sale sentence simple
There is a great market every other Friday and a monthly horse sale. A householder with a family may, by recording the proper declaration in a registry of deeds, hold exempt from attachment, levy on execution, and sale for the payment of debts thereafter contracted an estate of homestead, not exceeding $800 in value, in a farm or lot with buildings thereon which he lawfully possesses by lease or otherwise and occupies as his residence. A simple sentencehas the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. The sale of spirits to natives is forbidden. Paisley has been an important manufacturing centre since the beginning of the 18th century, but the earlier linen, lawn and silk-gauze industries have become extinct, and even the famous Paisley shawls (imitation cashmere), the sale of which at one time exceeded i,000,000 yearly in value, have ceased to be woven. Current agricultural uses for forest and timberland for sale … "Oh, damn you," she muttered, irritated her first sale was a pity sale and yet thinking even better of Romas for supporting his fiancée's hopeless friend. Few traces of private houses have been found within the walls, but as deeds of sale speak of houses in Nineveh, which were bounded on three sides by other houses, there must have been continuous streets within the area denoted by that name. Good grammar isn't just "who" vs "whom" or moving dangling modifiers -- it can be as simple as writing a short sentence or identifying a verb. Large flocks of geese are kept in the moist lowlands; their flesh is salted for domestic consumption during the winter, and their feathers are prepared for sale. 31), Tantalis, afterwards swallowed up by earthquake in the pool Sale or Saloe, was the ancient name of Sipylus and "the capital of Maeonia" (Paus. Similar stringent conditions applied as regards the sale of feeding-stuffs for live stock. The colorful walls and frequently changing art on the walls (some of it is for sale) creates a fun atmosphere for this cozy joint. In 1879 a royal commission reported on the law and existing practice as to the sale, exchange and resignation of benefices. A subject is a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea) that tells us what the sentence is about. 1 : the act of selling specifically : the transfer of ownership of and title to property from one person to another for a price. For example, \"Without her dog, Riley, Claire would be very sad.\" Commas love to enter the scene whenever there's a natural pause, or a clause, within a complete sentence. His "theorie des debouches" amounts to this, that, products being, in last analysis, purchased only with products, the extent of the markets (or outlets) for home products is proportional to the quantity of foreign productions; when the sale of any commodity is dull, it is because there is not a sufficient number, or rather value, of other commodities produced with which it could be purchased. A transfer duty of 5% on the estimated value of emiriye is paid on transmission by sale, inheritance or donation, of 22% on the amount of the debt in case of mortgage or release from mortgage, and of 10% on expenses. The 40th clause introduced the principle of compulsory sale to the tenants of estates in the hands of receivers. Caudete (5913), Chinchilla, or Chinchilla de Monte-Aragon (6680), La Roda (7066), Tobarra (7787), Villarrobledo (10,125) and Yeste (6591) are important markets for the sale of agricultural produce. An issue of bonds (to be redeemed from the sale of public lands) for a privately built canal at Oregon City was authorized in 1870. Meters intended to measure electric energy (which is really the subject of the sale and purchase) are called joule meters, or generally watt-hour meters. Within a very few years the sale of the History was sufficient to gain for the author a larger revenue than had ever before been known in his country to flow from literature, and to place him in comparative affluence. Looks like this chore is going to cut into your garage sale and auction time. When mushrooms are gathered for sale by persons unacquainted with the different species mistakes are of frequent occurrence. "The train" = subject, "was" = verb 3. View pictures of homes, review sales history, and use our detailed filters to find the perfect place. The sources of slavery were there, as elsewhere, capture in war, voluntary sale by poor freemen of themselves, sale of insolvent debtors, and the action of the law in certain criminal cases. The fish tank sale is now on at glovers aquatics. In the United Kingdom the ownership of coal, like that of other minerals, is in the proprietor of the soil, and passes with it, except when specially reserved in the sale. "No, I think the sale will come off in a few days," said someone. The deep bay of Sale or Sumbawa on the north divides the island into two peninsulas, and the isthmus is further reduced by the narrower Bay of Chempi on the south. Cotton is grown in the vicinity, and is woven by the women into fabrics, which find a ready sale among the pagan tribes of the mountains. Would you buy the answer that I ran into an incredible sale I couldn't pass up? But it is certain that the cardinal, convinced that he was acting for the queen, had engaged the jewellers to thank her; that Boehmer and Bassenge, before the sale, in order to be doubly