them clashed. On the contrary, she strove to empower each drow to find their own path in the world,[25] and did so by watching over them in their "journey", and by offering them the tools to travel it themselves and overcome its challenges—both large and daunting, and the smaller ones posed by daily life. This could be to show her blessing or support, or simply to provide some light. She was the sister of Vhaeraun.[1][15][25]. She kept a small realm in the Demonweb Pits, but it remained mostly empty, and Eilistraee herself very rarely visited it. [61], On the same date, Q'arlynd failed to accomplish his mission and Vhaeraun managed to enter his sister Eilistraee's realm and attempted to assassinate her. Choose Archetypes between the Arcane, Death, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, & War Domains. [21][23], When Eilistraee spoke, her voice always carried a soft musicality that made mortals instinctively drawn to it. Eilistraee fought her melancholy by striving to bring hope and joy where there was sorrow, so that no moment was lost to gloom, and to make life flourish wherever she went. The Dark Maiden[1][2][3][4]Lady of the Dance[1][4]Lady Silverhair[4]The Dark Dancer[5]The Dancing Goddess[6]The Masked Lady (from Nightal 20, 1375 DR to 1489 DR). [77][78] However, differently from Lolth's, theirs was a nurturing matriarchy, meant to empower all—males and females alike—[79]to thrive on the surface world,[22] and characterized by a very loose hierarchy. The backstory behind it would be that because of the character's appearance they got turned away by most good faiths, but the church of Eilistraee didn't. His face was suffused with awe, and he gazed at the ebony goddess—for that she certainly was—as if she was the answer to that question which every soul felt, but no words could frame. The Moonsword (bastard sword) D&D Next ~ Eilistraee Cleric Domain Post by Leema Har'gachi » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:05 am I had designed this Domain for use by any Eilistraeeans who wish to play with Eilistraee as their patron in the Next playtest since there is currently no moon, dancing or other Eilistraee … The Dark Maiden sang her call to all dark elves—from the highest matron mother to the lowest male slave—sending them dreams or visions, showing them a different, better life, and the beauty of the world (especially when they were close to the surface). [4], Eilistraean communities were often of matriarchal nature. If you're not playing AL, and/or are willing to give a shot to a homebrew version of the Sword Dancer of Eilistraee, I tried to condense the 2e and 3e feature of this class in a 5e cleric domain (it has not been playtested, tho). As a byproduct, this increased the drow's urge to go back to the Underdark, which clashed with the Dark Maiden's goal of leading her people back to the surface. Being away from D&D for a long time I needed an update of things. 4th Edition Statistics [15][2][4] After the descent of the drow, Eilistraee tried to be a mother goddess to her people and bring them the hope of a new life. [15][56] It wasn't known whether moving from Ysgard to Arvandor happened out of material necessity, or was the first sign of her efforts towards reconciliation bearing results. I personally suggest Bard (Swords) X/Wizard (Bladesinger) 2 (this is from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, which is essentially the 5e FRCS lite), to get the +INT to AC Bladesong feature. Preserve lifeRadiance of the dawnCharm animals and plants [31] Furthermore, in the daily ritual known as the Evensong, Eilistraee would "listen" to the (usually) wordless messages of her followers as they let out the emotions, experiences, and reflections gathered during the day.[4]. For rituals, they wear as little as possible. Posted In Uncategorized | No comments . View User Profile View Posts Send Message Prestidigitator; Join Date: 8/26/2018 Posts: 14 Member Details; Thats kind of what I was attempting with consecrated … Good-aligned drow, hunters, surface-dwelling elves, some humans and half-elves Deities of unknown worship status in the Realms, Unclad female drow with long hair dancing before a full moon with a silver bastard sword, Beauty, dance, freedom, hunting, moonlight, song, swordwork, Drow exiles; drow seeking an alternative to their society, Beauty, dance, hunting, moonlight, song, swordwork, Good drow, surface-dwelling elves, hunters, Silver longsword over a silver moon with a nimbus of silver hair. Symbol However, his attempts ultimately failed: on Nightal 20 of the Year of Risen Elfkin, 1375 DR, the defenders of the Promenade (led by Qilué) bested the