yale climate change and health certificate
The coincidence of societal collapses throughout history with decadal and century-scale abrupt climate change events. This relationship (people, values, natural resources, and institutions) has been extensively written about and discussed in diverse fields. Much of the course will focus on five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from; Why do they suffer from these conditions? By drawing from the fields of hydrology, ecology, and chemistry, the course begins by investigating cycles that govern the fates of water, nutrients, carbon, and pollutants within watersheds. Students will begin by examining the relationship between degraded environments and poor schooling. 1. Papers of sufficient quality may be collected in a volume for publication. Illy also has a dream that someday soon the coffee market might be transformed into something approaching the market for wine. 727 Global Food Challenges : : : John P. Wargo. 718 Climate Change Seminar : This year the climate change seminar will focus on Climate and Carbon Management. Each team works with a partner organization (e.g., state agency, community organization, other nongovernmental organization) or on an ongoing project of the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health and/or the Vermont Law School Environmental Justice Clinic. Students identify important steps toward planning and launching their career paths, and skills for being effective in these positions; and they develop their own career plan, curriculum vitae, teaching and research plans, and critiques of professional web pages. Student will be expected to attend a weekly seminar at 4pm and submit a short summary of the seminar topic. Emphasis is placed on practical application of multivariate techniques to a variety of natural and social examples in the environmental sciences. The readings reflect this in that they include theoretical works and case studies. Students propose projects and then adjust them to the conflicting interests of the financial institutions, real estate developers, civic organizations, community groups, public officials, and the widest variety of participants in the planning process. Students synthesize use of these design tools in a final project or program proposal focused on a single case study of their choice. The course therefore has a focus on environmental problem solving in the real world. To achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, global emissions will need to be halved by 2030 and reach net zero by mid-century. Over the years, students in this class have began referring to these as extrapreneurship. : Kealoha Freidenburg : Kealoha Freidenburg, 512 Microeconomics for Environmental Management : Meets Fall-1 (August 31 - October 13), 521 Physical Science Foundations for Environmental Managers : This required foundational course provides students with the physical science basics that they need in order to understand and manage environmental problems. Campaigners who have played leadership roles in thecampaigns we examinewill join us for class. The first eight weeks of the course will be a lecture format, and the remainder of the course will be a case study / project that will give students an opportunity to apply their knowledge in the analysis of an actual “deal”. This course is aimed at preparing advanced doctoral students for successful and rewarding careers in ecology and environmental science. Watch videos, do assignments, earn a certificate while learning from some of the best Professors. This seminar explores topics in the anthropology of the global economy that are relevant to development and conservation policy and practice. Students gain an understanding of the surface energy and radiation balance, air motion in the atmospheric boundary layer, impacts of land use on surface climate, land surface parameterization for climate models, and field research methods. Energy demand; transmission and storage; generation by hydroelectric, wind, solar, biofuel, and geothermal sources, as well as waves and tidal generation. It includes basic principles of toxicology, mechanisms of toxicity and cellular defense, and the fundamental interactions between chemicals and biological systems. Maple sugar is a forest product unique to northeastern North America, and it has seen a resurgence in interest as global consumers seek nutritious, natural, and sustainably produced foods. The health benefits of air pollutant intervention strategies in developed and developing regions and implications for public action are also covered. Please note that in this scenario, the number of students intending to attend classes in person may result in students attending class in person on an assigned alternating schedule to accommodate social distancing policies. This course is an applied course, exploring both the technical and the social-business-political aspects of buildings. The course is designed for you to apply tools and insights gained in this and other courses to a defined project, creating deliverables that will be useful to the partner organizations. Electric utilities in the United States are at a crossroads. This unique skill set overcomes the routine ways of thinking and solving conservation problems common to many NGOs and government organizations by explicitly developing more rigorous and effective critical-thinking, observation, and management skills. In our rapidly changing political environment, strategies that focus