kotor 2 who to take to iziz

kotor 2 who to take to iziz

Did you boost your Awareness to 11 before talking to her? I always take Visas to lead the mission to retrieve her Man. Barely a year after the original Knights of the Old Republic came out for the Xbox, we have its sequel, Knights of the Old Republic 2… Sooner or later, T3 will come up to you when you enter the Ebon Hawk again, and he will tell you that Master Kavar expects to see you immediately. Telos Academy: Kreia and Atton - Kreia gets the extra dialogue with the Handmaidens and Atton gets a show when you train with the Sisters (gender determines how much he enjoys it). Take the Plate and Sell it, promising to return with her money. I didn't even know I had locked the choice until the quest log updated and said I had somehow sided with Vaklu. 3 - News Hologram Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach. Korriban: Not much dialogue here either. Despite the seemingly happy ending of the previous story, the Republic is left in disarray following the defeat of the Sith. Errrrrrrrrrmm that sandy planet, i forget what they call it. Ouh,my mistake, Kavar ofcourse. Onderon: Mandalore alone. Atton gets to finish off the twileks, T3 gets even more conversation. During your travels here you'll come across two more and it will be up to you to choose who to give them to for either Light Side or Dark Side points and perhaps credits or other types of payment. And then, you still can't go to Onderon straight; you'll have to go to Dxun instead. Nar Shadaa: It'd be a crime to not take Atton. You can Force persuade her for even more DSP if you have dominate mind. After having taken care of the Sith in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, you, Atton and Kreia take the rebuilt Basilisk War Droid down to the surface of Onderon. If you've done all the other planets, you should just leave the game running for a few hours and come back to see if it works. kotor 2 dxun party, PC Cheats - Star Wars KOTOR 2 Wiki Guide. and then get in your ship. I am in the same sitch as So leave the game on and watch a movie or something. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. Well, T3-M4 should present you with a message from him if as soon as you enter the Ebon Hawk on the planet you went to right after your first stay on Iziz ... and even then, you can't go to Iziz directly. Kotor 2 Module Puzzle; Walkthrough Part 8 - Dantooine/Onderon. What do I need to do? ! In the KotOR series the thugs do the bad things, to tell the truth in a pretty wide variety. T3 will come up and tell you to go to the Mandalorian camp on Dxun. Ah. Star Wars KOTOR 2 Wiki Guide. In the unseen events of t… Fortunately, Mandalore has a friend in Iziz who may be able to help. Edit: As I get further along I may add suggestions of my own, such as. I've seen one message from T3-M4 but i had to get it out of him, and it didn't appear to be Kavar and in conversation choices there was even an question that asked if T3-M4 knew who this person was.. Dantooine: None have a lot of impact here. You can post now and register later. By Travel back to Nar Shaddaa with Mandalore in your party. Kotor 2 Shutting Down Hk Factory Full At that moment, an enormous Sith fleet dropped out of hyperspace and started to attack Citadel Station. I'll try it later when i've got the time,thanx for the effort. Kotor 2 Onderon Palace Key Number Free; Kotor 2 Onderon Guide; Kotor 2 Onderon Palace Key Number 3; Well, we've started a riot and took out 3 Onderon guard captains, but we're no closer to finding a way into the palace. Before we leave, let's take a look at the Mandalorians' selection of weapons. Sky Ramp. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. You hear the term d20 mentioned with these games and it just means the combat system is based roughly on rolling a random number between 1 and 20. Atton and Hanharr might as well. Also, HK can help out with the repairs of the swoop bike, as can Atton, Bao-Dur and T3. If you found all other 3 already you probably missed the T3 convo (skipped it), then head to Dxun right away and see if Kelborn has something to say (right after you take the guide to the base the scene starts). Under Nadd's instruction, Ommin assembled a new army whose ranks consisted of the Dark Lord's worshipers and were led by Nadd's personal guardian [19] and pupil, [10] a Dark Jedi named Warb Null. Keep fighting your way to the north and take the exit to the Sky Ramp. I use all the characters at random, except Handmaiden and Kriea who never get upgraded and always stay on the Hawk when I am given the choice not to take … Sooner or later, T3 will come up to you when you enter the Ebon Hawk again, and he will tell you that Master Kavar expects to see you immediately. After i've visited all of the planets (lastly the planet where the palace is), Master Malak says he will contact me later, when is he going to do that? What if I wanted to kill the other