profligate in a sentence
How to use profligate in a sentence is shown in this page. But lawmakers bridled at what they said was his profligate spending. May 10, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. shamelessly immoral, After the millionaire saw evidence of his new wife's profligate spending, he quickly filed for a divorce. , During the mayor’s campaign, he swore to put an end to profligate government spending. There was tut - tutting , With no money worries, the hotel heiress makes several profligate purchases every week. What does profligate mean? The profligacy of the West shocked him. 2. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The jury looks back on events that lead to profligate baronet Sir Hubert Ware being tried for murder. Sentence with the word profligate. The amiable character of the king preserved his own popularity, but the government was ignorant and profligate, justice was ill administered, negligence and disorder reigned in all its departments. profligate: Given to or characterized by licentiousness or dissipation. David Irving comments: 1. Examples of profligate in a sentence: 1. Any time someone behaves in a reckless, amoral, or wasteful way, they are engaging in profligate behavior. Profligate used in a sentence How to use Profligate in a sentence as a noun "Add this to the fact that we have a black president named Barrack Hussein Obama, you can see why and profligatew the very people who had no problem with their own government jobs and Bush's profligate spending are suddenly upset with freeloaders and government spending problems. It is not: the frugal depend on the profligate: 13. ‘It is the profligate consumer who has kept the economy afloat since 2000.’ ‘Those with the wealth to engage in profligate energy consumption contribute to the storms that kill and displace hundreds of thousands of people living on coastal lowlands in Bangladesh and elsewhere.’ Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy. All Rights Reserved. Examples of Profligate in a sen. After the millionaire saw evidence of his new wife’s profligate … Add thesaurus 100. Titanic ambition, obsessive vision, furious virtuosity, Prince 's gifts have seemed uncanny -- Mephistophelean, profligate. 3. Gearing of 100 percent for any British company these days is profligate. spending money or using something in a way that wastes it and is not wise: She is well-known for her profligate spending habits. The Scottish hierarchy, by this time corrupt and even profligate, saw the twofold danger and met it firmly. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Profligate. The nucleus of conspirators was also joined by senators whose profligate tastes left them perennially without funds. After the millionaire saw evidence of his new wife's profligate spending, he quickly filed for a divorce. I did not finish the novel because the story’s plot was trite and uninspiring. He became profligate, got drunk at alehouses, sold his master's property to get money, or stole it out of the cashbox. Check the meaning of profligate. After being cast out by the Apostles he came to Rome where, having joined to himself a profligate woman of the name of Helen, he gave out that it was he who appeared as the father on Mt. Learn more. Profligacy in a sentence 1. ? Meaning of profligate. , Tim made a lot of profligate purchases after winning the lottery. After a profligate youth at court, he followed his wife in professing the Roman faith, and in 1585 made an attempt to leave England to seek safety from the penal laws. Voltaire had made, however, a useful friend in another grand seigneur, as profligate and nearly as intelligent, the duke of Richelieu, and with him he passed 1724 and the next year chiefly, recasting Mariamne (which was now successful), writing the comedy of L'Indiscret, and courting the queen, the ministers, the favourites and everybody who seemed worth. N'dour has strongly criticised what he calls the profligate spending of the Wade leadership in a country where formal employment is rare and average income per head is $3 a day.. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph 25 sentence examples: 1. was a useful protest against the idea that the king was a mere:sanguinary profligate, but his representation of him as the self-denying minister of his people's will is erroneous, and is founded on the false theory that the preambles of the acts of Henry's parliaments represented the opinions of the educated laymen of England. Add word 100. Profligate behavior is a lot of fun, but you’ll regret it later — when you get your charge card bill. Don't Get Overwhelmed By the History of profligate Examples of Profligate in a sentence. Given to or characterized by reckless waste; wildly: 31. profligacy is the new prudence. This is how things are done, though, you profligate man!. We had killed it with our profligate use of coal-fired electricity and our oversize cars just as surely as if we had flattened its forest with bulldozers. Profligacy sentence examples In Constantinople itself sedition and profligacy were rampant, the emperors were the tools of faction and cared but little for the interests of their subjects, whose lot was one of hopeless misery and depravity. profligate in a sentence and translation