fairyloot march 2020 unboxing

fairyloot march 2020 unboxing

It’s time for you to break the curse and defy your fate! 22nd August 2020 21st August 2020 by Nessa Luna. Still, they always impress me with their books and I have loved every edition so far! Wednesday, November 18, 2020. They play a significant role in the featured book of the month and this theme revolves around memories, whether they’re good or bad, forgotten or unforgettable, hidden or exposed.' Please and thank you lol. Items inspired by Throne of Glass, The Beautiful, Harry Potter, Daughter of Smoke… I have yet to read this series, but it’s a nice design. I think this is one of my personal favorites. Ignore the fluff that got stuck to the top of the Seven of Cups lol and my nail polish. Oh my word! After months of waiting (no shade, we knew the wait was long!) First off, here is a list of all ... FairyLoot February UnBoxing – All The BATB Things. SKU: 202003. To my opinion, the box was very much worth the wait. THE PRINT. This month’s tarot cards are designed by @gabriella.bujdoso and feature characters from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Fairyloot Unboxing: March 2019. I was really excited to get this Queen of Nothing tumbler, like, I still have to read this trilogy, but, I cannot tell you how much I love cups and mugs and crap, also, I had a serious urge for some sweet tea while holding this. 3 thoughts on “March 2020 Fairyloot Unboxing” Jayati May 20, 2020 8:17 am Reply. ( Log Out /  Fairyloot is a UK-based YA fantasy subscription box. omg, this is all so awesome and I absolutely adore that print! With the Corona virus a lot of goodies were delayed in transit or the fabrics were closed. It was delayed due to coronavirus but it got here in the end and that’s what matters! My passport is already in it lol so I’ll not be showing you the inside, but, I have been seriously in need of a new one as my old one ripped and it looks so sleek lol. Fairyloot is a UK-based YA fantasy subscription box. Hey everyone! Fasten your seatbelts kids, cause we’re taking a trip out of the human realm and into other dimensions, magical lands and places you never knew existed. This theme is inspired by characters that are either cursed or destined to do something.… A Caffeinated Reader and Musician, destined to write lacklustre book reviews with the over-ample amount of free time. Book Box Comparisons | Unboxing and a close look at the November 2020 boxes from Fairyloot, Illumicrate, and Owlcrate. ... Illumicrate ‘Monstrous’ May 2020 Unboxing. FairyLoot Unboxing – Break the Curse (March 2020) May 22, 2020 June 6, 2020 kyera I enjoy reading the theme for the month and trying to guess what it might include or what books they’re referencing. June 28, 2020. Every box … Strawberry Prosecco flavour!!! 3. So here’s a mini article with a sole purpose of just showing these editions off and me rambling. Caraval lanyard with illustrations by @catarinabookdesigns – I don’t have any lanyards so this is handy to have. Fairyloot October Unboxing I got my October Fairyloot today, I already knew it was going to be very late due to issues so that's all good. Hi everyone! Our featured book this month is all about a meeting place where the human… April 16, 2019 / No Comments. My mom ordered the March Fairyloot for my 22nd birthday, but unfortunately it got delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It has all of the wyrd marks on it as well! ( Log Out /  I started reading Caraval yesterday, I’m in love. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This week has been so busy! Kelly. Fairyloot - April 2020 Theme = Memories 'Memories are precious things, aren’t they? Serpent and Dove Mug artwork from @merwildandco and @taratjah Hit with me! ( Log Out /  Like the previous two months, these cards are designed by Gabriella Bujdoso and inspired by Sarah J Maas's Throne of Glass Series. Lol, I liked it so much that I already put it together in a small collage I’m hoping to frame, but I circled my grainy picture so you can see it lol. Fairyloot March 2020 Unboxing May 10, 2020 May 15, 2020 M.T.Wilson @ The Last Book on the Left Leave a comment I finally received my March Fairyloot box last week! I’m Catarina but you can call me Cat, a wannabe PR girl that spends too much time with her head stuck in a book, fangirling over TV shows, and generally daydreaming. Or you can get a single purchase and just buy a one-off box. If you missed out on the March boxes, there will be a VERY… Continue reading FairyLoot Unboxing | February 2018 Throughout 2020, we’ve both been exploring different book subscription boxes to decide which one we will commit to subscribing to in the long term – mainly focusing on Illumicrate, Owlcrate and Fairyloot.In October, Lauren purchased both Illumicrate and Owlcrate, and Bec purchased these as well as Fairyloot, so it seemed like an ideal time to do a … I can’t wait to get April’s box! