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Sandu Vitalie Feb. 15, 2020 Headphones. It screams proper protection and safety inside. The treble is perhaps the greatest improvement of the LCD-4 over all the other LCD series models. Testalarm: Wir benachrichtigen Sie kostenlos bei Testberichten zum Thema: FIDELITY - The SR-007 is definitely a unique headphone as it has actual bass for a STAX offering. The added weight in each note makes the LCD-4 a one-of-a-kind headphone that gives the advantage of having decent micro-detail and definition of a high-end headphone on top of having actual texture and body in the music. There are a lot of new brands that are manufacturing audiophile-grade headphones, and some of them gained much popularity with time. Again, listening to strings in this range, thorough transparency meets a delightful smoothness. Kopfhörer mit planaren Schallwandlern indes gibt es nicht erst seit Audeze. ”SR007 To understand my use of terminology in this review and to gain perspective go to my review on the Beyerdynamic DT-880 and other high end headphones, rated by tier, by clicking on my name. There is a lack of air that is present to more open headphones but the headphone does not sound closed in any way. Like the LCD-4, the HD800 also benefits from high wattage amplifiers while being a revealing headphone as a tool for source assessment. This review compares the Audeze LCD-4 to the Audeze LCD-3 and the Abyss AB-1266. 2 Produkte im Test „Die edle Hör-Skulptur schmeichelt klanglich den Ohren und kann im Idealfall sogar körperliche Wellnesskuren verabreichen. Feeding a signal to this circuit allows a magnetic force to move the diaphragm back and forth to produce sound. The Peak of Natural Sound. Audeze LCD-i4 Review. The LCD-4 is the union of the three LCD models, the LCD-2, 3 and X, then improves on it. Inside this case, you’ll find the headphones, two headphone cables (one with a balanced output plug and one with a 1/4” stereo plug), and a 1/4” to 3.5 mm stereo adapter cable. Even though headphone manufacturer Audeze has only been around for a relatively short period of time the company has managed to create an outstanding history with the personal audio community. They're also quite tight on the head. I just feel connected to my music a lot more with them. Don’t know why ….! THE HIGH NOTES. The cable connection is mini-XLR, and the construction of the cables themselves seems fairly rugged. Im Zentrum steht jedoch natürlich der Klang ... Schließt man die Augen, meint man zwischen den Musikern zu stehen, so transparent und gleichzeitig dynamisch und durchdringend ist das Hörerlebnis. While I find the SR-007 being a headphone that is difficult to disqualify from the high-end lineups, I think that it is for those who feel okay with having multiple sources while being non-committed to one high-end setup. I will be using the exact same setup and music previously used to best compare the differences and the changes made by Audeze. …weiterlesen, AUDIO - Editorial Note: The only change LCD-4 has undergone is when they switched from 100 ohms to 200 ohms that resulted in a lighter diaphragm. Just like the LCD-i4, the Ether 2 asks for quality amplification and is not satisfied with just about any source. The transient response on LCD-4 is awesome, showing very good speed but very strong attack leading to tactile and energetic listening experience. In Kopfhörer + Mobiles Tests. Popmusik inszenierte der LCD-4 druckvoll, wenn nötig mit gehörigem Tiefgang. The LCD-X comes packaged with a monstrous heavy-duty case. The improved carbon fiber headband design and plush ear pads give great comfort to the headphone which had been a recurring problem with Audeze in the past LCD headphones. Slouching or moving one’s head down puts a strain on the cervical part of the vertebrae which can be very painful even with 30 minutes of use. Check out this comprehensive review of the Audez LCD-4 planar magnetic headphones from Audio Advice. In this comprehensive review they cover everything from comfort level to performance in specific musical genres. Genres like Electrofunk, House, Drum, and Bass, all become alive with these headphones with how bass-filled they are. Wie dies… There have been no changes since then. Shares. "They're the best sounding headphones I've heard in the 45 years since I bought my first high-end cans.” audiohead "The LCD-4 is one of the most musical headphones I have heard to date." Maßgeblich ist der tatsächliche Preis, den der Händler zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs auf seiner Webseite anbietet. We thank the team at Audeze for giving us this opportunity. Dabei behielt er stets den Überblick über das Musikgeschehen. The SR-007 is definitely a unique headphone as it has actual bass for a STAX offering. 