short essay on enabling technologies for sustainable development
The system evolves as an innovation in one sector which triggers development and use of other related technologies in various sectors (spin-off); for example the development of computers started and has fed the production of software, the emergence of the internet and so on. 1996). The indicators proposed by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), accompanied by suggestions for complementary national indicators, will help track the progress of SDGs. Our fossil fuel resources are also non-renewable and are slowly depleting due to increased demand and wastage. Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) are investments and technologies that will allow European industries to retain competitiveness and capitalise on new markets. As a last and more general critical note on the lock-in argument we want to point out that this type of dilemma is basically not different from the choice a firm faces when it has to decide whether to go on with an old product, with the cost advantage of sunk investments, or to replace it by a new production line and undertake high investments with high fixed costs of depreciation and interest, but lower running costs of labour and raw materials (Balmann et al. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. The role of technology for investment, growth and employment (Chapter 2). Other groups come in when the problem cannot be fixed locally; for instance production is adjusted when stocks increase due to lower sales. Green products are by definition, environmentally friendly. For that reason, the question of how useful evolutionary theory is has been vividly discussed (Stoneman & Diederen 1994; Metcalfe 1994; Ruttan 1997; Dosi 1997). The Journal of Education for Sustainable Development (JESD) is a forum for academics and practitioners to share and critique innovations in thinking and practice in the emerging field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Sustainability is important in the long run because we live depending on the natural resources that we have so in order for us to have a better life. The compelling need is for sustainable development which aims at the development of the society without having a negative impact on the environment. As a result, breakthrough technology may come out as winner of the competition, even though it is not actually the most environmentally-benign solution. An example to illustrate the problem is the idea of substituting a hydrogen-based energy system for the present fossil fuel based energy system. In our generation we are already experiencing global warming, ozone depletion, … The prices play a secondary role in this context. Consequently, the costs of continuing the established technology system are low. Would such a firm get stuck in a lock-in in old technology, or dare to break out? customised services that resonate with your personal career needs. The Californian zero emission vehicles regulation to introduce electric cars is often presented as an illustrative case of such a policy of forcing environmental innovations with a benefit to the US manufacturers because they gain competitive advantage by experience in the state. Technology is locked in because the huge capital investments made in the past for the infrastructure and organisations crafted on the established technology are sunk costs. However, the views on how to initiate and foster environmental innovations differ. Ongoing environmental innovation is the only way to reduce pressures on environmental qualities while maintaining income growth. 9.6 Conclusion. The established technology pattern has become a pervasive system (Arthur et al. In short, how will the country meet the UN Sustainable Development Goal No.7 – ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all? 2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference. The argumentation in the evolutionary view of environmental technology is that policies in the past have favoured treatment technologies, or even made them mandatory, thus laying out a dominant path of large investments in treatment technologies. Next to that, economies of scale and learning by doing effects also help to keep costs low. Sustainable development is working towards development while keeping in mind the importance of being responsible for the environment we live in. Evolutionary economics and policies for energy conservation, Comparative analysis of alternative policy instruments, Comparison of the Material Basis of Industrial Economies, The environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, Driving Forces, Increasing Returns and Ecological Sustainability, Environmental Comakership Among Firms as a Cornerstone in the Striving for Sustainable Development, Coordination and transformation: an overview of structure, behaviours and change in evolutionary environments, Opportunity Incentives and the Collective Patterns of Technological Change, Innovation and preventive environmental policy, The Discovery of the Residual: A Historical Note, Dirty Industries: Pattern of Change in Industrial Countries, Environmental Policy and Technical Change, Distributed economies—A new engine for innovation, Environmental Regulation and Innovation Key Issues and Questions for Research, Regime Shifts to Sustainability Through Processes of Niche Formation: The Approach of Strategic Niche Management, Modulating dynamics in transport for Climate Protection. The company's top management intervenes when problems at lower decision levels accumulate and its major objective—the aspired profit level—is not achieved. The major message of this essay is that by far the best incentive for innovation for sustainable development is an environmental policy, with clear, stringent and credible goals for the future that are fixed for the aggregate pollution and flexible for the compliance by individual polluters. The recommendation to base decisions on the assumed dichotomy between types of environmental technology is also dubious because it supposes an environmental authority with almost perfect foresight of future developments, able to pick the winners before the race has started. 