pinchot lake striper fishing
All rights reserved. So grab your favorite fly fishing rod and reel, and head out to Pinchot Lake. Check out our Fishing Times chart to determine when the fish will be most active. Some success can be found in deep wintering pools fishing jigs slowly on the bottom. Target..." Hunting Creek Lake, "Fished west of dam and bridge. 0000001680 00000 n Bass fishing on the Susquehanna is spotty currently. That made for slow bass fishing for most anglers. by Rich Janitschek. Also had a 12 dollar rod..." Cascade Lake, "I fished the whole of the lake concentrating on lay-down trees with deep water access. 0 Fishing Locations Pinchot Lake. 0000001378 00000 n 177 bridge area. The world and all tackle record is 27 lbs 5 oz. FORUMS. 0000193409 00000 n Post your catch results here. Current fly fishing conditions are not so good today. Tips and gear recommendations to put you in position to catch the striper of a lifetime on a fly fishing rod. Scope Adjustment: 2-Shot Method to Scope Sighting. , that is the bait shop located by pinchot and they have reports every few days on their fishing reports section on the left hand side of that main page. 0000004832 00000 n This group is closed to the public. Gifford Pinchot State Park in North Central York County near Lewisberry, off Route 83. Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. If you need fishing tackle, or are looking for a fishing guide or fishing charter please visit Tackle, Guides, Charters Shore anglers were landing catfish. Fishing Gifford Pinchot Lake, York PA has 2,295 members. Practice CPR Catch, Photo & Release! Shore anglers were landing catfish. 0000005228 00000 n - YouTube Bass, trout, panfish, catfish, carp, musky, pike. I have caught a number of quality Large Mouths at Pinchot and Marburg, during the spawning months. January 22, 2013 . This area is known for the lily pads in the summer months.. Tweet. The day went on to be my second-best day fishing on that neglected pond in almost thirty years. Good pan fishing all along the lake’s banks especially near the access area near the Ranger station. 0000002643 00000 n Posted by Lisa Raub at 10:25 AM on October 27, 2012Pinchot Lake Photo Gallery. 0000003098 00000 n Pinchot Lake Photo - Pinchot Lake Shore Fishing. The gentleman said he was fishing in a small club tournament and caught one 14-inch bass, which was an inch short for Pinchot Lake regulations as a Big Bass Lake. There are 286 shoreline mooring and canoe rack spaces that may be rented from April 1 to October 1. Lebanon County. Pinchot is a lot like most PA State Park lakes, when it comes to fishing. If fishing the middle or dam end of the lake, use the two mid-lake ramps. 51 34 Pa Fishing Friends. Pinchot Lake is designated a Big Bass Lake. <<94DDFF9E07D3D045BCCA025437459583>]>> Or any tips on fishing the lake. Pinchot was not lowered at all this winter and with the warmer temps the lake didnt have much ice and crappies were hot down by the dam. 0000193186 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n The Marine Navigation App provides advanced features of a Marine Chartplotter including adjusting water level offset and custom depth shading. Tips, tactics, gear reviews for everything from bass and bluegills to stripers and bluefish - if it's fishing related, we cover it. Information: This board is currently read-only. Pinchot Lake is part of the Big Bass Program. Pinchot Lake, Pennsylvania fishing report, rainbow trout fly fishing forecast, fishing season updates, fly shop and fishing guides, and fly-fishing weather. The 340-acre Pinchot Lake has three launch areas available 24 hours-a-day. 2�$�BsV1� �ͼV� u�g�Lh:���f�J��c�RU������嚖a0��ett��%QC -�ZP!�Nf����7�XW0�J3-`X�x����)M�z��vy�1�u�������A� �3�:.�6�H��bXkS�d���� ����X}�F�`� "�5p 84 0 obj<>stream This activity or structure is ADA accessible. That means fishing low-light, at night, and deep during the day near the main lake deep weedbeds. 