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However, various studies have shown that there are certain qualities of tequila that make the spirit a healthier choice. Remember, probiotics are live bacteria, but good bacteria that can be found in our intestines. “Tequila is a strong option in more ways than one!” Tidmarsh explains to The Independent. In late October 2016, a number of Facebook posts asserted that tequila, a strong liquor distilled from fermented mash of the agave plant, acts as a probiotic and confers myriad health benefits: Tequila, at least the good kind made from 100% agave, has been linked to weight loss, lower cholesterol and lower blood sugar. On the whole, alcohol is not conducive to burning fat or building muscle. Its not new news that agave nectar (agave syrup) may be a better alternative to sugar. But when you compare it to other liquors you may be drinking, tequila has some unique benefits.To experience these benefits to the fullest, only purchase tequila that is made from 100 percent agave. Simple sugars in many food products can raise your blood sugar; this effect is what connects many added sugars to diseases like Type 2 diabetes. Benefits Colon. Agave nectar is a natural sweetener, much like honey, which is derived from numerous varieties of the blue agave plant – the same plant that is used in making tequila. But whether you’re actually a fan of the Mexican spirit or reluctantly grimace your way through the ritual, you may be pleased to know that - as alcoholic drinks go - tequila actually has some health benefits. 2. We did our research and found different ways tequila can help with your health. “For guys, the booze you choose can have a big effect on your hormones. You must be surprised to hear that! In the U.S., regulations allow tequila to be made with as little as 51 percent agave supplemented with other sugar sources — … As long as you are drinking 100% pure agave tequila, the following health perks may benefit you: 1) The “agavina” (natural sugar of the agave plant) boosts insulin production and helps lower blood sugar , especially in diabetics, and may also lower cholesterol . He lists tequila in the top three recommended after vodka and gin. Mixing up with Tequila, it adds up the benefits of Tequilla as well. Research has found that tequila can help lower your blood sugar. It comes with different names such as Tequila Silver, Blanco, Plata, Platinum, or White. Today we’re focusing on why you should always choose 100%, but if you’re interested in learning more about the laws related to tequila, you can read about those here. Just make sure what you're drinking is made from 100 percent agave-consider this your excuse to splurge on the Patrón. This is not a health food that you should like, but tequila can be an alternative to losing weight. Mixto, on the other hand, contains up to 49% non-agave ingredients. Avoid sugary mixers or taking shots of tequila to reap its health benefits, from weight loss to lower dementia risk. In fact, it can lower glucose levels and increase insulin production. Tequila is made from the agave plant, which is a natural form of sugar. In other words, the super unhealthy practice of bingeing on tequila shots every night isn't going to do your bones any good, but the occasional marg is something you can actually put under the "healthy" column. According to research by a Mexican scientist, the plant from which tequila is made – the blue weber agave plant – contains substances that enhance the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the body, both of which are essential minerals for maintaining bone health. Tequila Propmotes Weight Loss. As long as you are drinking 100% pure agave tequila, the following health perks may benefit you: 1) The “agavina” (natural sugar of the agave plant) boosts insulin production and helps lower blood sugar, especially in diabetics, and may also lower cholesterol. What’s more, some people suggest taking a shot before a meal in a bid to boost metabolism and then one afterwards to aid digestion. Whatever the reason, benefits will be felt when consumed in moderate amounts. But everyone - perhaps especially those training hard - needs to let their hair down from time to time. Although it’s often considered a party drink, tequila actually relaxes people by calming nerves, and it’s for this reason it’s thought to be helpful for insomniacs. In this article, we will look at the benefits of tequila (100% agave) for health. It’s good for your bones. Thus, light alcohol like Tequila will help without pushing your body over the border. Tequila is made using the agave plant, which contains sugars called agavins. It cleanses the colon. All Rights Reserved. The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. The sugars in agave called agavins are non-digestible, meaning they don’t raise your blood sugar when you consume them. If the tequila isn’t labeled 100% agave, it's probably mixed with non-agave sugars including cane sugar. The health benefits of tequila is helps the absorption of calcium in the blood that affects the formation of bone well. Health guru Dave Asprey of Bulletproof recommends drinking clear spirits if you are on a strict diet, yet want to enjoy alcohol. When it comes to the health benefits of tequila, we’re not talking about the bottom shelf stuff you remember from your college days. If he only knew about mezcal! The important to make Tequila drinks is blue agave. We are not saying tequila is a health food. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment. To tequila lovers, this sounds like a … Well, tequila made with 100 percent blue agave, like Patrón and Herradura, that is. Here are 15 of those powerful benefits. 