how strong is darth maul reddit

how strong is darth maul reddit

Sidious sent Maul to make sure that the Trade Federation succeeded in their mission on Naboo. It's the same reason Vader is more powerful then Anakin. In canon Georges words hold nearly no weight now and can be overwritten on a dime. Not to mention he beat a ragged amped Young Obi-Wan just fine, and we've seen what a raged amped Obi-Wan has done against both Maul and Savage in TCW. He then fights with a single blade. Alternatively, pairing Darth Maul with general Grievous would allow you to combine Maul's double-edged lightsabre with Grievous’ four. During infancy, Opress and Maul underwent rituals to be consecrated as initiates in Dathomir's Nightbrothers, a clan of warriors subservient only to the matriarchal Nightsisters, who kept them for breeding and warfare. On Florrum, Maul's Force Push ripped up the ground, collapsed part of the tunnel, and incapacitated Obi-Wan for a few seconds. But the question isn't if Maul could kill the Gang. He is the worst Sith ever. It's been stated in a few sources that he's at least as strong as he ever was (Shadow Conspiracy, Sith Hunters, Chee) and he has the feats to prove it: -Stomped Obi-Wan both when he was defending and Dun Moch'ed into Force rage despite Maul being super-rusty, -Ragdolled Obi-Wan with TK twice on Florrum, -Blocked Sidious's Force Lightning and pinned him to a wall with a Force Push (deleted scenes from Season 5), -Briefly fought Sidious and Mace Windu + Aayla Secura. TPM Maul is his least powerful version. Maul peaked during the Clone Wars due to Talzin's magicks restoring him and his increased hatred strengthening his connection to the dark side and just progressing from there. And Maul would have far less potential than Vader, and thus have a far slower growth rate. Darth Maul rumored to appear “The Mandalorian” has been rumored to bring in older “Star Wars” characters in the next seasons, especially as the story expands in a “Game of Thrones” style. With Ewan McGregor about to reprise his role as the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, a new fan theory suggests he is actually the most powerful Jedi in the 'Star Wars' franchise. Cut to title screen: "The Gang Kills Darth Maul" Darth Maul Thanks to some heroes receiving buffs and others being nerfed, along with some other things, Darth Maul has found himself middling between good and great. Maul got sliced in half by a padawan. Author’s note: I don’t have much to say except that Maul fluff is all I need in my life so I’m gonna write some.It didn’t really turn out as well as I would have liked it to but oh well. That's too many original and officially published sources for it to have been a mistake. Press J to jump to the feed. 4. Maul, by comparison, lost a good chunk of his organs, plus his entire lower body, then fell down a deep shaft. A Force-sensitive Dathomirian Zabrak male, Savage Opress was born to Kycina, a Nightsister of the planet Dathomir, prior to the year 54 BBY. Problem is, Maul only re-entered the scene in that very same year, 19 bby. If maul takes down the sniper first he can pull a few wins, but getting past everyone else before he gets shot is unlikely. How can just feeling something give you more midi-chlorians? Smart strong durable skilled and work as a team tactically. He muses to himself that they must have been good as one of them managed to get off a shot. Subsequent events in Star Wars: Return of The Jedi complicate the Darksaber's journey, as the film's climax splits into a battle between three participants: Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Ahsoka Tano is the biggest of the bunch to be rumored to have a role on “Mandalorian.” From then on, he wasn't as strong as the Emperor – he was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku. In it he says they got off a shot. Literally Vaders arc to recruit Luke to overthrow the emperor makes zero sense then if you take the new statements as fact. It's just simple logic that losing large parts of your body -- and subsequently, midi-chlorians -- would lessen your connection to the Force): "Anakin, as Skywalker, as a human being, was going to be extremely powerful. That's what Siths do! It's why Vader needs Luke to overthrow his master, and it's why Sidious wants Luke to replace Vader(excluding the fact that this rule of law just makes sense: the amount of midi-chlorians in your body determines how connected to the Force you are. This information comes to us from the new book Star Wars Archives (via Reddit).An excerpt from that book recently went viral, especially regarding George Lucas' original plans for Leia and Darth Maul. We know that the earliest legitimate quotes in legends for Vader having surpassed his ROTS incarnation are as of ANH, which takes place 19 years after his injuries. This was a flub on their part, but it is there. Jesus I apparently upvoted those comments, But the question isn't if Maul could kill the Gang. He defeated Liam Neeson on 1v1. What about that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We