0000013072 00000 n 0000001910 00000 n ... One of three concrete ramps at Pinchot Lake. Mooring areas include a number of larger spaces designed to accommodate day sailors and catamarans, while rack spaces accommodate canoes, kayaks, and small sailboats. Pinchot Lake (York County) — Crappies were reported on live bait, and hybrid striped bass on chicken liver in recent weeks. Gifford Pinchot State Park in North Central York County near Lewisberry, off Route 83. A draw down permit has been approved to North Lebanon Township to do work at Lions Lake. Lake Marburg (York County) — This Codorus State Park lake was yielding bluegills and other panfish and white perch in recent weeks. From my posts you know I like fishing the dam and bridge rip rap areas at night. One lake I've done well on in the south-central part of the state is Pinchot Lake at the Gifford Pinchot State Park. MESSAGES. ... Rich 'FishAholic' Janitschek highlights how to ice fish at a new lake for a variety of freshwater species. NOTIFICATIONS. Pinchot Lake Bass Fishing-- Largemouth Tournament! The summer months have very little action from Bass. 0000006567 00000 n 0000006076 00000 n Crappie fishing slowed some as far as numbers per angler but size is still up there with many crappie over 15 inches being caught. Add to favorites. Fishing from a boat is your best ap-proach when traveling between the lake’s hotspots. A 20-foot fiberglass bass boat with a 109lb. Check this website. Information × OK Join. Lake Tawakoni has been Guide Keith’s home and favorite fishing reservoir for over 28 years. Advertisement: Map. iv never really fished pinchot i dont have a boat and that lake is really shallow around the edges from what iv seen. ... of you have any more questions let me know be more than happy to share. 0000018353 00000 n The Redman Lake fishing map contains information about some of the best fishing spots this lake has to offer as well as the nearby cottages, campgrounds, and bait and tackle shops. Pinchot Lake is an excellent warm-water fishery and is designated a Big Bass lake with some real whoppers being caught. %%EOF Post your catch results here. I first started fishing the ponds and lakes on Long Island in … 0000192809 00000 n lake marburg is beauful. Fathead minnows and small shiners are doing most of the crappie catching. It is a new world line class record with 8 pound test. trailer The link incorrectly puts the weight at 29 pounds. To find Pinchot Lake Dam enter the 40.090096 latitude, and -76.871361 longitude coordinates into your GPS device or smart phone. The lake is governed by electric-motors-only regulations. 0000007136 00000 n by Captain Jim Freda. 0000191975 00000 n 0000001502 00000 n DISCUSSIONS. 0000193015 00000 n Channel catfish are really hitting well at Pinchot too. Pinchot lake received a lot of fishing pressure over the holiday weekend. I've been fishing here for several years now. You will need to really dig deep and work hard to catch some fish. Pinchot Lake is a reservoir located just 6.2 miles from Dover, in York County, in the state of Pennsylvania, United States, near Maytown, PA. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including brown trout, rock bass, walleye, smelt, lake trout, brook trout, smallmouth bass, … Join us as we discuss the Pennsylvania Fishing License options, fishing rules and fishing regulations. 0000192638 00000 n Fishing at Gifford Pinchot State Park. Location. �+/8�>�ww�qK��~�7��w�&�TJ�tq�qsM�"dZ�L��$'�:�B @7�aT��3o�Hoc �F]�qt8��»Q;M��w]&�wE����1�����G�˅��M�h+�=���G����mi��P����X��c��\%�19��A6lߧ�C Bass, trout, panfish, catfish, carp, musky, pike. What's up with this lake? Location type: Fishing Location. endstream endobj 52 0 obj<> endobj 53 0 obj<>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 54 0 obj<> endobj 55 0 obj<>/Shading<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 56 0 obj<> endobj 57 0 obj<> endobj 58 0 obj<> endobj 59 0 obj<> endobj 60 0 obj<> endobj 61 0 obj[/ICCBased 71 0 R] endobj 62 0 obj[/Separation/Yellow 61 0 R 77 0 R] endobj 63 0 obj<> endobj 64 0 obj<> endobj 65 0 obj<> endobj 66 0 obj<> endobj 67 0 obj<> endobj 68 0 obj<> endobj 69 0 obj<> endobj 70 0 obj<>stream 0. Messin’ With the Fish Guide Service is a family operated fishing charter and caters to all ages. 0000025524 00000 n Frank was striper fishing in Bull Shoals Lake Arkansas. 