oh baby song lyrics in telugu

oh baby song lyrics in telugu

Class In an attempt to meet the Emperor's new thorilide quota and to discredit his rival Baron Lero Danthe, Vidian decided to detonate Cynda under the pretext of accessing the moon's substantial thorilide resources. gorse ghost i'ma genger. Gorse Bendak, später bekannt unter Bendak Starkiller, war ein mandalorianischer Söldner und professioneller Duellant. 1. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. In response, Emperor Palpatine dispatched his management consultant Count Vidian to increase production output in the Gorse system. Denetrius Vidian[1]Cybernetic workers[1] [1], Due to his prominent status within the Imperial establishment, Count Vidian's tour of Gorse underwent extensive security preparations. Hera then went on to meet with her local contact Hetto at a local cantina called The Asteroid Belt. [1], Amidst the chaos, Hera, Kanan, and a wounded Zaluna managed to escape aboard an escape pod. In the Gorse System, Sloane was responsible for the protection of Count Vidian, an Imperial Efficiency Expert and cyborg who was a favorite of the Emperor. While Moonglow's Boss Lal Grallik and her security chief husband Gord Grallik were preoccupied, Hera infiltrated the building and free Skelly. Still determined to carry out his plan, Vidian tried to fly the Expedient and its bardium cargo into Cynda and detonate the moon. When Sloane expressed concern that the detonation would damage the thorilide crystals, Vidian agreed to conduct a test bombing. By: Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet. Before Charko and his men could rob her, a local freight pilot named Kanan intervened and broke up the fight. While the original test results showed that the test blast destroyed Cynda's thorilide crystals, Tharsa's report claimed otherwise. Seitdem Todesduelle auf Taris verboten waren, befand sich Bendak im Ruhestand. After remaining incommunicado for two years, Vidian was able to establish contact with a medical droid. A tidally-locked planet with a diverse population, Gorse's moon Cynda was a rich source of thorilide crystals, which was a key component in creating shock absorbers for turbolaser cannons. His last posting however, changes his life forever. Any disrespect against his master would anger him, as did being called "kid." When the mountain cats first arrived at the forest territories, the pair of loners Gorse and his mate Wind were initially hostile towards them. Gorse system[1]Calcoraan Depot[1] 4 rebel operatives[1]Hera Syndulla[1]Kanan Jarrus[1]Skelly†[1]Zaluna Myder[1]1 hoverbus (mid–phase)[1]1 freighter (late)[1]Expedient[1] To cover up Vidian's role, Imperial investigators claimed that Moonglow's blasting activities had destabilized the mine. Purchasing a secret stake in the comet-chasing company Minerax Consulting, Vidian issued a critical report claiming that Gorse had exhausted its thorilide reserves. Next Despite being badly wounded, Skelly managed to escape into the factory's conveyor belt system. On this planet, a revolution broke out between the rebels and the Galactic Empire . Due to the severity of his disease, most of Vidian's body parts were replaced with cybernetic parts. Skelly pursued Vidian there and blew up the shuttle. Many miners including Okadiah Garson killed during Vidian's "test bombing" of the Cynda mining site[1] While he had originally plan to correspond with the local mining industrial chiefs via hologram, Vidian changed his mind after a rogue miner named Skelly was captured by Moonglow Polychemical, who were based in Gorse's Shaketown. Following her return to the Ultimatum, she and Commander Chamas secretly contacted Baron Danthe and convinced him to pass the original report to the Emperor. He had a three hundred credit bounty on his head, put up by the government, for all the people he had killed. The Ultimatum's gunnery crew destroyed the Forager's transmission tower, severing the Detonation link. What-If Planet Geonosis (Star Wars) During a battle which ultimately sparked the Clone Wars, Jedi and CIS forces clashed in the notorious Petranaki Arena before a crowd of bloodthirsty spectators. 5. The explosion was witnessed by many on Cynda including Hera, Kanan, Skelly, and Zaluna. Multiple TIE fighter pilots[1]Multiple stormtroopers[1]Several transports[1] As a result of the crackdown, the surveillance operator Hetto was arrested for corresponding with a known rebel operative on HoloNet named Hera Syndulla. The cube was wrapped with a note contained details for his planned meeting with Hera at The Asteroid Field cantina. Gorsian dragonfly[2]Rodents[1] Nightfern[1]Yettice[1] Vidian and Sloane dispatched several Imperial Troop Transports and two TIE fighters after them but the rebels managed to evade capture and dumped their hoverbus in a quarry. Vidian began his tour by visiting the mines on Cynda. Kanan Jarrus[1]Hera Syndulla[1] Date Always Night: Only the night side of Gorse is habitable, although muggy. Gord managed to kill several stormtroopers before being killed by Vidian himself. Item Information. Crystalline Thorilide[1] [1], Before he could eliminate the rebels and carry out his plan to destroy Cynda, the Emperor contacted Captain Sloane and confirmed that Kanan had been telling the truth. [1], After bringing Zaluna to a safeworld, Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla joined forces and traveled aboard Hera's ship, the Ghost. The team's Sullustan leader Zaluna Myder reluctantly forwarded the incident report to her supervisor, who contacted the Empire. The political institutions of “Star Wars”—such as the Senate, Republic and Empire—and the pseudo-Latin names of characters such as chancellors Valorum and Palpatine echo those of ancient Rome. In recognition of her efforts to stop Vidian, Rae Sloan was promoted to be the permanent captain of the Ultimatum[1] and, eventually earned the position of vice admiral. Meanwhile, Kanan managed to capture Skelly and delivered him to Moonglow Polychemical to face justice for his sabotage. The Expedient also managed to destroy several TIE fighters before breaching the rear hangar bay of the Forager. When Vidian defied her and expressed his intention to proceed with the detonation, Captain Sloane ordered the Imperial fleet to bombard Vidian's flagship Forager. [1], Upon arriving in the Gorse system, Count Vidian ordered the crew of the Ultimatum to stay clear of the mining traffic between Gorse and Cynda in order to avoid delaying production. Believing Skelly's plan to have little chance of success, Hera and Kanan refused to support him. However, his assessment was later proven wrong when Kanan and Hera established a rebel cell that harassed the Empire. Later, Kanan and Hera were detained for trespassing by Captain Sloane. During a meeting with Captain Sloane and the Ultimatum's science officer Lieutenant Kanna Deltic, Vidian used Skelly's research to outline his plans to detonate Cynda. Since he controlled stakes in the comer-chaser industry, Vidian hope to profit at the expense of surface mining companies including Baron Danthe's operations. [Source]. Due to his stake in the comet-chaser industry, Vidian wanted the comet-chasers to exploit Cynda's thorilide crystals before they disintegrated. Tharsa's report convinced Sloane, Deltic, and Commander Nibiru Chamas. Galactic Basic[1] Commanders Vidian's workers also establish a Detonation Control link between the Forager and the Ultimatum. Unknown to the others, Tharsa and Vidian were one and the same person. The Imperials did not care that Cynda's destruction could have catastrophic ramifications for Gorse. Skelly along with Hera and Kanan then took the opportunity to escape in the hoverbus. Terrestrial[1] Her friend Kanan waited outside with the hoverbus and feigned engine trouble. The Gorse Conflict was a conflict between a small group of rebels on Gorse and its moon, Cynda, and the Empire, which was represented by the ambitious industrialist Count Denetrius Vidian.

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