21 Ways to Live a Long Life, 10 Surprising Benefits of Tequila You Never Knew, Ideal Summer Food: 7 Cooling and Hydrating Cucumber Recipes, These Surprising Carbs Will Accelerate Your Weight-Loss, 20 Health Benefits Of Okra That Are Constantly Overlooked, Why Artificial Sweeteners are Preventing you from Losing 10 Pounds, 17 Weight Loss Recipes That Are Incredibly Nutritious and Super Delicious, 8 Best Teas for Weight Loss and Fat Burning, 25 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Energize Your Day, 15 Healthy Recipes for Dinner (For Fast Weight Loss), 15 Ways to Boost Your Motivation for Success, 10 Personal Development Goals for Success and Happiness, 30 Essential Core Values for Living the Life You Want, What It Means To Have A Successful Life And How To Have One, 55 Quotes About Achieving Goals To Help You Stay Motivated, How to Ask for Help When You’re Afraid To Do So, 13 Inspirational Life Lessons For Success, 9 Ways to Build and Keep Healthy Personal Boundaries, 4 Signs You’re Emotionally Drained (And What To Do), How to Release Anger Without Hurting Others, 19 Definitions Of Success You Should Never Ignore, 10 Personal Development Goals for Success and Happiness, 15 Inspiring Ideas to Boost Your Motivation for Success, How to Raise Your Self Worth and Trust Yourself More, Intermittent Fasting Diet for Beginners (The Complete Guide), The Best Fitness Plan for You Based on Your Body Type, 20 Health Affirmations to Stay Fit Physically and Mentally. Read, Health benefits of a Margaritas. This type of tequila gets all of its sugars purely from the agave. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. By no means do we endorse binge drinking and recommend 1 to 2 shots when imbibing. This is one time when that would be hazardous. Before you start drinking, it's important to know not all tequila … The surprising benefits of tequila include its ability to regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion, aid in weight loss, lower risk of dementia, and prevent nausea. 2 - Tequila has health benefits. According to research by a Mexican scientist, the plant from which tequila is made - the blue weber agave plant - contains substances that enhance the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the body, both of which are essential minerals for maintaining bone health. History of Tequila. “With around 60 calories per shot, compared to potentially over 160 in a glass of white wine, you can make some awesome long drinks with soda and lime to enjoy the summer and not destroy your progress in the gym. The health benefits of tequila include: It lowers blood sugar levels Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate? Tequila does not belong to the group of “healthy food”, but expresses a beneficial effect on health. Agave has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Tequila obtained from the fermentation of the blue agave plant (agave tequilana).This drink during the first widely produced by the Aztecs around the 15th century, they called these drinks by name octli or pulque. Just make sure what you're drinking is made from 100 percent agave-consider this your excuse to splurge on the Patrón. So pick up two or three tequilas (not 10) rather than your trendy craft beer.”. From boosting your bone health to helping you lose weight, here’s how tequila - if it’s high quality, 100 per cent agave tequila - could be good for you. And this is only one of its advantages. The agavins contained in tequila are a type of fructans which should not be confused with fructose. From decreasing weight gain to helping your bones, here are the health benefits of 100% blue agave tequila. Details: While tequila is definitely not a “health food”, it actually has several surprising health benefits. Another mention for health benefits from Tequila is, this drink is probiotic. 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Tequila. Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our Community Guidelines. Leer en español. The Blue Agave Plant and its Health Benefits. Mostly fillers because real blue agave is in short supply. If he only knew about mezcal! It’ll Help Digestion According to Medical Daily, if you slam back a shot of 100% blue agave tequila after a meal of pizza and beer (or whatever you usually have for … This is because the agave plant contains a significant amount of inulin, a substance that … No more hangovers. 3. Health Benefits of Beer; Health Benefits of White Wine; Benefits of Red Wine; How To Make Tequila. Until I was introduced to the good stuff during a business trip to Mexico many years ago, I couldn’t stomach the stuff. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? #2. [9] Next time you suffer from cold, try some lime and tequila instead of over-the-counter drugs. Ale and lagers create an environment where oestrogen can thrive - the ultimate nightmare for guys looking to add muscle. Made With 100% Blue Agave. Since tequila is made up of fermented blue agave nectar, is it possible that it may have some health benefits, like acting as a probiotic? But tequila - especially if you consume the 100 % blue agave tequila - apparently helps in digestion because of the presence of inulin. Some experts on the Blue Agave plant have noted that a shot of 100% Blue Agave Spirits before lunch can stimulate your appetite, and a shot after dinner will act as a digestive. Salud! The health benefits come from a healthy amount consumed. By no means do we endorse binge drinking and recommend 1 to 2 shots when imbibing. But tequila - especially if you consume the 100 % blue agave tequila - apparently helps in digestion because of the presence of inulin . Start your Independent Premium subscription today. What makes things worse is that mixto producers are not required to