should really help Darth Maul kill all the Jedi. This is what was published on the official SW website and in the official SW newsletter in 2004. If it was a fight then Darth Maul wins, but if the Gang thought that Maul was a cool guy and tried to befriend him then Maul would be dead within a week. Meaning he was in the same tier (albiet, lower on that tier undoubtedly) as Kit Fisto during ROTS. The fighting coordinator for the prequels said Obi Wan grew one tier since TPM. Before the Disney merger with LucasArts, Red Fly Studio was working on a action adventure game featuring Darth Maul. Given that Anakin was by far the most talented being in existence, he would have had far more potential than Maul did to start out with. The blockade fell. But he ended up losing his legs and an arm and became partly a robot. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. By comparison, Maul suffered the following: - Being cut completely in half at the waist, losing his entire lower body, - Falling several hundred feet down a shaft. In canon? "Heyooooooo. TCW Maul, in both Legends and Disney Canon. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Even if Maul had trained the entirety of 19 bby 24/7 nonstop in the most elite and efficient of ways, this still would not be nearly enough for him to surpass his former prime. “Darth Maul trained a girl, Darth Talon, who was in the comic books, as his apprentice,” Lucas explained. Therefore, post-TPM Maul would increase in power at a far slower rate than post-ROTS Vader. In the end, they didn't, and Maul was killed. Following the end of the Mandalorian Civil War, the Mandalorian warriors were exiled to the moon of Concordia, where most of them died out. I'm not of the opinion that he declined that much, if at all, in anycase. To top it off, he received almost immediate medical attention. Dude is a menace with or without a lightsaber, More posts from the BrandNewSentence community. It's clear that Maul's injuries not only removed more of his body, but were more severe in nature. You can check out more images of these cool new exclusives below: Yep that's the new you have an actual dispute here? At absolute best, he would have had eleven months to surpass his TPM incarnation, and at the most likely, probably a few months. Darth Maul famously used a double-bladed lightsaber until one end was cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi. He still lived and then went and took over the entirety of mandalore. This is of course a major plot point of Star Wars as a whole, as this is why Vader is practically enslaved to Sidious, because he can now never surpass him. By comparison, post-injury Maul spent over 12 years in isolation, in a state of mental insanity, doing nothing but eating rats, and being a cannibal. And the padawan you're referring to is none other than Obi Wan. I also refer to you Rise of Darth Vader where Vader felt an increased power of the dark side like never before as if he entered a new domain after he defeated Shryne, with Sidious confirming Vader learned to tap deeply into the dark side. It's if the Gang could kill Darth Maul. So his ability to be twice as good as the Emperor disappeared, and now he’s maybe 20 percent less than him. PhantomRant. Because I personally think the he was his most agile in The Phantom Menace, but he was his best with a lightsaber and the force in The Clone Wars, but he was his most wise in Rebels. The only way the gang can defeat Darth Maul is if they think they are legitimately helping Darth Maul which would lead to his downfall. He wasn't what he was supposed to become. There were a few sources in C Canon that backed this up. Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and even Darth Vader were all instruments he used to exert control over the galaxy. Sorry episodes 1-6, who needs you. You probably have it right on the money with your analysis. 1 year ago. This would give you a total of six sabres! However, the survivors regrouped and began calling themselves the Death Watch. In this book, a sith lord border a ship and killed an entire squad of troops. Actually, even in Legends he was said to be more powerful when he returned. Both Maul and Vader are more powerful after their mutilations in canon. Vader didn't even lose his full limbs, just part of them, and he was in flames for only a few seconds. "Heyooooooo. It did, that's literally what happened in Lords of the Sith . A couple of comics, SWI, an interview or two. ... Darth Maul's indisputable prime is in TPM, plain and simple. The quotes for TCW Maul having become more powerful than in TPM, are dated in 19 bby. Thing is that Vader was pulling from the power of the dark side at a time when it was growing dominant again. That's blatant proof TCW Maul's Force power >>> TPM Maul's. ", - Lost one of his arms at the elbow, lost his legs at the knee, - Was burned during the few seconds he was engulfed in flames. Now, certain Disney shills will try to say that Mother Talzin restored his power somehow(if such abilities existed, the entire 1-6 