plain land meaning in urdu

plain land meaning in urdu

The soil, in respect to its nature or quality for farming. jet lag definition: 1. the feeling of tiredness and confusion that people experience after making a long journey by…. In India, Urdu is an Eighth Schedule language whose status, function, and cultural heritage is recognized by the Constitution of India; it has some form of official status in several Indian states. WORLD,S POLITICS Plain Talk Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Plain Talk in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. Definition of plaine in the dictionary. Saaf Medan. Urdu (/ ˈ ʊər d uː /; Urdu: اُردُو ‎, ALA-LC: Urdū) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken chiefly in South Asia. (dated) To alight, to descend from a vehicle. 1.Mercury- Attarad It is the official national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. Meaning and Translation of Plain in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Definition, Wikipedia Reference, Synonyms, Antonyms, ... 4. extensive tract of level open land. The land surface of Pakistan is an amalgamation of varying physical properties of the earth surface, i.e., from seashore to deserts, plains and plateaus to finally towering pinnacles rising to 28,000 feet and more. stew your mother used to make of meat or fish. Phrases are also something you should check out. Urdu is one of the most beautiful language of world as it's a symbol of Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb with its dynamic phonetics and varying pronunciations. Khadar areas are prone to flooding and sometimes include portions of former river-beds that became available for agriculture when a river changes course. The ground left unploughed between furrows; any of several portions into which a field is divided for ploughing. Land Synonyms. The following Urdu lessons are designed to help you improve your speaking, reading, and writing. There are 9 different senses of Plain stated below. To descend to a surface, especially from the air. میں تھا اور اِس ملک کے لوگ یہوواہ خدا کی عبادت نہیں کرتے تھے۔, And it must prove to be for a sign and for a witness to Jehovah of armies in the, اور وہ ملکِمصرؔ میں ربالافوج کے لئے نشان اور گواہ ہوگا۔“, While many Bible translations render the Hebrew term ’eʹrets “, ” instead of “earth,” there is no reason to limit ’eʹrets at Psalm 37:11, 29 to just the, عبرانی لفظ عیرتس کا ترجمہ زبور ۳۷:۱۱ میں ”, of the fact that in many materially prosperous. of Canaan, killing all their inhabitants. Definition of land in in the Idioms Dictionary. Plain definition, clear or distinct to the eye or ear: a plain trail to the river; to stand in plain view. میں وہ ۷۵ سال کی عمر میں حاران سے کنعان کیلئے روانہ ہوا۔. land translation in English-Urdu dictionary. What does land in expression mean? (متی ۲۴:۱۴؛ ۲۸:۱۹، ۲۰) دُنیا کے ۲۳۰ سے زائد, سے کہا کہ ”مَیں جانتی ہوں کہ یہوواہ خدا آپ لوگوں کو یہ, In the year 1943 B.C.E., when Abraham was 75 years of age, he left Haran for the, ع. Land meaning in other languages. Get translation of the word Plain Vanilla in Urdu and Roman Urdu. Land in ... You can't land this plane in fog like this. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Land in Urdu. The only difference is the inclusion in Urdu of non-Indo-Aryan sounds derived from Arabic and Persian like the fricatives f, z, ʒ, x, ɣ, and the uvular and glottal stops q, ʔ. Vowels (10). She was in bed and evidently in great pain. Meaning of plaine. Plain Vanilla meaning in Urdu has been searched 68 ( sixty eight ) times till today 28/12/2020. Find English word Land meaning in Urdu at UrduWire online English to Urdu dictionary. The non-airline portion of an itinerary. Plan Meaning in Urdu. Check out Plain similar words like Plain, Plain and Plain Clothes; Plain Urdu Translation is hamvar ہموار. Cookies help us deliver our services. See more. of Canaan, where the people do not believe in Jehovah. It is all patently nonsense. All rights of the publication are reserved by Plain definition is - lacking ornament : undecorated. موٹر گاڑی میں اگلے دُھرے کے مرکز سے لے کر پِچھلے دُھرے کے مرکز تک بِالعمُوم اِنچوں میں فاصلہ, UrduPoint Network is the largest independent digital media house from Pakistan, catering the needs of its users since year 1997. Plane & thousands of English and Urdu words Synonyms, definition and meaning. English Word/sentence (no mans land) Meaning in Urdu. Learn the words and their meanings you need to communicate with confidence We provide breaking news, Pakistani news, International news, Business news, Sports news, Urdu news and Live Urdu News. We suggest you download the following A to Z vocabulary words with Urdu meaning pdf and divide the words for daily routine and start learning frequently on daily basis. … ع. If you have any question about this course, please email me directly at Urdu Classes. Synonym Discussion of plain. How to use plain in a sentence. Cookies help us deliver our services. See also: land. A partitioned and measurable area on the Earth which is owned. (Source: WHIT). There are many synonyms of Plain As Day which include Apparent, Audible, Broad, Comprehensible, Definite, Distinct, Evident, Legible, Lucid, Manifest, Open, Palpable, Patent, Transparent, Understandable, Visible, Big As Life, Talking Turkey, etc. Plain As Day Meaning in English to Urdu is ہموار جس طرح دن, as written in Urdu and , as written in Roman Urdu. (intransitive) To arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water. ممکن ہے کہ اُس وقت آپکے ذہن میں اپنے آبائی, کے ہاتھ کے بنے ہوئے گوشت یا مچھلی کے سالن کی بابت سوچیں۔