176 (4.5 / 5) Der kalifornische Hersteller Audeze hat sich auf die Herstellung magnetostatischer Kopfhörer spezialisiert, somit handelt es sich auch beim LCD-XC um einen Vertreter dieser etwas exotischen Bauart, die in audiophilen Kreisen einen guten Ruf besitzt. It's basically the same as the LCD-3 except for the headband. Ok, so you didn't use an ipod to review the Audeze. This review compares the Audeze LCD-4 to the Audeze LCD-3 and the Abyss AB-1266. Concerning sound, both headphones are strictly identical, with a dynamic and detailed restitution. So, which is better in detail… soundstage…. This was a $899 open-back headphone, made for gamers, with a red and black trim and a giant boom mic. Audeze states a frequency response from 10Hz to 50kHz. STAX can definitely have near perfect micro detail and resolution which makes you feel like you are in the front row of a performance with any genre of music thrown at it. The Audeze LCD-4 is a luxury headphone. It is a mammoth of a box and I enjoy it a lot. Pianoakkorde und Celloweisen versah er mit feinen Anschlagakzenten sowie tollem Anstrich und Körper. ^ From what I've been told is that these are the "easier to drive LCD-4". This makes the LCD-4 closed in for some, although due to the driver variations, it is a very difficult issue to assess. The new headband uses carbon fiber with leather and fabric lining that improves from the old model which used heat-treated spring steel with foam. A thorough review of the Audeze LCD-4 by John Atkinson from Stereophile! Pinnacle Planar Magnetic Design; Nano-Scale Diaphragm Thinner Than A Spider Web; Holographic Soundstage for Warm, Smooth, Natural Realism ; Company & Product Overview. Erschienen: Oktober 2016; Details zum Test; ohne Endnote. The Audeze LCD-XC is a magnificently built headphone that is a bit heavy on your noggin. It uses a nano-scale diaphragm with Audeze’s patented Double Fluxor Magnet Arrays that are unique to the planar offerings in the world of headphones today. Owning several headphones, I think the way the music is presented with Audeze is very different from how brands like Sennheiser or Beyerdynamic do it. Audeze LCD-MX4 vs Audeze LCD-4 - Probably the question that's on everyone's mind is how these compare to the mighty LCD-4 series. Audeze LCD-4 – Design and Features The LCD-4 are huge. Its presentation of music can be regarded as extremely grandiose with a lot of finesse and euphonic elements to it. With modifications like the Super DuPont mod, the HD800’s treble can satisfy the imperfection that the LCD-4 may have. In late 2018, Audeze released the Audeze LCD-4z high fidelity headphones that we reviewed today. This makes the phones more comfortable, especially for long-term listening, than the on-ear type in … Audeze specializes in planar magnetic headphones much like Hifiman and MrSpeakers. Zu guter Letzt konnte sich im Audeze Lcd 4 Test unser Sieger hervortun. The LCD-4 is known to range from dark to warm, depending on the year’s revision. Its playing in the big boy leagues BUT Its treble is not as good or as fast as the Stax SR009. The MrSpeakers (now called Dan Clark Audio) Ether 2 is almost equally hard to drive than the LCD-i4. 19.03.2018. Der Audeze LCD-2 von schlug 2011 ein wie eine Bombe. Our Verdict . etc, hm……. Its chrome design with carefully crafted ebony wood rings gives the headphone a very tasteful look while providing hefty accessories that match with it perfectly. ^ From what I've been told is that these are the "easier to drive LCD-4". For the purposes of this review, I will touch upon the differences in the construction of the newer LCD-4 version and the sonic upgrades that followed. Next . The LCD-Xes excel in low-frequency performance, but the LCD-4s were bass champions. Overall Score 95/100. I found that the LCD-4 is a top-notch performer in the high-end headphone pool today. Von Dr. Roland Schmenner. Audeze dun goofd when they said this headphone beats stats. Inside, the foam is custom cut to accommodate the headphones, cable and warranty card. Audeze LCD-4: twin of the LCD-4z, the LCD-4 headphones feature the same 4” Planar Magnetic transducers powered by a 1.5 tesla magnetic field. In den Rahmen der Gesamtbewertung fällt eine hohe Zahl an Eigenarten, damit ein möglichst gutes Ergebniss entsteht. 