on the local level are increasingly more important to achieving our global sustainability goals. Prerequisites: a prior course in introductory statistics and a good understanding of multiple linear regression. Scheduled examination, This course offers an explicit interdisciplinary (integrative) framework that is genuinely effective in practical problem solving. The course covers the basic techniques of designing qualitative research and for collecting, interpreting, and analyzing qualitative data. The course examines how structural factors and community characteristics influence environmental outcomes. We explore three interrelated dimensions of research: theoretical foundations of science and research, specific methods available to researchers for data collection and analysis, and the application and practice of research methods. This is a course of fundamentals that set the foundation for more advanced investigations in sustainable design and therefore there are no pre-requisites. Students receive a score of satisfactory completion for this effort. Students gain experience in design of projects and their monitoring, as well as familiarity with budgeting. : Jonas Meckling : 764 Nature, Rationality, and Moral Politics : : : Justin Farrell, 767 Building a Conservation Toolkit: From Project Design to Evaluation : As wildlife and wildland conservation programs have multiplied and grown in size, conservation organizations have sought methods to improve strategic project planning, assessment of progress, cross-project comparison, learning of lessons, and transparency for donors. 980 Social Justice in the Global Food System Capstone : This course explores social justice dimensions of today’s globalized food system, considering justice in terms of sociopolitical and environmental dynamics. AMES provides a structured opportunity to learn a range of mathematical concepts used in environmental studies. Below is a list of several new working papers by the Yale SOM finance faculty on a variety of finance related topics including the effects of business restrictions on Covid-19 fatalities, personal investment decisions of high net worth individuals, climate finance, price trends, shadow banks, safe debt markets, returns on corporate bonds, and the effects of Covid-19 on research productivity. Essentials of Global Health is a comprehensive introduction to global health. An examination of the natural processes controlling coastal ecosystems, the anthropogenic threats to the health of these systems, and the potential for restoration. Through the use of case studies, the course provides insights into prevention of mortality and morbidity resulting from environmental exposure to toxic substances, the fundamentals of risk assessment and regulatory toxicology, and the causes underlying the variability in susceptibility of people to chemicals. Students can pursue specialized degree programs in a range of paleontology sub-plans such as paleoclimate and global climate change, paleoclimate records and paleoenvironments, paleoclimate and paleoclimate modeling, paleoclimate and paleoceanography, paleomagnetism and paleontology. As future participants in the policy process, whether you come at it from a perch in government, business, as an advocate, or as a private citizen, you can jumpstart your ability to participate and respond by understanding how policy campaign advocacy impacts policymaking. : Carol Carpenter : Carol Carpenter, 840 Climate Change Policy and Perspectives : This course examines the scientific, economic, legal, political, institutional, and historic underpinnings of climate change and the related policy challenge of developing the energy system needed to support a prosperous and sustainable modern society. Students are assigned to teams of two-to-four members drawn from both the Law School and the School of the Environment. 860 Understanding Environmental Campaigns and Policymaking: Strategies and Tactics : This course is about the strategies and tactics used by successful environmental campaigns, taught from a practitioner's perspective. Cases include start-ups and new ventures within existing institutions, referred to as intrapreneurship. We will begin with a legal and social-historical survey but will quickly bring the inquiry up to the current moment. Please contact Pete Raymond with any questions : Peter A. Raymond : 719 Making Climate Knowledge : : : TBD Faculty, 720 Introduction to R : : : Simon Queenborough, 721 Climate Change Adaptation; Resilience and Resistance in Global Health : : : TBD Faculty. The course provides students with the knowledge of how challenges related to forest health and climate change are directly impacting maple producers and how these producers are learning to adapt in ways that are environmentally friendly, ecologically sound, and financially competitive in a global market. Active student participation is required, including completion of problem sets. Term paper required. : Joseph Orefice : Joseph Orefice. Given many technological, behavioral, and policy options, it is challenging to determine which option best serves humanity and the environment. Topics covered include climate adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity loss, climate impacts in the Arctic, and quantifying the impacts of industry. Course topics include accent reduction, language accuracy, writing styles, presentation skills, meeting leadership, barriers to communication, and types of persuasion in multicultural contexts. We are in a moment of crisis and there is a need for engaged public scholarship. The goal is to stimulate students to apply informed and critical thinking (which means not criticizing others, but questioning our own underlying assumptions) to whatever roles they may come to play in conservation and sustainable development, in order to move toward more environmentally and socially sustainable projects and policies. Mineral nutrition and cycling, mycorrhizas, symbiosis, nitrogen fixation, light processing, photosynthesis, respiration, water relations including transpiration, and ecophysiology are covered. 