formal names for ellie
Everild – One of my favorite neglected gems, though I’d probably call Everild Evie. We have decided to name or baby girl Ellie but can't decide on a middle name. Find the complete details of Ellie name on BabyNamesCube, the most trusted source for baby name meaning, numerology, origins, similar names and more! Ellie Laura. Check out the Ways To Get To Ellie article! Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name. Vintage Names for Girls. 2. My boss is Ellie, but her full name is Ellen. Ellie Ann is our favorite. There's a ton. I think it's nice to have the option of a longer/more formal name. You could always go for Elsa, Ellis, Elliston, Elisnore (Shakespeare), Ellery, Elanor (The Lord of the Rings), Eliana, Elvira, and Elva.etc. Traditional Spanish grandma nicknames include tita, abbi, and lita. Some parents choose a proper name as a way to get to a nickname they like: Adeline for Addie, say, or Eleanor for Ellie. Ask Question + 100. Thank you! Want a different name? Get your answers by asking now. Hmmm I have this problem too because my name is Kelly and I LOVE Elle/Ellie. What year had the most people named Ellie born? Oma/ Grossmutter; Spanish Name For Grandma. Sometimes Estelle. Joined: Feb 22, 2011 Messages: 1,178 Likes Received: 0. Gabrielle or Emmanuelle seems to work here? Commenting is the best way to get involved. I love the name Ellie, but I usually picture someone named Ellie with a more formal name such as Evelyn, Elizabeth, Eleanor, or Ellery. Ellie Anna. Hope you like the names. Discussion in 'Baby Names' started by BabyMaybe917, Feb 12, 2014. Choosing a name that has a cute nickname that you like is a good idea. Baby Names. Nicknames for Isabella: ... think outside the box for other names. The Ellie I know doesn't have any trouble with it, and I think people assume she's just going by a shortened version of her middle name. This question gets asked all the time here, and I feel like I'm really missing the boat on this one...what is so awesome about Ellie? Is Ellie short for anything so we can compromise? Link to post Share on other sites. You may be able to come up with an interesting name for your dog by combining the names of past beloved pets. I came here to give this exact suggestion! When I was pregnant, we wanted a nn Ella so Eleanor and Ellara were among the top choices. Do you have any suggestions, oh namenerds? Looking for some more formal names that "Ellie" may be a nickname for: Not really into Eleanour. Ellie Julianne. Try our alternate name speller to get unique spellings for Ellie. The softer Beatrice would be nice with Ellie if that's a name you would consider. I'd never heard it before but it's apparently the Scottish version of Elizabeth. Join. BabyMaybe917 Mommy. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. April 2016. Not sure if shes had too much trouble with it but I think it's super cute and could be a great option! Boys names like Ellie: Jack, Ben, Owen, Luke, ... Magic Baby Names is a unique search site with 102,286 names collected from 2,648,420 family trees, containing 130,769,536 people. I recently found out that Elli's full name is Eledora (not sure on spelling.. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! But Ellie? I know an Ella who is Gabriella. 1 decade ago. It feels like a stretch, but maybe it works. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. November 5, 2014 1:53 AM. Independent art hand stretched around super sturdy wood frames. 8. My daughter's name is Elisabeth and she goes by Ellie. ... more lyrical sounding names for girls. We have a family member named Elliana (ellie-anna) and she goes by Ellie. A name that is stylistically similar to a traditional name can have the same effect. Alternate spellings for Ellie? EDIT: Holy guacamole; you guys are amazing!!!! We found 50 girl dog names that are perfect for puppies, senior pets, ... Ellie. Names Like Ellie Are you looking for a name that similar to Ellie? PhoebeJune1984 member. By stuck. 0 0. I know 6 baby Ellie's right now, and their full names are: Eliana, Ellis, Elizabeth (x2), Ellen, and one just Ellie. High quality Formal Names For Ellie inspired hardcover journals by independent artists and designers from around the world. Gen, Gigi, Evie, Vivi … the nickname options for this classic French import go on and on. A few suggestions that can be shortened to Ellie: Eilis Electra Eleri Eliana Elin Elina Elisha Elissa Elspeth Elvira Elysia Helena ^Love the name Eloise sinkingfeeling Share this post. As long as you stay on the topic of names and remain civil … Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}, I have a cousin named Ellie and her formal name is Elizabeth. Choose a name by combining other names. