lost: the others

lost: the others

Directed by Eric Laneuville. Friendly's real name to the Oceanic survivors, so Tom revealed her first name, Bea, as a jab back at her. Amid record deaths, she and others are pleading for change. Ben was the leader of a group of island natives called the Others and was initially known as Henry Gale to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. However, after using Michael to get Jack, Kate and Sawyer ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"), it was revealed that their society was far more sophisticated. He warned Jack that, if he kept going, the situation would turn from unfriendliness to being downright nasty. Goodwin told her that if she tortured Nathan and he still insisted that he was on the plane, she might start to suspect someone else of being the infiltrator. She was told he would finally let her leave if she helped Jack's friends escape and let him live. While trying to find Walt, Michael was captured by the Others and taken to this village. There, Tom knocks Jack, Kate and Sawyer unconscious and transports them to a small island nearby. Benjamin Linus had her assemble a team to take the sailboat to prevent them from finding Te Hydra. She herself had been prevented from leaving the island for years by Ben when she came for only a brief stint to work on their pregnancy problem. It should also be noted that Ben claimed Widmore had never seen Jacob either, implying the two of them could have been part of a long line of leaders who had never met Jacob during their reign, or even that no leader had ever met him. This, however, may very well not have been the first assault on the DHARMA Initiative by the Hostiles; Goodspeed noted that the Initiative was "having some skirmishes with the natives", and the DHARMA staff appeared well-prepared for an attack: a siren warned the personnel of the strike; armed employees could be seen rushing to presumably engage the Hostiles; young students in the DHARMA classroom knew their "positions" while their teacher Olivia Goodspeed, had a rifle available; and Annie, a girl attending the DHARMA Initiative classroom, reassured a young and scared Benjamin Linus by telling him not to worry, that it was "just the Hostiles" and that they were going to be okay. Ben, however, doesn't want the Others to believe Locke is special. Instead of killing Rousseau, Ben took her baby, warning her, "If you want your baby to live, every time you hear whispers, you run the other way." Other members, such as Bea Klugh and Mikhail Bakunin, were loyalists, willing to do anything to protect the secrets of the Island. ("Jughead"), In Ben's case, Richard determined that he might be leadership material when young Ben told him in 1973 that he had seen visions of his dead mother. Locke was able to enter the house without being detected. ("Recon"). Locke believed "Jacob" was a trick of Ben's and left. With Naveen Andrews, Henry Ian Cusick, Jeremy Davies, Emilie de Ravin. ("Numbers") At this time, DHARMA's maximum residency of 15 years on the Island, as stated in the Letter of Truce, had expired approximately five months ago. This act, coupled with his people's reverence towards Locke, brought Ben to shoot Locke and he left him for dead at the bottom of a mass grave of DHARMA personnel. While being initially scared of Richard, Ben eventually explained that he was looking for his dead mother, of whom he had had visions. However, Sayid believed he was lying and beat him badly. ("The Man Behind the Curtain"). Jack eventually agreed to perform the surgery on the condition that he was allowed off the island, but threatened to kill Ben during the surgery if Kate and Sawyer weren't freed. ("The Incident, Part 1") Locke eventually succeeded Ben as Leader of the Others. He was eventually freed and went after Sawyer and Kate, even after Juliet Burke told him that Ben was letting them go. Before them, Richard Alpert appeared to be leading the Others in lieu of a "leader" in 1954; he did mention he had a superior that he answered to. Ben played mind games with John Locke, first claiming he pushed the button during the lock down in "Lockdown" but, after he was discovered to be an Other, claimed he didn't push the button and it reset itself; that The Swan was "a joke." Ben's plan was to kidnap these women, but as the survivors faced possible rescue, he accelerated these plans. In Ben's case, he exiled himself by choosing to move the island, as he believed he had fallen out of favor with Jacob. Finally, the Others also seem to follow rules of punishment similar to "an eye for an eye", according to what was said on Hydra Island. Pickett wanted to kill Sawyer, but Benjamin Linus refused to let him do it. ("LaFleur") A security team, headed by Sawyer (known to DHARMA Initiative members as Jim LaFleur), was present on the Island. Lost was an ensemble show, and while it found time for everyone, each episode was told through a different character's perspective.. RELATED: Lost: 5 Things That Changed After The Pilot (& 5 That Stayed The Same) Most of the story was catered and written through their specific experiences, and the on-island story was usually shaped in some degree by the specific flashback story on display. Mikhail claimed that the Others have been present on the island long before the DHARMA Initiative arrived. Prior to this, they were mostly armed with bows and arrows. She died despite the efforts of Jack Shephard and Juliet Burke. The Others also seemed to tolerate the presence of Sun, who had returned to the Island with Ben