how to pitch songs to publishers

how to pitch songs to publishers

You want to find musicians and bands that are dedicated and in it for the long run. Pick three (five at the most) that represent you at your best. . A great way to build your web of connections in the publishing industry is to co-write with other songwriters. If they like what you send, they may ask for more. I’ve been blessed to get away with some interesting chord changes over the course of my songwriting career. Don’t worry, we value your privacy and you can unsubscribe at any time. That works. Those people don’t complain and whine. Most people will let you do that. Members are able to pitch one original song directly to a music publisher. Every songwriter dreams of getting their songs cut by some big-time recording artist. By signing up you’ll also receive our ongoing free lessons and special offers. These events are “pass” or “take a copy” sessions and publishers are not required to give feedback (although many of them will). It’s a win-win. Relevancy is key. A Great Song Doesn’t Care! Pitching songs can be tricky, and there is some great advice here. Pitching songs (playing songs for publishers, artists or record label people in hopes of getting them to record or help you get a song recorded), is one of the areas where songwriters make the most mistakes. It has to be picked up by someone who can give the song a wider reach. Songwriting Expert Advice: Writing Songs to Pitch by Anika Paris Award-winning songwriter and instructor Anika Paris gets right to the bottom line when it comes to setting your sights and crafting your songs to pitch to publishers and film & television music supervisors. In the music industry, relationships are key. Thanks for these powerful reminders. They have so much terms and policies. I’m really hoping to get something going soon and so I want to learn all I can before I make a move and you confirmed that’s exactly what I need to do. If you’re pitching songs to an artist, they’re not hoping for a “bonus track.” If you’re pitching to a publisher, three songs is a good way to show them you’ve got more than one good song without overdoing it. Those people don’t complain and whine. Just google to listen to my song or to read my work. In exchange, the publisher takes care of all paperwork, demos the song and uses his or her reputation and contacts to try to get the song recorded. Lamon Records, through its Moody Music Group division, publishes music in all styles and genres. Emmanuel Blimie here. The ridiculous part of it all is that the things they are saying are "impossible" are not impossible at all. myHitOnline offers an intensive coaching program to accelerate your music career. Required fields are marked *, 25% off American Songwriter Magazine. Once you sign a song to a publisher, he or she co-owns the copyright and is entitled to a share of the royalties – usually 50 percent. Essentially, you’re ready to take the next step and pitch your music to influencers. Most publishers are specialized and so are their connections. Which pile would you rather be in? If you do not have a printer, this can be done in our members lounge. The publisher may or may not comment regarding your song. Let your songs speak for themselves, don’t try to brag your way to the top. AWriter'sParadise now selectively offers song pitching and plugging for tv/film as well as artists. “In the ballpark” is not close enough. Do some research and target some smaller, up-and-coming recording artists and bands and pitch your songs to them. The song pitch: 9 tips for getting your songs heard by major artists February 14, 2018 October 29, 2018 Michael Gallant Featured We spoke to a music industry veteran to get 9 tips on how to perfect your song pitch and maximize your chances of major artists hearing – and possibly recording – one of your original songs. Major artists get pitched thousands of songs for each album. [Careers In Music] |, Can You Make A Living As A Songwriter? If you’ve never had a cut on a major artist, the chances of you getting one are REALLY slim. Also, I’m happy to review lyrics a part of my consultations. We don’t pitch to publishers. Don’t hang around yakking. I’ve learned respect begets respect. Submit Songs. I don't know how many times each week I hear the words "It's impossible". - Musician With A Day Job, Songs: from translating lyrics to writing your own | TRANSTEACH BLOG, The “Instant Melancholy” Chord Substitution, It’s Impossible: More Songwriting Myth Busting. Dropping off a CD loaded with songs screams “I have no idea what I’m doing and no idea what you need, so I’m just sending everything I’ve got.”  Don’t be that guy. Make your presentation business-like. I work equally hard just to maintain these relationships even if I don’t send them songs. Professionals in the business have heard that said ten thousand times and it has never once been true. Don’t try to guess what they like, show them who you are. The world of songwriting can notoriously feel pretty closed off, so I’m going to focus on a few tips that will help you get your foot in the door. Where do you start? Write down the song’s lyrics and the name of each chord in the melody. The Do’s And Don’ts Of Pitching Your Songs In The Music Business. Like that song says, I must be doing something right, because I haven’t had any doors close on me yet. You may send from 1 to 10 of your best songs by regular mail or by e-mail. Instead, you’re pitching your songs directly to recording artists and publishers should you choose to work with one – almost in more of a B2B (business to business) format. When you pitch