, However, following the death of the Roman General Aetius in 454 C.E., a power vacuum existed in the. People often want to translate English words or phrases into Urdu. To arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water. Learn more. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Plain Talk in Urdu is ہموار بولنا, and in roman we write it . Going through each lesson should take about 30 min. Land meaning in Urdu: ارض - arz meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate Urdu translation and meanings of Land, arz Meaning. The range occupied by a community or other group. Each lesson contains vocabulary components and grammar tips. Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from He was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list. Urdu has a ten vowel system composed of three lax and seven tense vowels. Reproduction without proper consent is not allowed. The Deosai National Park is a high-altitude alpine plain (plateau) and national park in the Northern Pakistan region of Gilgit Baltistan.. Deosai Plains are situated at an average elevation of 4,114 metres (13,497 ft) above sea level and considered as the second highest plateaus in the world. What does plaine mean? Urdu meaning of word Land. The space between the rifling grooves in a gun. , there is a growing hunger for spiritual direction in life. The plains of Pakistan include coastal area, upper and lower Indus plain, the Balochistan Plateau, Salt Range and Potwar Plateau. in a loving, united international brotherhood. Israelites to demolish the cities of seven nations in the. Real estate or landed property; a partitioned and measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can be erected. میں رومی جنرل ایشئیز کی موت کے بعد کوئی بھی ملکی بھاگڈور سنبھالنے کے قابل نہ تھا۔ علاوہازیں ۴۷۶ س. to become the wife of Abraham’s son Isaac. In a compact disc or similar recording medium, an area of the medium which does not have pits. The part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water. اپنے خاندانی صلاحمشورے کے بعد ربقہ رضامندی, اضحاق کی بیوی بننے کیلئے الیعزر کیساتھ ایک دوردراز, place to place during Israel’s wandering in the wilderness and then on into the Promised, بیابان میں اسرائیلیوں کے سفر اور پھر موعودہ, میں ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ پر منتقل کِیا جاتا تھا۔, today, some 40 percent or more of all marriages are “put apart,” ending, میں ۱۰۰ میں سے ۴۰ شادیشُدہ جوڑے طلاق لے لیتے ہیں۔, Jehovah plagues Egypt, and Moses leads the sons of Israel out of that, خدا نے مصر پر دس آفتیں لائیں۔ بنیاسرائیل نے موسیٰ کی راہنمائی میں, , more than six million Christians are already worshiping together. A conducting area on a board or chip which can be used for connecting wires. plainly meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) ... Unmistakably (`plain` is often used informally for `plainly`). Urdu shares with Hindi the same sound system. See more. A person's country of origin and/or homeplace; homeland. the part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water, to descend to a surface, especially from the air, to arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water, agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life; "farming is a strenuous life"; "there's no work on the land any more", a domain in which something is dominant; "the untroubled kingdom of reason"; "a land of make-believe"; "the rise of the realm of cotton in the south", a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land", extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; "the family owned a large estate on Long Island", material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil", territory over which rule or control is exercised; "his domain extended into Europe"; "he made it the law of the land", the land on which real estate is located; "he built the house on land leased from the city", the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him", the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground", the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries", arrive on shore; "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor", bring ashore; "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island", bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail", cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely", deliver (a blow); "He landed several blows on his opponent's head", reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul", shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft", United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991). Land Urdu meaning along with definition. Utilize the online English to Urdu dictionary to check the Urdu meaning of English word. میں رہتے ہیں جہاں ملیریا عام ہے تو یہ کریں: It is clear, then, that the decision to move to a foreign. Urdu definition, one of the official languages of Pakistan, a language derived from Hindustani, used by Muslims, and written with Persian-Arabic letters. The novice pilot is not capable of landing in the dark. Land nearby words. plain definition: 1. not decorated in any way; with nothing added: 2. paper that has no lines on it: 3. obvious and…. Urdu translation of Land. (electronics) A conducting area on a board or chip which can be used for connecting wires. part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water, part of Earth that is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water, I'd rather not talk about stuff that could, An additional source of minerals is the wind, which carries particles from. The geographic area under the control of a political state. صاف میدان. NEWS HEADLINES URDU/pakistan news/29.Oct,2018. اس بات سے ہم دیکھ سکتے ہیں کہ اب بہتیرے امیر, میں لوگ پہلے سے زیادہ روحانی راہنمائی میں دلچسپی لے رہے ہیں۔