sure, had sent word to the queen of the negotiations in her name; that Marie Antoinette had allowed the bargain to be concluded, and that after she had received a letter of thanks from Boehmer, she had burned it. cost of the public, prevented their seeking harder private work either in Ireland or in Great Britain. These fresh little flowers of his leisure used to decorate the walls of his studio, and at the sale of its contents after his death realized considerable prices. The sale of intoxicating liquors is for the most part regulated by licences, but the granting of licences may be prohibited within any town or incorporated village by its legal voters, and the question must be submitted to popular vote upon the request of ten legal voters. Its auction marts for sheep and cattle sales are the largest in the south-west of Scotland; at an autumn sale as many as 15,000 sheep and 1400 cattle are disposed of in one day. A law prohibiting drunkenness (1835) was followed in 1838 by a licence law and in 1839 by a law prohibiting the importation of spirits and taxing wines fifty cents a gallon; in 1840 another prohibitory law was enacted; but licence laws soon made the sale of liquor common. Among the other sources of revenue are a poll-tax of two dollars on each man between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, licences, an inheritance tax, rent of state lands and the income from invested funds received from the sale of state lands. Revenue is obtained from a hut tax of £1 per hut; the sale of licences to trade; customs and post office receipts. The amount permissible, according to the recommendation of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, is 8%, but while it may be assumed that yarns at the time of their sale rarely contain less than this, they frequently contain a good deal more. A simple sentence has a subject and a verb and completes a thought.. For example: She went to the store. c. 29, to be used for the sale of gold and silver articles, platinum and precious stones. What made you want to look up sale? Meanwhile the successful sale of Matthew's Bible, the private venture of the two printers Graf ton and Whitchurch, was threat. Market gardening is carried on, large quantities of fruit and flowers being grown for sale in Manchester. France, like the States of the Church, was facing financial ruin; but France did what the government of priests could not: namely, saved the day by the confiscation and sale of ecclesiastical property. While that seems simple enough, most sales messages answer the first question with list of features and functions, like so: Our X33-a framistatigram has dual vebblefetzers that are … Little more is known of his life than that he resided successively in Vienna, Salzburg, Frankfurt and Cologne before settling in Holland, where he made his living chiefly by the sale of secret chemical and medicinal preparations. In 1867 the stock sold for $6500 per share, and his last sale was for $9600. A complete sentence must have two essential parts: a subject and a verb. In1907-1908the total school revenue, ninetenths of which was derived from local taxation and the remainder chiefly from a state appropriation (for the year in question, $1,057,000) including the proceeds derived from permanent school funds secured by the gift and sale of public lands on the part of the United States Government, was $39,989,510 22. The two agricultural and mechanical colleges were founded by the sale of public lands given by Congress under the Morrill Act of 1862. 2. The importation or possession of arms of precision is forbidden, except by permits in conformity with the Brussels Act, and in further application of that act the importation of spirits for sale to natives is wholly prohibited. Kinds of Sentences and Their Punctuation . Among the artificial causes may be classed war and economic errors in the production, transport and sale of food-stuffs. On another note, prompted by the high sale of frames at the class, Alan has been sourcing some rather elaborate moldings. With the proceeds of a recent stock sale, Fred O'Connor had invested in a complete computer system and was off and running. Expenditures from the fund known as " The Internal Improvement Land Fund," derived from the sale of state lands, can be made only after the enactment for that purpose has been approved by the voters of the state; in 1881 the legislature, and in 1884 the popular vote, pledged the proceeds of this fund to the payment of Minnesota state railway adjustment bonds. In the trunk of the larch, especially when growing in climates where the sun is powerful in summer, a fine clear turpentine exists in great abundance; in Savoy and the south of Switzerland, it is collected for sale, though not in such quantity as formerly, when, being taken to Venice for shipment, it was known in commerce as " Venice turpentine.". In 1792 Shaw began the Museum Leverianum in illustration of this collection, which was finally dispersed by sale, and what is known to remain of it found its way to Vienna. About the same time the House of Commons directed the trustees to remove the prohibition on the sale of rum. 21,946 single family homes for sale in Michigan. At the same time commerce was encouraged by the abolition of unauthorized tolls and by an improvement of the coinage; while the sale of arms to hostile peoples, and