oak island: flood tunnels found

oak island: flood tunnels found

They fill each of the shafts they dig with water. Located in the money pit, in the “Swamp” and in Smith’s Cove, the tunnels openings are said to be. |. Who Found The Truro Company. What were the alleged flood tunnels discovered in 1867 and 1897? Remembering this was at a time when it was all hand dug and cleared. They tell the fascinating history of the Island as well as showcase important features of the mystery including the famous Money Pit, Flood Tunnel system, the Inscribed Stone found … For nearly 200 years they've been watching treasure hunters come and go--empty-handed--and hearing all the claims many times over. The British then booby trapped the island, creating shafts and flood tunnels modern day explorers have since discovered. Oak Island Association (Samuel Fraser). The Curse of Oak Island: New discovery suggests flood tunnels weren’t only traps on island Tue Apr 07, 2020 at 8:16am ET Thu Dec 10, 2020 at 8:16 am EST By Jerry Brown Jack Begley of the Oak Island team puzzling over Samuel Ball’s secret tunnel. Examining Smith's Cove the searchers noticed that as the tide withdrew, water was seen escaping from the shoreline at various locations. Oak Island's original un­derground architect had possibly constructed something even more cunning than a single treasure pit with two flood tunnels feeding directly into it. © Unlikely at best. They've looked for the flood tunnels several times, and found some structures that might be part of that system. Shipping and discount codes are added at checkout. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. the town opposite Oak Island. Both the Halifax Syndicate in 1867 and the Oak Island Treasure Company in 1897 allegedly found an entrance to the flood tunnel at about the 110 foot depth in the Money Pit. There were several times over the many years of investigation when clay and dyes were used to definitively prove the connection between the sea and the Money Pit. Historical information will be provided with regard to the existence of several flood tunnels on Oak Island in this thread. Just use some of that million dollar equipment and find them, and then follow them. After fighting long and hard, one of the digging companys decided to pour dye into the Money Pit and see where the tunnels lead to. Top. Jack Begley of the Oak Island team puzzling over Samuel Ball’s secret tunnel The first thing to note about the tunnel, is that it is actually quite small. So when the team find some data that indicate the tunnel's existence, Marty and Rick Lagina visit to check it out. Borehole 10X A deep shaft 180' NE of the Money Pit with tantalizing clues. In 1972, Rupert Furneaux suggested that the originator of the Oak island enterprise would have excavated his tunnels using a magnetic compass underground and, thus, the bearing of the Flood Tunnel from the Money Pit to Smith’s Cove would betray the angle of magnetic variation (the amount the compass varies from true north). The Curse of Oak Island: New discovery suggests flood tunnels weren’t only traps on island Tue Apr 07, 2020 at 8:16am ET Thu Dec 10, 2020 at 8:16 am EST By Jerry Brown Both the Halifax Syndicate in 1867 and the Oak Island Treasure Company in 1897 allegedly found an entrance to the flood tunnel at about the 110 foot depth in the Money Pit. One of the major mistakes most people make is associating one feature on the island with another. In fact, it was recorded that tons of this fibre was removed and stacked on the beach as one would with stacks of hay! As long as the water could have been controlled and adequate ventilation provided, it is feasable that uncribbed tunnels could have been driven to connect these significant locations. 53 Pages. Oak Island's "security system" is water and what many searchers have discovered, to their great frustration, is that it is very difficult to bail out the ocean. User account menu. I am still not convinced the flood tunnels have actual existence, but then again previous searches have tried to dig them out and even to dynamite them, so there's that. NARRATOR: Dynamite found buried some 95 feet deep below the beach at Smith's Cove and in the same area as the island's legendary flood tunnel. Sceptics are not at … The treasure seeking action continues on The Curse of Oak Island this week as possible secret entrance is discovered and symbols are found … The conversation on flood tunnels could be summed up as follows: Evidence would suggest that at least two flood tunnels exist at different depths on Oak Island. That's a piece of the dynamite right there. Below this was five "box drains" made from flat stones with flat stones on top. Famously the Oak Island Money pit kept flooding due to underground tunnels that lead to beaches, but how were they all dug if one of them flooded? by RRD2 on Mon Jul 25, 2005 4:31 pm . It did not intersect with one of the so-called flood tunnels, but instead terminated abruptly. The shaft was 2'6" wide by 4' high which has great resemblance to historical Cornish mines "old men's" crosscuts which were often 2'4" wide by 4' high. Roman numerals on log found beneath Smith’s Cove, Oak Island On a couple of the logs found beneath Smith’s Cove, Roman numerals were spotted. Who Found McGinnis, Smith & Vaughan When Found 1795 Where Found Money Pit to Joudrey's Cove shore near large boulder and possible remnants of Stone "Wharf" or to west end of Island "British Colonist" article dated Jan 2, 1864 "they found that the remains of a tolerably well made road from it to the west shore of the island were still discernable" 0:31. 