is mega audino good

is mega audino good

nothing can take you down. Nature: Impish Psychic is just a Poison coverage if you decide to mega evolve it. Please see my move-set on Steelix to have any idea what I'm on about. Ability: Healer That's pretty much the only good I can find with Audino. Audino Calm mind Atk, 8 HP -Wish (For healing) Audino (F) @ Focus Sash Maybe because it's a bit opinionated, as KRLW said. Honestly mega Audino wasn’t the best, but it was ok, hear me out. - Toxic Amazing bulk, decent special attack, access to calm mind. I like to use it as if I am on low health and the target switches in on a healthy Pokemon, BOOM! It is also the only viable Wish user available because of these traits, completely outclassing other potential users. Simple Beam Which is better competitively: Mega Kangaskhan or Mega Metagross? This strategy exists to make Regigigas the terrifying sweeping tank he should be. Mega Audino is a very interesting new Mega Pokemon. The high bulk, pathetic ATK, and pink appearance makes it an excellent candidate for those pink-themed gyms, if only it didn't share the exact same weaknesses. Calm Nature Healing moves are not very useful because opponents can easily overwhelm an Audino by double-targeting it. Knock Off is to remove your opponent's item. EVs: 252 HP, 128 Def, 128 SpDef Heal Bell As a side note, the extra Stardust awarded for catching Audino makes it a high priority target. hey guys this is my first time answering one of these. Flamethrower is to deal with Steel.Normal,psychic,ice and fairy ard all not very effective to steel. Priority is everywhere, and Speed alone isn’t enough. better than blissey ( blissey always gets insta killed by most phy fighting moves). Draining kiss (STAB) Mega Audino came as a surprise in the Mega Evolution fad for gen 6 (ORAS). Flamethrower. Poor guy. -Trick Room - Protect/Fire Blast/Hidden Power Ground. In tandem with its low Speed, this makes Mega Audino an excellent pivot, and … (Sorry I got really beaten down by one recently), and it has a decent hp. Nature: Bold/Calm/Modest, Rest/Wish/Heal Pulse Heal bell (good for geyting rid of status) Ability:Healer If you have a good competitive moveset for Audino, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. 12 3 Mega Audino: Normal: Erases one kind of Pokémon with the same type as Mega Audino (max 10). Just set up two calm minds+ then sweep, Audino @ Audinite My thought process was that buffing the enemies stats while behind a substitute would allow audino to set up really well as long as they can tank the first attack (this would probably work as long as the confusion from swagger/flatter works at least once). - Calm Mind Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. With Mega Mewtwo X, it transforms into… -Draining Kiss Huy's Audino was actually why I was so drawn to Mega Audino originally, the pure support nature of it along with huge bulk is a lot of fun to play with. Poor guy. I do agree that soooo many other Pokemon deserved a mega evolution over Audino, flygon included, I honestly have no idea why Audino was chosen. PSYCHIC/ LAST RESORT for extra damage if they aren't dead yet. Calm mind, sleep talk and rest, with dazzling gleam, and it gets really hard to take out. When Audino evolves into Mega Audino, it becomes both heavier and taller and its body color also changes. - Wish -Light Screen For Pokemon Ultra Sun on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Mega Audino a good mon". The official Korean Pokemon website has given fans a serendipitous sneak peek of Mega Slowbro and Mega Audino, though both pages have since been taken down. Audino also needs to hold a mega stone and prevents teammates from mega evolving. Don't use it in a singles format. Ultimate tank with the evs and the calm minds Ability: Regenerator --> Healer Pokemon Mega Audino is a fictional character of humans. Dazzling Gleam/Draining Kiss I do agree that soooo many other Pokemon deserved a mega evolution over Audino, flygon included, I honestly have no idea why Audino was chosen. Audino really isn’t the best attacker but in double battles it is a good support, although i’ll Admit that Pokemon like blissey and even gardevoir a way better, but it’s always a nice surprise to have a competitive audino/mega audino come and confuse your whole team with sweetkiss, heal itself with draining kiss, and use substitute instead of just fainting! The M Audino-EX Mega Battle Deck is centered around Mega Audino and the Colorless-type. - Yawn/Thunder Wave/Toxic/Knock Off/Simple Beam. Thanks to high defensive stats and a workable defensive typing, Mega Audino is one of NU's premier walls, able to take on a large variety of the tier's attackers. The 'opinion' questions that break the rules are like this: Just because a Pokemon is surprising doesn't mean it's good. EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD or 252 HP / 252 SpD / 8 SpD The pink pattern on its body resembles a coat, and it has a pudgy cream-colored belly and underside. HP 220. An excellent ability pre-Mega Evolution also … Sigh lets see what we can do with this little guy. When 1 of your Pokémon becomes a Mega Evolution Pokémon, your turn ends. MEGA Evolves From: Audino-EX. - Wish Egg hatching can be predicted as well. However do keep in mind it takes up a mega slot. Audino (F) @ Audinite Not even a pebble rolling along over a mile away will escape Audino’s ears. Two new Mega Evolutions for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have been accidentally leaked. Ability: Regenerator Most Mega Audino sets run either a Calm Mind + offensive/defensive set or a cleric/support set. status and get more bulk hope this set helps you guys out :3, Mega Audino and Regigigas double battle strategy - Echoed Voice Ability: Healer Trick Room setter. It seems that if you happen to make a combo with a Mega Audino, with a Mega Audino in a neighbouring space, it will trigger the mega effect for that space too. -wish/heal bell Find Audino in the Pokédex Explore More Cards M Audino-EX. Wish Mega Audino will