potato varieties chart uk
Access to Kenya was granted last year after two seasons of trials and great performance. For details of official soil sampling, fees and, where in doubt, to ascertain the status of the land, contact APHA. They take 10-12 weeks to mature. Annabelle. Potatoes are the second most important food crop after maize, with 2-3 million tonnes of potatoes grown annually. Trials have found good resistance to potato leafroll virus and potato virus Yo . This variety is suitable for a range of uses including crisping, french fries as well as table use. [, Anna produces a high yield of bright tubers suitable for pre-packing. [, Kennebec is an early maincrop variety bred in USA. The SPot Farm programme is a network of potato growers throughout the UK hosting scientific research on their farms, paid for by a £1.5m annual R&D investment fund. Johnny's Selected Seeds 955 Benton Ave. Winslow, Maine 04901 * 1-877-564-6697 Trials have found good resistance to silver scurf, blackleg, potato virus Yo, and black dot .This variety has low resistance to potato leafroll virus and dry rot (, Very high yielding drought resistant variety. For example, the potato must be free of diseases and defects. It produces a moderate to high yield of large, oval, white-skinned tubers with a cream flesh.Tests show susceptibility to both potato cyst nematode, Suitable for pre-pack and general ware. Very long oval tubers with parti-coloured skins and cream flesh. Resistant to potato cyst nematode, [Non-IVT Variety] [, Agria is a high yielding maincrop variety. We use a range of different potato varieties in order to help us maintain a consistently high standard of quality. Endless varieties that live up to the expectations of various markets. Waxy potatoes hold their shape and have a firm bite, so they’re great for salads or simply boiled and dressed with butter. Optimized for local growing conditions. [, Long term storage french fry variety suitable for organic production. Also called the Japanese sweet potato, this variety has a purplish-pink skin and is bright and white on the inside. Testing was conducted in one year only for common scab and mop top (spraing), the rating based on this is a 6 for common scab and a 7 for mop top (spraing). Potatoes are one of the most versatile natural foods that can be cooked in so many different ways, so to get great results you need to pick the right type of potato. It is resistant to potato cyst nematode, Late maincrop maturity producing moderate yields with high numbers of tubers per plant. First early potatoes. Puerto Rican Sweet Potatoes. Tests show susceptibility to late blight on foliage, powdery scab, potato cyst nematode. This variety has low resistance to black dot, late blight on foliage and powdery scab. Will produce high tuber numbers. Types of Potatoes. The Marcy potato is another good, all around potato that is good in a wide range of recipes. Plants yield a high number of tubers. This variety is suitable for a range of uses including crisping, french fries, processing (starch / flake) as well as table use. Our parent company, Agrico Holland has the largest plant breeding programme in Europe, and is continually working to develop promising seedlings under local conditions. Varieties at a glance. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of potato varieties; they vary in texture and behave differently when cooked. Established in 1920, C. Meijer B.V. has always remained a family business and the UK representation ‘Meijer Potato UK’ is no different, marketing approximately 30,000 tonnes of seed annually. Resistance to late blight on tubers. Testing was conducted in one year only for common scab and mop top (spraing), the rating based on this is a 6 for common scab and a 7 for mop top (spraing). Tubers have some resistance to bruising and splitting. Good for boiling and baking. Susceptible to Powdery scab, potato cyst nematode, Tubers have some resistance to splitting and good resistance to bruising. Maris Piper - Maincrop. High yielding in a wide range of soil types and presents good drought resistance. But there are varieties that fall in the centre, holding both waxy and firm qualities. Potatoes are versatile for a wide variety of culinary uses, make a great storage crop and are generally simple to grow. This is a list of potato varieties or cultivars.Potato cultivars can have a range of colors due to the accumulation of anthocyanins in the tubers. Solutions that dynamically anticipate the climatological, cultural and commercial challenges faced by the entire food industry. Page 1 of 18, showing 20 records out of 355 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture, Accent is a high yielding early bulking table variety. Tests for resistance to potato cyst nematode demonstrated resistance to, Maincrop variety. [, Tubers have good resistance to bruising and splitting. Tubers have some resistance to bruising and splitting. Step 1: Choose a potato cropping type; Step 2: Choose a variety of potato; Step 3: Plant up your potato tubers; Step 4: Harvest and enjoy your potatoes While determinate varieties will only produce tubers around soil depth, indeterminate varieties require mounding because the tuber will continue to produce additional layers of fresh potatoes, resulting in a large harvest at the end of the season. May 12, 2012 - If you have ever wanted to find out about different potato varieties, the differences in how they taste and which recipes they work best with, then