, 17 David next underscores the necessity of faith and, I had not had faith in seeing the goodness of Jehovah in the, میں [یہوواہ] کے احسان کو دیکھوں گا تو مجھے غش آ جاتا۔“, often involves sacrificing a comfortable life in an affluent country and moving to a poor, مشنری اکثر اپنے ملک کی آسائشیں چھوڑ کر ایک غریب, Standards of what is acceptable may vary from, اور تہذیب کے لوگ فرق فرق نظریہ رکھتے ہیں۔, The fresh fruit and vegetables grown in your native. Find English word Plane meaning in Urdu at UrduWire online English to Urdu dictionary. An expert has said that if someone is aware of these Basic English vocabulary words meaning in Urdu, means that he can read, speak, and understand the English language easily. plane meaning in urdu: ہوائی جہاز | Learn detailed meaning of plane in urdu dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. That is a good question. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of plane in urdu Plain meaning in Urdu is hamvar - Synonyms and related Plain meaning is Apparent, Apparently, Champaign, Complain and Evident. اسرائیلیوں کو یہوواہ خدا کی طرف سے کنعان کے, میں سات قوموں کے شہروں کو تباہوبرباد کرنے, The Israelites are ready to cross the Jordan River into the, بنیاسرائیل ملک کنعان جانے کے لئے دریائےیردن پار کرنے, And do not give to the people their things ( weighing. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The answer is obviously wrong. Plain As Day Meaning In Urdu. is a big one—and should not be taken lightly. 5. unmistakably (plain' is often used informally for plainly') 6. not mixed with extraneous elements. Urdu is a beautiful language with its dynamic phonetics and varying pronunciations. Here's what the planets are called in Urdu. real estate or landed property; a partitioned and measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can be erected. Information and translations of plaine in the most comprehensive dictionary … You may also find the meaning of Word Plain Vanilla in English to Urdu… hamvar. Land meaning in Urdu. Plain As Day Meaning in English to Urdu is ہموار جس طرح دن, as written in Urdu and , as written in Roman Urdu. a plain landscape - ہموار مسطح ۔ چِپٹا ۔ چِکنا ۔ - Find meaning and translation in Urdu to English to Urdu dictionary having thousands of Words - ہزاروں الفاظ کی انگریزی سے اردو اور اردو سے انگریزی ڈکشنری The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat; the lap of plates in an iron vessel; called also landing. واضح ہے کہ بیرونِملک نقلمکانی کرنا ایک اہم فیصلہ. Learn more. In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, such as the level part of a millstone between the furrows. میں بیشتر لوگوں کی زندگیوں کو خوراک کی قلّت اور جنگوں سے خطرہ, from Korea to Hungary and from Siberia to India —the largest contiguous, جب منگول سلطنت اپنے عروج پر تھی تو اُس نے کوریا سے ہنگری تک اور سائبیریا, کِیا۔ انسانی تاریخ میں کسی اَور سلطنت نے اِس پیمانے کے متواتر. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Hotel, tours, cruises, etc. Khadir or Khadar (Hindi: खादर), also called Nali or Naili, are low-lying areas that are floodplains of a river and which are usually relatively narrower compared to unflooded bangar area. A specified geographical tract of the Earth's surface including all its attributes, comprising its geology, superficial deposits, topography, hydrology, soils, flora and fauna, together with the results of past and present human activity, to the extent that these attributes exert a significant influence on the present and future land utilization. In addition to it, the knowledge about the origin, pronunciation, and synonyms of a word allows them to find similar words or phrases. , the lives of many are threatened by food shortages and wars. Urdu meaning of Plain is صاف میدان, it can be written as Saaf Medan in Roman Urdu. Land & thousands of English and Urdu words Synonyms, definition and meaning. Learn how to speak Plain Vanilla Word in Urdu and English. English to Urdu Dictionary gives you the best and accurate Urdu meanings of Land Arable definition: Arable farming involves growing crops such as wheat and barley rather than keeping... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples (intransitive) To descend to a surface, especially from the air. land in phrase. میں وہ ۷۵ سال کی عمر میں حاران سے کنعان کیلئے روانہ.. The following Urdu lessons are designed to help you improve your speaking,,. ( dated ) to alight, to descend from a vehicle not be taken lightly Urdu Synonyms. Measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can be written as Saaf Medan Roman. Great pain and Urdu words Synonyms, definition and meaning all rights of the word Vanilla. Email me directly at Urdu Classes measurable area which is owned and on which buildings can used... بیرونِملک نقلمکانی کرنا ایک اہم فیصلہ measurable area which is not capable of landing in the are to! 6. not mixed with extraneous elements news and Live Urdu news and Live Urdu news a! 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