bounty hunters but still have the Twi'leks chase me? I have a mod installed, where I need to get a location for a Sith tomb in Korriban, but to do this, I need to give an item to an NPC in Iziz. That said—I wouldn't mind making some broad decisions regarding party configuration based on prior knowledge of the game if the result will be a better/more immersive story experience (say, with more interjections from companions and/or insight into the plot because I chose to bring certain characters to certain events and locations). Crossing the fjord-like bay on the calm, deep blue water with … What about all the locked doors on Dantooine ? I don't have the enthusiasim to star all over again, guess this game goes on to the shelves to gather dust.. Dude, just find another master (have you found all the 3 others?) It has been five years since the conclusion of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Paste as plain text instead, × Before the ship takes off, Kreia will work her evil magic and Mandalore will join your party. I've been touring all over the galaxy waiting for something to happen and done new quests while waiting. In my opinion though: Telos Surface: First time you get multiple characters. He requested help from Revan and his companions to help free his fellow Jawas, to which Revan … But also, maybe it is with reason that these thresholds have been lowered because more than 5 years after the release of the game, it seems clear that very few (nobody if we read the online encyclopedias) has understood Kotor 2. Good ideas— I especially like the suggestion to bring only Bao-Dur to Dxun! This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords for PC. You will need a moderate amount of ranks in persuade to pull this off, and will need Dominate Mind if you wish to force persuade her to do so. Choose Dxun on your galaxy map instead. 2) Vaklu Troopers and Console – Some Vaklu Troopers are hiding out in here. "I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum! Take care of them and head back to the Ebon Hawk. Star Wars KOTOR #12: Tattooine (Final). We can abuse this to no end. Just forcibly take the plate from her for some DSP and 50 XP. If it's just the two of you, he actually gets a few extra snippets of unique dialogue (combat is also a touch more challenging). Outside of the aforementioned influence opportunities that you plan on circumventing, I don't really think there's a big narrative advantage to bringing certain characters out on planets. × 1 Biography 2 Behind the scenes 3 Appearances 4 Sources 5 Notes and references Several of Iziz's tribe were kidnapped by Sand People sometime prior to the arrival of the Jedi Revan on Tatooine. Not sure what the optimal or best thing to do with your open star port visas are? Mira/Hanharr is an option as well. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. G0-T0's shuttle: Atton and T3. Re: KOTOR 2 Influence Guide i am at the secret academy on telos and i am desparately trying to get the handmaiden's sister to talk about atton's echani training, but i am failing epically. Iziz was surrounded by large walls, which the human population used to protect themselves from the dangerous jungles that covered the planet. The remnants of Darth Malak's Sith Empire divided into numerous factions under several different leaderships, all with one common goal: the total extermination of the Jedi Order. Dxun Temple: Atton as leader, Bao-Dur and Mira or Visas. Each has a bit of dialogue on the trip, and Atton I know for sure has extra dialogue when you return from Onderon. As the city of Iziz … I cant get to iziz as they say it's to "hot" in there right now.   Your previous content has been restored. For example, I was thinking that it makes sense to bring Atton to most of Nar Shaddaa because he's the one who suggests that you go there and because during the intro scene, when you land, he appears to be acting as something of a guide due to his prior experience with the place. Iziz was a Jawa chieftain from Tatooine who lived during the Jedi Civil War. I'd say go with Atton for the most part, but make sure to grab Kreia before you reach the beach to get a conversation with her (Atton has one as well, but it is more sarcastic than insightful). Write something about yourself. So does anyone have any suggestions as to which companions might be better suited to particular planets, areas, story events, quests, etc.? I had Kiph slice the Twi'lek bounty hunter's starport visa. Part 32: Onderon - CSI Iziz. It's difficult to say, honestly. Before traveling to the next planet, you should take care of some side quests. 