matthew 4:23 meaning
He declares that the works He did bore witness that the Father had sent Him, meaning He was being directed by the Father (John 5:36-37; 8:18). 7. In Matthew 4:23, the Rev. John the Baptist demonstrates this same principle when saying, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven" (John 3:27). It was customary in this place, and in these exercises, to propound questions. Matthew 10:17; Matthew 23:34 : Luke 9:49; Acts 22:19; Acts 26:11.) Accordingly, the praises of God were sung in the schools of the prophets; and those who chose were assembled by the prophets and seers on the Sabbath, and the new moons, for religious worship, 2 Kings 4:23; 1 Samuel 10:5-11. Those who read the Law stood, while he that preached or expounded the text sat down. whispered him in the ear in Hebrew, and he rendered it in the mother-tongue to the I. Christ was dispensing, then, the gift of healing, marvellously, for an example to all who should believe on Him thereafter, for ever, as long as the world should stand. his doctrine, no wonder if he raised among the people an earnest desire of hearing him, custom as a member of that synagogue. The Scriptures. . It was a place where the people met on the Sabbath to pray and hear the Scriptures read. accents: and they understood the text: that was the Masoreth." second day and the fifth of every week. This rich passage comprises four subscenes as the Gospel positions Jesus in Galilee (Matthew 4:12-16) and narrates the opening acts of Jesus’ public activity (Matthew 4:17-23). True and eternal happiness is thus distinguished from the prosperity and joys of the present life. Yet he was often nothing more than the man selected, as we would say, to lead the exercises. The holy lamp was never wanting, with its eternal light. If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in Me, and I in Him. Matthew 5:23-24 So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. As we know, that diseases of this sort cannot be healed by natural means, it follows that, when Christ miraculously healed them, he proved his divinity. Since we meet with very frequent mention of This, that their sons read in the 2. iii. The people of Judea looked down on the Galileans partly because of their contact with the heathen, partly because of their dialect (comp. used a liberty of enlarging himself in paraphrase. Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. Matthew 4:23 Before our preaching commenced I noticed that the rajah’s father-in-law was suffering from fever and in some pain. Matthew 23:4. The gospel of the kingdom ... indicates the subject matter. Nos non eloquimur magna, sed vivimus, said the ancient Christians. The Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7) immediately follows, and constitutes the largest collection of Jesus' teachings in the Gospels. sense as they did the Sadducees; that is, distinguished from the common people, or the congregation, and that he pray not alone when an opportunity is given of praying with the Let us consider the Union of Teaching and Healing which the ministry of Christ joined together. Besides these there was 'the public minister of the synagogue,' who prayed publicly, The Gospel, that is to say, the glad tidings, or joyous message, is the proper name of our religion, and will be amply verified as such to all who cordially embrace it. And these seven perhaps were reputed See Luke 4:16; Acts 13:15. After the re-establishment of the Jewish Church in Palestine, care seems to have been taken for their general diffusion, in order that worship and instruction might spread and perpetuate doctrine and piety. So far as the arrangement and the furnishing of the synagogues is concerned, the form was usually rectangular, with a central nave and aisles on either side, outside the columns supporting the roof. Matthew 5:23 and Matthew 5:24 are a pair of closely related verses in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament.They are part of the Sermon on the Mount.Jesus has just announced that anger leads to murder, and anger is just as bad as murder itself.And that whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment himself. In the next three verses are condensed the labors and teaching of a long period, of which a detailed account is given in the following chapters. When a very learned rabbi gave a theological discussion, it was not spoken to the people directly, but a speaker gave a popular transcription of the discussion transmitted to him. When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He preached “the gospel of the kingdom” (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:14).Gospel meaning in English. this power of their own government being allowed them, if so be they were minded to enjoy This perhaps holds out a light to those words of the apostle, 1 Timothy 3:13, Explaining: that was the Targum. Any prominent visitor could be called on to preach on the Sabbath once the Law had been read, and at this stage Jesus was regularly offered the opportunity of doing so. After this followed the reading of the Law. Jesus heals all sorts of people and conditions (Matthew 4:23–24). But other items of Jewish worship might be performed in any place available and hence these many synagogues that are mentioned throughout the New Testament. synagogues were religious assemblies with the Jews, wherein they met on the sabbath and festival days, to pray, to read and hear expounded the word of God, and to exercise the other practices of their law. Prayers were also offered; and at the close a solemn benediction was pronounced, and the people responded Amen and dispersed. losses, restitutions, ravishing a virgin, of a man enticing a virgin, of the admission of — JESUS’S MINISTRY THROUGH GALILEE, Matthew 4:23-25. Restoration to outward health was at once the pledge that the Son of Man had not come to destroy menâs lives, but to save them, and often, we cannot doubt, served to strengthen that faith in the love of the Father, some degree of which was all but invariably required as