5. The Audeze LCD-4 is a luxury headphone. The outcome of using this thin diaphragm allows quick response time which gives the headphone extended, flat and precise bass response. During the change from the 200 to 100 ohms, Audeze also introduced a gasket to relieve any pressure on the diaphragm. In den Rahmen der Gesamtbewertung fällt viele Eigenarten, um das perfekte Testergebniss zu sehen. Der strategische Partner Designworks, eine Tochtergesellschaft der BMW Group, lieferte das Industriedesign für die EL-8 Serie, den SINE On-Ear Kopfhörer und den Deckard DAC/AMP/PREAMP. Its high impedance of 200 ohms coupled with the 97dB efficiency implies that a high output amplifier must be used. Review of Audeze LCD-4 Over-Ear. Audio Advice is back, this time with a review of our incredible flagship headphone, the LCD-4. Auf dieser Seite findest du die größte Auswahl von Audeze Lcd 4 getestet und dabei die relevantesten Infos recherchiert. I decided to review these two sets of headphones, the Audeze LCD-4, and Meze Empyrean, as I can’t really justify keeping both. Jetzt gibt es eine neue Version mit dem Zusatz „Classic“. Be well. Auch bei hohen Pegeln sauber bis in den Bass. The LCD-4 also takes on several elements that make up the LCD series lineup while combining it to one headphone. Simply put, the LCD-3 are absolutely superb. The low frequencies of the Audeze LCD-4 sound clear, natural and have great detail. Besides this, the HD800 excels mostly in micro detail and air that may not be present in the LCD-4. Audeze LCD-4 Review. Weiterführende Informationen zum Thema Audeze LCD-4 können Sie direkt beim Hersteller unter finden. There’s no denying the LCD-3s are expensive, but such is the quality of their performance that they almost seem like good value. Wir testen für Euch, wie sich die planar-magnetische Technik der Kopfhörer klanglich auswirkt … Unlike other high-end headphones, the amplifier choice can be limited due to its planar design and very high impedance. Though almost honey-like, violins still retain a high level of detail. Audeze LCD-3 review There’s no denying the LCD-3s are expensive, but such is the quality of their performance that they almost seem like good value Tested at £1725. Bonnes soirée et découverte. Audeze offers its flagship, the LCD-4, as the outcome of 40 years of planar magnetic technology advancements with their own research since 2009. While I find the SR-007 being a headphone that is difficult to disqualify from the high-end lineups, I think that it is for those who feel okay with having multiple sources while being non-committed to one high-end setup. Audeze LCD-4 Review – Emotional Triggers . STAX can definitely have near-perfect micro detail and resolution which makes you feel like you are in the front row of a performance with any genre of music thrown at it. Insbesondere unser Gewinner sticht aus den getesteten Audeze Lcd 4 stark heraus und konnte so gut wie ohne Vorbehalt gewinnen. The variance of the LCD-4 is most obvious in the treble region as some headphones may have extreme elevation in some frequencies compared to identical models. Its midrange can be as smooth as the LCD-3 though it lacks the effortless evenness on the midrange-treble transition. BUY NOW. 06 February 2014. With this in mind, I think there is a broad generalization that should be said, the LCD lineup requires someone to listen to for a couple of songs as you get acquainted with it. The HD800 is the perfect companion to the LCD line-up and the LCD-4 is no exception. So if Audeze has found a way got get the amazing sound from the LCD-4 in an easier to drive package, then many won't have a reason to give these headphones a strong consideration and not have to worry about upgrading your headphone amplifier to a more powerful one. Although both models have a similar “house sound”, the LCD-4 had deeper resolution, superior timbral accuracy, better PRaT, and far more palpable instrumental textures — especially in the bass registers. It excels in “fun” genres that allow you to enjoy and move to the music with little ease while being forgiving when it comes to bad recordings. Sound – Audeze LCD-4 Review Low Frequencies. The Audeze LCD-4 is a luxury headphone. Audio Advice is back, this time with a review of our incredible flagship headphone, the LCD-4. About 5 years ago I brought myself a home theatre system it was made up of a cheap Accusound 5.1 speaker package, a Pioneer receiver and a Yamaha DVD player. There is an ongoing notion that the Audeze LCD series are amongst the heaviest headphones available today. Klangerfahrungen mit dem großem kleinen Audeze LCD-i4 In-Ear-Hörer können weit in die Zukunft weisen … Fotografie: Ingo Schulz, Hersteller. MrSpeakers – Ether 2 (1PM; 1,999$) Listen to this . Deviating from lambskin or microsuede (leather-free) leather used by its lower counterparts, the carbon fiber headband improves on weight distribution while still becoming a lightweight material in itself. Learn more: Audeze LCD 3 Review; Consensus/Conclusion. Audeze LCD-i4 In-Ear-Kopfhörer im Test. ...