1991) a view on innovation can be brought together and integrated in the framework of the behavioural theory of the firm. From the behavioural theory of the firm we learn that innovations can only get through in situations of urgency. Leverage Edu helps students make career choice & university admission decisions, using simplified Market failure appears where property rights with regard to environmental goods, like the right to use the environment as a sink for pollutants, have been imperfectly defined. The coherence and empirical foundation of the neoclassical and the evolutionary theories with regard to environmental innovations have been discussed by Jaffe et al. The concept of taking more than we need should be aborted and removed from all procedures we follow. It delivers steady improvements that enable firm to cut down the use of raw materials as an input of production. Based on neoclassic theory one would expect that low prices of raw materials induce a more intensive material use. Risk of innovation is taken only if it is necessary in view of dramatic events that make a turnaround necessary, because the conventional actions are unsuccessful and a new pattern of activities is needed. The curative approach has been motivated by the policymakers' wish to achieve emission reduction as fast as possible, hence implementing regulations based on use of available treatment technologies instead of process integration, which would be more cost-effective in the long run. Human survival has been brought under threat due to environmental degradation due to increasing population, economic development and deforestation. ... necessities in the short term, a sustainable long-term . If an objective is not achieved, options to solve the problem are taken into consideration one by one, starting with least incisive option and within the department where the problem has emerged, for example a drop in sales has to be solved in the first instance by the marketing department. The more different departments become stakeholders the more it will be necessary to move the problem up in the firm's hierarchy and to face and take the risks of unconventional solutions. Leverage Edu helps students make career choice & university admission decisions, using simplified technology to drive streamlined access to best-matched mentors & leading global Universities. This new global framework aims to be inclusive and transformational in redirecting humanity towards a sustainable path, and at the core of the 2030 Agenda are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Quotas and tariffs can affect the ability to import technologies. Furthermore, both the complexity of relationships … However, for much of the twentieth century, their ability to finance development was severely limited. Only under circumstances of urgency and potential high rewards of successful research and development investment, one can expect that firm accepts the costs and risks inherent to such a strategy and innovate. Get notified about the latest career insights, study tips, and offers at Leverage Edu. Development: Options for Developing Countries and Priorities for Action . We shall cover it extensively and argue that it offers a more fruitful approach to environmental innovation than evolutionary theory and a sharper view on how incentives work out for firms' innovation decisions than neoclassic economics (Krozer 2002). The book provides an introduction to sustainable development, technology and infrastructure outlines, codes, standards, and guidelines written by experts from across the globe. Environmental degeneration is exponentially increasing due to all these activities clubbed with exercises such as over-grazing, global warming, deforestation, forest fire, etc. The bounded rationality in companies' decision-making has gained a lot of empirical support and triggered theorising about mechanisms for adjustment to changing circumstances. Previously, ... series of short policy essays supporting the Sustainable Development Knowledge Partnership (SDKP) and edited by Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. Within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, educational responses are key to the vision of the SDGs. Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400069, While most Indian students are comfortable with the quantitative section of competitive exams such as CAT, GMAT, GRE,…, Assessment of Listening and Speaking or ASL is a subject which was introduced in the schools falling under…, The subject that studies life and processes associated with it. To give you an idea on the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below: In the past 20 years, the overall population in industrialized countries has been boosted to somewhere around 28%. Financing at the appropriate scale: for urban areas and water basins. The path is seen as a system of interlinked technologies. Under the conventional policy that is direct regulation with mandatory performance standards that can be met with technologies available from the shelf, that task of environmental management is to comply with the standard at lowest cost. We should not stop using these resources rather we should use it in a sustained manner so that it does not become extinct and lead to the extinction of species. Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy . Before embarking on this task we have to reject the suggestion of some researchers that the process of income growth changes the structure of the economy automatically towards lower impact on the environment. On the contrary, the established positions of management units in decision-making form main barriers to change because innovations are perceived as a risk. Cities ... up a new opportunity for supporting sustainable urban development: using information technology to solve the spatial, economic, environmental and social issues affecting urban environments. We see the breakout towards process integrated technology and steady improvement of add-on treatment technology as competing types of technological development. Such actions do not automatically lead to the optimal solutions predicted by neoclassic economics. Agricultural Biotechnologies for Food Security and Sustainable . The views diverge between the three different approaches that will be discussed in this essay. The message of evolutionary theory that decision-makers can choose cleaner technology is appealing as it suggests a steering capability. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Among the first, least costly options are lobbying for less stringent regulations, postponement of the compliance date, criticise competitors and even legal actions to delay compliance. The recommendation to price pollution in order to foster environmental innovations is founded on the theory of induced technological change theory. The Industrial Technologies Programme (NMP) focuses on four KETs: nanotechnologies, advanced materials, and advanced manufacturing and processing (production technologies) and biotechnology. Our main criticism is that the theory does not provide guidelines on how to avoid wrong decisions, whereas its focus on new revolutionary technologies can provoke wrong choices. In short, all the SDGs depend on the achievement of Goal 5. The selfish idea of thinking only about ‘ourself’ will lead to severe crises in the near future. It sees the firm with its different management functions at different levels as a conglomerate of interest groups, each with its own specific objectives imperfectly coordinated by the firm's top management, due to incomplete information and control. In a growing economy, the environmental impact of the economic output can only be improved if the second type of progress, or environmental innovation as we shall call it, exceeds the first type of technical progress that tends to increase total output (Kuipers & Nentjes 1973; Solow 1973; Weitzman 1977). In comparison, all other policies on environmental innovations are stopgaps. technologies to meet sustainable development objectives; developing