an antecedent condition of the miracle (Matthew 13:58). Preaching - See the notes at Matthew 3:1. He says He had to go and preach to other cities the Kingdom of God, and He sent His disciples out, saying, "You preach the Kingdom of God too.". Our Saviour imitated their example, and was commonly seated in addressing the people, Matthew 5:1; Matthew 13:1. He did heal and minister to many miraculously; but on the whole, it seems fair to say that Jesus was a preacher and teacher who healed, more than He was a healer who also preached and taught. Where the And of God. There are three things to be taken notice of concerning the rites used in this place. These next three verses condense the work and teaching of a long period, and introduce the detailed account given in the following chapters. It would have been no "good" news to them that it would be set up in say, 1914, or long after they were dead! note on the Sermon on the Mount). The synagogues, or meeting-houses, which are mentioned so frequently in the New Testament, especially in the gospels and in the Acts, originated during, or in consequence of, the Babylonian captivity, probably as the result of the great need of common worship felt by all when the Temple lay in ruins. It certainly seems that way! Occasionally, in a context characterized by some difficulty, there will be a “key” passage that unlocks the meaning of the material (cf. ‘Preaching the Good News of the Kingly Rule.’ The reference to ‘Good News’ primarily has Isaiah 61:1-2 in mind (compare Luke 4:18). public prayers, reading God's word, and preaching, &c. Hence the names of the To “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.” This was certainly true for the now cleansed former leper. ‘During the Babylonish exile, when the Jews were shut out from the Holy Land, and from the appointed sanctuary, the want of places for religious meetings, in which the worship of God, without sacrifices, could celebrated, must have been painfully felt. Matthew 4:4 "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every … as well as in the synagogues. But it seems here, and generally, to mean the latter. 3. These things are taken out of the To put all of this together, a blessed person is someone who, because of God’s love and grace, enjoys presently and is promised in the future God’s favor regardless of one’s personal status or earthly condition. The officers of the synagogues were (1) the ἀρχισυναγωγός, Luke 8:49; Luke 13:14; Acts 18:8; Acts 18:17, who had the care of public order, and the arrangement of the service; (2) the Elders, πρεσβύτεροι, Luke 7:3, ἀρχισυναγωγοί, Mark 5:22; Acts 13:15, who seem to have formed a sort of council under the presidency of the ἀρχισυναγωγ ός; (3) the legatus or angelus ecclesiæ, who was the reader of prayers, and also secretary and messenger of the synagogues; (4) the ὑπηρέτης (Luke 4:20), or chapel clerk, whose office was to prepare the books for reading, to sweep, open, and shut the synagogue. , of the innumerable rules for Sabbath observance similar to that prohibiting rubbing ears of corn as work—threshing.— may be a spurious reading imported from Luke 11:46 , but it states a fact, and was doubtless used by Jesus on some occasion. If men go outside God's will—however well-intentioned they may be—their words, to borrow from Shakespeare, may as well be the proverbial "tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. This was done, either by the officers of the synagogue, or by any person who might be invited by the officiating minister. seemed as if he walked upon their heads.". And healing all manner of sickness and disease] Both acute and chronic. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. From the pulpit the Scriptures were read; and the reader or some other person expounded, taught, or preached. This is the priority of Jesus’ ministry as stated in Matthew 4:23. i. He appointed the session of the judges in cities on the second and And whosoever prays not with the synagogue is called an 'ill 333. Sickness, Disease, Torments, Taken, Lunatic. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law -- justice, mercy and faithfulness. There was usually a women's gallery, supported on these colonnades. Matthew 4:23. witness that he is not unmindful of the law." Synagogues; the Jewish places of public worship. Does this not suggest that this was what He wanted to be preached at all times? Matthew 4:23-25. So Sophocles (“Antigone,” 421) calls a whirlwind θείαν νόσον (a divine visitation )Disease is, therefore, the more correct rendering as expressing something stronger than sickness or debility. church for the whole congregation, and that the congregation answered Amen to chap. Ian Mackervoy. Commentary on Matthew 4:23-25 (Read Matthew 4:23-25) Wherever Christ went, he confirmed his Divine mission by miracles, which were emblems of the healing power of his doctrine, and the influences of the Spirit which accompanied it. incumbent on him to oversee how the reader reads, and whom he may call out to read in All of these statements set the stage for understanding Christ's preaching. For when those Parnasin, or mechanic, to preach in the synagogues, if he had the confidence himself to it? τῶν ἱερέων δέ τις ὁ παρὼν ἢ τῶν γερόντων εἷς ἀναγινώσκει τοὺς ἱεροὺς νόμους αὐτοῖς καὶ καθʼ ἕκαστον ἐξηγεῖται μέχρι σχεδὸν δείλης ὀψίας. First, a priest, then a Levite, if they were present; and after these The national worship was conducted at Jerusalem where the tabernacle and later the temple were located. He regarded man as God had made him, with his material body and his reasonable soul, and addressed Himself to the wants and woes of the spirit and the flesh. The same statement is again made by Matthew in another place, (Matthew 9:35 . The glad tidings about ‘the kingdom of heaven,’ or which introduced this kingdom. Fruitless trees shall be cut down: short shooting loseth many a game. means, "What is the privilege of women? The third. Matthew 4:7 "Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Matthew 4:23-25 ESV And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. proselytes, laying on of hands, and divers other things, of which see the tract In their synagogues ... indicates the usual places where Jesus did most of his formal teaching. frequent the synagogue. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of disease among the people. The Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7) immediately follows, and constitutes the largest collection of Jesus' teachings in the Gospels. Nothing human is common and unclean. Our blessed Savior, when he sent forth his apostles, went along with them, and laboured himself as much as any of them. David is said to serve out his time; and John Baptist, to finish his course, Acts 13:25. See the preceding notes. The word gospel is from EUAGGELION, and its universal definition in the lexicons is "glad tidings" or "good news." Teaching. 8:8; see also Buxtorf's Tiberias, chapter 8. In He and disciples travel from place to place. Observe that of Maimonides; "Wheresoever there be ten of The pulpit, or desk, from which the Law was read, was in the middle of the building. The world needs teaching, instruction, in the things of God, an intelligent declaration of truth; but the world also needs preaching, an earnest enforcement of the truth upon the conscience and the heart. of whom we shall have a fuller occasion of inquiry. But as Christ healed ‘all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease,’ so is He able also to conquer sin’s power and sin’s effects in human souls. name: "The Chazan (saith he) is the angel of the church (or the III. References: Matthew 4:23, Matthew 4:24.—H. And though it belonged chiefly to the priests, Levites, and scribes to teach, yet it was the custom for any one of ability to do it. Our Saviour and the apostles were in the habit of attending at those places continually, and of speaking to the people, Luke 4:15-27; Acts 13:14-15. He takes care to inform men that diseases, and all kinds of temporal evils, are the effects of sin, and that their hatred to iniquity should increase in proportion to the evils they endure through it. See reff., and Winer, § 22, 3. κηρύσσων τὸ εὐαγ.] The Good News of the Kingly Rule was that God was now at work among them by His Holy Spirit through the One Whom He had sent (Matthew 3:11), calling to repentance and forgiveness, and to a new way of life (Matthew 4:17; Isaiah 45:23). Matthew 10:23 is a difficult text that has generated much controversy among Bible students. The influence that revolutionized the world was not revolutionary. a synagogue, i. e. a. an assembly of Jews formally gathered together to offer prayer and listen to the reading and exposition of the Holy Scriptures. Teaching - Instructing the people, or explaining the gospel. For I see the judgments about many matters to be managed by three: permitted the Jewish synagogues to use their own laws and proper government, why, I pray, II. The Scriptures were read in them, Acts 15:21; the law and the prophets, Acts 13:15. Matthew : The second time he took the twelve. Ye who are "While the interpreter preached the synagogue [or the whole congregation] And the more good we do, the more God-like we are, and the more we draw nigh to the heavenly pattern. Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. synagogues to Christian churches, in the history of the New Testament. should there not be the same toleration allowed to the apostolical churches? (m) The word properly signifies the weakness of the stomach: but here it is taken for those diseases which make those that have them faint and wear away. And this certainly respected their synagogues at that You give a tenth of your spices -- mint, dill and cummin. Matthew 4:23 went throughout the whole of Galilee: This marks the beginning of Jesus’ first preaching tour of Galilee with his four recently selected disciples —Peter, Andrew, James, and John. his in the synagogue. the scribes and Pharisees, yet they accounted them among the religious in the same cities; and provision was made by sharp canons, that a synagogue should be built in the But see also Isaiah 41:27; Isaiah 52:7. Teaching without preaching often leaves men unmoved. The work of teaching and healing began with Christianity. not to be taken of the Sanhedrim. This person was called the angel of the church, and It is the first of six units that begin \"You have heard that it was said, but I say to you . synagogue; who, being skilled in the tongues, and standing by him that read in the law, He healeth with a wet finger (as we say) such patients as all the physicians in the country cast their caps at, and could not tell what to say to. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people. The reason of the number of ten, though lean and empty enough, is given in the Talmud: When Matthew says, that Christ healed every disease, the meaning is, that he healed every kind of disease. After the restoration from Babylon, they became very frequent. Something essential happened before He could preach and perform works as a man. He was Himself the Good Samaritan, who went out of His way to help the wounded traveller who lay half dead by the wayside, and who provided everything that was needful for him—lodging, attendance, provision—until he should be quite recovered. 1 Then addressing the crowds and his disciples Jesus said, 2 'The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. He states that He did not speak on His own authority, but that the Father commanded Him in what He should speak (John 12:49). seculars, who took little care of religion. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues. Our Saviour and the apostles found the synagogues most eligible places for the first preaching of the Gospel, both in Palestine and in Gentile countries where Jews resided. A chest or ark was near the pulpit, in which the Scriptures of the Old Testament were deposited. In a dramatic change of fortunes, he withdraws to Galilee apparently fearing for his life. 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