saga is made irrelevent), or that those 12 years of insanity somehow increased his power(not only impossible but still not long enough a time to surpass his TPM iteration), or that Leland Chee said Maul didn't lose any power(Chee's statements are of lesser authority than Lucas'), or that George Lucas is an outdated source(wrong for obvious reasons), or that Lucas has retconned his previous statements(no existing quotes say any such thing, plus it's such a major plot point that it cannot be retconned), but all such reasons are intellectually bankrupt arguments that have no evidence nor logic behind them. [Star Wars] how are Darth Maul alive in the Han Solo movie? He tries it with anybody he thinks might be more powerful, which is what the Emperor was looking for in the first place: somebody who would be more powerful than he was and could help him rule the universe. Yet it took him almost two entire decades to surpass his pre-injury prime, and even then, the gap was apparently the slimmest of margins given Kenobi scaling. The trick would be if they were trying to help Maul. Darth Maul was last seen captured by Palpatine in the season 5 episode "The Lawless," but - as told in the Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir comics - he escaped the Emperor and has returned to Mandalore, the center of his power base. And they're pretty incompetent. Given Rey was seen fighting with a staff in The Force Awakens, it’s more than likely Davis is referring to the double-bladed lightsaber that Darth Maul wields. In fact, Maul was doing more to Obi-Wan with TK during TCW than he did in TPM, despite Obi-Wan having grown vastly stronger. I also think his feat of taking on both Qui Gon Jin and Padwan Obi Wan and starching them both was more impressive then anything he did in TCW. And when he finds out Luke is his son, his first impulse is to figure out a way of getting him to join him to kill the Emperor. By simple logic, going by the major G-canon rule that George Lucas has established, Maul would have suffered a more devastating loss of power and potential than Vader. I would give authority to this statement over non-official interviews: So, on The Phantom Menace Obi-Wan would have been like a level six or seven. He created the characters. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. He was certainly in his prime. In just Canon, which is Darth Maul's most powerful version? Only his vague hate for Kenobi kept him alive during this time. The alternative is to admit TPM Maul's power got retconned to a level that will likely resemble his Resurrection incarnation where he nearly defeated the ANH Vader that's stronger than RotS Anakin. We know as per sheer mountains of lore that Vader commited himself to the absolute most difficult of top-notch training, using all the resources the now-his galaxy had to offer. So random cults that aren't even Sith can restore lost power? Vader led the purge of the Jedi Order and acted … By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Nute Gunray, Viceroy of the Trade Federation and a key Sidious collaborator, was branded a criminal. Metal bullets, unlike blasters, are simply melted by the lightsaber and the molten iron will burn the saber user. Darth Maul will be depicted with his Force-constructed spider legs in a 1:8 scale Collector’s Gallery statue, available for $200.00. This implies that since Darth mual was as strong if not stronger than that sith, the guy in the comment to get off a shot was as competent as an elite solider. "They key person is Darth Maul who had been resurrected in The Clone Wars cartoons — he brings all the gangsters together." Qui-Gon is better than the majority of upper-tier Jedi floating around in TCW, and even Padawan Kenobi was no joke. So, that’s a 41 year span, but Zabraks, Darth Maul’s race, reportedly have an average lifespan of 180 years, so that’s really not a factor. Yet the whole point was that he couldn't reach he potential he was once at because of his injuries. Servants of the dark side, both Darth Maul and Darth Vader became deadly and powerful Sith. George Lucas has revealed that Darth Maul would have been one of the main villains of his Star Wars sequel trilogy, had his continuation of the story ever made it to the big screen. “She was the new Darth Vader, and most of the action was with her. TCW fixed that crisis. Never seen the show, but if they have a gun and decent aim, he could be easily killed. Obviously they do prove it. The Dark Lords of the Sith have been an enigmatic evil threatening the galaxy since the Star Wars saga began over four decades ago. Since he had more than Maul to start out with, and experienced a less-devastating loss than Maul, logic dictates that he would be left with a significantly higher potential than Maul would be left with following his own injuries. ", Cut to title screen: "The Gang Kills Darth Maul". Plot Summary: You are force sensitive and training under Darth Maul.Determined to impress the Zabrak who you harbor emotions for, you overwork yourself and faint from exhaustion. The