and Locke, and was in their company when the two arrived at the camp. Richard Alpert was one of these people, who were once referred to as "hostiles" by the DHARMA Initiative, and was present on the island when Ben was only a child. It emerged that the people on the freighter planned to kill everyone on the Island after extracting Ben, and the result was the death of all the freighter's soldiers at the hands of Richard Alpert and the Others. Locke/Walt reunion - The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham - … However, communications were supposedly severed due to the results of the fail-safe device activation in "Live Together, Die Alone." Attempting to sail away from the island on a make-shift raft, Michael Dawson, James "Sawyer" Ford, Jin-Soo Kwon and Walt Lloyd were found by a small boat. Danielle Rousseau claimed they were in control of the radio transmitter by the Black Rock, yet allowed her distress call to run for over sixteen years, but no one was found at the transmitter when the survivors went to it. ("Ab Aeterno"). He announced that he found someone who needed help and he and Ana-Lucia went into the jungle to find Bernard's seat perched in a tree. The resulting fear and confusion led to the death of Shannon Rutherford. There seems to be extensive audio and video surveillance in certain areas of the Barracks where the Others live. Locke eventually received help from Richard Alpert and succeeded, and Ben was reluctantly forced to show Locke the mysterious Jacob. ("Ab Aeterno"), In 1954, 18 members of the United States Army were discovered by the Others, setting up a camp at the Mesa and making preparations for testing a hydrogen bomb named "Jughead" they had brought to the Island. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1") The Initiative and the Kahana's science team also referred to the Others as "natives". Rousseau had only been with the child, Alex, for only one week when she saw a pillar of black smoke 5 kilometers inland. But this was all a ruse. He indicated to James "Sawyer" Ford that he wanted to escape to the Oceanic survivors' group. With Alpert's suggestion, Locke was able to bring back his father's dead body and force Ben to reveal the island's secrets to him. That's right, the second quarter, with the game still tied, 10-10. Mr. Mikhail Bakunin was discovered inside The Flame station. When Ben was confined to a wheelchair, Richard helped him around the barracks. He attempted to pass himself off as the last living member of The DHARMA Initiative, but Sayid Jarrah saw past his ruse. The Others made extensive use of DHARMA facilities, and have an understanding of their operation and purpose, but it is unclear whether they are continuing any of the DHARMA Initiative's research. Goodwin found Bernard in the jungle shortly after the crash and passed himself off as a survivor of the tail section. Friendly, stepped out of the jungle at night and said that it was time to talk. ("Not in Portland")  ("One of Us") Finally, some survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 have been abducted or joined willingly, such as Cindy and Locke (It remains unclear whether or not Cindy joined the Others on her accord). A practical, compassionate, effective approach to helping students with behavioral challenges. Kelvin Inman manned this station and seemed to be aware of the Others, referring to them as "the hostiles" when talking to the newly-arrived Desmond Hume. ("Dead Is Dead") (Letter of truce) The Initiative also captured Others and brought them to the Hydra station for interrogation so they could learn more about them, and their "worship of a deity called Jacob". The Lost Adventures of James Bond: Timothy Dalton’s Third and Fourth Bond Films, James Bond Jr., and Other Unmade or Forgotten 007 Projects [Edlitz, Mark] on When Walt appears to Shannon in her tent, he says "They are coming, and they are close" backwards (the audio itself is backwards) while water runs from off of his head. Widmore scoffed and walked away, allowing Ben to raise Alex as his child. Alpert acknowledged that the truce had not been violated, on the condition that the Initiative surrender Paul's body as a symbol of justice, which was done. Karl answered "better than yours." Ben entered Rousseau's tent while she was sleeping and discovered Alex. On her body she found a U.S. Army knife that was, by her estimation, about twenty years old and a list containing the names and physical descriptions of the nine who were taken. Richard thus became the first of the people to later be known as "The Others". Isabel has been described as "the sheriff" by Tom, although he added she wasn't literally a sheriff. Friendly" — demanded they give them Walt. He said that they had Walt, but Michael would never find them. Returning to his people, Ben learned that Jack was going to use Naomi Dorrit's satellite phone to contact a nearby freighter. The Others have access to a variety of weapons, including firearms, tasers, explosives, bolas, and U.S. army knives. They seem to have disregard for other people, such as the DHARMA Initiative members, whom they left in a pit after the purge, proving that they are only worried about someone that could possibly have influence over other members of their organization. When Kate further asked "Better than what?" ("The Man Behind the Curtain"), Thus far, no information on the DHARMA Initiative's first contact with the Others have been given, and the nature of their relations during this time is unknown. After Locke returned to the Others with Cooper's body, they took him much more seriously, and not long after that, Locke became their next leader. The vessel, after capturing the transmission of the DHARMA radio tower broadcasting the numbers, had changed course to investigate. First John's term was extremely short, however, for he soon unwillingly time-flashed throughout the Island's history in a journey that eventually sent him off-Island, ending in his demise. Sayid, James "Sawyer" Ford, Michael Dawson, Jin-Soo Kwon, Ana Lucia Cortez, Eko, Kate Austen and Juliet Burke have all heard whispering in the jungle at one point or another. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 2") The Others also had knowledge of the Pearl and the Orchid, although it is unknown to what extent they were used. There appears to be an internal rift among the Others. Sayid's whispers were indistinct, while Sawyer heard "It'll come back around", the last words spoken by the man he murdered. It aired on March 6, 2008 on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States and on CTV in Canada. When Jack still refused to surrender his weapons, he had Alex bring out Kate Austen, who had been captured earlier when she was following the group. The next day Locke, with the help of Richard, led the Others to the four-toed statue, where he had promised them that they could finally meet their mysterious leader, Jacob. He questioned Jacob: why did he allow those he brought to the Island to die? The riddle's existence also implies that the Others may not be the only group with knowledge of and allegiance to Jacob. HD is available. Ana-Lucia said that wasn't possible because his clothes weren't wet and he had come out of the jungle less than ten minutes after the crash. After being stabbed by Ben, Jacob whispered, "they're coming," to which the Man in Black responded by kicking him into the fire. The Others The Others The Others, referred to by the DHARMA Initiative as the Hostiles or the Natives, and also by the tail section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 as Them, are a group of people living on the Island who were followers of Jacob, … Ben intercepted Jack, alone, in a bid to convince him to hand over the phone. He claimed that the Others would never give Walt Lloyd back, but the Others wanted to free Ben so badly that they made a deal with Michael Dawson to free Ben and bring four people to them in exchange for freeing Walt and giving him a boat. Unfortunately the island was found by the people Ben was trying to stop, a freighter sent by Charles Widmore. The Others are "the good guys." Some stations were equipped for defense against the Hostiles: the Swan and the Hydra had their own armories, which contained a wide array of weapons, and signaling "an incursion […] by the Hostiles" in the menu system of the Flame's computer triggered an explosion of C-4 that would destroy the communication station. Ben orchestrated the kidnapping of Jack, Kate and Sawyer and brought them to The Hydra. Sayid cut him down, but Henry attempted to escape into the jungle and was shot in the shoulder by Rousseau. ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham") Before his departure, Ben told Widmore that he was banished because he had "brok[en] the rules", leaving the Island regularly and having a child with an "outsider". Dogen shared little information, even extremely important information, like the threat of the Man in Black, with Ben, the then-Leader at the time. - Sayid, The ultimate aims of the Others were among the most integral mysteries of the show. Goodwin was a member of the Others who emerged from the jungle about after the crash of the tail-section, clean-shaven and dressed in clean, dry clothes and wearing shoes. ("Jughead") Later, Richard became convinced that Locke really was "special" after all, partially because of Jack's persuasion. To protect the Island against any threat at all costs, and to disprove the Man in Black's ideology. She was stopped from accompanying them by Juliet, telling her that her father would only allow Karl to live if she was there when Ben woke up from his surgery. Over forty people were killed, and among the notable fatalities was Horace Goodspeed. In season three, Tom supervises an operation on Ben Linus ( Michael Emerson ), the leader of the Others, which Jack is performing, and is coerced into letting Kate and Sawyer escape. Numerous Tailies were also abducted by the Others. She has since been prevented from leaving for over three years as she made a second deal with Benjamin Linus: save her sister's life in exchange for figuring out the Others' pregnancy problem. Lost (TV Series 2004–2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. For a list of known Others, see The Lost Character Dossiers: The Others. Kidnapping children. The day that Danielle Rousseau's daughter Alexandra was kidnapped, she saw a pillar of black smoke five kilometers inland. Due to the close proximity to the Others, the crash site was attacked on the very first night. Over time, Ben fell out of favor with Jacob and became convinced that his duty was to move the Island, however, he was intern exiled. Ben made a deal with Jack to save Juliet Burkes's life in return for Jack coming home to the barracks with him and nursing him back to good health. The transmission was not changed back to broadcasting the Numbers, as if the Initiative had abandoned the radio tower. He came back to the island shortly after the crash of Oceanic flight 815 at Benjamin Linus' request. The ones who chose to leave the Temple, including Cindy, defected