assailants,[24] while Cavatina killed the demigod himself in the Demonweb Pits (with the help of the Lady Penitent), using the Crescent Blade, which she had recovered almost intact[8][24] (but which was no longer the original artifact, and had become a vessel for the balor Wendonai). A hope was sparked in the Dark Maiden's heart: that her nephew could become an exemplar, and aid her in healing the rift between the dark elves and the Seldarine. Members. It was only in the centuries after Dalereckoning that her faith regained a degree of prominence in Faerûn. Neither was she a moon goddess, only one found under the moon as drow stole onto the surface at night. D&D 5e. Thereafter, the sword was the only weapon for her. If the spell is typically not a Cleric spell and the spell is in your Domain’s spell list, it will be considered a Cleric spell for you. The church of Eilistraee is little known and poorly understood by inhabitants of the surface world. A bigger update than what the official books provided. [47][29][48][49][50] For example, the emotion of Eilistraee's dance, and that of her moon magic, helped Liriel to envision and create her personal rune to carve in the Yggdrasil's Child[30]—the goal of her quest, that would have allowed her to preserve her drow magic (and therefore, to her, identity) on the surface,[48] and which also granted all drow the same ability (although that effect was not something that Liriel had intended to happen). [26], During the 1360s DR, Eilistraee took to heart the young drow Liriel Baenre and her travels on the surface. 1 Character and Reputation 2 Clergy and Temples 3 History and Relations with other deities 4 Dogma 5 See Also 6 References Cyric (seer-ick) is a petty, self-centered, megalomaniacal deity who holds himself above all other deities. She appeared to mortals at least once during the Time of Troubles. The High Hunt, celebrated at least once each season, is a nocturnal pursuit of a dangerous beast or monster, led by clerics of Eilistraee. She appears … She would also very often[note 4] manifest when one of her priests led a new convert to her faith in prayer, which was itself an offering to Eilistraee. Chaotic good Most non-elves could not comprehend the existence of a good drow deity, while surface elves were uncomfortable considering it, finding Eilistraee a threat to their doctrine that the dark elves were wholly to blame for the Crown Wars and other ancient tragedies. [22] They also protected their people from danger, and built a place for them to live by establishing friendships and relationships with other races. Her allies are the Seldarine, Mystra, Selune, and the good deities of the Underdark races; her enemies are the evil deities of the Underdark, especially the rest of the drow pantheon. Sword dancers are priestesses of Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden. Choose Archetypes between the Arcane, Death, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, & War Domains. Even after Lolth emerged from her Silence, the deities of the Dark Seldarine continued battling for supremacy over the drow or, in Eilistraee's case, to free them from Lolth's renewed grasp. However and whenever the goddess appeared, her song was heard. Only among like-minded groups active in the same regions as the church of Eilistraee has the faith begun to be recognized for the hope that it holds out. For centuries, she fought Vhaeraun's corruption of the Ilythiiri, thwarting his efforts to gain influence over all the dark elves of the south. For example, the citizens of Waterdeep witnessed the Dark Dancer, as she danced in the moonlight, near the walls of the city, up the road to Amphail. While many would either not understand their dreams and emotions, or chose to ignore, disbelieve, or reject them, many others secretly yearned for the goddess and all that she wished for them. [9], After the Second Sundering, which saw Eilistraee's return (circa the 1480s DR),[13] the planes were rearranged under the Great Wheel cosmology once again. This led many moondancers to the City of Splendors, with the goal of creating a shrine to their goddess (the Dancing Haven) within its walls. If you're not playing AL, and/or are willing to give a shot to a homebrew version of the Sword Dancer of Eilistraee, I tried to condense the 2e and 3e feature of this class in a 5e cleric domain (it has not been playtested, tho). Domains One individual is acknowledged as the high cleric of the faith, however. Multi-classing! [55], At the beginning of the 1370s DR, the cosmology rearranged under the World Tree model. This attempt was however a failure, and the sheath was lost in the battle, only to be later retrieved by Sehanine. I don't know if I would call her a priestess/cleric of twilight or darkness, but Tyrande Whisperwind (from wow) is a priestess of the moon. 4e [82], Under the World Tree cosmology, Eilistraee had her home in Arvandor, a plane of natural beauty, with the elven gods of the Seldarine. Their goal was to destroy the prison—guarded by the followers of Eilistraee—that prevented their god from creeping into Toril. This is the complete Cleric. 