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Fairyloot December Unboxing It's time for the December Fairyloot Unboxing and everything looks awesome! But I feel like I’ve become a hoarder of them now lol. Ahhhh, the shimmery edges are great as well and I’m glad Fairyloot is sending you a new book to replace the damages one! Ahhhh, the shimmery edges are great as well and I’m glad Fairyloot is sending you a new book to replace the damages one! Change ). March 9, 2020 May 15, 2020 M.T.Wilson @ The Last Book on the Left 7 Comments. Hi and welcome to the unboxing of the FairyLoot October box! omg, this is all so awesome and I absolutely adore that print! It’s gorgeous! Like the previous two months, these cards are designed by Gabriella Bujdoso and inspired by Sarah J Maas’s Throne of Glass Series. It will be available for £18.99 GBP + shipping. Earlier this month I received the March Fairyloot box Break the Curse. Luckily I can finally sit down and get caught up on some stuff! Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I approached this months Fairyloot with trepidation as it was their fabled anniversary box. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Genie notepad illustrated by @catarinabookdesigns – This is a handy little notepad with a nice design. Ooooo Delly this is killing me! Fairyloot Unboxing! Headband illustrated by @taratjah – I haven’t read The Raven Boys, the book that inspired this item, and I don’t wear headbands either, so I probably won’t be using this item. This unboxing contains spoilers! Fairyloot Unboxing - February 2020 Theme = Rulebreakers Bookish Lip Balm by Little Heart Gifts Inspired by Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan Omg this smells delish! Needless to say, there is spoilers ahead, so if you’re waiting for your box (post is crazy; please be patient!) And I love the print too! I’m incredibly happy with that decision, not so much for the goodies, […] November 2020 Fairyloot Unboxing Posted on January 17, 2021 January 17, 2021 by TheCaffeinatedReader Just a repeat of last time: I will apologize right away for the quality of these pictures, every single time I went to take some decent ones, the sun hid, there has been so little sun, so I’ve just gone with the first unboxing pictures Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If you subscribe, you get a box a month which includes a hardback book and 5-6 exclusive goodies around a theme. Look how cute! This unboxing contains spoilers! Although sadly it’s probably going to be a while before I’m able to travel and use it! It’s here! I finally received my March Fairyloot box last week! Before we move on to the featured book of the July 2020 Fairyloot box, we still have the tarot cards. The items in this box felt a little random to me so I didn’t love this box, but the book is stunning. A while back I received my July Fairyloot box which had the theme Resilient Royals. Unboxing: Fairyloot March ‘Break the Curse’ 31 May 2020 Sharsel. FairyLoot March Unboxing – ‘Favourites’ Anniversary Box. Tarot cards and more. Before we move on to the book of the May 2020 Fairyloot box, we have the tarot cards. Thanks Jayati! Just a quick FYI, because I'm actually posting an unboxing on time, this is still relevant. Fairyloot February 2020 Unboxing. Theme of the box Description by Illumicrate Our March theme is WORLDS COLLIDE! 28th March 2019 at 6:02 pm. Featuring items from The Hobbit, A Throne of Glass, Children of Blood and Bone and The Raven Boys, it didn’t disappoint! Let’s Talk Bookish: What Makes A Good Villain. I wasn’t hugely excited about the announced fandoms but as the featured book sounded amazing I decided I definitely wanted this box. Hauls and Unboxings Books I’ve Hauled in 2020. updated on March 26, 2020 February 11, 2020. May 18, 2020 Megan Nicole. Wonderland passport cover by @noverantale – This is inspired by Heartless by Marissa Meyer and is a really nice idea! {Fairyloot Unboxing} • July 2020: Resilient Royals. 11 March 2020. by FromBelgiumWithBookLove . Tumbler designed by @noverantale – This item features a quote from The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black. Sunday, December 20, 2020. Hi and welcome to the unboxing of the FairyLoot February box! If you subscribe, you get a box a month which includes a hardback book and 5-6 exclusive goodies around a theme. Besides the book, my favourite item is the book sleeve. Continue Reading. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  Share your thoughts Cancel reply. Theme of the box Description by Fairyloot We are so excited to reveal the March theme for our monthly box and it is… BREAK THE CURSE! Stacking the Shelves. ( Log Out /  Theme: Break the Curse; Overall: **** Cost: $42 USD including shipping; Quality of Items: **** Value for the Money:**** Shipping: **** This box was late due to COVID but I don’t hold that against them. This month’s theme was ‘Break the Curse’. Schwab’s Shades of Magic series. Home. I also really love the quote! Posted March 22, 2019 by Bee in Other / 6 Comments. Posted by Dark Heart Books on March 4, 2020. Three of Swords is Holland (I think), while Four of Swords is Rhys. This set of the Red Rising trilogy is a Deluxe Set created exclusively for FairyLoot and includes Red Rising, Golden Son and Morning Star! ... March 25, … 1. I just love those shimmery edges! ( Log Out /  Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps - May 19, 2020 When FairyLoot announced this box, I knew right away what the book was going to be featured for the month and that made me more excited about it. The Fairyloot December 2020 theme was Thick as Thieves. March 12, 2020 / Lauren. ... updated on March 15, 2020 March 16, 2020. FairyLoot October Unboxing – Love At First Bite. This is my second Fairyloot box and I was super excited to receive it! Book sleeve designed by @eviebookish – Another gorgeous book sleeve from Fairyloot which is a good size and has a handy zip for keeping books extra safe. ... March 15, 2020. We have an awesome beanie inspired by The Hobbit! On March 5th at around 1pm BST, we will send out a private Early Access link in batches to each of our active subscribers and to everyone that ordered the April 2020 box. The books are expected to ship in May. The Author letter, bookmark, and the Fairyscoop for this month’s unboxing! Let’s Talk Bookish: Should We Read More Serious Books? YA fantasy focused monthly book subscription box. We have some lovely things in the box and the book in freaking amaze balls! View all posts by TheCaffeinatedReader. The October theme is Wicked Hearts, which I found very intriguing! My birthday present has finally arrived! March Fairyloot Unboxing – Memorable Moments I loved the February Fairyloot so much that I had to get the two-year-anniversary box this month. Here I am unboxing the March box from Fairyloot which was themed Break the Curse and featured themed items from favourite cursebreaker fandoms. ( Log Out /  I live for Lou and Reed and the mug has… Break the Curse – Fairyloot Unboxing. This one has a quote from Brigid Kemmerer and is inspired by the Cursebreakers series. A really lovely book sleeve, I’m keeping this despite the fact I haven’t read these books, I’m just a huge fan of how pretty it is [despite my dog’s hair already getting on it…the trollop]. It even arrived in a gorgeous purple box that made it seem extra special. Before we move on to the book of the May 2020 Fairyloot box, we have the tarot cards. updated on February 16, 2020 February 16, 2020 2 Comments on January Moon and Stars Fairyloot Unboxing. I was excited for this box because I guessed from the description that the book would be one of my most anticipated reads for 2020. Book box comparisons . This exclusive edition of Bone Crier’s Moon by Kathryn Purdie has shimmery sprayed edges, foil on the title, artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket by @dianadworak and is signed by the author. Which one will be our favourite? 30 Comments. They do ship with Fedex and they are very unreliable and slow even within the US. The world has been a scary place lately, so hopefully, my Fairyloot unboxing will brighten your mood and make you forget everything, for a little while at least. Unboxing & Review: Fairyloot – March 2020 – Break the Curse. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Unboxing and Review: March Fairyloot. As always, the box was a lot of fun and there were some amazing items. I had to wait for this one, mostly due to the efficiency of the Belgian postal services (or lack thereof), but I had been assured it was well worth the wait, and indeed it was! it’s finally here! March Box 2020. We have a Damaris sword letter opener inspired by Throne of Glass! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Continue Reading. Change ). Book Review: Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin, Top 10 Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read In 2020 but Didn’t Get To, Book Review: The Frozen Crown by Greta Kelly (eARC), Follow The Last Book On The Left on Tarot cards and more. Isn’t it beautiful? As for the headband, I have The Raven Cycle on my tbr and I was seriously just considering getting some headbands, so, Fairyloot has provided lol. Books & Pop Culture. It's time for my unboxing of my first ever subscription box, which is the February box from Fairy Loot! Book of the July 2020: Resilient Royals I wasn ’ t have any so... Was a lot of goodies were delayed in transit or the fabrics were closed within US. Nessa Luna always impress me with their Books and I have yet to read this series, but it.: Resilient Royals is one of my personal favorites { Fairyloot Unboxing ” Jayati fairyloot march 2020 unboxing... A list of all... Fairyloot February box sadly it ’ s box much the... 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