lego yoda reddit banned
Lego Yoda is here to defeat casuals with his pure gaming skills! "This subreddit was banned due to a violation of Reddit’s content policy against posting violent content.". LEGO Baby Yoda (complete with floating pod) required a whopping 14,588 LEGO bricks. 0 bids. Site Statistics. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the AgainstHateSubreddits community, Continue browsing in r/AgainstHateSubreddits, The purpose of this community is to draw attention to reddit's contributions to the growing problem of radicalization on social media. It's really not that hard to "quantify hate speech". $44.99. Those three elements = subreddit banned for content that encourages or glorifies violence. Looks like their user base seems quite leftist, with heavier overlap with dogelore, toiletpaperusa, therightcantmeme, gamingcirclejerk, than with more right-wing subs, so I'm really not sure if it's a case about racist remarks being disguised as jokes when they aren't. Thanks! LEGO Yoda was a meme subreddit about the titular LEGO Yoda having reached rock bottom. $4.70 shipping. $31.00. Make Offer - Used LEGO … LEGO Star Wars Anakin's Jedi Interceptor 75281. Press J to jump to the feed. It used to be funny, now it's just blatant hate speech. Basically, an ex-mod was removed, and he got salty so he reported r/legoyoda to the mods saying it was a blatant unironic hategroup so reddit would ban them. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It's larger, so it will take a bit longer, but it's sad to see racist shit with thousands of votes there on a near daily basis. Friendly reminder that all top level comments must:. There are murmurings that Reddit got some pressure from Disney which would be incorrect. r/imgoingtohellforthis has moderators that remove content that violates the Reddit Content Policy. What's up with LEGO Yoda? Why the fuck was LEGO Yoda banned in the first place? Basically it’s a shitstorm all around. Ending Saturday at 11:16AM PST 1d 19h. “The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” reunites Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose and the droids for a joyous feast on Life Day. r/lego_yoda4: About Lego Yoda. $9.99 +$9.60 shipping. Suffocate my tears in Vitamin K, I must. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So I've been seeing thing about LEGO Yoda in various places about Reddit. Master of the universe I am! Red Yoda is an unlockable character in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Released on November 7, 2007Add a photo to this gallery ______________________________________ Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. See what Lego Yoda (holmwill05) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. LEGO Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Yoda: $99.99 $79.99 at Amazon. view. This is a list of references to LEGO is media such as films and television shows. be unbiased, attempt to answer the question, and. $139.99. These include a series of image macros, video remixes and absurd and offensive jokes. Ending Saturday at 6:28PM PST 2d 2h. "Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Enjoy! Laughing about r/legoyoda being banned, r/againsthatesubreddits is. It started with a shitpost of Yoda doing ketamine and killing minorities in his honda civic in r/okbuddyretard. Reddit being Reddit, another user, u/00squirrel, modeled the build in Bricklink Studio, an online 3D modeling software for Lego designers. Next page. view. Sold Out. The concept of Yoda's ketamine addiction took off in August 2019 in the subreddit r/LegoYoda where Redditors began posting image macros of Lego Yoda referencing ketamine. r/LegoYoda has been banned without any warnings or explanations and r/imgoingtohellforthis is still doing good. Moreover, it also took three master builders 119 hours total to finish the piece. Yoda Lego Star Wars Magnet Ages 6+ Includes Lightsaber. There's a difference between subtle satire making fun of stereotypes and legitimate hate speech and trolling. ", Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Sold Out. Do not touch the poop. That mod shouldn’t have ruined the fun of everyone there because he was kicked off the mod team, reddit needs to stop its shoot first and ask questions later policy, and AHS needs to stop being the playground snitch enforcing flawed censorship policy. Press J to jump to the feed. Literally third post I see there says trans people deserve to be gassed. Cookies help us deliver our Services. LEGO Baby Yoda (complete with floating pod) required a whopping 14,588 LEGO bricks. This article or section is incomplete.Please improve the article, or discuss the issue on the talk page. There's also a talking plush figure for $24.99 and a 6.5 inch action figure for $19.99. Download mod here: Song used: … After MUCH STRUGGLE I have found this fuckin video again so I'm uploading it so I don't lose it again n shitYes all that for fun nee joek Later, Yoda, the protocol droid C-3PO, Palpatine, Admiral Ackbar and Yoda's Padawans arrived seeking his help. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts While traveling t… He’s a Ketamine addict who drives a 2001 Honda Civic (no idea why it’s so specific). Just a reminder: please do not vote or comment in linked threads or comment chains. And what exactly was breaking reddit content policy on legoyoda? Idea to create an internet page about the superior Sith Lord,the Lego one. Not to be outdone, Hasbro premiered a fully-animatronic Baby Yoda that responds to sound and light for $59.99. It's Yoda from Lego Star Wars: The Complete Collection!! (He even has a GCN controller!) ; Brickset members have written 36429 set reviews. Not only that, but he hates minorities and other despicable things. Make Offer - GENUINE LEGO Star Wars 75208 YODA's HUT Building Kit NEW, RETIRED Ships USPS LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Fighter and Yoda's Hut (4502)-100% Complete $175.00 We fight with Lego Yoda since he has stolen ketamine from the Death Star 20+ times and we're gonna go broke if he keeps doing this. Rey sets off on a new adventure with BB-8 to gain a deeper knowledge of the Force. Get the App! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Also, remember that archive links are allowed and preferred over links leading directly to reddit. Besides, memes about running over minorities with a one particular car model while doing ketamine seem way too over the top to not be a joke. Not right, this is. Cookies help us deliver our Services. No "IRL Darth" virgins allowed. Lego lego star wars lego star wars yoda WWII. Mod created by Dulana57 Lego Yoda is here! LEGO Yoda was a meme subreddit about the titular LEGO Yoda having reached rock bottom. r/dankmemes is beginning the long, slow slide that way as well. Quite a few of the posts had to be removed for racist content but bans never stopped a meme did it? $44.99. After all, when right-wingers joke about how "muh sjws" have 42069 genders and they sexually identify as an attack helicopter, I don't think they're in support of trans rights. It seems more like center of the line, but it just annoys me that Reddit’s been going crazy with censorship lately, like let me keep my shitpost subs :(. Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? (51) 51 product ratings - LEGO 75168 Star Wars ~ Yoda's Jedi Starfighter ~ NEW sealed RETIRED. It is a fire alarm for the rest of Reddit. lego star wars Magnet Yoda And Darth Vader. Take a three figure sub count and many years to ban, … It's a way for us to build some of our beloved scenes from the films. start with "answer:" (or "question:" if you have an on-topic follow up question to ask) Quantifying when the "moderators" of a subreddit don't remove and/or escalate-to-the-admins-for-review, content that encourages or glorifies violence ... 1: "Moderators" see content that glorifies or encourages violence;2: "Moderators" get a user report about that content;3: "Moderators" repeatedly hit "Approve" or "Ignore Reports" on that content, or ignore the modqueue altogether. r/WatchRedditDie is not a life raft for your banned community or censored views. Get the APP! LEGO set database: yoda . It also has Easy Buy, a feature that makes it simple to order all of the necessary pieces from Lego parts purveyors around the world, which definitely beats buying whole sets just for one or two esoteric pieces. Of course, it’s done in Yoda speak, with the classic meme of Top Text, Bottom Text, and an image. Racism isn't violent speech, though, so nothing will be done about it. Less than two months old, the sub was. view. He’s a Ketamine addict who drives a 2001 Honda Civic (no idea why it’s so specific). meme memes bruh lol Funny oof funny meme tag Snek Relatable. was stolen from u/Unicorn_Tachanka. 65% (705) lego star wars. Of course, it’s done in Yoda speak, with the classic meme of Top Text, Bottom Text, and an image. What was even the basis for that sub? Sold Out. The anti minority jokes you can find on a lot of different satire subs that are still up? Warner Animation Group would be the group that cried. Star Wars LEGO sets have always been a hit in the collector world. Lego Star Wars Yoda … By AutismAlert 2019-11-17 18:30. I came across the LegoYoda sub and almost every post was about Yoda doing ketamine. Most of them realize legoyoda was ironic but there’s a few people who take internet policing way too far and a few have went on a crusade to get ban evading legoyoda subs deleted. Yeah but all those ban evading communist and extreme left subs can stay up! Now that other subs are cropping up, the rogue ex-mod is probably reporting startups. Edgy memes about yoda, his 2001 honda civic, and lots of ketamine. The subreddit for THE Dark Lord. $10.72 +$6.50 shipping. Lego Yoda refers to a series of memes involving the LEGO toy of the Star Wars character Yoda. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. $44.99. The sub was created shortly after and its memes were basically lore about the drug addicted Lego Yoda. There's nothing in the Reddit Content Policy regarding "blatant hate speech", because quantifying "hate speech" is exceptionally difficult. A Toronto-based podcaster is criticizing Twitter after he jokingly tweeted that he hopes a fictional character dubbed Baby Yoda 'dies painfully' and was flagged by the platform for harassment. We call for moderators and admins to take responsibility for their roles in the memeification & normalization of bigotry, hate, and violence. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Significant feedback provided by Barno. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I like racist humor that makes fun of racism. And to make matters worse reddit gestapo AHS caught on. Some people have claimed that it's racist, some people say it got banned, I'm just in the dark. Popular Tags. Only ~80,000 subs, it had. Lazy Days. I love dark humor, but I had to unsubscribe from r/imgoingtohellforthis. Eventually, Redditors on r/LegoYoda started posting a number of memes of Lego Yoda talking about running over minorities in his 2001 Honda Civic. I'm not planning on picking this up, just thought I'd do this chapter since it was only one page and it seemed like the previous group hadn't noticed it. It is a backup of r/legoyoda3 it is. Moreover, it also took three master builders 119 hours total to finish the piece. Following the events on Coruscant, Jek-14 traveled to the Forest Moon of Endor, where he befriend the local Ewoks. It also has Easy Buy, a feature that makes it simple to order all of the necessary pieces from Lego parts purveyors around the world, which definitely beats buying whole sets just for one or two esoteric pieces. I have no idea what's going on with it other than having a stud counter of 69,420 and having a Ketamine addiction or something like that. Then reddit banned them, going completely off his word and not doing any research on the sub whatsoever. I saw a lot of people saying that the humor there could be confused for hate speech since it had bunch of layers but then why is r/imgoingtohellforthis still up when that's simply blatant hate speech? Disney+'s new 'Lego Star Wars Holiday Special' is a time-traveling greatest-hits package that's fun but less goofy than its infamous 1978 predecessor. < > 9 Comments TroytheboyToyy Jan 13, 2020 @ 8:09pm I'll probably have my friend download and test it he hasn't downloaded any mods yet BupBoi [author] Jan … There are now 213218 members. Watch Reddit Die is a place to track reddit's abandonment of free speech and decline into censorship. LEGO Star Wars Yoda's Hut 75208. Used LEGO Star Wars 75183 Darth Vader Transformation. Not only that, but he hates minorities and other despicable things. LegoYoda is one of the most confusing subs I have seen. Post a right-leaning opinion on any of the main news or politics subs. $15.39 shipping. With Triple Force Friday happening new Friday, October 4th. The 1,073-piece set also includes an information sign that features its own Baby Yoda minifigure. There are 17111 items in the Brickset database. Ported by NeoDement and SpookyMajora. UPDATED 14/06/2019:-Added functioning eyes-Added unique viewmodel arms-Improved rigging tag cloud: yoda, star, wars, trek, dobby, golum, shrek, yoda, tall, lego LEGO Star Wars X-Wing Starfighter 75218. LEGO … Tell me how tf do you have 1385 notifications. Hello! Using his Force powers, Jek-14 helped them rebuild a giant tree. The cape is jiggleboned. reminder: there is a safe haven for lego yoda memes outside of reddit. Sold Out. If traveling to distant planets in search of adventure is your thing, then grab yourself a LEGO Star Wars Yoda’s Jedi Starfighter ship and start connecting the pieces that will help you take flight. view. The Child, also known as Baby Yoda, is back and ready to be built by collectors in this new set. 5 bids. Watch The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special (2020) : Full Movie Online Free Rey Leaves Her Friends To Prepare For Life Day… Visit Here Yoda's Ketamine Addiction references a parody conversation had on Discord in which user yoda gaming claims to need the illegal drug ketamine in yodaspeak. Think of it as a museum of poop. Make Offer - Yoda Lego Star Wars Magnet Ages 6+ Includes Lightsaber. $16.00. LEGO Star Wars Cloud-Rider Swoop Bikes 75215. The concept of Yoda's ketamine addiction took off in August 2019 in the subreddit r/LegoYoda where Redditors began posting image macros of Lego Yoda referencing ketamine. ; 546 people have joined this week. Also, r/legoyoda got banned, so I was legally obligated to include a Lego Yoda meme in this release. Reddit being Reddit, another user, u/00squirrel, modeled the build in Bricklink Studio, an online 3D modeling software for Lego designers. While supplies last, get 20% off the older, wise Yoda from "Attack of the … ; 9398 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 20091 in the last 7 days, 32211 in the last month. Canada has done a good job of it, the US wants you to believe it's impossible. I am a huge fan of Lego and frequent the Lego sub a lot. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WatchRedditDie community. Modeled the build in Bricklink Studio, an online 3D modeling software for Lego.... Action figure for $ 24.99 and a 6.5 inch action figure for $ 24.99 a! A difference between subtle satire making fun of stereotypes and legitimate hate speech '' make Offer - Yoda Lego Wars! Trans people deserve to be removed for racist content but bans never stopped a subreddit! The drug addicted Lego Yoda refers to a series of image macros, video remixes and absurd and jokes. Answer the question, and series of image macros, video remixes and absurd and offensive.... 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Left subs can stay up lego yoda reddit banned whatsoever of cookies you agree to our of! We call for moderators and admins to take responsibility for their roles in last... Like you 're using new Reddit on an old browser we call for moderators admins. Group that cried people say it got banned, so nothing will be done it...
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