of profligate in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by 5. ; Gabriel sighed for his profligate companions, in the bosom of wedded love and joy. Examples of profligacy in a Sentence. Given to or characterized by licentiousness or dissipation: a profligate nightlife. What Will He Do With It, Complete Edward Bulwer-Lytton The petitions of the pious were matched by the ribaldry of the profligate. During his absence she married the profligate spendthrift, P. Cornelius Dolabella. They are brainwashed into becoming spoiled, profligate, wasteful, and irresponsible. If you want to save money for college, you should stop your prodigal spending sprees. The profligate use of antibiotics has led to the evolution of resistant bacteria. profligates in a sentence - Use "profligates" in a sentence 1. Given to or characterized by licentiousness or dissipation: a profligate nightlife. It was poor today and against better sides United cannot afford to be so profligate. Learn more.. Recent Examples on the Web People often identify holiday profligacy as a modern problem, hastened by malls and chain stores and online shopping. 1.) The profligacy of the West shocked him. ; Link a man to the pulpit, and he cannot proceed to any great lengths in profligate life. 3. . profligate synonyms, profligate pronunciation, profligate translation, English dictionary definition of profligate. , Entertainment magazines are filled with the profligate ways in which celebrities waste money. 3. 2. His enemies denounced him as a pretender, a selfish intriguer, and an abandoned profligate; his supporters placed him among the sages and sometimes even among the saints. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Add collection 200. But in Asia, where saving has long been a self-evident virtue, that message has yet to catch on. profligate life if they were involved in sexual scandals. profligate consumption of natural resources. N'dour has strongly criticised what he calls the profligate spending of the Wade leadership in a country where formal employment is rare and average income per head is $3 a day.. Moyo shows well how fundamental economic liberalisation espoused by what she calls the profligate, greedy, self-interested west has come back to bite it. 4. , Because I considered both presidential candidates to be profligate spenders, I had a hard time deciding how to cast my vote. Her husband was reportedly abusive and a profligate spender, and even began selling off some of his wife's wardrobe and personal effects to deter creditors, though he during the conflict on the Eastern front. 10. An example of profligate is a newly rich person buying houses for all their friends. 2. '. Recession, they reason a penance for past profligacy. The firm’s profligate spending only hastened its downfall. It was as if, having experienced it, we did … Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Check the meaning of profligate. . A footman, about 28, handsome, profligate, envious, and insolent. You have profited by their toil to lead a profligate life. She is well-known for her profligate spending habits. Sentence Examples for profligate. Vote & Rate 5. He was a cruel and profligate fanatic. Bishop Heber described them as follows: - "The country is burdened with a crowd of lazy, profligate, self-called sawars (cavaliers), who, though many of them are not worth a rupee, conceive it derogatory to their gentility and Pathan blood to apply themselves to any honest industry, and obtain for the most part a precarious livelihood by sponging on the industrious tradesmen and farmers, on whom they levy a sort of blackmail, or as hangers-on to the wealthy and noble families yet remaining in the province. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. profligate waste of resources around the University. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Under the influence of his stepfather, Cornelius Lentulus Sura, he spent a profligate youth. i need to make a sentences with each of the following words. profligate lifestyle had brought him to the Fleet prison. 2. It was as if, having experienced it, we did not recognize what happiness was. The definition of profligate is acting wasteful or spending money too freely. Middleton and Tarbat were cashiered, and the able but profligate earl of Rothes united four or five of the highest offices in his own person, Lauderdale remaining at court as secretary for Scotland. As investors focus on that gap the most profligate rich countries such as Britain will suffer: 15. 4. profligate meaning: 1. spending money or using something in a way that wastes it and is not wise: 2. behaving in a way…. Examples were pulled from our literature database and sorted, but have not been approved by an editor. This profligate recipe for survival is used by many animals of many kinds. 1 (of 15) Charles Morris The instrument of his deliverance at last was the ringleader of the mob, the greatest profligate in the country. The instrument of his deliverance at last was the ringleader of the mob, the greatest profligate in the country. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Profligate but also gives extensive definition in English language. Profligate, as a noun or as an adjective, implies recklessly wasting your money on extravagant luxury. wildly extravagant or wasteful; 2.) I have never written a book or article on the Holocaust; not a very profligate denier. He is a careless profligate: 10. Example sentences for "profligate" in popular movie and book plots "Power piggery", the profligate use of electricity, is a crime. We will examine the difference between the definitions of proliferate and profligate, where these words came from and some examples of their use in sentences. 2. Profligacy, sloth, licentiousness, gluttony, pride. Years of falling revenues and profligate spending have left the state in a fiscal crisis. We had killed it with our profligate use of coal-fired electricity and our oversize cars just as surely as if we had flattened its forest with bulldozers. 1.) Since she is a profligate … How to use profligate in a sentence is shown in this page. profligate in a sentence. Parties are falling into profligate factions. Visit a page 5. - The Cool War. I don't think I'm particularly profligate, (in fact, even frugal on occasion! 20 sample sentences for PROFLIGATE. profligate ways before we end by destroying both ourselves and His world. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But public profligacy cannot last for ever. , While our employees have not received a pay raise in four years, our company president recently made a profligate statement by getting a private jet. In the early years of his father's pontificate he led a profligate life at the Vatican. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 6. To what extent the accusations of profligate morals brought against these reforming sectarians were justified remains doubtful; and the same uncertainty rests upon the alleged iniquities of the Templars. Thanks for contributing. ; He spoke the language of a saint, and lived the life of a profligate and a reprobate. — Amanda … shamelessly im. Marcus Antonius, commonly called Mark Antony, the Triumvir, grandson of Antonius the "orator" and son of Antonius Creticus, related on his mother's side to Julius Caesar, was born about 83 B.C. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. See more. Sentence Examples for profligate. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples But the away side was far too profligate in front of goal, allowing the Blues to come away with victory. Nought stirring save a stealthy, profligate, good-for-nothing cat, flitting fine through yon area bars. In a profligate age William was distinguished by the purity of his married life, by temperate habits and by a sincere piety. Examples of Prodigal in a sentence. We find him at one time admitting that Catiline had almost persuaded him of his honesty and merit, and even seeking a political union with him; at another, when his alliance had been rejected and an election was at hand, declaiming against him as a murderer and a profligate. Although the sources are not profl , Since she is a profligate spender, Jill buys tons of items she never uses. Add a comment 10. 2. During the mayor’s campaign, he swore to put an end to profligate government spending. We cannot have a profligate goat. Examples of profligate in a sentence Add a sentence Cancel. Definition of profligate in the dictionary. Historic Tales, Vol. Profligate spending to prop up the economy is bankrupting the nation. Profligate: using money, resources, etc., in a way that wastes them. He had been profligate with his money and was in debt. The golden toad was the first documented victim of global warming. The definition of Profligate is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. prodigyed that these be distributed in the most profligate manner - and particularly in the Parachute Regiment which has performed such prodigies. profligate spending of local authorities. 574) as a fop and a profligate. ; The Moorish women were never so profligate … Examples of Trite in a sentence. ‘It is the profligate consumer who has kept the economy afloat since 2000.’ ‘Those with the wealth to engage in profligate energy consumption contribute to the storms that kill and displace hundreds of thousands of people living on coastal lowlands in Bangladesh and elsewhere.’ Manos is a notable critic of profligate government spending and waste. How to use profligate in a sentence. Profligate meaning and example sentences with profligate. "Yes, I never thought of it, but I have led a contemptible and profligate life, though I did not like it and did not want to," thought Pierre. Information and translations of profligate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Top definition is 'To drive away; to overcome. After all, Fenland district council is not profligate. The senator’s response to the … Profligate definition, utterly and shamelessly immoral or dissipated; thoroughly dissolute. ringleader of the mob, the greatest profligate in the country. Similarly Americans have been profligate in the handling of mineral resources: 14. She showed most favour to her reactionary generals and statesmen, to the Church and religious orders, and was constantly the tool of corrupt and profligate courtiers and favourites who gave her court a deservedly bad name. profligate should be in sentence. Titanic ambition, obsessive vision, furious virtuosity, Prince 's gifts have seemed uncanny -- Mephistophelean, profligate. Pray that God will turn us from our profligate ways before we end by destroying both ourselves and His world. adjective. 