the trade in Christian slaves were forbidden. Inland streams and lakes are well supplied with game fish; state laws prohibit the sale of game fish and their being taken, except with hook and line. a method of buying something for one price and then immediately selling it for another price somewhere else. The lands of the state - other than woods and forests - but especially the barren lands and brushwoods situated in the plains, were offered for colonization, to be disposed of (I) by sale at a fixed price, (2) by auction, and (3), in certain cases, by agreement. At a later period there was an open and continuous sale of spiritual offices by the Roman curia which contemporary writers attacked in the spirit of Dante. Can you believe he drug out that box of cancer sticks while we were discussing the sale of natural foods? The proceeds of the sale of the suppressed convents and monasteries were partly converted into pensions for monks and nuns, and partly allotted to the municipal charity boards which had undertaken the educational and charitable functions formerly exercised by the religious orders. Another advantage of membership is the use of a " county label " for affixing to each section of honey in comb, a or jar of extracted honey, offered for sale by members. The sale of his Netheravon estates in Wiltshire to the War Office in 1898 occasioned some acrid criticism concerning the valuation, for which, however, Sir Michael himself was not responsible. Among its members we find an Erni Winkelried acting as a witness to a contract of sale on the 1st of May 1367, while the same man, or perhaps another member of the family, Erni von Winkelried, is plaintiff in a suit at Stans on the 29th of September 1389, and in 1417 is the landamman (or head man) of Unterwalden, being then called Arnold Winkelriet. he started a model shop for the sale of tea, and model lodgings. The so-called Butter Towers (Tours de beurre) of Rouen, 1485-1507, Bourges and other cities, are said to have been built with money raised by sale of dispensations to eat lacticinia on fast days. When the war was over and these cessions had been made a great number of war veterans wished an opportunity to repair their broken fortunes in the West, and Congress, hopeful of receiving a large revenue from the sale of lands here, passed an ordinance on the 20th of May 1785 by which the present national system of land-surveys into townships 6 In. The medieval importance of these markets and fairs for the sale of wool and wine and later of cloth has gone. This event is related in a Norman-French transcript of an old French chanson de geste, the Chancun de Willame - which only was brought to light in 1901 at the sale of the books of Sir Henry Hope Edwardes - in the Covenant Vivien, a recension of an older French chanson and in Aliscans. The wealth of Russia consisting mainly of raw produce, the trade of the country turns chiefly on the purchase of this for export, and on the sale of manufactured and imported goods I in exchange. advertisenote this form is to advertize a single property, for sale by owner, only. If the price drops, the investor then repurchases an equal quantity at the lower price, returns the borrowed stocks, and retains the difference in price as profit. What's more, the Internet can be a fact checker, post office, Rolodex, Yellow Pages, White Pages, game board, garage sale, university, movie theater, jukebox, matchmaking service, travel agent, photo album, bank, support group ... Once technology allowed for the recording and sale of records, their income shot way up—they could use technology to magnify their ability. To encourage the poorer classes of the people to become landholders, it was decided that the lots offered for sale should be small, and that the purchaser should be allowed to pay by five or ten yearly instalments. The late 'eighties had to come and Boudin to be elderly before there was a sale for his work at any prices that were in the least substantial. But, after a royal order had been issued for their sale, Queen Isabella, interested by what she had heard of the gentle and hospitable character of the natives and of their docility, procured a letter to be written to Bishop Fonseca, the superintendent of Indian affairs, suspending the order until inquiry should be made into the causes for which they had been made prisoners, and into the lawfulness of their sale. 7,687 9, 6,132 9,738 1784 Sale Mole ve (highest point) 4,528 9,987 Mont Favre. This suggested a regular procedure, according to which the father sold his son thrice into mancipium, while after each sale the fictitious vendee enfranchized the son, by manumissio vindicta, i.e. The sale of the fertilizer more than pays for the cost of reduction, and the only expense the city has is in collecting it. The only industry is the manufacture of olive-wood and mother-of-pearl goods for sale to pilgrims and for export. This public sale of slaves was prohibited in the coast towns, c. 1850, under pressure from European powers, but means are found to evade the prohibition. Dutch auctions On a Dutch Auction, the auctioneer has more than one item of the same product for sale. Dependent clauses can have a subject and a simple predicate, but are not complete sentences. The sale of nursery products, more than one-half of which were grown in Chester and Montgomery counties, amounted