swgoh relic amplifiers
Darth Malak complete relic tier list for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Farm Spots: Shows the top spots to farm gear to use as scrap. Relic Amplifier. September 12, 2019 3:25PM. With Relic Amplifiers now in the game, Gaming-fans.com has you covered as we seek to continue to make the community smarter when it comes to how to get the most out of Start Wars Galaxy of Heroes. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide – The Defensive Teams, upgrades to Jolee Bindo’s through his Relic, SteelSeries Arctis 9X Wireless Gaming Headset – Integrated Xbox Wireless + Bluetooth – 20+ Hour Battery, Apple Gift Card – App Store, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, Airpods, Macbook, accessories and more (Email Delivery), SWGoH: Tips for Success for the Grand Master’s Training Event to Unlock Yoda, SWGoH: Unlocking General Skywalker – Clash on Kamino Live Blog & Walkthrough, SWGoH Relic Review: Veteran Smuggler Han Solo, Corsair LL Series LL120 RGB 120mm Dual Light Loop RGB LED PWM Fan Single Pack, MSF Envoy: No Intentions by Scopely to Repeat 2019’s Orb Opening Event, HPWU: Finding Formidable Foes in Wizarding Challenges (Fortresses), Avatar PR: 0.7.0 Update Features Several Major Changes. Note that we are already working on additional content that is more character-specific on the topic of Relics, and more faction summaries like this one will be published throughout the week. Jolee gets and one of the highest Health boosts in the game, an increase of 31,716, and given his kit is centered around Health this is a very important stat. Tips: Tips for casual and hardcore relic farming. Here’s why. A look at the specific stats gained from Relic Amplifiers that are taken all the way to Level 7 and we find that Barriss Offee, Jolee Bindo, Jedi Consular, Luminara Unduli & Ahsoka Tano all get nice Health gains while Plo Koon & Mace Windu both get solid upgrades in Health, around a 50% increase, but also gain over 10k Protection. Close. I was honestly expecting so much better with these. Relic 5 though is not very expensive in gear For Critical Damage, Ezra, Shaak Ti and Ahsoka all gain 13.5% CD from the Relic upgrade as the lone Jedi enhancing this stat. When Relic Amplifiers dropped, I immediately (along with others) noticed that some gear has a great conversion rate and some gear doesn't. 0. relic 5 swgoh, Is there somewhere a guy can go to see what each relic is? I don't have to worry about losing tickets or my arena climb. While this does not necessarily mean that you should NOT take the Jedi below to Relic Level 7, based on the data and comparison to other Jedi stats, these are the characters that I will not be looking to upgrade to Relic Amplifier Level 7 anytime soon: Jedi Knight Guardian, Old Ben, Juhani and Kanan Jarrus are all characters I would look to avoid considering for high Relic levels for now. 21:21. how to get relic amplifiers. Each character has a special Relic that provides stat boosts based on their role and aptitudes. Sections of this page. Relic Amplifier Level 8 has been added to the game. Special Critical Chance gets a solid boost for Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti and Ezra Bridger, but is once again a wasted stat gain. Finally, looking at Accuracy, Eeth Koth, Qui-Gon, Hermit Yoda, Grand Master Yoda, Bastila Shan, Jedi Knight Revan, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto and Jedi Knight Anakin all gain 13.5% Physical and Special Accuracy. Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? Its Just Ian 11,879 views. For Special Critical Chance, JKR does get a 13.5% boost, continuing the theme that he will be more of an offensive character with and upgraded Relic. Power 33193 In addition, Eeth Koth, Qui-Gon, Hermit Yoda, Jedi Consular, Grand Master Yoda and Jolee Bindo also gain 13.5% Physical and Special Critical Avoidance. Fives is an essential SWGOH Relic because of his zeta ability, Tactical Awareness, and the extra juice his ship will get for fleet battles. Here we take a look at key Galaxy of Heroes characters that players may consider taking to higher Relic Levels. Relic Amplifiers hit Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes last week and basically changed the game overnight for endgame players. These scrap materials are then used to increase the Relic Amplifiers (Relics) of the characters. Super lame execution, guys. Check out our SWGoH Galactic Legend event requirements page where we list links to each character needed and their best mods and Relic review pages here on Gaming-fans.com. Relic Amplifiers hit Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes last week and basically changed the game overnight for endgame players. I personally got to a point where I had to choose between Jolee, Bossk, CLS, Asajj Ventress and a couple of others and decided to value each on my roster. She also gets a nice Health Steal boost which will make her even harder to kill, but she still hits like a pillow so the extra Health Steal will likely not amount to much. Each character has a special Relic that provides stat boosts based on their role and aptitudes. Bastila Shan (Fallen) Strong Sith Support who inflicts a large number of debuffs including Shock, Fear, and Corrupted Battle Meditation. Gaming-fans.com is pleased to offer a different look at Relic Amplifiers below as we review each faction and key characters in SWGoH and seek to answer the question of what are the best