be the ultimate supporter of doubles. Evs:Sp.Def,Sp.Atk Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. What is the password for the Earful Audino ♪ C-Gear skin? Mega Audino is basically a lower tier Blissey or Chansey. The EVs and nature both lean towards bulk and defense, as this mon won't be doing any attacking itself. What do you guys think. Hyper Beam -Reflect. Audino @ Audinite Calm mind ( boosts your sp def and your special offenses), Audinite EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD Heal Bell plus Healer ensures Regigigas will never be crippled by status moves. - Trick Room Nature:Modest/Bold/Calm Dazzling gleam Which is all well and good, but Mega Alakazam is held back by the simple fact that it needs to hold its Mega Stone. EVs: 252 Def, 252 HP, 4 Atk Audino has 94 Speed with this set. Well I don’t think audino should of got a mega because you know? Mega Audino has incredible defensive stats but doesn't have an ability in Pokemon Single Battles. There is only single Creator of everything and anything All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects. Audino is about as useless in the PvE meta as Chansey is. Wish, Protect and Heal Bell are all the standard jazz of any Cleric. - Protect Its up to you. Trick room is for speed, obviously. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread. That said, it's really hard to justify using a Mega slot on it because of the huge drop in overall offensive presence you're giving up. Not only that, it gained a Fairy-type! Mega Audino. - Toxic Opponents who prepare for Chansey or Tapu Fini can just as easily defeat an Audino. EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 SpA Audino @ Audinite Pain Split is a good move for recovery, and can be very annoying to deal with. Aside from Charizard, Mewtwo is the only other Pokémon with two Mega Evolutions. Dazzling Gleam/Hyper Voice. So here's a support set for Doubles. Audino is one of my favorite Pokemon, and I have spent quite a bit of time in this moveset, hope it helps! Mediocre in the long run. - Protect/Trick Room/Yawn. Ability: Regenerator --> Healer Toxic is to wear down the opponent's HP. -Psychic / Last Resort (Psychic to get rid of those pesky poison types / Last Resort for extreme damage after using all your moves). But it will always struggle to compensate for its stats. Erases all Pokemon within one space of the match. Mega Audino evolution can be too much beneficial for you in every battle as its Moveset, Stats, Abilities are quite good in defense and in catching the rivals while ou needs to handle weakness that it has against other Pokemon. -psyshock Ability: Regenerator EVs: Def/S.Def/HP/S.Atk Audino is not good in single-battles. Really though this is just a matter of opinion, and as much as I might want to sometimes, I can’t undo the fact that audino has a mega evolution, so we can just hope that other Pokemon have mega evolutions in the next gen. ), ABILITY: Regenerator, [Healer for Doubles], -Toxic (Bread and Butter for Stalling) -Flamethrower/Thunder Wave/Ice Beam/Hyper Voice, Audino (F) @ Light Clay If you ask me, I believe Audino should have been a Fairy-type in the first place, since it could use a viability boost. Protect can be used to complement Wish, or you could run Fire Blast for Ferrothorn and Scizor. Audino also makes a great Wish passer with it's relatively high HP stat. However, in competitive you’ll find that if used effectively (especially in double battles) Audino can be a decent support Pokemon. TEAM UNKILLIBLE!!! Impish Nature Mega-Audino needs a special move that works like Dark Void with higher priority than the others. Honestly mega Audino wasn’t the best, but it was ok, hear me out. Toxic will make the target slowly take damage while the Focus Sash will have it endure a hit. Last Resort/hyper beam/Any strong normal move, I would put EV's in health and either def or sp def depending on whether last resort is included or not. Thats all I could get for this poor lil Pokemon, I know it has potential, but unfortunately when there are better fairy types like Gardevoir, Clefable, Klefki, Azumarill and more, it gets over-shadowed. I recommend heal bell Bold Nature Ability: Healer Use reflect and light screen to make sure that instant KOs dont happen(not that they would anyway) and to severely reduce damage taken.Use safe guard if you chose it then top off your partners health. Ability: Healer The problems Mega Audino faced were against Poison and Steel types, Taunt/Encore, and hinderances such as Toxic Spikes. -Wish Audino’s sense of hearing is superb. The ability is interchangeable. -SINGLES ONLY-, Audino-Mega @ Audinite Oh Audino, why can't you learn moonblast..? Start using helping hand (if you chose it) to increase attack. -Protect (Can't be a staller without it) This thing can be VERY useful, and very bulky if used right. Mega Alakazam, Mega Gallade, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Latios, and Mega Mewtwo X are other good options, each bringing something new to the table thanks to their typing and/or stat differences. Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) Audino : Nature : Gentle Item : Yache Berry Ability : Healer Moveset : Have an attacking move somewhere so you aren't complete Taunt bait. Advice to newbs: If you want to use this set, Careful nature would also work well here, since it is non-offensive. This is the "in harmony with Steelix " move-set I was talking about. Audino has floppy ears with thin, curled extensions on the underside. Strategy questions are fine. Move-set Audino @ Audinite - Psyshock. - Safeguard, Item: Chesto Berry/Leftovers/Light Clay/Lum Berry/Red Card Nature: Bold Rest and Sleep Talk make you a tank because if your sleeping you could not attack anyway so it does not make a difference for Hyper Beam. Ca n't you learn moonblast.. wear down the opponent 's item ( Repeat above strategy for about 2-4.... It helps is non-offensive been knocked out, your turn ends of pink and cream ears ;,! 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