songs, you are competing against the big boys. When in doubt, opt for songs that deal with more universal themes that anyone can relate to – you know, love, loss, relationships, struggle. Pitching it will hurt you FAR more than it will help you. Don’t hand-write the labels on the CD in sharpie. This is something you see a lot in songwriter-hubs like Nashville, but you can pursue this kind of publishing income from anywhere, even if you’re just starting to make a name for yourself as a songwriter. When & how to pitch to Labels, Music Publishers + Music Supervisors. SongQuarters is the leading tip sheet of songwriting leads with contact info & daily updates. EVER. It’s easy to get discouraged in these kinds of situations, and those little rejections can really slow down your momentum and your confidence. Do your research, know their musical style, become familiar with their catalog of recordings, read interviews, and check out their bio to see if you have a song that might be a good fit. So, if you find those words coming out of your mouth, stop them in their tracks. So I gave up. Use code: QW9ZGR7H. Your chances are much better with newer, less established artists. This also speeds up the process of getting the album out there quicker. Essentially, you (the songwriter) are licensing your song to a recording artist – you’re granting them the right to record and release your song in exchange for some payment. Colin pitches a song to a local publisher in town through the NSAI pitch to publisher night. I know, you ultimately want to get to publishers and recording artists, but your relationships with songwriters can be a gateway to those connections. You don’t get too many chances to make a good impression before you are put on the “burned bridge” list. Make your presentation just as good as the publishers that are pitching. Going by statistics alone, standing out in that stack of songs is extremely difficult (especially if you have no connections to give you a recommendation). If you have a full length artist CD, suggest the songs you most want them to hear. See what I did right there? I’ve been dreaming all my life of being a singer/song writer. "It's impossible to get a song cut... Over the weekend someone tagged me in a Facebook thread that had over 500 comments debating heatedly over whether or not a lyricist was an actual "songwriter"... If you can provide them songs that work, they’ll love you – no matter who you are (musician, song plugger, publisher, label). In other words, this is something that can become a great source of recurring income. Therefore, focus on the first level: music publishers. People who write better songs than the ones on the radio don’t say that. The publisher will only listen to the first verse and the chorus of your song. Drop it off, be courteous, and leave. Doing so places you in the “amateur club” once again. TONS OF AMAZING NUGGETS in here, thank you Marty ! Why? That means, in addition to the publishing income, you’ll also get backend performance royalties any time their recording is played in public. We are one of the few music publishing companies in Nashville that still has an OPEN DOOR to new songwriters and singers. Just don’t. These guys are always looking for a great song that will get them noticed and if they start breaking into the bigger league with your song, your music is going to start getting attention from other recording artists and labels. There are a lot of revenue streams available to songwriters, but today let’s focus on getting your songs cut by recording artists. Pitch To Publisher Night is our busiest workshop. Ask yourself critical questions: how … Street Pitch guest, D.G., veteran music publisher, who has already generated income for SongU members, is looking for incredible songs for Verge Records artist Trace Adkins. Call or e-mail and ask permission to send 1-2 songs. We only play a VERSE and a CHORUS of each song unless the publisher asks to hear more. also, SongTown Edge Groups are monthly online songwriter meetings run by top industry publishers. It’s the polite, best way to do business. Of course, you have your reputation as a songwriter to consider as well, so really spend a lot of time on the research phase. Your email address will not be published. We have affiliate BMI, ASCAP and SESAC publishing companies pitching songs to recording artists, labels, and producers, as well as for synchronization licenses in film, television, corporate and new media opportunities. Generally, you don’t want to contact them after you drop off the pitch. People only want to work with hardworking, positive people. Because the job of a real publisher is to get songs cut for their company, not for you. They will either "pass" or "take a copy" of your song. Love this : “People only want to work with hardworking, positive people. Let’s think about the numbers here… an extremely popular recording artist might get thousands of song pitches as they’re gearing up to release a new album. Learn more about our privacy policy. Over the past 5 years I have established relationships with 19 pluggers and publishers, and I’ve met with 16 of them in person, some multiple times, and earned my way to having an open door with them. Submit your hits! This is a real publisher pitch opportunity. Make sure it’s commercially competitive. Publishing gospel music lyrics is a unique industry. A split sheet is a simple document that you and your co-writers fill out for each song you write together. Drop it off and move on. Pick your best two shots for that artist and pitch away. Start small when pitching songs. We will be covering topics such as: How to pitch songs to artists, A&Rs, record labels and music publishers; How to get a music publishing deal And don’t e-mail them the following day asking what they thought of your songs. I suggest getting professional feedback on a song before you pitch it on the open market. You want to pitch songs like someone shooting a rifle, not a shotgun. So will 10. The people you are pitching to don’t care who you know or what names you can drop. If they like what you send, they may ask for more. They’re too busy working. Here are some of the important dos and don’ts to remember when you pitch songs. Instead, let’s start small and build up little wins that will get your name (and your songs) out in the industry! That will get tossed in the trash. Even though gospel music has come a long way since the 60's and 70's, don't try to publish gospel lyrics with a publisher who specializes in rock-n-roll and rap music. It isn’t enough to have a great song. If they want more, believe me, they’ll ask. If possible, create a demo at a recording studio or on your computer with music recording software. I do that, even though almost everyone knows me. Be sure your songs are appropriate for the recipient, and when pitching them digitally, embed your contact information. Publishing Music Yourself Through a PRO Publish your album if you’re looking to earn money from … I think this point can often be overlooked, but as a songwriter you may not have … Pitch songs directly to recording artists SongTown: A No Guru Zone- Why We Created Something Real For Songwriters, There Are Songs in That Guitar: A Songwriter’s Holiday Reflection. I think this point can often be overlooked, but as a songwriter you may not have a typical artist-fan structure for your career. Chelsea Ira is the Director of Marketing at New Artist Model. Music supervisors will often narrow down their focus to a handful of publishing companies, agents, and labels that they know and trust. This event is not intended as a publisher evaluation service; although in most cases, the publisher will offer constructive advice. I have a music site and some songs on youtube that artist can listen to. Co-Author of the top-selling books The Songwriter’s Guide To Mastering Cowriting and  Song Building. Always get permission before sending. Doing things the right way goes a long way. Don’t talk about who you write with or who liked your songs. Limit the number of songs you pitch at any one time. Registration fills up very quickly, often within 48 hours, so submit as soon as possible! My recent work I think by far is the best but dont know how to pitch it. Are You A Pro Or Aspiring Songwriter? Again, think rifle, not shotgun. This helps them get deals done quickly and efficiently. If you get an appointment or are asked to send some music, don’t overwhelm the person with a ton of songs. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Hence, I am a poet. You need to make sure your rights to any co-written song are protected, and for that, we recommend filling out a split sheet. Simply put, a pop singer probably won’t want to record a country song about growing up on a farm in Montana when her childhood was spent in busy New York. Whether you are writing songs in hopes of a publishing deal, or representing yourself with songs to pitch directly to music supervisors, sync houses and ad agencies, having clarity on the kind of writer you are and where your songs fit is key. Don’t hype your songs or defend them, and follow up only once. If you think you have some songs with potential, only send those tracks along. Firstly T-Series is an official music label and it is expensive too.If you want to launch your album with T-Series ,then directly send your mail requesting to launch your album with them. However I have recieved some very encouraging letters from very popular artists on my writings. In the real music business, we pitch songs to artists, producers, managers and A&R people. Check out our suggestions on what you need to consider when looking for a music publisher . This is … I promise. For a competitive fee, we will add your song(s) to our exclusive roster of pitching and use all of our contacts to personally pitch your songs to money making opportunities that we think are a good match for your music. If you tell them how hard the business is, how no one will listen to your songs, and other “woe is me” type statements, you’ll get shown the door promptly. It’s a great way to meet publishers, get your songs heard, and get over the hurdle of unsolicited material. That being said, if you were to finish your songs with a collaborator and then pitch them to publishers, you could always explain to the publisher that you’re exclusively a lyricist. The program focuses on helping you get more song placements with top recording artists. It’s right on target. And make sure it fits what the artist is looking for precisely. Your song should hold up against everything they are being pitched or you shouldn’t have pitched it. And, those mistakes can be costly. Even though it worked out in the end in this case, I strongly recommend that you create a 10-12 song album before you pitch to a publisher/label. And that means, your network and your connections are everything. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Make sure your song is ready. Unless someone specifically asks you for more, pitch 1-2 songs at a time. How To: From the Studio to the A&R Professional. A targeted, well-thought-out pitch will have a much bigger impact than spamming them with your whole catalog. The idea here is not just to throw something out and see if it sticks. Also, NEVER say the words “My songs are better than the ones on the radio”. If not, that means “no”. Who knows better than a pro? And while a big goal like that is an awesome thing to strive for, it may not be the best place to start. You want to give them precisely what they need (or think they need). Most recording artists want to use songs they can personally relate to – both musically and lyrically. Make sure that your CD is clearly labeled with a few simple elements: your name and contact information (phone and email), the name of the song or songs and possibly — if it’s a song for an artist — the name of the person you’re pitching it to. They’re too busy working.”, Thanks for this great advice and Sun Tzu-like way to remember it: Rifle not shotgun. Register one song (.mp3 & lyrics) for an Online Pitch session prior to the event at about 10am CST. Make your presentation just as good as the publishers that are pitching. Go to your library, find Billboard Magazine, look up songs on the Hot 100, R&B or Country charts in the style of your songs and see the accompanying list of publishers. The Songwriter’s Guide To Mastering Cowriting, How Much Do Songwriters Make? Truly a hidden gem for anyone who is a music creator. This is exactly what I will be doing going forward pitching to … Today, I’m going to cover a few best practices that will help you move up in the songwriting industry. It all comes down to putting yourself in the position of the industry person. The publisher may or may not comment on your song. You’re looking to take the next step and get a manager, label deal and maybe a publisher too. Thank you Marty for this excellent advice. Great article! The Melancholy Chord Substitution. Those songs found their way onto pop and country mainstream radio—two formats that, right or wrong, have a rap for simple chords. And with all the progress I’ve made, and all the songs I demo, it still amazes me how seldom I actually send them songs. Music Publishers, Music Producers and A&R departments are always looking for great songs! I write great songs like the ones on youtube: “You Can Do It” or “Never Doubt This.” Great writing lyrics for (Country, Dance-hall, Pop, Gospel, Afro etc) songs. Okay, first thing’s first, what does it actually mean to pitch your song to recording artists? Proofread and play the song to make sure you have written the chords down correctly. Learn how to properly ask for and submit your songs/demo cd for consideration to these music … Finding Publishers Build a repertoire of music before you pitch. Pitch your Music to Influencers in Person. [Editors Note: This article was written by Chelsea Ira.]. If they like them, they will contact you. Again, think rifle, not shotgun. If you get professional feedback that the song is pitch ready, you can start pitching it without worrying about burning a bridge. The publisher will either PASS on your song OR he may choose to keep your song for further consideration. Unless someone specifically asks you for more, pitch 1-2 songs at a time. You may also be able to also get referrals from your performing rights representative if your songs are exceptionally good. Most labels will want this kind of information before they move forward with any song, so it’s best to have everything down on paper from the start. For song feedback night and pitch to publisher night, bring a CD with ONE song and bring TWO lyric sheets. Don’t hand-write the labels on the CD in sharpie. Generally, publishers are looking for completed songs not just lyrics. Join the Music Starts Here Community. Yet, I stay disciplined not to abuse this privilege. Plus you need to make sure they will do your song justice. 200 of the world's top artists are looking for songs - right now! I let them know I want to be a money maker and not a time taker. Music Publisher Coaching Program. I have been writing for over thirty years but I have never pitched my songs. They don’t have time to everyone that sends them something they aren’t interested in. Trace is currently recording a 25-song album to celebrate his 25th anniversary in country music. Pick your best two shots for that artist and pitch away. Probably 5. I just want to check out the workshops and sit in on the pitch to publisher night and song feedback night but … All I can say is who cares? With this in mind, it’s best to know as much as you can about the recording artists you want to pitch. Thank you! Thanks for this Marty. STEP 2 - The industry guest will listen through a verse and chorus of each song. Your email address will not be published. If they contact you, great! The publisher will only listen to the first verse and the chorus of your song. This event is not intended as a publisher evaluation service. That’s about it. Build Your Network. Of course, in most cases this is a license, so you still own the song. It includes basic information like percentage ownership, PRO and publisher affiliation, and contact information. Marty Dodson Before pitching for television and film be certain you can assign all necessary rights. Newer artists get pitched hundreds. I want to avoid the “big break” mentality and instead focus on building up to success one-step at a time. Other people don’t have anything to do with the quality of your writing. Well, let's just do a little songwriting myth busting! Multi-hit songwriter/Co-Founder of Music Publishing through BMI, ASCAP and SESAC Representing our Music Publishing catalogs: Songs from AmericanaStreet / BMI PraiseStreet Music / BMI Laymond Publishing / BMI Mood… Then, and only then, should you pitch it. 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