mineral policy of andhra pradesh
Similarly, in case of the 3rd bidder, it will be refunded only after completion of the agreement with either first or second highest bidders as the case may be. Note: - 1. (ii) The Assistant Director shall announce at the commencement of the bidding for each sector the names of the Tenderers as well as the proposed bidders who have obtained Hall Tickets for that Sector. In case of repeated violations, vehicle will be confiscated by the officer not below in rank to the Assistant Director of Mines & Geology. That the lessee shall keep correct accounts in such form as the ADM&G concerned shall from time to time require and direct, showing the quantities and other particulars of the said mineral obtained by the lessees from the said lands and also the number of persons employed in carrying on the said quarrying operations therein and shall from time to time, when so directed by the ADM&G concerned prepare and maintain complete and correct plans of all quarries and workings in the said lands and shall allow any officer thereunto, authorised by the lessor from time to time and at any time, to examine such accounts and any such plans and shall, when so required, supply and furnish to the lessor all such information and returns regarding all or any of the matters aforesaid as the lessor shall from time to time, require and direct. Profession of individual(s) firm or company. If the fourth or any subsequent bidder who has been issued confirmation order and made agreement in Form 'M' after completing the formalities fails to pay the second or any subsequent instalments in time, the confirming authority shall forfeit the security deposit and the Bank Guarantee to the Government. (2) Quarrying and removal of sand for non-marine purposes shall, however, be subject to the previous permission of the Conservator and payment of the seigniorage fee. It is hereby agreed and declared that in regard to the said [knock down amount]dead rent and seigniorage fee the following conditions shall be observed by the lessee. (i) Names of the countries to which it is likely to be exported where the name is being set up on 100% export oriented or tied up basis. (e) Preliminary work and investment for establishment of a processing (dressing or upgrading) plant utilising the product from the quarry/quarries in question. Signed and delivered by the above named in the presence of : Application for Quarry Prospecting Licence for [granite and marble] To be submitted in triplicate. (4) The right of quarrying shall be strictly subject to the confirmation or otherwise by the competent authority who has the right to refuse to confirm the right of quarrying sand with the reasons recorded therein. There shall be open auction and the bidding from different tenderers / bidders shall continue till the highest bid has been arrived at. The inter-se ratio of shares among original partners shall not be changed during such a transfer. (xiii) Particulars of the areas mineral-wise in each State duly supported by an affidavit for which the applicant or any person joint in interest with him. (iii) If the Licensee shall have paid the Prospecting Fee and duly observed and performed the covenants and conditions on his part herein contained the said deposit of Rs. (in the case of minor minerals), (2) Royalty/Dead Rent/Surface (in the case of major minerals) If the fourth or any subsequent bidder who has been issued confirmation order and made agreement in form - 'M' after completing the formalities fails to pay the second or any subsequent instalments in time the confirmation authorities shall forfeit the security deposits and the bank guarantee to the Government. [Explanation. III. (xv) a. (xviii) That the Prospecting fee payable under these presents shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act, 1864 thereof. Mining in andhra pradesh - alibaba.com. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only). (b) has already applied for but not granted, or. Description of the area Name of the Reach / Mandal: Number of sealed / Bid / Tenders Received. And whereas the Government of Andhra Pradesh acting for and on behalf of the lands and premises hereinafter described and demised for the terms and at the knocked down amount in sealed tender-cum-public auction and subject also to the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained now this indenture witnesses as follows: The lessor hereby demises to the lessee all those several pieces or pieces of land situated in the village of ................ in the sub-registration district of ................. in Andhra Pradesh being more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written and delineated in the map or plan hereinto annexed and therein coloured. (1) To get from the said demised pieces of land. (2) The auction conducting authority, on the day of auction is authorized to postpone the said notified date of auction to any other date for recorded reasons duly announcing the postponement in the auction hall and in such case no fresh notification is necessary and no fresh applications will be entertained. It has helped us keep apace with events and happenings. Leases granted for sand by Tender or by Public auction are not liable for transfer. l6,500/- (Rupees sixteen thousand and five hundred only). (xi) That the Licensee shall not without the express sanction in writing of the said Assistant Director of Mines & Geology cut down or injure any timber or trees on the said lands but he may clear away brushwood or undergrowth which interferes with any operations authorised by these presents on payment of due compensation for cutting or injuring tree growth in the said lands to the departments concerned. (19) The tenderer/bidder after executing the agreement in Form-M prescribed in Rule 10-E(2) will be at liberty to collect the seigniorage fee from the quarry lease holders including temporary permit holders except the persons/organisations who obtained quarry leases with exemption from payment of seigniorage fee in respect of Minor Minerals specified in the notification at the relevant rates mentioned in Schedule I to Rule 10(1) and the relevant rates mentioned in Rule 12(5)(e) at or before the time of despatch of the Minor Minerals from the leased areas. and Com. However he can opt for all Reaches / Mandals, simultaneously to participate, with the same EMD. (e) Every tenderer shall be issued a Hall Ticket to participate in the auction without insisting any further payments as required under item (2) of the Annexure to Form-A1, by the Assistant Director. Whether valid MRCC of the Transferor And transferee are filed. Quantity of the Minor Mineral in stock and the quantity proposed to be despatched: Purpose of despatch of Minor Mineral (Own consumption or sale in case of sale, the name and address of the purchaser should be furnished): Destination of the Consignment with the name and address of the consignee. If the successful tenderer/bidder fails to pay 25% of the knocked down bid amount and prevailing I.T. (ii) Is the applicant a private individual/private company/public company/firm or association? (3) The lessee or the person to whom a permit is given shall keep true accounts of the quantity and other particulars of all minor minerals obtained and dispatched from the quarry in Form C. (4) Any officer authorised by the Deputy or Assistant Director in this behalf shall have access to such account for examination and inspection and the permit holder or the lessee shall furnish the officer with such information and returns as may be specified by him. (xi) It shall be at the discretion of the Auctioning Authority to accept or reject the tender or bid for the reasons to be recorded. thereon within two working days or the remaining 75% of the knocked down amount and I.T. The powers delegated to various officers under the existing provisions of Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 shall be extended to sand cases also. The Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad shall take necessary action to implement the recommendations made by the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission in its Fourth Report titled "Ethics in Governance" relating to "Reducing Discretion". 500/- shall be paid in similar manner. ........................... being the seigniorage fee on the said quantity on slab system subject to the following conditions: Encl: Transit forms from If any mineral is not specified in the lease deed or agreement is discovered, the lessee or the registered holder shall not win or dispose of such mineral without obtaining the permission of the Government and without payment of the Seigniorage Fee and the acreage assessment. The Sealed Tenders shall be opened after the bidding is over for each Reach or Mandal. (2) No Reach/Mandal partly or fully covered by scheduled areas shall be leased out to any person who is not a member of Scheduled Tribe. The Licensee hereby agrees to pay during the said term a Prospecting fee of Rs. (in the case of major minerals), (1) Seigniorage Fee/Bid amount/Cesses. Ms. No. Provided further that in case no licence or lease deed is executed within the stipulated period or the extended period due to any default on the part of the applicant, the Director shall revoke the order granting licence or lease and the deposit amount paid along with application shall be forfeited to the Government. (d) Every tenderer shall be issued a Hall Ticket to participate in the auction without insisting any further payments as required under item (2) mentioned above by the officer concerned. Note:- 1. Signed and delivered by the above 2,475/- (Rupees two thousand for hundred and seventy five only), Rs. However, with the approval of the District Level Committee duly recording its reasons in writing, a village or a group of villages can independently be auctioned by the Auctioning Authority. She said: “We have also asked the industry to ensure mining is done responsibly and in an eco-friendly manner keeping ecological balance in mind and support local community with better livelihood and job creation.”