way that I see it. Darth Vader has been named the best Star Wars villain of all time in a new poll which saw over 10,000 votes cast as fans picked their favourite baddie from a galaxy far, far away. And yes, TPM Maul > TCW Maul in POTENTIAL. You should watch the last couple episodes of the clone wars. At that point in time, Darth Maul was under Darth Sidious's apprenticeship. Those feats don't prove TCW Maul was better, they just make TPM Maul that much more powerful. If they did it that way they would make Darth Maul Darth cricket real quick. His best feats were during TCW, but i would say somewhere between then and Rebels actually. This tactic was actually used by the Mandalorians in the Mandalore v Jedi war. They're all well above Qui-Gon-level feats who Maul was equal to in TPM, so they can't be reconciled. He wouldn't even have access to the same quality of training as Vader, and certainly fought far fewer Jedi in combat than Vader. Chee confirmed on twitter limb loss doesn't affect force connection in canon. In order for TCW Maul to have become more powerful than his TPM incarnation, he would have had to accomplish in less than a year (at best) what it took Vader 19 years to achieve. TCW Maul seemed more powerful IMO. Why didn't Vader's hatred of Palpatine and Kenobi strengthen his own connection? Posted by 1 year ago. I agree with that as well. It has nothing to do with there potential, just experience and in both there case, much higher rage/hatred. And this top-quality elite training started right after he got his suit. Close. This doesn't sound like much; however before Disney took over there was a book called darth bane path of destruction. So a lot of his ability to use the Force, a lot of his powers, are curbed at this point, because, as a living form, there’s not that much of him left. This time period was spent with on-and-off training, mostly concentrated on building an empire and luring Kenobi. George Lucas' original plans for the Star Wars sequel trilogy would've seen Darth Maul as the overall villain. ", "You got it. The Phantom Menace Disney We should really help Darth Maul kill all the Jedi." Darth Maul Was the Villain in George Lucas' Original Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. ... so long as they’re strong enough in the Force. It's more of how Lucas could contradict himself. New details have emerged regarding the scrapped plans George Lucas had for the Star Wars sequels. Now that we're on Episode III he's actually a level eight. I really love the first comment. @phantomrant: Lucas's statements > New statements. From then on, he wasn't as strong as the Emperor – he was like Darth Maul or Count Dooku. Opress eventually became the elder to two brothers, Maul and Feral. This means that Darth Maul obtained the Darksaber upon killing Pre Vizsla, then Obi-Wan received it after defeating Maul and finally Vader acquired it when killing Obi-Wan. It was later revealed he had, in fact, survived his encounter, with his journey for revenge chronicled in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It's if the Gang could kill Darth Maul. We know that as per George Lucas himself, a Force user being dealt significant injuries results in a severe loss of power, and in a colossal loss of connection to the Force(i.e., potential): "Now he's half-machine and half-man, so he's lost a lot of the power of the Force and a lot of his ability to become more powerful than the Emperor.". The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, or Rebels? They were then led in secret by Concordia's governor, Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla, and Duchess Satine Kryze's sister, Bo-Katan. Gillard said ROTS versions of Fisto and Kenobi were 7 and 8 respectively. Red Fly Studio's Dan Borth conducted an AMA on Reddit yesterday, with the thread mostly pertaining to the Star Wars Darth Maul video game that got cancelled, and the steps being taken to resurrect it. And they're pretty incompetent. But the son could become that. Darth Maul is the principal antagonist of The Clone Wars season 7. Introduced in 1999's Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, Maul was presumed dead following his intense duel with a young Obi-Wan Kenobi. ... HK-47 mentions focusing on strong emotions like fear and lust is effective when fighting Jedi, ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Or Rebels more severe in nature literally lost to Obi-Wan due to being overconfident and by a attack... Sidious collaborator, was branded a criminal off, he received almost medical. Was that he declined that much more powerful after their mutilations in canon Georges words hold nearly no weight and! Sentences never before written, found in the Han Solo movie, in anycase on. By a suprise attack by him not only removed more of how Lucas could contradict himself Vader n't! Had for the prequels said Obi Wan many: Maul destroyed Qui-Gon Jinn later. ) as Kit Fisto during ROTS yes, TPM Maul > TCW Maul 's indisputable prime is in,... 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