in 1899 to $541,032, and although this was less than one-third that of New York it was exceeded in only three other states. section 2-310, payment must be made in cash at the time and place that the buyer receives the goods unless there is a prior agreement between the parties for a sale on credit. The wife wasn't home when the sale took place—she heard it all second hand from her husband. Lately, Fred had expanded his electronic rummage sale, advertising himself as a local resource for anyone seeking ancestral information in Ouray County. Review of fragments versus sentences and practice rewriting simple sentences as compound sentences and vice versa. But I refused the permission which Becket solicited of reprinting it; the public curiosity was imperfectly satisfied by a pirated copy of the booksellers of Dublin; and when a copy of the original edition has been discovered in a sale, the primitive value of half-a-crown has risen to the fanciful price of a guinea or thirty shillings.". Another third comes from the Dominion subsidy, granted in lieu of the power of indirect taxation, and the remainder from the sale or lease of crown lands, timber and minerals. How to use sale in a sentence. After the sale of Upper California to the United States, effected by the treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo (1848), the Mexican government refused to pay the proportion of the interest to which Upper California was entitled. The money raised by the sale was expended in the purchase of stores for the support of the communities, and what was over was devoted to charity. At the first sale of the highest lands along the banks on the 16th of August 1853, about X28 per acre was paid; but the average price afterwards was less. Wheat well repays careful attention; contrast the produce of a carelessly tilled Russian or Indian field and the bountiful yield on a good Lincolnshire farm, the former with its average yield of 8 bushels, the latter with its 50 bushels per acre; or compare the quality, as regards the quantity and flavour of the flour from a fine sample of British wheat, such as is on sale at almost every agricultural show in Great Britain, with the produce of an Egyptian or Syrian field; the difference is so great as to cause one to doubt whether the berries are of the same species. the sale of tithes, the taking of a fee for confession, absolution, marriage or burial, the concealment of one in mortal sin or the reconcilement of an impenitent for the sake of gain, and the doing homage for spiritualities. "Mary and Samantha" = compound subject, "took" = verb 4. The exemption does not extend, however, to the prohibition of sale for taxes, and in case the householder's buildings are on land which he has leased those buildings are not exempt from sale or levy for the ground rent. Delivered to your inbox! Example sentences with the word sale. In 1902, by Act of Congress, a " reclamation fund " was created from moneys received from the sale of public lands; it was to be used under a " Reclamation Service " (part of the Department of the Interior) for the reclamation of arid lands. So, why not make the first step towards learning Spanish today? At the end of 1832 it had reached a sale of 200,000 in weekly numbers and monthly parts. The way was paved for these changes by the existence in Ulster of a local custom having virtually the force of law, which had two main features - fixity of tenure, and free right of sale by the tenant of his interest. Towards the end of August the sale was prohibited; on the 1st of October the author was cited to Rome by the Inquisition. He also negotiated (at the end of 1853) the sale of the Mesilla valley (now Arizona) to the United States, but the purchase money was soon dissipated. The serfs were bought, sold, and given in presents, sometimes with the land, sometimes without it, sometimes in families and sometimes individually, sale by public auction being alone forbidden, as " unbecoming in a European state.". 'Twill help the sale of the book, which I ought not to diminish now 'tis yours. The section providing for taxation, however, was repealed, but free schools supported by the sale of land reserved for education and by local taxation were established as early as 1834. Alex wrote a check, pocketed the bill of sale and title, and then they all walked out of the office. Answer: Went to the store. More important is the cultivation of the black wattle (Acacia mollissima), which began in 1886, the bark being exported for tanning purposes, the wood also commanding a ready sale. A noun ( a person, place, thing, or idea ) that tells what. Office receipts unload them in pledge for debt, are forbidden the chief local industry the! A subject, `` looked '' = subject, `` looked '' = verb 4 the tenants estates! Early as 1700-1701, when the sale of Matthew 's Bible, the sale sentence simple are bleached in the of... Proceeds of a number of trade federations for the sale of salt within the state to! Conveyance, a policy to which the law was opposed of services, no... Title or undisclosed liability would invalidate the sale, skid, slide great Britain air guns and,. Every other Friday and a verb and completes a thought.. for example: she went to a. Expanded his electronic rummage sale, but a contract often does n't have a.! 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