to the Man in Black's side. This page contains spoilers for season three of Lost. ("A Tale of Two Cities") These people would then be kidnapped by the Others at night. Seven of the ten Others lost their lives in the raid, but Tom was able to capture Bernard and the other two Oceanic survivors who sprung the trap. This was essentially the beginning of the Others. She agreed to let him see Walt briefly, but wouldn't let Walt talk about the tests they make him take, or that the Others are pretending. His adoptive motherdelivered the brothers and then killed Claudia. Richard Alpert seems to have some ability to check the Leader's power. Richard explained that he was ordered to carry out the attack, probably referring to Jacob. However, several days after his death, Mikhail resurfaced in the jungle after being drawn to Desmond Hume, Charlie Pace, Jin-Soo Kwon and [[Lost/Hugo Reyes|Hugo "Hurley" Reyes]' location when Hurley fired a signal flare. Mikhail was ordered to kill Bonnie and Greta. ("The Other 48 Days") When the DHARMA Initiative established itself on the Island and came into conflict with the Others, it labeled them as "hostile indigenous people" ("LaFleur") or simply "the Hostiles", (Access: Granted) a term eventually adopted by Desmond Hume after spending three years with Kelvin Inman, th… This content is only available to online subscribers. In Lost season 1, Sayid (Naveen Andrews) encountered the French woman for the first time. Benjamin Linus is a fictional character portrayed by Michael Emerson on the ABC television series Lost. Juliet was left behind. For some time, the people Jacob brought to the Island were simply killed by the Man in Black or each other, without Jacob stepping in. Whispering could also be heard in the clearing Michael led Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer too, just before the Others ambushed them. Throughout the third season, it was revealed that the pregnancy problems on the island were a major factor in several of the actions undertaken by the Others, such as: However, it is likely that this is merely a means to ensure their continued survival as a group on the island, for the completion of their greater objectives. While en route, Locke quietly convinced Ben to kill Jacob, a deed Ben had not actually decided to go through with until he arrived. Ana Lucia eventually concluded that Goodwin was not who he claimed to be and inadvertently killed him in a scuffle. Moments later, a time flash occurred, and the survivors disappeared before the Others' eyes. In Claire's flashback of her stay at The Staff, Mr. He was eventually rescued by Alex, Kate and Sawyer. Under Ben's directives, they established themselves at the Barracks, living in the suburban-like houses previously occupied by the DHARMA employees, with hot water, electricity, and other modern conveniences. According to the Man in Black, those who were not killed in the attack scattered into the jungle. Jack eventually agreed to perform the surgery, but made an incision in Ben's kidney sack to hold him hostage: if Jack's friends weren't freed then Ben would die. As seen in "LA X, Part 1", the smoke monster is a manifestation of the Man in Black, someone the Others fear. Goodwin was sent by Benjamin Linus to infiltrate these survivors and make a list. A bearded man — "Mr. ("Left Behind"). He finally cornered Sawyer at the beach, but was shot and killed by Juliet. I've been writing about the Lost Battalion for a few weeks, but there was another Lost Battalion during World War II. There have also been attempted murders, including when Ben attempted to kill Locke in "The Man Behind the Curtain", when Pickett almost shot Sawyer in "I Do", and Ethan's attempted murder of Charlie in "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues" and when Ben was ordered by Charles Widmore to kill Danielle Rousseau and her child. The two survivors were taken to Richard Alpert, who recognized both the young Benjamin Linus and Sawyer. How did they acquire their extensive off-Island resources. Mistaking the group for the American military, the Others attacked them with flaming arrows, murdering a large number of people while dispersing the rest in the jungle. Juliet was punished for being a traitor by being marked. No one heard or saw anything. She presided over the investigation into Danny Pickett's death at the hands of Juliet Burke, and appeared to preside over her "trial." The episode was written by co-executive producer Drew Goddard and executive story editor Christina M. Kim, and was directed by Eric Laneuville. ("Meet Kevin Johnson") Later on, Richard Alpert would eventually comment on the new direction undertaken by the Others under the leadership of Benjamin Linus: "Ben has been wasting our time with novelties like fertility problems. Has only been on the Others appears to be a drugged state in live! ) not all Others knew about the existence of the Others move hostages to different areas of kilometers! Left Behind some of the Temple dwellers are a mysterious group present on the very first night of! Killed Kate boat that took Walt Lloyd, he beat Jack up and interrogated over... To be outside the jurisdiction of Eloise and Widmore 's team find answers, but Locke! Were supposedly severed due to the island for little over three years women but., Kate and Sawyer and prevented a second one at the Hydra, karl locked... Say about his miraculous recovery, and she investigated his claim with Sayid and Charlie Pace section of flight crashes. 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