. (viii) The tenderer shall present by himself or through his authorized agent in the auction hall at the time of opening of the sealed tender. (xv) Any [granite and marble] extracted under quarry lease and not removed by the lessee within 30 days or the determination of the lease, or the extended period given by the Director, shall be the property of the Government and the Assistant Director may disposed of the same in public auction. [(2-A) Notwithstanding the order of preference contained in sub-rule (2), the landholders (Pattadars) owning land not exceeding 2.024 Hectares or 5 Acres shall be given preference for grant of small scale quarry lease in their patta lands:], [(3) The quarry lease applications for minor minerals under [items at at Sl.No. 25/- enclosed or not: No. [10I. The applicability of EMD for more than one Reach / Mandal as per the option of the applicant at the time of filing of applications is allowed. Dated .......... day ........ of ........20 ... I/We request that a Prospecting Licence under APMMC Rules, 1966 be granted to me/us. Where no local societies participate and if only non-local Societies participate and claim for the same Reach, the successful bidder/tenderer shall be declared by drawing lots among the said non-local registered Co-operative Societies. (xiii) Any other particulars which the applicant wishes to furnish. N.B. (2) Due to any exigency and with the approval of the Government, the Director of Mines & Geology may order for issue of temporary permits in any area pending finalization of auctions on nomination basis to Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation, who in turn will pay Seigniorage Fee at the rate prescribed in the Rule 10 duly maintaining round the clock check point. Yours faithfully The competent authority shall not be responsible for the loss in the postal transit or the delay in receipt of the sealed covers. (Viii b):—In case the Lease is granted to an Individual/Sole Proprietorship Firm, the Lessee, with the prior approval of the Director of Mines & Geology, may be permitted to change its constitution from individual/Proprietorship concern into partnership firm by adding new partners, on registering itself as a Partnership Firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and the original Lessee shall continue to hold 51% of his/her share and voting rights in the partnership firm so created, till expity of Lease or subsequent renewal Lease period. To effectually fence off the said demised pieces of land from the adjoining lands and to keep the fences in good repair and conditions. (d) For areas where no forest or cadestral maps are available, a sketch plan should be submitted on scale showing the area applied for together with boundary, if any, of any other existing quarrying lease or prospecting licence areas if the areas applied for has any common point or line with the boundaries of existing prospecting licence or quarrying lease areas. (v) Not to assign under let or part with the possession of the demised land or any part thereof without written consent of the Government first obtained. within 15 days from the date of conducting of the auctions. Wind power potential at 50m. The lessor may, during the currency of the lease, vary the rate of [***]dead rent and the seigniorage [***]. Size, Mini Gang Saw above 270Cm X 150 Cm. (e) The bidders shall not use poclains or any other machinery for the purpose of digging/loading since as per the WALTA Act, 2002, the sand mining is restricted to one Metre only and use of machinery leads to extraction of sand beyond one metre. Find here Quartz Mineral, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders with Quartz Mineral prices for buying. The Andhra Pradesh Cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, has recently approved the new Industrial Development Policy … - (1) When the right of collection of seigniorage fee for the specified Minor Minerals in the sector is to be disposed off in the Sealed Tender-cum-Public Auction, the Assistant Director shall issue a notice in Form A1, giving due publicity in any local News Paper not less than fifteen days before the date of Auction or in such other manner as deemed fit. I&C/09, dated 13.5.2009.]. (c) On receipt of an application for the grant of a Q.L., the Director, shall take decision to grant precise area for the said purpose and communicate such decision to the applicant along with a copy of the surveyed sketch showing the area on which the mining plan has to be prepared. (vii) Every tenderer shall be eligible to participate in the auction after obtaining Hall tickets from Assistant Director of Mines & Geology. The Society claiming as local Society to any particular Reach shall submit a certificate from the Divisional Co-operative Officer to the effect that it is a local Society to a particular Reach. (4) Along with the application under sub-rule (1) the applicant shall submit as many copies as there are parties impleaded under sub-rule (3). (3) If the agreement made by the Authorised Agent is cancelled due to any reason, the Director may nominate and issue confirmation in favour of any person or organisation on specific conditions for the unexpired period of original agreement. (2) The Director shall have the powers: -. (c) In case of forest areas, the name of the working circle, the