njdep waterfront development permit
12:5-3) The Waterfront Development Law is a very old law, passed in 1914, that seeks to limit problems that new development could cause for existing navigation channels, marinas, moorings, other existing uses, and the environment. The Waterfront Development Law (N.J.S.A. Under N.J.S.A. Site plan. Image credit Arquitectonica via NJDEP. Kim Dixon Environmental Consultant LLC P.O. Princeton Hydro prepared the letter of interpretation, waterfront development permit, essential fish habitat report and coordinated with the various regulatory agencies including NJDEP, US Army Corps of Engineers, National Marine Fisheries Service, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. 13:9A-1 et seq., the Coastal Area Facility Review Act (CAFRA), N.J.S.A. 13:9A-1 et seq, the Wetlands Act of 1970 (the Coastal Wetlands Act), N.J.S.A. The appeal says the DEP’s waterfront development permit violates regulations on coastal zone management that are intended to protect coastal and water resources. Box 396 West Creek, NJ 08092 Phone & Fax: (609) 296-2361 email: KimDixonECLLC@gmail.com Let us Prepare your NJDEP and USACOE Permit Applications, we'll make it easy and stress free for you!No job is too small ! Real estate development on tidal waters of the State, such as the Hudson River, the Passaic River, and the Hackensack River require a Waterfront Development Permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). 7:7-2.3(h) and (g2), and N.J.A.C. The PEA applies to numerous environmental permits and other governmental approvals, including, approvals of soil erosion and sediment control plans, waterfront development permits, CAFRA permits and center designations, septic approvals, approvals for applications pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law (“MLUL”), etc. A Waterfront Development Permit is required for development at or waterward of the mean high water line (MHWL) throughout New Jersey. The list includes a variety of NJDEP land use approvals (e.g., wetlands permits, letters of interpretation, waterfront development and CAFRA permits), flood hazard permits where work has commenced, water supply permits and certifications, water quality management plan approvals and many other environmental approvals. Warning of … NJDEP and Army Corps Permits. The application for the property was prepared by Dredsner Robin for the Newport Associates Development Company. ! Waterfront Development andlor Coastal Wetlands Individual Permit CALL NJDEP AT (609) 777-0454 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUES To apply for a Waterfront Development andlor Coastal Wetlands Individual Permit, please submit the information below to: Postal Mailing Address NJ Department of Environmental Protection Division of Land Use Regulation Permit Extension Act Now Law - On June 29, 2020, New Jersey Governor Philip D. Murphy signed the Permit Extension Act of 2020 (“PEA”) into law. Certain waterfront developments are exempt from permitting (commonly known as a Zane Exemption) or qualify for a General Permit-by-Certification, which are issued instantly upon electronic submittal. If you are convinced that the bulkhead was installed prior to September 26, 1980, you can apply to the NJDEP for an exemption from the regulations which call for the existence of a Waterfront Development Permit for the bulkhead pursuant to N.J.A.C. This document was included in an upland waterfront development individual permit application, a copy of which was obtained by Jersey Digs from the NJDEP. 7:7-2.5. 13:1D-32, NJDEP is required to make a determinations on applications for permits under the Waterfront Development Act, N.J.S.A.
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