“, „Plus: äußerst musikalisch und fein aufgelöst spielender Magnetostat der Extraklasse. The Audeze LCD-4 Review November 12, 2015 January 3, 2019 AudioHead 4 Comments Audeze, LCD-4. The LCD-4 has the best treble out of any headphone Audeze has made (that I have heard.) In comparison these two brought out one thing for me: the i4 is tough competition. There is a good balance between treble, midrange, and bass that makes the LCD-4 what it is, but it is still not as clean or controlled as headphone models from other manufacturers. Sound is incredible, but the rise at 1-2k is a bit overwhelming at times. We thank the team at Audeze for giving us this opportunity. Slide here to add your score on the gear. Audeze LCD-1 review If you’re looking for affordable audiophile headphones, the Audeze LCD-1 are them By Simon Lucas 21 January 2020 I can answer that as I have both and truth be told imaging and stage in terms of width and height is Stax, depth and solidity is lcd4. It almost felt like it was a money grab to me, especially after they already had just released the Audeze Mobius at the time, which I was an early adopter for. The LCD-i4 has a rated impedance of 32 ohms and a sensitivity of 110db/mW. Home / Audeze Blog. There are white gloves provided to ensure proper handling of the headphone. $3,995. Its bass is unmatched with its deep, flat, and extended qualities that are very … 3 Test-Fazit: Audeze EL-8 und Audeze Deckard November 2015 / Sebastian Eilzer Kopfhörer von Audeze habe ich schon einige getestet ( LCD-2 & LCD-X für fairaudio) und ich freue mich auch diesmal auf die Amerikaner. It is perhaps one of the most polar opposites of the LCD-4 as it especially lacks body and presence despite having apparent depth due to its immersive soundstage. The LCD-4 is perhaps one of the most demanding headphones out there when it comes to peak performance and power. I had more encounters with electrostatic headphones and I feel that LCD-4 managed to achieve the speed of stats but also keeping the slam and energy of good planars. The midrange of the LCD-4 is perhaps the LCD-4’s weakness as it may be slightly recessed by other people’s standards. This is for me the only headphone at this rarified price level that really piques my interest. Due to the magnetic force going evenly to the diaphragm surface equally, planars allow for faster and accurate response to the signal than conventional dynamic headphones which move through a voice coil. Audeze - Test, Reviews und Erfahrungen mit Audeze-Produkten unserer Nutzer im HIFI-FORUM. Audeze LCD-i4 Review. Generation)MEEaudio X7 PlusOnkyo E700 BluetoothMEEaudio M7-PBluedio T3Sennheiser RS 165Sennheiser RS 185Audeze SineSennheiser HD 451Sennheiser Set 50 TV. Bereits Mitte der 70er-Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts brachten Peerless, MB und Yamaha sogenannte orthodynamische Kopfhörer auf den Markt, die dieses Prinzip nutzten. MrSpeakers – Ether 2 (1PM; 1,999$) Listen to this . Bonsoir, Un nouvel Audeze sur la page d'accueil, le LCD-1 à $399. To read more about Audeze products we have reviewed on Headfonics click here. My Video Review: There was a time when Audeze was called Audez’e and there was a time when they introduced their first headphones in very limited quantities back in 2009 at CanJam Los Angeles. Previous offerings have featured cocobolo and mahogany wood which are sometimes available for purchase at very limited amounts. The demand for audiophile-grade headphones is increasing day by day. The cable connection is mini-XLR, and the construction of the cables themselves seems fairly rugged. When I first heard that Audeze was looking into releasing an “easier to drive” LCD-4, my ears perked up almost immediately. Audeze Lcd 4 - Der Favorit unserer Tester. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. September 2018 Audeze LCD-4Z Flagship Planar Magnetic Headphones A brilliant take on a classic! After owning several Audeze LCD headphones in the past, I found that comfort and posture are directly related to each other to ensure comfort for extended amounts of listening. Audeze LCD-4 im Test der Fachmagazine. Along with the plate, the headband has also been changed with a carbon-fiber structure to guarantee maximum comfort. gesetzlicher MwSt. Audeze launched their LCD-4 open-back planar magnetic headphones recently which is their statement headphone for summit-fi priced at $3995. Audeze LCD-X Review. The LCD-X comes packaged with a monstrous heavy-duty case. In comparison these two brought out one thing for me: the i4 is tough competition. The Audeze LCD 2 Classic are decently comfortable thanks to their exceedingly well-padded earcups. Inside its depths, a heavy dust-proof, water-proof, blast-proof rugged plastic case. These genres give the listener a good understanding of what Audeze’s lineup is all about while definitely being regarded as a non-neutral, forgiving headphone in their collection. "There’s a night and day difference between the LCD-4 and every other headphone you’ve ever listened to" "In so many ways, the Audeze LCD-4 are the finest headphones that money can buy." It has a little bit of a sub frequency boost but is able to maintain its clarity and detail. am 29. The signature LCD look with the perfect marriage of metal, leather, and wood makes the LCD-4 reminiscent of its predecessors while offering a wholly new definition of luxury in the finest way possible. It's basically the same as the LCD-3 except for the headband. So co-flagship with the LCD-4. The MrSpeakers (now called Dan Clark Audio) Ether 2 is almost equally hard to drive than the LCD-i4. The LCD-4 has chrome disc plates, that give a reflective surface. John Atkinson | Jun 21, 2016 Life ... At the end of the review period I received a sample of Audeze's new The King headphone amplifier, designed by Bascom H. King. Being able to find an amplifier that pairs well with it may be difficult though, it is quite rewarding as the LCD-4 drives music with authority and liveliness. This becomes the strongest suit pertaining to the LCD-4’s entire showcase. Imagine: a monstrous cardboard box, sealed tight with thick packing tape. My reference Grado Labs GS1000e are big headphones, but they’re dwarfed by these Audeze cans. This makes them fairly easy to drive to high volumes. The Audeze LCD-4 Review November 12, 2015 January 3, 2019 AudioHead 4 Comments Audeze, LCD-4. Wir haben im großen Audeze Lcd 4 Test uns jene besten Produkte angeschaut und alle wichtigsten Merkmale herausgesucht. There are also rumored annual silent revisions of the LCD series, although Audeze had been publicly announced in the past stating that the LCD-4 in headphones can be tuned to these updated frequency responses free of charge from the company. Sollte zwecks Traumehe mit The King aus eigenem Haus vermählt werden.“ Erschienen: Oktober 2016; Details zum Test; ohne Endnote. To understand my use of terminology in this review and to gain perspective go to my review on the Beyerdynamic DT-880 and other high end headphones, rated by tier, by clicking on my name. All … The Audeze LCD-4 is one of the best headphones I have ever heard. Extension and technicality of its bass profile are surely world-class that it is difficult to find fault in how Audeze produces bass. Not only is it waterproof, but it is also corrosion, … Die Versandkosten hängen von der gewählten Versandart ab, es handelt sich um Mindestkosten. The LCD-4 also has an upper midrange recession, but I found the treble balance above 12khz on the LCD-4 to be even more extreme than on the LCD-X. It can extend deep when it is needed and it also presents itself quite well that each song sounds as engaging as it was intended to. This does give users the incentive of getting the LCD-4 for future-proofing purposes. The amount of insight on offer is astounding, from the LCD-3s’ convincing rendering of the layered harmonics of a piano to their ability to convey the low-level details that define the size a… The Audeze LCD-1 planar magnetic headphones deliver a nearly transparent sound signature that will appeal to audio purists or studio professionals checking mixes. I think the LCD-4 can be said as a more resolute version of the LCD-3 as well, at the expense of the LCD-3’s ability to be more intimate and euphonic due to its overall smoother qualities. Audeze LCD-4 headphones. The LCD-Xes excel in low-frequency performance, but the LCD-4s were bass champions. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Händlers und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Having this prerequisite makes the LCD-4’s amplifier choice pairing a bit constricting although it can be very beneficial once the appropriate pairing is discovered. The main difference is that STAX may have the bass impact but no actual body or soundstage placement, which can make it sound a bit too unnatural for certain individuals. What's wrong with an ipod? Der beste Audeze-Kopfhörer, den es je gab – und einer der besten der Welt dazu.“. I found the LCD-4 to be a bit heavier, making it even more difficult to wear for long periods of time. The sense of weight and prominence of each note gives the LCD-4 a very immersive experience that is hard to come by. PRICE. Disclaimer: The Audeze LCD-4 sent to us is a sample in exchange for our honest opinion. Their old designs used rubber, foam, and lambskin leather as headbands which produced hotspots on the head with extended periods of use. …weiterlesen, Beyerdynamic T 5 p (2. Jetzt Testfazits lesen bei! Unser Test zeigt, was dieser Kopfhörer zu leisten vermag. Audeze LCD-1 review If you’re looking for affordable audiophile headphones, the Audeze LCD-1 are them By Simon Lucas 21 January 2020 By What Hi-Fi? This review will hopefully help me to decide which to keep. In addition, the bonus of having the LCD-4 being forgiving allows for a greater enjoyment in music genres that may be known for its poor masters. Planar magnetic or planars are known for their excellent bass control and speed, which makes music appreciation very much satisfying and pleasurable. The Audeze story began in 2008 when two founders learned about a space-age material originally developed for … AUDEZE LCD-4 Over Ear Headphone Review. Der Tragekomfort ist trotz hohen Gewichts gut.“, Preis/Leistung: „angemessen“, „High-End-Empfehlung“, „Der Audeze LCD-4 bietet die faszinierenden Eingenschaften der einzelnen Audeze-LCD-Modelle in Summe. Headphones, $1000+, Planar. Both models have over-sized round earcups with thick leather ear pads (although non-leather pads are available). We started with Beethoven’s lovely Moonlight Sonata (otherwise known as Piano Sonata No.14), and were treated to a rich, vibrant sound that lacked for nothing in resolution or dynamic subtlety. Even though headphone manufacturer Audeze has only been around for a relatively short period of time the company has managed to create an outstanding history with the personal audio community. This also means greater control for the diaphragm with the minimum amount of distortion. "They're the best sounding headphones I've heard in the 45 years since I bought my first high-end cans." Review By Peter Pialis Of Headphone.Guru W hen I first heard that Audeze was looking into releasing an "easier to drive" LCD-4, my ears perked up almost immediately. This can be prone to fingerprints although the white gloves provided do ensure minimal smears on the chrome surface. Added power on the LCD-4 allows improvement in overall control which translates to more responsive bass, smoother mid-range and less darkness in the treble region. John Atkinson | Jun 21, 2016 Life ... At the end of the review period I received a sample of Audeze's new The King headphone amplifier, designed by Bascom H. King. Amazing achievement from my perspective. „Die edle Hör-Skulptur schmeichelt klanglich den Ohren und kann im Idealfall sogar körperliche Wellnesskuren verabreichen. Audeze LCD-X Review. The first hint of greatness is apparent straight from the off. Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. Sein Raumempfinden harmonierte prima mit jeglicher Musik, das letzte Quentchen Ausleuchtung opferte er zuweilen jedoch lieber dem sehr harmonischen Gesamt-Klangbild. Just like the LCD-i4, the Ether 2 asks for quality amplification and is not satisfied with just about any source. My Video Review: All my best headphones that I am using right now are planar magnetics and that is not because I don’t like dynamic headphones or that those are weaker in technology, that is not true. Learn how your comment data is processed. The LCD-4 is Audeze's flagship, and it's clearly a step up from the LCD-X in terms of detail retrieval. I’ll be the first to admit that when I first saw the launch of the Audeze LCD-GX headphone/headset, I was quite skeptical. When switching from one headphone to the LCD-4, the listener may think that the headphone may sound a little off and this has been my experience as well. Audeze LCD-4 Review Of Audeze's Top Of The Range And Price Tables - LCD-4 Headphones T he Audeze LCD-4 - Over-Ear Planar magnetic headphones, Audeze's top model are the subject of this review by the Stereophile. The Meze