1. This course demonstrates the ways in which financial and political feasibility determine the design of buildings and the character of the built environment. COVID-19 has brought to light for many the complexities in drivers of health, and the role of entrepreneurship and cross-sectoral collaboration in eliminating health disparities. The course will have an emphasis on systems thinking. Topics include the fundamental kinds of chemical reactions in the environment, critical analysis of chemical data, sampling techniques, analytical methods, natural biogeochemical controls on environmental chemistry, water treatment, and green infrastructure, as well as detailed examination of such contaminants as acid precipitation, nutrients, urban runoff, and sewage. Must also register for ENVa, Field Skills in Land Stewardship. Students in this course explore a mutually reinforcing suite of these project tools: their underlying principles are introduced, students practice the techniques, and current case studies from field conservation are examined to explore tool utility. The course draws upon theoretical considerations in the social sciences literature and the applied experiences of the Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative (ELTI), a Center & Program of YSE focused on capacity development in tropical forest landscapes. This course covers the booming industry and culture around maple syrup, from backyard operations through modern 100,000-tap investment operations. Training Initiative (ELTI), Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Section I, overview of the field and course. Students learn how populations of species coexist within communities and how species interactions within communities can drive ecosystem functioning. One of the central claims of Critical Race Theory is that racial subordination is not a deviation from the liberal legal ideal but is, unfortunately, part of its expression. This course provides the foundation for doctoral study at the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. We explore how utilities are regulated and how economic factors and regulatory policies influence outcomes and opportunities to align customer, environmental, and utility shareholder interests to craft win-win-win solutions. Special attention is given to introducing students to formal methods used to analyze energy systems or individual energy projects and also to discuss traditionally less-researched elements of energy systems (energy use in developing countries; energy densities and urban energy use; income, gender, and lifestyle differences in energy end-use patterns) in addition to currently dominant energy issues such as climate change. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: evaluation of environmental policies (e.g., standards, taxes, cap-and-trade); cost-benefit analysis and its critiques; nonmarket valuation (ecosystem services, revealed and stated preferences); discounting and macroeconomic perspectives on climate change; management of nonrenewable resources (oil, minerals, etc. William Dawbney Nordhaus (born May 31, 1941) is an American economist, a Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University, best known for his work in economic modeling and climate change, and one of the 2 recipients of the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. With a focus on interdisciplinary problem solving and the collective project management resulting in a client-driven work product, students learn valuable skills for their future careers. And it isn’t just policymakers who make it. In contrast to ENV 755b, the course is oriented more toward discrete objects in geographical space (e.g., water bodies, land parcels, or structures) than the qualities of that space itself (e.g., proximity, density, or interspersion). This is a practical writing course meant to develop your skills as a writer. The course discusses inequitable distribution of air pollutant exposure across the United States in relation to environmental health disparities. This course identifies developments in religious traditions that highlight their ecological implications into the contemporary period. This is a professional seminar on private land conservation strategies and techniques, with particular emphasis on the legal, financial, and management tools used in the United States. 728 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis in the Environmental Sciences : 729 Caribbean Coastal Development: Science and Policy : 731 Tropical Field Botany : : : Fabian Michelangeli : Lawrence Kelly, 742 Fundamentals of Working with People : Using environmental science to help inform and change human actions is a key challenge for environmental managers. Typically, we start with cases pending before or recently decided by the Supreme Court. Permission of the instructor required. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN.com. relief, Forum on Religion and Ecology joins with UN to The class will examine homelessness and the ways in which climate disasters impact housing experiences. But its real subject is perception and the writer’s authority—the relationship between what you notice in the world around you and what, culturally speaking, you’re allowed to notice. News, Social Normally, courses of this type begin with an historical exploration of the foundations of the relations between Indian and non-Indian peoples. Students may select from a project list or can meet with the professor to design a relevant project and can work individually or on a team. This course provides an overview of the critical relationships between the environment and human health. It examines how race and class interact in American rural and urban environments to produce or sustain inequalities. I will expect students to choose a particular movement (or one expression of it) and write a paper bringing to bear all of the questions we raise in the seminar. And, to a lesser extent, we’ll be exploring the character of persuasion in environmental themes. : TBD Faculty : 668 Field Trips in Forest Resource Management and Silviculture : 669 Forest Ecosystem Management and Operations (Friday field trips) : : : TBD Faculty. AMES is meant to help students refresh or acquire new math skills and succeed in content and “toolbox” graduate-level courses. Everyone lives in a watershed, an area of land that funnels rainfall and snowmelt to a stream, river, lake, or section of coastline. The recent deep recession, climate change, and a lack of social cohesion call for a new triple bottom-line approach to decision-making for our future. In their careers, most professionals spend more than half their work time communicating with others, both inside and outside their organization. The goal of the course is to clarify the embedded historical, cultural, and political drivers of current climate change debates and discourses. degree at YSPH and the capstone requirement for the M.E.M. Extensive use of computers is required—students may use any combination of R, SAS, SPSS, STATA, and MINITAB. The second half of the course will consist of us reading and discussing scientific papers about past, present, and future land use. Duration: 4 weeks long. Students study the new post-2015 sustainable development goals and their implementation in the real world. Analysis of biological and socioeconomic problems affecting specific forest stands and design of silvicultural systems to solve these problems. Cost: Free Online Course (Audit) Session: Upcoming. Section IV, local communities, resources, and (under)development: representing the poor, development discourse, and indigenous peoples and knowledge. Welcome to Food Revolution Network! 973 Capstone on Waste in the Urban Environment: Technology, Policy, and Management : Cities house 50% of world population. This course focuses on building a constellation of skills that students can apply to their work. One hour tutorial. : Xuhui Lee : Xuhui Lee : Peter A. Raymond. Plant biology is discussed in the context of physiological and structural adaptations in terms of strength, storage, and water and solute transport. 877 Anthropology of the Global Economy for Conservation and Development : 878 Climate and Society: Past to Present : 891 Biology of Insect Disease Vectors : : : Brian Weiss. Three hours lecture, problem sets. The course draws on the following disciplines: climatology, environmental chemistry, geology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, and soil science. This course examines the fundamental and practical aspects of assessing exposures to environmental agents, broadly defined, in the residential, ambient, and workplace environments. What would a twenty-first-century policy framework that is designed to deliver a sustainable energy future and a successful response to climate change look like? Lectures also provide an introduction to risk management, energy market dynamics, alternative contractual structures, financial structuring, and the core engineering and risks inherent in the most common renewable energy technologies. : Gerald Torres : 634 Ecology of Global Drylands : : : William Lauenroth. Section II, disaster: the social origins of disastrous events; and the attribution of societal ‘collapse’ to extreme climatic events. We recommend taking the Seminar on Land Use Planning before or in conjunction with the Land Use Clinic. There are weekly problem sets using MINITAB, SPSS, or R, as well as a final project. Why acknowledge the skeptics? 670 Southern Forest and Forestry Field Trip : 671 Temperate Woody Plant Taxonomy and Dendrology : : : Marlyse Duguid, 674 Seminar in Forest Ecosystem Health and Climate Change : : : Mark S. Ashton : Robert Talbot Trotter III, To apply for this class please 1) register so I have you in the canvas roster 2) fill out this google form, 679 Plant Ecophysiology : This course focuses on the physiological ecology of plants and their interaction with the biotic and abiotic environment, understood through the lens of first principles. Overview. Students represent nations at UN climate talks. The Urban Resources Initiative works with the city of New Haven to plant street Includes an exploration of a range of coastal and pelagic ecosystems. In coordination with treatments of watershed functions, ENV 724 explores the impacts of anthropogenic stresses on freshwater flows, water quality, and the ecology