0000041783 00000 n April and May are great months for Bass fishing. angler said. 0000193307 00000 n Fishing Gifford Pinchot Lake, York PA. 296 likes. Swap Start/End Start Address Pinchot Lake is a reservoir located just 6.2 miles from Dover, in York County, in the state of Pennsylvania, United States, near Maytown, PA. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including lake trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, smelt, rock bass, crappie, brook trout, carp, walleye, bream/bluegill and brown trout here. startxref When you purchase our Lake Maps App, you get all the great marine chart app features like fishing spots, along with Pinchot Lake lake depth map. 0000000976 00000 n To access this group, please Log In . The water is still too cold. xref Whether you’re baitcasting, fly fishing, trolling, spinning or net fishing your chances of getting a bite here are good. Alternate names for this reservoir include Conewago Lake. Caught in Greers Ferry Lake Arkansas onApril 24 1997 by Jerald C. Shaum, Shirley, AR. Pinchot is starting to clear up in the middle of the lake now. Or any tips on fishing the lake. Anglers can be seen fi shing from a va-riety of craft, from … When you purchase our Nautical Charts App, you get all the great marine chart app features like fishing spots, along with Lake Pinchot marine chart. Pinchot Lake Hot. Go to top ... Spring time striper lures. 0000010403 00000 n ei} "We fished right off of the road, about two turns once we got on the lake. Followers 698 Catches 73 Spots 11 0000004748 00000 n 0000001300 00000 n Anglers fishing the lake after this past holiday weekend are finding better action. Pennsylvania Kayak Largemouth Bass Fishing Lake Redman - Duration: 5:45. Pinchot is shallow, with the average depth around 10'. trolling motor will take about 45 minutes on high speed to go from the mid-lake ramps to the rt. Largemouth bass, hybrid striped bass, muskellunge, catfish, carp, walleye, crappie and sunfish are all hooked in the lake, and tournaments are held here regularly. Senkos, Slop Sticks, 10 inch Power Worms and Chatterbaits are catching most of the bass. x�b``�```�c`e`|��A�D�bl,{ Good pan fishing all along the lake’s banks especially near the access area near the Ranger station. 0000005756 00000 n The author’s replica mount of his 9-pound, 2-ounce largemouth caught on his first visit to a small, difficult-to-reach pond on Long Island. 0000003632 00000 n Pinchot Lake. The fishing maps app include HD lake depth contours, along with advanced features found in Fish Finder / Gps Chart … 0000033511 00000 n Not even pan fish would bite on live..." Prettyboy Reservoir. Report Pennsylvania Fishing Report – January 7, 2021. The work should be completed by March 1 st. . Gifford Pinchot State Park: Fishing - See 173 traveler reviews, 149 candid photos, and great deals for Lewisberry, PA, at Tripadvisor. Thank goodness they've stopped calling this 340-acre impoundment Conewago Lake. 0.0 . 0.0 (0) 1467 0 0 0 0. Northern pike has a minimum size requirement of 24 inches and a daily limit of two. 0000004782 00000 n ���P\OL�-"I 51 0 obj <> endobj Write Review. %PDF-1.6 %���� 0000004232 00000 n This Fishing Message Forum is open to the public. 0000006002 00000 n Some deep points and creek channels still have some stumps, stone walls, or bridges on them and they still hold some nice smallmouths and largmouths. Please remember to check with the local Fish and Wildlife department to ensure the stream is open to the public. Only a 2 star day. Continue with: Join Now . 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