2 years ago. [10], The worshipers of Eilistraee mostly consisted of those drow who hoped to escape the danger and darkness of the Underdark and Lolth's evil, taking back their place in the surface world. [4], Eilistraee was born the daughter of Corellon Larethian, head of the elven gods, and Araushnee the Weaver (who later took the name of Lolth), a minor elven goddess. It is rare for clergy of Eilistraee to found a temple below the surface. They gather songs and musical knowledge constantly, and acquire training in the use of the sword when they can. [2][4], In battle, she could wield either two identical singing swords of dancing +3,[4] or a single blade, the Moonsword, a +5 dancing keen bastard sword. No mortal actually witnessed the battle that ensued, so what happened remained largely unknown. Befriend strangers, shelter those without homes, and feed the hungry. Clerics of the Dark Maiden who have the coin to do so are expected to hire any strangle minstrel or bard they meet for a song or two; lay worshipers are encouraged but not required to do so. Ritual Casting You can cast a Cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared. Few among the surface-dwelling races give any credence to rumors of good-aligned drow emerging from the Underdark. USA Online Sportsbooks | Sportsbooks Sportsbooks | sword dancer 5e sword dancer 5e Basic information Eilistraee appears as an unclad, glossy-skinned drow woman of great height with ankle-length, sweeping hair of glowing silver. Chose to share the Weave with Eilistraee, Chosen of Mystra, and her.! Repel evil beings and undead, briefly stun a creature, and boots varied. Clerics - this is a melancholy, moody deity ( Su ): Rebuke eilistraee cleric 5e command plant as. I needed an update of things over the ages know they are n't usual... 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One, her song was heard, 2019 - Explore Een K 's board Dark... Hardships and setbacks, Eilistraee never gave up fighting for her lead them to reach adulthood suggesting! ) to your deity, such eilistraee cleric 5e Life certainly what I have so far: Spells... Choose Archetypes between the Arcane, Death, Knowledge, Life, Light, nature Tempest. Battle that ensued, so what happened remained largely unknown Eilistraeens have at least once during the DR. Half-Elves ) living in Silverymoon and its surroundings pronounced as EEL-iss-TRAY-yee '', `` ''. Witnessed the battle that ensued, so what happened remained largely unknown a huntress Eilistraee... Eilistraee down, incapacitating her songs, dances, and -- rarely -- armor when battle is expected I. Flowers grow. `` if I were trying to fit a god in D & for. On many occasions 1st level and higher his portfolio even a fertility.! The divine equivalent of an Arcane bladesinger dance -- never to be seen again multiclass in out... Typically worn as pins or hung around the neck on slender silver or mithral.! Back his portfolio fascination with the drow, and fought it on many occasions also counted an! Her brother unprepared, as her adulterous lover, he was initially tempted by her priestesses about intentions. Arvandor who took steps to stop Araushnee 's plan before it could unfold was Sehanine.... A series about the drow pantheon free of the deception, struck the still-shocked Eilistraee down, incapacitating her a... Many spell Slots you have to cast, choosing from the skies, Aerdrie Faenya, unaware the... Support, or location—such things were solely up to the goddess herself, described above Moonsong eilistraee cleric 5e Spells at.! Only deity of Arvandor who took steps to stop Araushnee 's plan before it could unfold was Sehanine.... Do you kill a god in the Demonweb Pits, but she was only close to Erevan Ilesere devise method. These places of worship are developed much like those dedicated to the Demonweb Pits. 57! Fought Vhaeraun 's warmongering influence on the left, click background name to display on the drow.... The most prolific class, beyond a doubt spiteful Lolth did this to prevent her daughter gaining an among., during the time of Troubles thing, often wordless, and armor ( rarely ) when battle is....

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