of sensitive watershed ecosystems. An introduction to statistics and data analysis with emphasis on practical applications in the environmental sciences. The final product for this course is a research proposal. To address these challenges, major nonprofit organizations have collaboratively designed a set of decision-support tools for planning field projects and programs and for monitoring their progress, summarized in the “Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation” (http://cmp-openstandards.org). Financial Follows Law School Calendar At these universities, you will be with the brightest faculty and students in the world develop your knowledge and skills to join the world's elite academics, scientists, and thinkers. Special attention is given to woody plants and their importance in the biosphere and human life. This ranking of the world's best universities focuses on academic prestige and intellectual horsepower! Also covered is a bit of history of math and an introduction to computer programming. This course introduces computer programming tools and techniques for the development and customization of geospatial data-processing capabilities. Industrial ecology studies (1) the flows of materials and energy in industrial and consumer activities, (2) the effects of these flows on the environment, and (3) the influences of economic, political, regulatory, and social factors on the flow, use, and transformation of resources. There are regular assignments and a final project. Coverage includes tropical, temperate, and boreal trees. This course also covers anthropogenic impacts on oceans, such as the effects of fishing and climate change. Lorah Stelchen, Research/Writing Consultant Lorah is a research and writing consultant for the NAACP ECJ Program, based out of Seattle, Washington. Four to five lab/homework assignments and a final project. In the United States, in the absence of leadership at the federal level, states, cities, and institutions must step into the breach if we have any hope of addressing the climate crisis. 785 Asian Religions and Ecology : The first half of the course will explore the South Asian religious traditions of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. These trends ultimately lead to project failure and can cause a host of adverse unintended consequences that further exacerbate the problems that practitioners were trying to resolve. We will focus on the origins of the critique that is central to the development of the theory and contrast its analysis with conventional analytic frameworks on race and American law and society.Because it is a positive theory but also driven by a normative vision, we will explore the possibility of transforming the relationship between law and racial power. The last portion of the class is dedicated to informing the design of climate solutions, as we have a narrow window of time to steer action. By simultaneously addressing rational, political, and practical aspects of real-world problem solving, the course helps students gain skills, understand, and offer solutions to the policy problems of managing natural resources. Should scientists change how they view (and study) same sex behavior in animals? The first six weeks focus on the following topics, led by the instructor and/or an expert guest lecturer: building science, materials, indoor environmental quality, rating programs and systems, resilience, systems integration. Often envisioned as living entities, cities are in constant evolution and, throughout this process, they generate waste—particularly municipal solid waste and construction and demolition waste. Yet our ability to access, manage, understand, and synthesize all this data is extremely limited. Silvopasture and forest farming systems are the primary focus, but windbreaks, alley cropping, and riparian forest buffers are also covered. 632 Social Entrepreneurship Lab : Follows SOM calendar. Students will work with the professor and practitioner-clients in the field to develop papers, research memoranda, and publications on a selected topic. : Simon Queenborough : 628 Global Aspects of Food and Nutrition : : : TBD Faculty. Students engage in empirical research to identify, catalogue, and evaluate innovative local laws that successfully protect environmental functions and natural resources, and the manner in which towns incorporate climate change into their planning and regulations. How is this being done—and how has it changed over time? The aim is for each student or group of students to combine a geographic area/region (for example, a country of key interest), a sustainable development goal, and a tool for implementation to design an effective implementation strategy to present to those at the ministerial and decision-making level. One of the most important aspects of scientific research involves the communication of research findings to the wider scientific community. Three hours lecture. In sustainable development and customization of geospatial data-processing capabilities: Liza Comita: Simon Queenborough change management major... Use and urban environments to produce or sustain inequalities are established, SPSS, STATA, yale climate change and health certificate! Our ability to listen accurately and read efficiently early in the urban environment: Technology, policy sciences engineering! Student resources, Acad student resources, Acad the urban resources Initiative works with the of. 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