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Ellie – Ells, Ellie Belly, Elle, EllsBells, EL, elliepahnt. Eluned– An early Welsh saint. Hardback journals from Redbubble are so very versatile and lucky for you they're available in a ruled, graph or blank 90gsm paper. I love the name Ellie, but I usually picture someone named Ellie with a more formal name such as Evelyn, Elizabeth, Eleanor, or Ellery. 99. Related Posts: 350 Beautiful Seven Letter Girls Names. Bree, Elle, Ellie, Gabby, Gabriella, Rielle. Long Elegant Girl Names Alexandra Report 0 Reply. Elvi… I know 6 baby Ellie's right now, and their full names are: Eliana, Ellis, Elizabeth (x2), Ellen, and one just Ellie. Abuela is the Spanish name for Grandma. If i could get away with it, I would have Elle as her formal name and then Ellie … girl, and Must have this letter sequence" -- pick "el. The Ellie's I know are named Elizabeth and Gabriella. in greek origin. The lead actress in Unbreakable with Kimmy Schmitt's name is Ellie Kemper...her first name is short for Elisabeth. 13. Farrah. We've considered: -Eloise (a bit posh) -Eliza (he doesn't like that it's basically short Elizabeth) -Elizabeth (I don't like it because I've got an aunt Elizabeth and my family will INSIST on calling her Bitzy after the Aunt) -Amelia (so popular, which is a negative) -Elise -Elodie (got vetoed by my husband, alas). Endellion – A Cornish name with ties to a saint, and the correct sound found in the middle. The best nicknames today are not the cutesy Cindys and Mindys, Candys and Randis of the '60s and '70s, but rather vintage diminutives or sassy nicknames with attitude. Abuela/ Tita/ Abbi/ Lita; French Name For Grandma 13. A diminutive of the more formal Eleanor or Ellen, Ellie is the perfect name for a playful girl pup. It can make baby name suggestions from its database of over 100,000 first names. I like the option of Ellie being a short form because then our daughter can decide if she wants to sound more sophisticated or friendly, depending on her mood or the occasion. Archived. Congrats! Turn your home, office, or studio into an art gallery, minus the snooty factor. Now she has a friend in daycare who goes by Ellie. Elizabeth (Libby, Ellie, Liz, Beth) Josephine (Jo, Josie, Joey, Fina) Katherine (Kate, Kat, Katie, Kit, Kathy) Victoria (Tori, Vicky, Rori) Theresa (Reese, Resa, Tess, Tessa) Margaret (Maggie, Margo, Greta, Maisie) Marlena (Lena, Marley, Mara) Anastasia (Stacey, Sasha, Ana) Elena (Ellie, Laney, Lane) Abigail … Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. By Miriam. And Eleanor has so many other beautiful nicknames but literally not a week goes by when people don't say to me, "Are you going to call her Ellie? x3. I think Elisabeth is a nice formal name for being a professional someday, and Ellie is a fun short name :) FWIW, we don't know any other little girls named Ellie or Elisabeth. My ex's stepmother's name was Ellie, and she was a … 1998 Nick Hornby, About A Boy , Victor Gollancz, 1998, →ISBN, page 285 "It's funny, because when Ellie was born , I really hoped she 'd turn out like this , feisty and rebellious and loud and bright . Anne. I have two students who go by "Ellie". Baby Name Guesser finds out how first names are commonly used on the Internet. elladora? Formal name for an Ellie? I find Ellie isn't a strong sounding name, but it's friendly and less formal than Ellington. Close. We are giving our daughter her grandmother's maiden name Ellington, and calling her Ellie for short. I have a neice named Elise, and while the nn, I work with an Ellie but her real name is Ellesbeth or Ellsbeth not sure of the spelling, Elenor. 9 years ago Full names for the nickname Ellie? Anonymous. Try our baby name generator if you need more baby name inspiration. Printed with durable, fade-resistant inks. All about the given name ELLIEWhat does Ellie mean?Ellie:"Shining light," of Greek origin and short for Eleanor or Ellen.The meaning of the name Ellie is Diminutive Form Of Names Beginning With El. You’ll notice I used several names with alternate spellings for a little newness . Show more answers (14) Still have questions? My great grandmother was a Nellie, and my mother was named for her: Ellen. Elsinore– A place name from Shakespeare, Elsinore makes for a literary twist on Eleanor. My first name is Elizabeth and I've gone by Ellie since I was 10. Elle and Lee are just about the only nicknames I … Oma is informal, and Grossmutter is formal. 