tell you what they use. Researchers have discovered that tequila can help those with type 2 diabetes. It is however important to note that Tequila Gold also comes as a mixed drink and may simply be added with colorants to market it like its more premium counterpart. Well, tequila made with 100 percent blue agave, like Patrón and Herradura, that is. {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}}, The surprising health benefits of tequila, Five of the best cocktails for National Tequila Day, You may not agree with our views, or other users’, but please respond to them respectfully, Swearing, personal abuse, racism, sexism, homophobia and other discriminatory or inciteful language is not acceptable, Do not impersonate other users or reveal private information about third parties, We reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts and ban offending users without notification. In near city of Tequila, there are a lot of blue agave. #1. These usually consist of sugar cane or other distillable products, but can also include additives such as flavorings and colorings. It is an alcoholic beverage that is considered to have health benefits. This plant contains fructans which aren't digestible. From the agave plant 100% authentic tequila is not only the best drink you’ll have ever have but it provides some interesting health benefits. There are strict regulations in regards to both mixto and 100% agave tequilas. But first, let’s set some basics down. Whilst tequila may not be your go-to post-meal digestif, studies suggest it may actually be the best choice to help you digest your food. It will looks like a pineapple. True blue agave Tequila costs $35-$50.00/bottle where I live. 100% agave tequila is pure agave and nothing else. Probably because it comes from the agave, a close relation to aloe vera.” A member named Howard agrees with Leppert about the quality of tequila: “Cheap brands of Tequila have very little agave in them. True tequila is made from the agave plant that originates from Mexico. Blue Agave— the main product for this alcohol—has a large amount of Inulin. In fact, for thousands of years, alcohol was believed to cure a number of health conditions. Although consuming it in excess can cause several diseases, it can actually have health benefits when drank in moderation since it comes from agave, according to the American Chemical Society. Tequila is made using the agave plant, which contains sugars called agavins. So enjoy in moderation and look for 100% Blue Weber Agave on the label. An average shot does plenty to reap the health benefits of tequila. Before a further discussion about tequila health benefits, however, let's take a look at the history of this distilled spirit. Aids Digestion. So, tequila can increase calcium stores in the body and reduce the risk for osteoporosis. By no means do we endorse binge drinking and recommend 1 to 2 shots when imbibing. 1. Tequila isn't the drink you'd consider having after a meal, but after discovering its benefits post-meal, you might change your mind. Look for “100% agave” tequila, to get the best health benefits. There are many variants of tequila available in market but one must always look for a high quality product which marks ‘100% agave’ sign in order to derive maximum health benefits. “Unlike most other hard liquors, tequila doesn’t spike your blood sugar, which means even people with type 2 diabetes can drink it — in fact, it may even lower glucose levels and increase insulin production.” The agavins, natural sugars in agave, are non-digestible so blood sugar levels won't spike. Here are three reasons you should always reach for 100% agave when drinking your tequila. And, be mindful that this advice only works if enjoying Tequila in moderation. In the U.S., regulations allow tequila to be made with as little as 51 percent agave supplemented with other sugar sources — which can lead to those nasty hangovers. Aids Digestion. Pairing that shot with a … Simple sugars in many food products can raise your blood sugar; this effect is what connects many added sugars to diseases like Type 2 diabetes. Hope you enjoyed some 100% agave tequila for National Tequila Day, and here are some powerful health benefits. These good bacteria are an integral part of our immune systems and keep us healthy. Health Benefits of Tequila 1. Agavins are the sugars which occur naturally in the agave plant - they are non-digestible which means they act as a dietary fibre and also support growth of healthful microbes in the mouth and intestines. Slamming a shot will in turn slam you back. Health guru Dave Asprey of Bulletproof recommends drinking clear spirits if you are on a strict diet, yet want to enjoy alcohol. The difference in taste is remarkable compared to the cheap stuff. If you are going to drink tequila for celebration or health, we only recommend the best 100% Blue Agave tequila : 3 Amigos Tequila. 