1849-50. I am still not convinced the flood tunnels have actual existence, but then again previous searches have tried to dig them out and even to dynamite them, so there's that. One of the biggest theories trying to prove buried treasure on Oak Island are flooding tunnels. They were in a fan shape and converged to a common point near the high water mark. Judging from the television images, it seems to be about 40 cm wide, by perhaps 20 cm deep. Historical Accounts; The Money Pit; Inscribed (90 foot) Stone; Flood Tunnel(s) Timeline of Searchers; Popular Theories; Artefacts Discovered; Gallery; Map; Community. When I go back home to Traverse City, I'm going to walk down to Marty's house and try to get my own show. The Oak Island Treasure Company was having trouble keeping its head above water in more ways than one. But the treasure still remains untouched. Send a Coded eMail; Explore Oak Island Display ; Resources; Research. While the beach does exist and is a legitimately interesting feature, Dunfield found that the vertical "drain" was a dead end. A second flood tunnel is also suspected, but yet unproven, leading from the South Shore Cove to an even lower level in the Money Pit. If there are flood tunnels, then something crazy was going on on Oak Island. What were the alleged flood tunnels discovered in 1867 and 1897? Oak Island also has its skeptics, many of whom live in Western Shore. Oh, what a find. The architects of the Money Pit devised a trap whereby when a certain depth in the pit was reached an air-lock was breached. Remembering this was at a time when it was all hand dug and cleared. As excavations take place and at a certain depth, the main shaft continues to fill with salt water, preventing workers from digging deeper. So it clearly isn’t any sort of passage way for humans. Located in the money pit, in the “Swamp” and in Smith’s Cove, the tunnels openings are said to be. The first thing to note about the tunnel, is that it is actually quite small. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. of the Truro Company. ShowMe - Oak Island Interactive Map: Flood Tunnel Systems Oak Island's "security system" is water and what many searchers have discovered to their frustration is that it is very difficult to bail out the ocean. Wood samples from the 'paved wharf' dating to 1741 seemed to bolster this theory, prompting a trip to the Fortress of Louisbourg. Historical Accounts; The Money Pit; Inscribed (90 foot) Stone; Flood Tunnel(s) Timeline of Searchers; Popular Theories; Artefacts Discovered; Gallery; Map; Community. The legend beautifully captured in a high quality 36" x 24" Oak Island poster. The continuing search for flood tunnels. This reddit will be a place to discuss the mysteries associated with Oak Island … Press J to jump to the feed. NARRATOR: Rick Lagina and other members of the Oak Island Team have made a surprising discovery. Some people when hearing that water entered the Money Pit say "but of course" i.e. The search continues on Oak Island! The Curse of Oak Island season 7 is set to return soon, and prior to its airing next month, History released a special to tease the fans a bit more. Oak Island Treasure Company (Fredrick Blair). I am trying to understand why any flooding of the pits on Oak island could only have happened because of man made flood tunnels instead of just a natural sources... Greg. For Marty and Rick Lagina, one of the main goals since stepping foot on the island has been finding the flood tunnel that leads to the money pit. Log In Sign Up. In order to prevent this tunnel from flooding, they constructed a sluiceway which directed any water which might collect in the tunnel towards the South Shore Cove (it must be mentioned that, in his 1958 book The Oak Island Mystery, Oak Island lawyer R.V. Back in 1965, Robert Dunfield conducted an extensive exploration of the area, believing the beach to feed the flood tunnels of the Money Pit. It was a very simple, yet highly effective, solution. Games Movies TV Video. You can contact the operators of the website using the convenient online form or by sending us an email using Judging from the television images, it seems to be about 40 cm wide, by perhaps 20 cm deep. Inscribed Stone A cryptic stone discovered almost 90' down in the Money Pit in 1804. So it clearly isn’t any sort of passage way for humans. There are contradictions that should be addressed as a part of this discussion. The Curse of Oak Island's treasure-hunting team may have finally found the elusive underground tunnels — after Gary Drayton uncovers remarkable artifacts. Use the famous Oak Island cipher to send an encrypted email! 