2 - Port Master This man will stop you briefly and offer you your own coveted open Starport Visa. I saw in a walkthrough that if you did Onderon as your last planet, you may have to wait for several hours in game for the trigger to head back. Together they conspired to reclaim Iziz and take revenge against their foremost enemy, Arca Jeth. This is probably real time. -Bring Bao-Dur when you see the Sullustan mechanic Tien Tubb on Nar Shaddaa, he'll have a few good lines about the war. Kotor 2 Jedi Master Vs Sith Lord; Kotor 2 Kill Jedi Masters; Posted by 6 years ago Archived. Completed the cave, enjoyed the unlimited XP cheat (spent hours on it, came out a level 35).Went to Iziz, then Onderon, then back to Iziz where I was told to wait for things to clear up.Went to Nar Shadda, cleared out the Exchange and the other clan that was harrassing the people. If you did Dxun/Onderon as your last planet, and have already found the "doctor" and talked with Kavar the first time. Hey, I'm a light sided female sentinel gone down the Jedi Master path level 16 playing on TSLRCM. There might be a couple instances (like Juhani and Dak) that I really don't know about, but the major benefits received from specific party members on planets pertains to influence received after doing certain actions. What had become of Revan, the hero of the previous story, is unknown. Welcome, once again, to another episode of "Knights of the Old Republic" a very old game that is also a very nice game. The Qixoni crystal sounds good but you can't use if you're LS? - This wil probably happen on your second planet after you left Iziz. The message was about "her" and stuff about the jedi-council, is that what was supposed to be? I certainly hope this isn't one clitch more to the games expanding bug list... try going to Nar Shaddaa and having Atton and T3 in your party, as soon as you leave the ship and walk a few inches, Atton said you have recieved a message from Kelborn.. Ah.. wait, sorry.. thats when your actually on the nar shaddaa jedi master quest .. and thats only to contact visquis. Not often do people go with just one, but there is something a bit more impactful of two old soldiers going alone on one of their old battlefields. No, what I was trying to say was: After leaving Iziz for the first time, just continue with your main quest on other planets. The idea that the choice is locked in before you leave Iziz and then there's no way to backpedal is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.   You cannot paste images directly. You will get a key for those rooms after Vrook is out of the force cage and you talk to the Administrator, Terena Adare and Zherron. Anyway,listening to the message it doesn't add any new quests or any new conversations with anyone.. Ah no, no, no ... the message you are talking of shows a character from the original KotOR game, and is not too much related to KotOR II: TSL. What about all the locked doors on Dantooine ? Now I'm trying to advance the murder quest and have talked to everyone, particularly Kiph, Nikko, Panar, and the bartender. It really should only take two conversations of no more than 10 minutes total time to gain all the influence you need. [KOTOR 2] Onderon Starport Visa who to give to? sithru, These Rippers have fairly low damage, but they have a huge critical range (15%). If not, HK, Mira and Visas have some comments on the Sith and bodies. I'm playing through KOTOR 2 again for the first time in a while and I'm planning to use the save editor to unlock all the influence conversations as I go along in the hopes that a playthrough free of obsessive metagaming (i.e. I just made it to the Iziz cantina on Onderon for the first time. Kreia : Once there were only Jedi. Driving through the western Balkans, down to Dubrovnik then across the border to Montenegro, you are faced with two alternatives, hop on the car ferry shortcut across the bay or take the winding detour through the UNESCO listed town Kotor. A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic* and Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*. Surik and Brianna met back up with the others on the Ebon Hawk , and left the polar region academy to help defend the station. Display as a link instead, × 1) Exit to Ruined Merchant Quarter. Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes! 0 0 REPORT | REPLY joslifer1 answered: You should be on the Dark Side (when you do the Dark Side speech options, these are generally to join Vaklu). Fortunately, Mandalore has a friend in Iziz who may be able to help. You’ll be able to find two more visas that need to decide who you want to give them to for credits, Light Side or Dark Side points. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. You mean Master Kavar? No need to be fancy, just an overview. I think my idea was to try and stay evasive if possible, so I tried agreeing with both the Vaklu guys and people favoring the Queen. There’s also a console that you can use to deactivate the forceshield barrier at #4 and use the Turret Control to shoot down some enemy ships. More dialogue though, HK-47, G0-T0, Bao-Dur and T3 guy who your! Last twice and always get the message when i 've done Onderon last twice always! 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