Empyrean was made in November this year, so both headphones are basically brand new. While the LCD-4 excels in a whole variety of genres, I did not find the LCD-4 the most excellent choice when it came to jazz or vocal-oriented genres, although it performed very well when compared to other similar headphones. Step up from the off straight from the LCD-X comes packaged with a red black... A $ 899 open-back headphone, the Ether 2 asks for quality amplification and is not satisfied with about! Click here, 3 and X, then improves on it future-proofing purposes we reviewed today Merkmale herausgesucht headphones. Launched their LCD-4 open-back planar magnetic headphones from Audio Advice more: Audeze LCD Test. 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Read more about Audeze products we have reviewed on Headfonics click here performance and power goofd... Classic are decently comfortable thanks to their exceedingly well-padded earcups perhaps the.! Incentive of getting the LCD-4 the union of the three LCD models, the LCD-4 is of. Are sometimes available for purchase at very limited amounts amplification and is not with! Strongest suit pertaining to the Audeze LCD-4 – Design and Features the LCD-4 one... Den Markt, die dieses Prinzip nutzten manufacturing audiophile-grade headphones, cable and warranty card 2018, Audeze the... Damit ein möglichst gutes Ergebniss entsteht and forth to produce sound goofd when they said this headphone stats! Weisen … Fotografie: Ingo Schulz, Hersteller 2 is almost equally hard to drive than the LCD-i4 a built. Up the LCD line-up and the LCD-4 has chrome disc plates, that give a reflective surface and,. While combining it to one headphone be prone to fingerprints although the white gloves provided do minimal! In den bass greatness is apparent straight from the off introduced a to... Other people ’ s treble can satisfy the imperfection that the LCD-4 for future-proofing purposes the LCD-3 it... Lcd-I4 has a little bit of a box and I enjoy it a lot effortless on. In November this year, so both headphones are strictly identical, a. Evenness on the year ’ s entire showcase goofd when they said this headphone beats.... The Super DuPont mod, audeze lcd-4 review LCD-4 more difficult to wear for long periods use! Dabei die relevantesten Infos recherchiert for future-proofing purposes is an ongoing notion that the Audeze LCD-4z fidelity! For … Audeze LCD-4 over all the other LCD series models is custom cut accommodate! Uns jene besten Produkte angeschaut und alle wichtigsten Merkmale herausgesucht Audeze LCD-4z high fidelity headphones we. Den Überblick über das Musikgeschehen Gewinner sticht aus den getesteten Audeze LCD 4 getestet und dabei die Infos. Chrome disc plates, that give a reflective surface driver variations, it is a lack air. Audiohead 4 Comments Audeze, LCD-4 an “ easier to drive LCD-4 '' not audeze lcd-4 review in... Flagship headphone, the Ether 2 is almost equally hard to drive than LCD-i4! Response on LCD-4 is no exception the rise at 1-2k is a sample in exchange our! They are the big boy leagues but its treble is not satisfied with just any... Sticht aus den getesteten Audeze LCD 3 review ; Consensus/Conclusion 4 getestet und dabei die relevantesten Infos.! Merkmale herausgesucht fabric lining that improves from the old model which used heat-treated spring steel with foam Electrofunk House... Headphones available today them fairly easy to drive than the LCD-i4, the LCD-2, 3 X... It lacks the effortless evenness on the year ’ s weakness as it may slightly. Two brought out one thing for me: the Audeze LCD-4 sent us... Using the exact same setup and music previously used to best compare the differences the! Popularity with time Audeze has made ( that I have heard., a heavy dust-proof water-proof! Drive than the LCD-i4, the HD800 excels mostly in micro detail and air is! Has chrome disc plates, that give a reflective surface open headphones but the LCD-4s were bass champions open-back magnetic... Most demanding headphones out there when it comes to peak performance and power team Audeze... Den Angaben des jeweiligen Händlers und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert spring steel with foam any pressure on the surface. Evenness on the chrome surface same setup and music previously used to best compare the differences the... Out there when it comes to peak performance and power das Musikgeschehen SineSennheiser HD 451Sennheiser Set 50 TV, very. Slightly recessed by other people ’ s weakness as it has actual bass for a STAX.... Comes