Relic Upgrades for each specific faction of characters, and which characters in SWGoH are worth the investment. Defensively, Eeth Koth & Qui-Gon Jinn are the biggest winners while both Luminara & Shaak Ti get major upgrades in their evasiveness with a Dodge increase from 2% to 17.75%. Moving forward, our Relic Reviews will center around character-specific guides to help us understand which characters are the best to invest these materials into. The Jedi that get the biggest gains from Relics in the Health Steal stat include General Kenobi, Juhani and Barriss Offee, while Aayla Secura, Old Ben, Kanan Jarrus and JKG all get boosts as well. When a character reaches Gear 13 the Scavenger will unlock and allow players to exchange pieces of gear for scrap materials. FIXES. When modded efficiently characters can reach greater potential. Barriss Offee – Barriss is easily one of the biggest winners from the addition of Relic Amplifiers, but will this be enough to make her more relevant in the game? What’s Good in the ‘Wood? Relics are a new addition to Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and Gaming-fans.com has your complete Guide to Relics to help you understand this part of the game. Posted by 1 year ago. In the Resistance Penetration and Armor Penetration categories, Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight Anakin and Ima-Gun Di are the biggest winners. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? These stats are mentioned for educational purposes as we have found in writing these faction-specific Relic guides that many of the gains from Relics are misleading. Continuing the Relic Review series, we take a look at Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Relic upgrades and the impact it has on the game. Each piece of gear is converted into points that go towards creating the Scrap piece once a specific number of points has been reached. When it comes to Special Damage, Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger and Jedi Knight Anakin appear to be the biggest winners of the Jedi, however they all deal Physical Damage, not Special Damage, so the Special Damage gains are irrelevant. However after giving more thought to his place in the shifting META, his value in Territory Wars and the GAC, and his new Capital Ship, I simply cannot keep him on a list that advises against using Relic Amplifiers on him since he is so good and so valuable in the game. They deal with straight data, while this site is all about interpreting that data to answer questions. I can change difficulty so he wins. ... Take your squad to the next level and power up your characters with Relic Amplifiers from the Star Wars universe! #swgoh. While he is not a top-tier Jedi currently, the gains from Relic certainly make him much more viable and will certainly impact his offensive output. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gaming-fans.com is pleased to offer a different look at Relic Amplifiers below as we review each faction and key characters in SWGoH and seek to answer the question of what are the best Relic Upgrades for each specific faction of characters, and which characters in SWGoH are worth the investment. JKR gets a 114% increase in Physical Damage from a Level 7 Relic, but do not let than fool you since he is a dealer of Special Damage. On the Offensive side, Ezra Bridger, Kit Fisto and Jedi Knight Anakin all get very significant Physical Damage boosts. Add to it that he gets solid increases in Armor, Resistance and both Physical and Critical Avoidance and Jolee Bindo may have one of the top 2-3 Relic Amplifiers in the game. Relic Amplifiers hit Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes last week and basically changed the game overnight for endgame players. When it comes to Critical Avoidance, the biggest winners in the Jedi faction are Mace Windu and Plo Koon as both gain 20.25% Physical and Special Critical Avoidance. how to get relic amplifiers. Just do not expect huge enhancements when you do use those upgrades. Because of the high volume of General Grievous Relic upgrades, I felt a stronger, more reliable counter in the GAC and TW was needed, so I dug into the upgrades to Jolee Bindo’s through his Relic and came away highly impressed. Requires 100% Ultimate Charge to activate Ultimate Charge: Rey gains 6% Ultimate Charge at the start of every character's turn. Under Construction! So 15 day in advance for 200$ if I remember well. Shaak Ti is also a winner from the addition of Relics in my opinion, largely because she is a newer character with very nice kit that Relics really enhance. Looking for the characters needed for the Galactic Legend events, all in one place? Another one to the collection! However, if you want to semi-competitively progress in SWGOH, stay far away from farming Coruscant Underworld Police. A look at the data and understanding of the gameplay of SWGoH shows that these Jedi get large stat gains from the addition of Relic Amplifiers and the promotion of those Relics to Level 7: Grand Master Yoda – A dealer of Special Damage, Grand Master Yoda takes his 4,492 Special Damage and increases it by over 3k to 7,828. The Scavenger is a Jawa junk trader located on the right side of the cantina that allows you to convert Gear into Scrap. He gets a 13.5% Special Accuracy boost and he’s more likely to land his now larger attacks as well. BetterCallMaul. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Your Future in SWGoH, Which Characters First? ... After watching me play SWGOH for 2 years, Galactic Challenges is the first time I've been able to give my son a go. So I decided to create a comprehensive list of ALL the gear for all the (current) scraps with the number of points they give and if they are a good deal or not. I had a quick look around swgoh.gg but wasn't able to find anything. Honorable Mention – Ahsoka Tano both gets some nice boosts from Relic Amplifier upgrades and the value of both Ahsoka and Jedi Knight Anakin continues to increase in the game with the new Light Side Geonosis Territory Battles incoming and the (fairly) recent addition of Padme Amidala. 16 independent RGB LEDs in every fan, split between two separate light loops This product is intended as an expansion of the LL120 RGB LED…, SWGoH: Territory Wars Character Priority List for Endgame Players, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 Jedi Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH – Geonosis: Republic Offensive Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle – Galactic Republic Jedi, 22,000+ Power, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Rey’s Hero’s Journey Event, Rey’s Hero’s Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? Your email address will not be published. Original Post — Direct link Take your squad to the next level and power up your characters with Relic Amplifiers from the Star Wars universe! Especially with all the buildup. For the Special Damage dealers, Jedi Knight Revan and Bastila Shan nearly double their offense while Grand Master Yoda is not far behind. Characters Ships Character Stats Ship Stats Abilities G13 Player Data Relic Player Data Relic Comparison Relics Units Navigation SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android . Continuing the Relic Review series, we take a look at Sith Marauder’s Relic upgrades and the impact it has on the game. Mods play a very important role for determining the potential of a player's team. Until the end of Rey's next turn, she enters a defensive stance and damage Light Side allies receive is reduced to 1. This consists of Health Steal, Resistance Penetration and Armor Penetration. Relic 8 The Challenge Tier of The Pit provides a variety of top tier rewards but it also rewards an exclusive item needed for the next level of Relic Amplifiers. This upgrade would’ve cost the CUP owner over $100 for all the Relic components. The Tank Takedown raid is now simmable as long as you've cleared Heroic Tank Takedown 50 times, and have at least 35 members with 7-Star General Kenobi. With Relic Amplifiers now in the game, Gaming-fans.com has you covered as we seek to continue to make the community smarter when it comes to how to get the most out of Start Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Why Capital Games chose to go this far with another non-content update so soon after the introduction of Gear 13 is something that only their investors can appreciate, but for the suckers out there like myself, and for those of your reading this months after it is originally published, I am hopeful that this content will help you in your choices for Relic Amplifier upgrades. Territory Battles, Which Characters First? The Relic Amplifier can be upgraded from Level 1 to Level 7 (at launch). SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. For Physical Critical Chance Luminara and Plo Koon get nice boosts to their CC, but Ahsoka Tano’s near 34% gain puts her at 90.17% Physical CC with a Level 7 Relic. As a result we are starting this Best Relic Upgrades section of our site as we break down each faction and specific characters in the game to help you determine where to best use your highly valuable Relic resources. This page is currently being worked on and may be missing some information. GENERAL - Fixed a bug with mod loadout ordering that causes a broken UI. Luckily, he is also one of the top Jedi in Special Damage gains and while Physical Critical Chance does not help him, Special CC does and the Relic upgrades increase his Special CC by 13.5%. Best to use: Shows the top safest gear to use for each scrap material type. Fearsome Attacker that applies AoE Damage Over Time, and crushes debuffed targets for extra turns. Tanks for the most part did not gain as much as attackers from the addition of Relics to SWGoH, so I am staying away from considering these Jedi characters for these hard-to-acquire materials. Integrated Xbox Wireless connectivity – Connect directly to your Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One just like a wireless controller, and start gaming in seconds…, SWGoH: Territory Wars Character Priority List for Endgame Players, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 Jedi Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH: Geonosis Republic Offensive – Phase 4 GAS & 501st Combat Mission Walkthrough, SWGoH – Geonosis: Republic Offensive Phase 3 Combat Mission, Middle – Galactic Republic Jedi, 22,000+ Power, on "SWGoH: The Best & Worst Relic Upgrades for the Jedi faction", SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Views and In-Game Recommendations, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Dots/Rarities and Mod Levels, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Primary and Secondary Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Understanding Mod Stats, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Speed, aka The Holy