1 decade ago. I get a little more formal sense with the name Arthur and a warmer, more open vibe from the name Oscar. Ellie has been mirroring the same trends that other 100-year-old girl’s names have been experiencing in the past couple of decades – a triumphant return! Isn't that enough? Nicknames Are Important– this whole post is dedicated to nicknames because more often than not, we end up being called by our nicknames rather than our formal names. I like Ella a lot and ALMOST named DD that. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A community for those interested in names. Meanings of name ELLIE. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the I knew a girl whose name is Lauren Elizabeth and she goes by Ellie (L.E.). About. Precious and playful, little Ellie has won over parents with her sweet sound.. May 13, 2019 - Love the nickname Ellie but want something more formal? We are having our first child and it's a girl! There might be another formal name that can be used with that particular nickname. I have a friend who just named her daughter that and they call her Ellie. Ellie Sophia. For example, if you had a lovely cat named Sasha, and a sweet bulldog named Fido, you could think … Germans have formal and informal names for calling grandmothers. I get a little more formal sense with the name Arthur and a warmer, more open vibe from the name Oscar. Just struggling with middle nameWe like Ellie Surname is EdwardsEllie Edwards [emoji4]Any suggestions for a middle name to go with this. That's a lot of babies named Ellie! Many parents want to choose a formal name for their child, but don’t want to have their baby bogged down with a long moniker for day-to-day use. LouLou. For example, if you had a lovely cat named Sasha, and a sweet bulldog named Fido, you … My husband would like to give her a more formal name and just use Ellie as her nickname. Middle names for Ellie. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Full names i like are Elenora, Elle and Ellen. Finding the Right Formal Name On the flip side, if you love a particular nickname, but don't like the first name that typically goes along with it, think outside the box for other names. Ellie Eve. 26. Annaliese-Ann. My favorite formal name for Ellie is Elliott. Amelia, Emilia – So many Amelias answer to short forms. Check out the Ways To Ge - Brooklyn Baby Name - Ideas of Brooklyn Baby Name #brooklynbaby #baby #babyname - Love the nickname Ellie but want something more formal? ), which I thought was pretty. I agree with the commentators who say that having a full/ professional name is important for formal or official use. Legacy: Names that have a history of being associated with royalty, fame, or money will conjure an elegant image. 1 decade ago. 0 3. Ellie is a lovely name, but I do agree with needing a 'formal' name to start with. If you’re ruling out E names, then Eloise is a non-starter. Random Ellie Factoid: According to the 2018 U.S. Social Security Administration data, the first name Ellie ranks 23 rd in popularity as a baby girl's name in Ohio. 1 decade ago. Maybe a perfect compromise between the two. Style: Traditional, classic names tend to leave a more favorable impression that new, made up names. Their first names are Ellison and Ellianna. Thank you xxxxBaby Angel [emoji1356] January 2008Archie [emoji304][emoji1348] Annaliese is quite a formal name and the nickname Ann lends some simplicity to a name that could be a bit overpowering. Andromache. Jump in the fray! Lv 4. Try our one-of-a-kind baby name generator. I went to high school with an Ellie whose real name was Arielle. Millie can be a shortened form of several names, including Amelia, which means ‘industrious’. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! Great! My family has a naming tradition, sort of. You can combine two names to find matching names or you can get completely random names. My style includes names such as Emma, Grace, Lily, Kate, and Sarah although I'm starting to like less common names like Faith and Nina. We have an extensive list of names that match the baby name Ellie in several ways. Extremely overused. A family members Since Ellie started out as a pet form, the name is sweet and unpretentious. I find Ellie isn't a strong sounding name, but it's friendly and less formal than Ellington. Some suggestions are NMS, but off the top of my head: Ironically, I have an Eleanor that I'm desperately trying to keep from becoming just another Ellie. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on topic and remain civil, Press J to jump to the feed. Formal name for "Ellie" for a boy - Clementine Apr 11 2019, 6:04 PM; Re: Formal name for "Ellie" for a boy - Raven Briar Apr 13 2019, 8:25 PM; Re: Formal name for "Ellie" for a boy - Rioghnach Apr 13 2019, 7:45 AM; Re: Formal name for "Ellie" for a boy - Angrboða Apr 12 2019, 8:55 PM; Re: Formal name for "Ellie" for a boy - Princess_Shireen Apr 12 2019, 4:04 PM I rarely ever go by my full name unless its because I’m filling out a form. Sorry. We found 50 girl dog names that are perfect for puppies, senior pets, ... Ellie. Choose a name by combining other names. While Ellie is an old-school darling, she didn’t hit the U.S. Top 100 until 2011. I prefer the french pronunciation of Angéle. I do like the suggestion of Hazel Edith though! The name Ellie doesn’t have a meaning, per se; the name Ellie started as a nickname of other names, so it would have the same meaning as whatever name it was a nickname of. I've always dreamed of having a little girl and naming her Ellie to honor the tradition. I've never met another Ellie. Formal name for an Ellie? Ellie Name Meaning. Go to baby name wizard -->namefinder --. Light. You may be able to come up with an interesting name for your dog by combining the names of past beloved pets. I didn’t see you write any negatives for Elise. But Emmy and Ellie are quite sweet together, and Emilia and Eloise definitely don’t match too much. The highest recorded use of the first name Ellie was in 2018 with a total of 5,190 babies. Here is a list of Sibling names that go with Ellie. Elowen – A modern Cornish name meaning elm tree, easy to reduce to Ellie. My DD is Ellie and just that :-) She's the only one I know her age. I don't understand why people keep trying to force it on her -- we already have an Allie in the house. ", Anyway, here's something for you. The origin of the name Ellie is Greek. High quality Formal Names For Ellie inspired canvas prints by independent artists and designers from around the world. I think Oscar might win out slightly because it has the same spunk as Ellie and Arthur is a tad more formal IMO. 2 0. A diminutive of the female given names Eleanor and Elizabeth, also used as a formal given name. r/namenerds: A community for those interested in, looking for, or want to share names. Ellie is a Girl name, meaning Form of Eleanor. GENEVIEVE. But if you love the name Ellie so much, why not just use that for a first name? Similar in popularity to Ellie… you are in luck. Isn't Ellie already a nickname? I always use Eleanor when I first meet people, on my work badge, job interviews etc. I work with a girl who's nickname is Ellie but her full name is Elspeth. Mia, maybe, or Amy or Millie. It uses Google to look for common patterns involving each name, and then analyzes the results. :) Like the name Ellie. Nicknames are cool again for baby girls. My chosen name for a girl is also "Ellie", but it will be short for Elisabeth. My real name's Éponine, but everybody calls me Ellie. It’s not as popular as Ella, but it’s higher ranked than Elle. Ann is mine and my grandma's middle name. Elle and Lee are just about the only nicknames I can come up with! And it's less common than the other variations. Here’s a few, though they may be a bit of a stretch: I have an Ellie with a formal name of Danielle. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Farrah. For me Ellie is my name … Ellie Maria. Elizabeth/Eliza/Elsie which I see was vetoed. ", Get weekly updates on baby and your body. Page 2. My DH loves Ellie as a name, but I like more formal names - old fashioned ones. Unique One Syllable Girls Names. I think one syllable names sound good with Ellie, and kind of memorable and catchy, but I've tried not to use as many anyway.. Ellie Nicole. 0 4. Ellie Juliet. Unique ones: Elowen, Estelle, or Electra. She never, ever goes by Ellen though. Trending Questions. Posted by 1 year ago. Ellie Clara. An adorable name that got her start as a nickname, Ellie has risen to become a regular on today’s playgrounds. Lv 6. 0 0. I agree. Hello everyone [emoji4]Not sure what we are having but have name sorted for a boy and girl. I love Ellie as a nn. Your secrets and dreams written in ink, or drawn in pencil, and hidden behind your favorite art. A diminutive of the more formal Eleanor or Ellen, Ellie is the perfect name for a playful girl pup. I think you could also do any -elle name, my favorites are Annabelle and Marielle. Names that contain ella that could be used for nickname Ellie: Luella, Stella, Gabriella, Isabella, Arabella, Amabella, Antonella, Bellatrix, Fiorella, Bellamy, Ozella, Zella or Lelle. Eliana, Eleanor, Penelope, Elena, Elise, Elle, Noelle, Ella, Ellen. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! Ellie Violet.
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