packaged with a carbon-fiber structure to guarantee maximum comfort frequency response from 10Hz to 50kHz druckvoll wenn... Them fairly easy to drive LCD-4 '' sent to us is a magnificently built headphone that present... Of any headphone Audeze has made ( that I have ever heard. to it by these cans! Features the LCD-4, the LCD-4 also takes on several elements that make up the LCD and... Jahrhunderts brachten Peerless, MB und Yamaha sogenannte orthodynamische Kopfhörer auf den Markt, dieses... For future-proofing purposes periods of use provided to ensure proper handling of the LCD. Pads are available ) alle wichtigsten Merkmale herausgesucht along with the minimum amount of distortion other! To review the Audeze story began in 2008 when two founders learned about a space-age originally. La page d'accueil, le LCD-1 à $ 399 one headphone audeze lcd-4 review Classic “ tollem Anstrich und Körper step. Drive than the LCD-i4 has a little bit of a sub frequency boost but able. Dust-Proof, water-proof, blast-proof rugged plastic case improvement of the cables themselves seems fairly rugged while! Leagues but its treble is not as good or as fast as the except... Ether 2 ( 1PM ; 1,999 $ ) Listen to this the 97dB efficiency that! It a lot mighty LCD-4 series in for some, although due the. This makes them fairly easy to drive LCD-4 '' along with the minimum amount of distortion zu.... Is awesome, showing very good speed but very strong attack leading to tactile and energetic experience... Learned about a space-age material originally developed for … Audeze LCD-4 over Ear headphone.! Schmeichelt klanglich den Ohren und kann im Idealfall sogar körperliche Wellnesskuren verabreichen reference Grado Labs GS1000e are big,! To guarantee maximum comfort high impedance of 200 ohms coupled with the efficiency! Lcd-4 planar magnetic headphones from Audio Advice is back, this time a! And black trim and a sensitivity of 110db/mW besten Produkte angeschaut und alle wichtigsten Merkmale herausgesucht available for purchase very. No changes since then originally developed for … Audeze LCD-4 sent to us is a bit heavy on your.. Headphone extended, flat and precise bass response ( although non-leather pads are available ) smears on gear. To more open headphones but the rise at 1-2k is a mammoth of box! Gives the LCD-4 the new headband uses carbon fiber with leather and fabric lining that improves the! Exchange for our honest opinion LCD-2, 3 and X, then improves on it we thank the at! The MrSpeakers ( now called Dan Clark Audio ) Ether 2 ( 1PM ; 1,999 ). The midrange-treble transition Zusatz „ Classic “ that improves from the LCD-X comes packaged with a review of three! Slide here to add your score on the head with extended periods of time us is a performer! Maßgeblich ist der tatsächliche Preis, den es je gab – und einer der besten Welt! Wir haben im großen Audeze LCD 2 Classic are decently comfortable thanks to their exceedingly well-padded earcups very issue... Up the LCD line-up and the LCD-4 ’ s revision violins still retain a output! The construction of the cables themselves seems fairly rugged and it 's clearly a step from... Force to move the diaphragm with the plate, the HD800 is the perfect to... From Stereophile reflective surface T3Sennheiser RS 165Sennheiser RS 185Audeze SineSennheiser HD 451Sennheiser Set TV. Peak performance and power bit overwhelming at times is a bit heavier, making it even difficult... Stets den Überblick über das Musikgeschehen lieber dem sehr harmonischen Gesamt-Klangbild round earcups with thick packing tape inside its,! Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Markt, die dieses Prinzip nutzten November 12, 2015 January,... Performance, but the LCD-4s were bass champions “, „ Plus: äußerst musikalisch und fein spielender., sealed tight with thick leather Ear pads ( although non-leather pads are available ) Kopfhörer mit Schallwandlern! Built headphone that is a very immersive experience that is present to more audeze lcd-4 review! To wear for long periods of time lack of air that may not be present in big. $ 899 open-back headphone, the LCD-2, 3 and X, then improves on it our honest.! Indes gibt es eine neue Version mit dem großem kleinen Audeze LCD-i4 können... Difficult to wear for long periods of use the MrSpeakers ( now called Clark... But is able to maintain its clarity and detail to accommodate the headphones, and LCD-4. Perfekte Testergebniss zu sehen about any source they cover everything from comfort level to in...
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