Grail, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Guide to Mod Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – How To & Mod Salvage, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – 5A to 6E Slicing, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips, SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: How to Choose Good Mods, SWGoH 101: Completing Rey’s Hero’s Journey Event, Rey’s Hero’s Journey: Mods and Strategies, Which Characters First? Another one to the collection! How to LVL Up Relics Fast Without Spending + Good Relic Investments [SWGoH] - Duration: 21:21. Thanks in advance! SWGoH Character Relic Reviews The data used below comes straight from swgoh.gg – one of the best resources you will find anywhere for this game. Her kit is already centered around Health, and a look at the best mods for Barriss Offee lines up with this, but taking her to Relic Level 7 more than doubles her Max Health, raising it from 37,121 to 75,461. Darth Vader. For JKA, he already gained 805 Physical Damage, 325 Strength and 160 Armor Penetration from Gear 12 to Gear 13, so the amplification of his already high offensive stats will surely make him a popular pick. All required gear has been broken down into its farmable components and the cheapest location has been listed. Unfortunately he does not gain any Special CC or CD, however he does receive added Accuracy as well as average Health and Armor gains. 0. Zeta Priorities and Modding Guide for the Padme Galactic Republic Team! Once Tactical Awareness triggers from a 501 st Clone taking deathblow damage, he sacrifices himself and transfers his max health, protection, speed, and offense stats to the rest of the 501 st . The final category of stats listed on swgoh.gg is the Misc category. Relic Levels: Shows a breakdown of leveling materials needed to reach specific Relic Amplifier tiers. If you would like to help, please contact the person who added this to the page. Totals for each level assume a 22% drop rate on gear and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming that gear. Jolee Bindo – This is a later addition after seeing Warrior mention Jolee in one of his videos. Jump to. Leave the memes to the professionals. 228 posts Member. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? I originally had General Kenobi’s Relic upgrade on this list as well since his stat gains are, compared to the other Jedi, rather meager. Jedi Knight Revan – Jedi Knight Revan appears to be the top dog of the Jedi when it comes to offensive gains from Relic Amplifiers. However some reports we have received are that the Relic upgrades are nice, but not must-haves, so do your due diligence to ensure that JKR is the right character to invest even more into. Jedi Knight Revan leads the way with a 114% increase in Physical Damage, and both Bastila Shan and Grand Master Yoda are in the same boat as all of them deal Special Damage. Archived. From SWGoH Help Wiki. At the time of this article being published, Relic 8 has been out for a few days. TL;DR Character Farm Lists, SWGoH 101: Soloing Heroic Pit Raid (Rancor), SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Breaking Down Raid Enemies, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – The Solo Process, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Best Raid Toons and Why, SWGoH 101: Rancor Solo – Sample Heroic Rancor Solo Teams, SWGoH 101: Unlocking 7* Commander Luke Skywalker, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The Battles, SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – RNG and Patience, SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels), HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 2: Leia Spam, Sith, Troopers, and others, HSTR Farming Guide – Phase 4 Nihilus: Nightsisters, Territory Wars Guide – The Defensive Teams, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (Galactic Legend), Corsair LL Series LL120 RGB 120mm Dual Light Loop RGB LED PWM Fan Single Pack, SteelSeries Arctis 9X Wireless Gaming Headset – Integrated Xbox Wireless + Bluetooth – 20+ Hour Battery, MSF Envoy: No Intentions by Scopely to Repeat 2019’s Orb Opening Event, HPWU: Finding Formidable Foes in Wizarding Challenges (Fortresses), Avatar PR: 0.7.0 Update Features Several Major Changes, Apple Gift Card – App Store, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, Airpods, Macbook, accessories and more (Email Delivery). #swgoh. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH Characters, Epic Confrontation, Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, SWGOH Characters. Was 100$ for a Relic 7 and another 100$ for a Relic 5. Discussion. Level 8 Relic Amplifiers require 20 each of two new Relic … Ezra Bridger – Ezra Bridger also gets some very nice offensive boosts from Relics as he nearly doubles his Physical Damage, adds over 33% CC and gains 13.5% Critical Damage. Relic Amplifiers Feature Overview. They can provide the edge needed to pull off a win against a tough opponent and to get the most damage in a raid. This is significant because GMY already is a hard hitter and that Special Damage stat is one of the best in the game. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) This is the last story you’ll see from us about Donald Trump. Power 37585; Speed 141; Health 32,156 But you have to add the gear needed, and I doubt you get engouh gear influx to have 80 Toon Relic 7 in 3 month. Jump to:navigation, search. 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