4. Her husband was reportedly abusive and a profligate spender, and even began selling off some of his wife's wardrobe and personal effects to deter creditors, though he 32+2 sentence examples: 1. Someone who is profligate spends too much money or uses too much of something. Profligate used in sentence example & words in English. Titanic ambition, obsessive vision, furious virtuosity, Prince's gifts have seemed uncanny -- Mephistophelean, profligate. Pronounce word 150. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Though a man of profligate and arrogant character, he enjoyed a great reputation as a teacher; Quintilian and Persius are said to have been his pupils. The golden toad was the first documented victim of global warming. He was believed to have made away with his wife and his son to win the profligate and wealthy Aurelia Orestilla; it was even suspected that he had been guilty of an intrigue with the Vestal Fabia. the days of the Grenville ministry, John and The Wilkes, a profligate and scurrilous writer, had been North, , arrested on a general warrantthat is to say, a warrant BritosJ. Being offended with the English for giving protection to a native official who had escaped with treasure from Dacca, he attacked and took Calcutta on the 20th of June 1756. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. All the works of this most profligate of friars are tender and holy beyond description. 6. At parties, I tend to avoid trite conversations because they are dull and do not reveal any new information. A most profligate waste of time! Of these the best known were: the Kolakes, in which he pilloried the spendthrift Callias, who wasted his substance on sophists and parasites; Maricas, an attack on Hyperbolus, the successor of Cleon, under a fictitious name; the Baptae, against Alcibiades and his clubs, at which profligate foreign rites were practised. The man who was not a sinecurist or a peculator was pretty sure to … He is wicked and profligate: 11. Much more rarely, profligate can refer to behavior considered immoral or to someone who behaves in such a way. - The Ware Case (1938 film) 1. They are often confused. She is of the Old Faith, while in her eyes he is a godless profligate. Throughout his life he was a profligate and a spendthrift. , Not surprisingly, none of the company’s leaders are willing to accept responsibility for the profligate manner in which our money was spent. Profligacy sentence examples In Constantinople itself sedition and profligacy were rampant, the emperors were the tools of faction and cared but little for the interests of their subjects, whose lot was … The young profligate needs to be controlled: 12. The most probable explanation is that Gowrie laid, with the utmost secrecy, a plot to lure James to Perth, kidnap him there, transport him to Fastcastle, a fortress of the profligate and intriguing Logan of Restalrig, on the Berwickshire coast, and then raise the Presby- terian party. 3. English words and Examples of Usage use "profligate" in a sentence The nucleus of conspirators was also joined by senators whose profligate tastes left them perennially without funds. wildly extravagant or wasteful; 2.) 5. Pray that God will turn us from our profligate ways before we end by destroying both ourselves and His world. Nor are they judgmental about Estrada's profligate life style. innocuous - not intended to cause offense or provoke a strong reaction; harmless penitent - feeling regret/sorrow for having committed sins/misdeeds profligate - extremly extravagant or wasteful --adj.-- peccadillo - a minor offense --noun-- callous - showing no concern that other people are upset or hurt any suggestions?? adj. The words proliferate and profligate are close in spelling and pronunciation, but have very different meanings. 2. Judges and juries alike were maddened with excitement, and listened greedily to the lies which poured forth from the lips of profligate informers. We should be concerned about our future because of our prodigal youth. Profligate definition is - wildly extravagant. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. They do not represent the opinions of Definition of Profl. Profligate definition: Someone who is profligate spends too much money or uses too much of something. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Define profligate. After the prodigal son spent all of his inheritance, he had to get a low-paying job. , My sister is profligate and wants to have only the best things in life. a profligate and a drunkard; She was a sensible woman and so she could not help looking upon me as a dissolute profligate incapable of real love. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Of global warming were maddened with excitement, and lived the life a. Be concerned about our future because of our prodigal youth database and sorted, but ’... Consent to the Fleet prison be profligate spenders, i tend to avoid trite conversations because they are and. The lottery remembering your preferences and repeat visits the website 31. profligacy is new! 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