5 fiercest Viking warriors from Harald Hardrada to Ivar the Boneless, Mary Anning: the woman who changed our perception of the past, Edith Wilson, America's First (Acting) Female President, Win a copy of Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction, Little known facts about the Lagina brothers. by Ishmael on Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:22 am . By necessity they need to start near the surface. As they dug to ascertain the reason they soon revealed a well engineered system of box drains with a manmade filter comprised of a layer of fibre (like that found in the Pit and deemed to be coconut fibre), eel grass, and beach stones. If there are flood tunnels, then something crazy was going on on Oak Island. However, some fairly large-scale casting, of lead, for example, could be. All Rights Reserved. But the water in the Pit was seawater, not groundwater, and there had been many other shafts dug in the vicinity of the Money Pit to greater depths without encountering any water. Sceptics are not at … Rick took some extreme and dangerous measures to examine this. About the Flood Tunnels The flood tunnels on Oak Island are the biggest problems the miners have to face every time they dig. Flood Tunnel Systems Oak island guards its secret with water from deep flood tunnels. Flooding tunnels. This allowed a flood tunnel system to deliver a steady source of water and fill the pit to tide level. The Curse of Oak Island: Unexpected find at 185 feet leads guys to suspect they have the Money Pit - 20th January 2021 If you like this story then follow us on … For Marty and Rick Lagina, one of the main goals since stepping foot on the island has been finding the flood tunnel that leads to the money pit. While kayaking on Lake Superior, I found a bunch of flood tunnels. As I understand it, there has been pretty good … Recently Changed Pages. The Curse of Oak Island | TONIGHT at 9/8c on The HISTORY Channel. December 21, 2020. The Oak Island Association also did some work at Smith's Cove by drilling a few shafts in an attempt to shut off and seal the alleged flood tunnels. Register Start a Wiki. Forging, however, is not often associated with large flow-channels like the one found here. All of these attempts were failures in the end, due to the tide which eventually broke through barriers that were put in place. And now, the team will use technology to unearth more answers. Just use some of that million dollar equipment and find them, and then follow them. They tell the fascinating history of the Island as well as showcase important features of the mystery including the famous Money Pit, Flood Tunnel system, the Inscribed Stone found deep within the pit, and more. When Craig briefed Marty Lagina on … The team explore the old well on Oak Island. Wikis. Off the coast of Halifax, Canada rests a very ingenious theorized treasure pit on Oak Island. Oak Island Wiki. When Found 1850 1864 1897 Where Found Money Pit to Smith's Cove; dimensions at Money Pit end claimed to be 2 1/2' wide by 4' high Firsthand / Secondhand References It will feature a total of 36 episodes, so the guess that this will be the last is possible. Although there is no proof of a windmill structure or remnants on the island, the theory was well considered and drawn by its proponent. 1804-05, or that by the Truro Company ca. Quiz: Test your knowledge about ancient Egypt? From this network of box drains it was subsequently learned that a deep underground tunnel was dug for a distance of some 460' from the drain sump at Smith's Cove to the 111' level in the pit at an approximate 22.5 degree incline. Clyde Vaughan, who is the great-great-great grandson of Anthony Vaughan, one of the original discoverers of the Money Pit, thinks it's all a trifle ridiculous. 2020 The flood tunnels are the most annoying part of this show for me. Welcome and good question, Greg! Discover Oak Island posters and T-shirts! If you read through all the evidence it is no hoax. Introduction; Artefacts Found; Research - Index View; Research - Folder View; Treasure. The History channel’s preview for this week’s The Curse of Oak Island suggests we can also expect more digging in the Uplands in the new episode. Wiki Content. All Rights Reserved. The Oak Island Mystery refers to stories of buried treasure and unexplained objects found on or near Oak Island in Nova Scotia.Since the 19th century, a number of attempts have been made to locate treasure and artifacts. In order to prevent this tunnel from flooding, they constructed a sluiceway which directed any water which might collect in the tunnel towards the South Shore Cove (it must be mentioned that, in his 1958 book The Oak Island Mystery, Oak Island lawyer R.V. Oak island guards its secret with water from deep flood tunnels. They've looked for the flood tunnels several times, and found some structures that might be part of that system. 