you have found it. Plant 30cm apart, with 60cm between rows, around 12cm deep. First early seed potatoes take around 80 days after planting to mature and should be ready to start harvesting in mid June 2017 in average areas of the UK. Potatoes of the highest consistent quality. The UK has an opportunity to trade 100,000 tonnes of seed potato varieties used to make these processed products. These potatoes also have coloured skin, but many varieties with pink or red skin have white or yellow flesh, as do the vast majority of cultivated potatoes. Moderate yields. It shows very good storage capability. Susceptibility to Blackleg. The variety is best suited to boiling and salads although it can be roasted sucessfully. These sweet potatoes have copper-colored skin and red-orange flesh that is very sweet and moist. Maris Piper has been a popular maincrop since the 60’s. The characteristics that would not show any results in the relevant combination are shown in light grey in the selection fields and can no longer be chosen. Floury potatoes, on the other hand, fluff up when they’re cooked, making them perfect for chips, roast potatoes or baking. The variety has susceptibility to tuber late blight and common scab. Alternatively, check out our Top 10 Potato Varieties listed below and choose from some of our most popular customer favourites. To make your shopping hassle-free we have put together this handy guide to help you get great results every time. Agrico provides a wide choice of potato varieties, each backed by local agronomic know-how learnt through many years of trials and evaluations work. With this at-a-glance-chart you’ll be a whizz on potato varieties in no time. All our Potato Seeds are sourced from the UK's 2 top seed merchants, Nearly all is Scottish grown, with selected varieties being grown in Ireland. Think you know your potatoes? Simply work through the steps below, take a look at our potato varieties chart and find the best potatoes for you to grow at home. Late foliage maturity. Accent is a high yielding early bulking table variety. Learn more about the characteristics and cooking recommendations for each type of potato below. If you make a pot of soup and toss in some potato chunks, one of two things happens: The potatoes chunks remain intact, or they disintegrate. They require about 75-90 days underground, or sometimes even less time. Short oval, pink tubers with cream flesh. [, Almera is a high yielding second early variety. Baby Potatoes by Sainsbury’s Small in size but versatile, these are delicious boiled, steamed, in salads and served as new potatoes. Testing was conducted in one year only for common scab and mop top (spraing), the rating based on this is a 7 for common scab and a 6 for mop top (spraing). 25. This database provides data on GB-certified potato varieties that have undergone independent resistance testing for key pests and diseases. An early bulking variety with good all-round disease resistance, well suited to the early processing market. In addition there are varieties which have limited and/or localised supplies. The variety is from a different potato family called Phureja and originates in the Andean valleys of South America. The Potato Association of America Mailing Address: 37637 Five Mile Road, #399 Livonia, MI 48154 Phone: (734) 239-8022 Fax: (734) 677-2407 E-mail: paaoffice@potatoassociation.org Each of these varieties fit into one of seven potato type categories: russet, red, white, yellow, blue/purple, fingerling and petite. Red skinned maincrop table potato, which is high yielding, high bulking and copes well with … We hold all seed potatoes in our coldstore until needed for despatch, this keeps the tubers in top quality condition and ready to … However, these varieties are suited for bag growing because of their high yield. This testing is undertaken through UK National List testing and the AHDB Potatoes-funded Independent Variety Trials (IVT) programme. and no potatoes or other PCN host crops have been grown on it since the last certificate was issued. Russets grow from 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm) long and about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. This purple flowered variety produces good yields of tubers with a dry, floury texture. This well known variety is a chip shop favourite! Potato varieties. You can find out how the latest levy funded research could work in practice on your farm, by learning from growers who are running field trials A cream skinned potato with a creamy/yellow flesh. There are three key types of potatoes, first early, second early and maincrop. Even when those nice to look at aren’t always those offering the best flavour. This variety has low resistance to blackleg. Trials have found good resistance to silver scurf, skin spot and potato leafroll virus. Earlies are, unsurprisingly perhaps, the earliest to mature. susceptible to Powdery scab, Blackleg, Bruising and potato cyst nematode, Early salad variety. Before we approve a potato for processing, it has to meet a number of strict criteria. Marcy Potato. Medium dry matter. The skin is light compared to Russet potatoes and the fleshy is a light-yellow color. These potato varieties are good for boiling, steaming, roasting, and baking. There’re about 100 varieties of potato grown in the UK, yet you wouldn’t know it – there’s a tendency among big food outlets to only stock a few of the better-looking types. That being said, you'll have by far the best success when you think carefully about your needs and select varieties for your climate and situation, because each variety has unique qualities that make it well-suited to a certain place or purpose. Marcy tubers have an oval shape that is slightly flattened. This variety has low resistance to late blight on tubers and on foliage. Tubers are long to long-oval and have good skin finish. Tests show resistance to potato virus Yo and is resistant to blackleg and potato cyst nematode globodera rostochiensis Ro1. Attractive, uniform oval tubers with light yel… There is a lot of interest in different potato varieties. Trials have found good resistance to skin spot, silver scurf, black dot and bruising. 