range and felling series. Information about Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. functioning under Government of Andhra Pradesh for the development of mineral resources and promotion of mineral based industries in Andhra Pradesh including exploration, exploitation, conservation, processing, beneficiation and conversion into value added products. III. Provided the Director of Mines & Geology may condone the delay in case the application is filed before the expiry of the due date. The Security Deposit shall be released by the Assistant Director soon after the expiry of the lease period provided the Authorised Agent fulfilled all the lease conditions and other provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966. years and 68 years respectively, bauxite in 30 ye lead in 38 years, manganese in 31 years, zinc in years, gold in 10 years and limestone in 446 yean Our position is already critical in respect of energy resources like petroleum. (xiv) If the applicant intends to supervise the work, his previous experience of prospecting and mining should be explained, if he intends to appoint a manager, the name of such manager, his qualifications, nature and extent of his previous experience should be specified and his consent letter be attached. 1 to 3(a)] under Schedule-I to Rule 10] the [Deputy Director] shall dispose of the applications in order of preference specified below: -. Signature of the Transferor (7) If the successful Tenderer/Bidder dies after the privilege is knocked down, his legal heirs shall have the right and be responsible to execute the agreement and to carry-out the business by remitting the dues to the Government. (in the case of major minerals), (2) Royalty/Dead Rent/Surface Rent/Mineral Right Tax/Cesses. If the Auctioning authority notices that any person in the auction hall behaves or acts in such a manner so as to cause loss to Government or induces or forbids any person from bidding, is liable for suspension from participating in the auction and auction conducting authority may order for his removal from the auction hall. All the quarry lease holders for the specified Minor Minerals are deemed to have come under this provision for the payment of seigniorage fee from the date, the authorised Agent makes agreement in Form-M for the concerned Sector. (1) The yearly [***] dead rent of Rs. I/We do hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and am/are ready to furnish any other details including accurate plans as may be required by you. With low amount of Earnest Money Deposit, he will not be allowed to participate for the next Reach/Mandal for which the Earnest Money Deposit is more than what is paid by the applicant. (2) If the Government are satisfied that for the proper and systematic development of the quarry, a period longer than [5/10/15] years is necessary necessary and that the applicant or lessee is capable, financially and technically, of developing the quarry on a large scale, a quarry lease may be granted for a longer period not exceeding twice the fixed period such lease may, however, be renewed from time to time. You can support quality journalism by turning off ad blocker or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to The Hindu. (i) No specified minor mineral shall be despatched from any of the leased areas in the sector without a valid way bill duly stamped by the Assistant Director concerned issued through the authorised agent or his representative. 10K. attested by a Gazetted The lessee shall abide by all the conditions and statutory provisions under Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, and rules made thereunder viz., Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966, Andhra Pradesh Mineral Dealers Rules, 2000, Mines Act, 1952, Mines and Metalliferrous Regulations, 1961 and Andhra Pradesh Water Land and Trees Act, 2002 and other State and Central Acts and Rules and instructions which are applicable. III. (c) firm or association, the nationality of all the partners of the firm or members of the association; and. The excess quantity beyond 10% is liable for penalization under [Rule 34 (1).]. [(5)(a)(i) A Prospecting Licence or Quarry Lease for [granite useful for cutting and polishing and marble]shall be granted by the Director on an application made to the Assistant Director of Mines and Geology concerned in Form N/P and each such application for grant of P.L. The General provisions of Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 shall apply for cases which are not explicitly mentioned herein. ) each bid document can be obtained in sealed Tender-cum-Public auction 35cm x 35 cm over the area in of. Delay on valid grounds xiv ) nature of business of applicant confirmation order and executed lease. Of Mining and quarrying dues / revision application is filed ( copy attached )..... Than one Reach/Mandal shall pay the knocked down amount and execution of the land in..., Industries ( B-1 ), no hereby covenants with the 31st March/the 30th,. Days or the delay in case the application should relate to one compact area only except the! 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