'The Curse Of Oak Island' Season 7 Episode 18 promises to be entertaining as Rick and Marty Lagina investigate a spectacular find. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? The Curse of Oak Island: New discovery suggests flood tunnels weren’t only traps on island; They discussed whether or not to drill even deeper. There were several times over the many years of investigation when clay and dyes were used to definitively prove the connection between the sea and the Money Pit. It could be related to some forging operation, which can also produce small amounts of slag, and which is found in many contexts like 18 th and 19 th century Oak Island. There is, however, an oral tradition originated by the three discoverers (McInnis, Smith and Vaughan), passed from Vaughan to Lynd of the Onslow Company, then to various others, notably R. Creelman and J.B. McCully? If you read through all the evidence it is no hoax. That's incredible. They fill each of the shafts they dig with water. The Oak Island story has incorporated the claim that a flood tunnel once ran from the so-called 'box drains' in Smith's Cove to enter the 'Money Pit' at 110 feet. But what does it mean? Flood Tunnels | Oak Island Wiki | Fandom. It has been discussed on the Oak Island Treasure Forum whether these may be carpenters’ ‘marriage marks’ used to match up corresponding sections when constructing structures. In 1795 a teenager found what appears to be an underground shaft, later revealing alternating layers of foreign flagstone and timber. The architects of the Money Pit devised a trap whereby when a certain depth in the pit was reached an air-lock was breached. A second flood tunnel is also suspected, but yet unproven, leading from the South Shore Cove to an even lower level in the Money Pit. Oak Island Mystery posters are 24" tall x 36" wide and printed on high quality, acid free matte stock using archival inks. Here, Rick Lagina and Doug Crowell were shown the structure’s underground tunnels – including a sophisticated drainage system – which bore an uncanny resemblance to Oak Island’s famous flood tunnels. GP Digging for Coal Posts: 18 Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:37 pm Location: Ontario. Top. Oak Island Mystery posters are 24" tall x 36" wide and printed on high quality, acid free matte stock using archival inks. In 1972, Rupert Furneaux suggested that the originator of the Oak island enterprise would have excavated his tunnels using a magnetic compass underground and, thus, the bearing of the Flood Tunnel from the Money Pit to Smith’s Cove would betray the angle of magnetic variation (the amount the compass varies from true north). In a large log in the structure, a square-cut nail is found. RRD2 Digging for Diamonds Posts: 704 Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2005 12 :20 pm Location: USA. Pic credit: History. Once the early searchers discerned that it was salt water they were dealing with they set about to uncover its source. Randall Sullivan from The Curse of Oak Island. dig any hole in the ground and at a certain depth water will be encountered just as with digging a well. Borehole 10X A deep shaft 180' NE of the Money Pit with tantalizing clues. The Curse of Oak Island sees the guys searching for a way to shut off the water supply to the flood tunnels in the hope of finding the Money Pit. By necessity they need to start near the surface. In the next installment, I’ll explain why the “box drains” found on the beaches of Oak Island are not evidence of “flood tunnels,” and various other misconceptions about the physical artifacts found on the island. In the uplands, between Smith's Cove and the money pit, excavation in search of flood tunnels uncovers a wooden structure 15 ft (5 m) down. It's what generated this blast. In the wake of the first episode of the season 8 of The Curse of Oak Island (COOI), there is renewed speculation about tunnels, this time focusing on a channel-like structure on Lot 15, an area just to the west of the suspected Money Pit. The whole undertaking designed to provide a way to keep the supply of water to the Pit from becoming clogged. 137. Famously the Oak Island Money pit kept flooding due to underground tunnels that lead to beaches, but how were they all dug if one of them flooded? Dunfield’s son, Robert Dunfield II, has kindly supplied Oak Island Treasure with many photos , diagrams and anecdotes over the years. Stay tuned! There are no known contemporaneous records for the discovery and excavation of what came to be known as the ‘Money Pit’ (MP) in 1795, or of the excavations by the Onslow Company ca. Explore Oak Island's key features using Google's mapping technologies! (Season 7, Episode 5), ©2021 AETN UK. Send a Coded eMail; Explore Oak Island Display ; Resources; Research. Once completed, the tunnels were back-filled with round rocks and beach stones, presumably to prevent collapse of the shaft which would choke the flow of water. 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