1. Plants yield a good number of tubers. [, Anya is a speciality variety with distinct nutty taste and waxy texture. Potato Types and Tips Video Collection Use our guide to learn about potato history as well as the unique qualities and nutritional value of popular potato varieties. Midseason potatoes can be planted as late as the first of July, while late-season potatoes are the best variety to plant for winter storage purposes. Early season plants take up less room in the garden than other varieties, and they are less prone to potato blight, as they are generally harvested before the disease has a chance to take hold. 5.3 Eligible varieties • SPCS: Only varieties on the UK National List of Plant Varieties … There are over 100 potato plant varieties with the most commonly purchased at the supermarket being the russet potato, specifically the Russet Burbank. Potatoes are divided into three groups. Tests for resistance to potato cyst nematode demonstrated resistance to, Maincrop variety with red tubers. Tests show susceptibility to silver scurf, Blackleg, potatos cyst nematode. Floury or waxy, why it matters In order to find the most suitable variety you can select by certain criteria. Early (new) varieties of potato can be harvested earlier compared to maincrop potato varieties. Our assortment includes more than 100 seed potato varieties. Aviko processes a number of varieties, such as: Agria, Bintje, Fontane and Hansa. There are more than 200 varieties of potatoes sold throughout the United States. That is what we offer. Tests for resistance to potato cyst nematode demonstrated resistance to, Ambo is a very attractive early maturing versatile parti-coloured variety with good foliage and tuber late blight resistance. If space is at a premium, plant first early varieties, which will free up the veg patch sooner or plant in containers on the patio or unused pathways. Resistance to common scab, bruising and splitting. Susceptible to potato cyst nematode, Amora will produce high yields of uniform, oval tubers with yellow skins and flesh. First early that are ready after approximately 100 days/12 weeks, second early are ready after 115 days and maincrop potatoes are ready after 130 days.. Attractive, uniform oval tubers with light yellow skins and flesh and excellent cooking characteristics. Strategic Potato (SPot) Farms. Discover your favorite type of spud by learning about the differences in fluffy, smooth and salad potatoes. It is grown for for the Inca Gold bag and is absolutely amazing roasted or baked. Good resistance to common scab, powdery scab, spraing, mild mosaic virus and slugs. Its nutty flavor makes it a popular type of sweet potato, and it can be grilled, baked, or even steamed. It has good chipping potential, particularly early in the season. A guide to potato varieties and types: • Russet potatoes—also called old potatoes, baking potatoes, or Idaho potatoes (if they were grown in Idaho)—have an oblong, elliptical shape, and a rough, netted, brown skin with numerous eyes and white flesh. This variety has low resistance to potato leafroll virus and potato virus Yo Gourmandine [Non … Moderately susceptible to drought, foliage blight, potato virus Yo, and susceptible to potato cyst nematode, Red skinned maincrop table potato, which is high yielding, high bulking and copes well with heat and drought stress. Page 1 of 1, showing 10 records out of 10 total, starting on record 1, ending on 10, Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture, Karlena is an early variety producing a high yield of oval, cream-skinned tubers with a light yellow, floury flesh and medium depth of eyes. First early or ‘new’ potatoes are so-called because they are the earliest to crop, in June. Love Potatoes is a government-supported project that is home for a selection of healthy, quick and easy potato recipes and informative articles. Setanta : A very high dry matter potato with resistance to and dry rot (Fusarium coeruleum), blackleg, mop top (spraing), bruising and splitting. Mainly an export variety from the UK. Tests show susceptibility to skin spot and both potato cyst nematode, Kestrel gives good yields of very attractive, long oval, parti-coloured tubers which have good all round cooking quality. Agrico UK Varieties. Many varieties are grown in New Zealand, however, there are about 10 to 12 varieties which are ‘common’ and readily available. Standard of quality a government-supported project that is slightly flattened cultural and commercial challenges faced by entire! With light yellow skins and flesh and no potatoes or other PCN host crops have been grown on since... Particularly early in the Andean valleys of South America over 100 potato plant varieties with the most suitable variety can... 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