measures to engage marginalized populations systematically through all stages of the innovation process; and establishing channels for regularized learning across domains of practice. Timeline of the first call for papers. Leverage Edu Tower, In support of their view they refer to the development of prices of raw materials in comparison with the use of raw materials as input in production. Unfortunately, the population count in these countries is on the rise and will be the same in the coming years unless it is checked to immediate effect. The reduction in the demand for raw materials then becomes a factor in depressing prices of raw materials, next to other causes. enable technology relevant to developing communities. When these options are expected not to deliver the aspired recovery of profits a range of more incisive options has to be considered, among them starting research and development of new more effective environmental technology, or participation in a joint innovation project. Leverage Edu Tower, enable technology relevant to devel oping communities. For example, a drop in sales below the aspiration level can be countered by the marketing department through slack reduction: i.e. 1989; Tilton 1991; Wright 1997). The behavioural theory of the firm offers relevant guidance for understanding the problem. sustainable development envisioned by the United Nations (2015a; 2015b; 2017a). The view is underpinned by two findings: firstly that in high income countries, the labour-intensive service sector takes a larger share in the total output, which reduces the pollution per unit of output and secondly, that the resource-intensive sectors of industry have reduced their use of fuel and raw materials and lowered emissions per unit of output (Jänicke et al. A-258, Bhishma Pitamah Marg, Block A, Next to satisfying behaviour and the organisational slack buffer, a third element that helps to avoid outright confrontation is the established internal procedure for decision-making, in particular the guideline that in case an aspiration level is not achieved, the decision unit whose objective is not achieved has to come up with a solution. Short-term crisis responses aimed at protecting jobs and boosting recovery need to be coupled with longer-term, strategic goals of mitigating climate change and shoring up climate change adaptation and resilience. Our ecosystem does not have a limitless capacity so we should keep our growth in check and sustained so that we can leave a sufficient amount of resources for the later generations. Such a rate of improvement is not exceptional in process-integrated technology. Your email address will not be published. We must think about our planet Earth and the generations to come. Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034, Leverage Edu Mumbai, To … Setting a price on pollution has two effects on polluters: it signals environmental scarcity and it provides polluters with an incentive to take action, while leaving them flexibility in their search for the best approach, including the search for and development of new more effective technologies. Making the decision to innovate is rather probabilistic and rarely formalised (Rosenberg 1973; Allen 1988). Plot No. It acknowledges nature’s requirements along the man’s aim to work towards the development of different aspects of the world. D-5 Road No. The government and citizens of the country must take necessary important steps to bring sustainable development. 1159 words (5 pages) Essay . If pollution is for free then the economic incentive to contain emissions is lacking and even more so the incentive to invest in research and development of environmental technology that would provide the means to reduce, or prevent pollution. Strengthening sustainable solidarity, through mechanisms of cooperation, partnership, governance and development. It aims to efficiently utilise resources while also meticulously planning the accomplishment of immediate as well as long-term goals for human beings, the planet as well as future generations. With more people, there is an increase in poverty. With the increase in vehicles and industries, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane are polluting the earth which has led to an escalation in the temperature. Leverage Edu is a one-stop-shop for all your career-related needs - right from finding the best-fit college Covering both the study of animals in Zoology…, Most of your career choices are visioned upon your childhood dreams. Usage of eco-friendly technology like electric vehicles instead of petrol and diesel cars can be carried out. Such an overhaul of energy would require huge capital investments in a new energy infrastructure to replace the present infrastructure that will have to be dismantled. Registered in England & Wales No. If we take the example of India, its relevance can be seen surrounded by big dams and mega projects related to the growth and development of the country. Ambitious and inflexible targets at macro-level but flexibility at micro-level of the firm are unsurpassable as a policy to foster environmental innovation. The position of environmental management would become different, however, if a drastic change in policy would bring new and very strict regulation, demanding such high investment in off-the-shelf control technology that the costs threaten to depress the profits of the firm below aspiration level of the top management. Required fields are marked *. March advocates creation of organisational units high in companies' hierarchy that focus on innovations; he calls for a dose of ‘foolishness’ in decision-making, which leaves scope for the exploration of new ways. Depending on the perceived option the research and development may either focus on ambitious improvements in add-on technology, a total redesign of production, or an intermediary solution. From neo-classical economic theory we distill the message that research and development of new technology thrive on economic incentives. Isidore C. Ezema, in Sustainable Construction Technologies, 2019. When circumstances become even more difficult and the search for alternative options has to be widened, solutions requiring more drastic changes and involving higher risks are taken into consideration. Following this view, since the late 1970s, a large body of knowledge has been developed about the policy instruments that are expected to support development of environmental technologies, which can be found in the reviews of the literature (Bohm & Russel 1985; Downing & White 1986; Nentjes & Wiersma 1987; Prince & Milliman 1989), although it is emphasised that the knowledge is largely based on situation in the high income countries with developed institutions (Angel 2000). How that new pattern will look like is impossible to deduct before the innovation took place on the basis of the conventional patterns from the past because the process of innovation generally proceed by “trial and error”. After discussion of the three theories in sections 2, 3 and 4 we give our conclusions in section 5. 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