1. Blue agave is probiotic and prebiotic. Read our full mailing list consent terms here. Look for tequila with the words “100% agave” for greater health benefits and drink no more than 1-2 glasses. Native to deserts in areas of Mexico and southwestern states such as Arizona and New Mexico, agave plants are edible and nutritious. The Blue Agave Plant and its Health Benefits. Tequila Gold can also be a pure tequila if it is a silver tequila is mixed with another type like Reposado or Añejo, while maintaining its 100% agave content. Another mention for health benefits from Tequila is, this drink is probiotic. Tequila Propmotes Weight Loss. Agavins have been shown to help people feel fuller and thus eat less too. Did you ever know that tequila can help you lose weight? To take advantage of tequila, you should take a product made only from the agave plant. But the good stuff…? You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Here are a few reasons why it’s so good. Made from the juice of the blue agave plant, tequila has been around since the 16th century, but it was first mass-produced in the early 1800s, in … Tequila follows the golden rule, if you treat it right it will treat you right. This is liquor, so we don’t recommend it for you, just as our knowledge explains the benefits. Agave, the key ingredient for making tequila is proved to improve your immune system and fight diseases like the common cold, flu, etc. It can improve bowel movement in the digestive system, help with high blood pressure, and be used as a natural taste enhancer for food. The top shelf is worth the investment for Tequila.” The agave plant contains high levels of inulin, which helps the digestive system by growing good bacteria. This is liquor, so we don’t recommend it for you, just as our knowledge explains the benefits. Women are prone to brittle bone disease, they recommended to drink a little tequila … 2) Some studies show that certain components in tequila may help you lose weight. 1. Thus, light alcohol like Tequila will help without pushing your body over the border. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. From the agave plant 100% authentic tequila is not only the best drink you’ll have ever have but it provides some interesting health benefits. 1. Look for “100% agave” tequila, to get the best health benefits. These health benefits from Tequila were reported by BBC News, in which alcoholic consumers face a 37% lower risk of dementia. The idea of tequila promoting optimal health is not a new one. Experts say that a shot before lunch can stimulate the appetite, and one after a big dinner can aid digestion. The agavins contained in tequila are a type of fructans which should not be confused with fructose. Its not new news that agave nectar (agave syrup) may be a better alternative to sugar. In this article, we will look at the benefits of tequila (100% agave) for health. Tequila that is 100% de agave has excellent health benefits. Blue agave is probiotic and prebiotic. Dr. Neal shares the research and data behind the claim that tequila can act as a probiotic and have other health benefits. Tequila follows the golden rule, if you treat it right it will treat you right. Blue agave used in tequila … Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Good tequila, made from 100 percent agave, comes with a bold flavor and medicinal properties that can help, not harm, our health. And when they do, top personal trainer and owner of Reach gym in Clapham, South London, Rich Tidmarsh, suggests people stick to high quality white spirits like tequila, rather than wine or beer. Drinking a frozen margarita is far from the nutritional equivalent of drinking a banana-turmeric chai smoothie. For example, did you know that tequila will help you lose weight? Five surprising health benefits of tequila: 1. Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. Tequila is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages and it is 100% Mexican. If there’s one way to guarantee a good - or messy - night, it’s tequila. Tequila is made from the blue agave plant. Five surprising health benefits of … Look for “100% agave” tequila, to get the best health benefits. The sugars in agave called agavins are non-digestible, meaning they don’t raise your blood sugar when you consume them. Brandy: “Brandy contains vitamin C and heart-healthy antioxidants,” Friedman says. The health impact of the alcohol in tequila — and the sugar content of agave — are just two of several “downsides” that could come about if you were worried about your bone health and took the headlines too literally. Tequila is very good at aiding digestion, especially if you consume the 100 % blue agave tequila. From boosting your bone health to helping you lose weight, here’s how tequila – if it’s high quality, 100 percent agave tequila – could be good for you. …and raise a glass to all of the surprising health benefits of tequila. Health Benefits of Tequila – Tequila is the drink that originated in Mexico. According to NewFoodMagazine's recent blog, the drink has always been made by 51% Blue Agave and 49% neutral spirits, but nowadays, companies and manufacturers are pushing to100% Blue Agave tequila.. Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. Let’s first address the obvious: Tequila is not a “health” food. However, when you use terms like “Tequila Gold or Silver”, you are basically telling people to drink tequila that has been made with 49% sugar! Need Recs for Budget Health As a former daily wine/beer drinker who thought vodka was “the cocktail diet ingredient,” I’ve recently learned differently and done a fair amount of reading about how the agavins in tequila in subject can be healthy, lower blood sugar etc but I need healthy finances too so what are your reasonable recs? However it’s important not to depend on any one substance in order to nod off. Sorry folks, this isn’t that cheap tequila you drink in your college days! Tequila made from 100-percent blue agave, however, has fewer congeners than brown hard liquors.” Tell that to my goddamn brain on Saturday morning. Here are 15 of those powerful benefits. These health benefits from Tequila were reported by BBC News, in which alcoholic consumers face a 37% lower risk of dementia. He lists tequila in the top three recommended after vodka and gin. To take advantage of tequila, you should take a product made only from the agave plant. It’s alcohol, which isn’t generally healthy. Starting off the list is how tequila can help treat the flu or a cold.
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