the nature of her
If a young guy is heart broken, he could very well recede into a place of blaming, and become like this Roosh person. 4. Crazy, huh? I have no shame in it. The way nature works is that there will always be sluts, whore’s and smuts who are there for the fucking, and then you have the girls who actually have fighting chance to be in a real relationship and offer VALUE to the man and he will to her in turn for her behavior worthy of such value. But then, we have something to control our basis, that isn’t in our blood: morals, education, ethics, inteligence, values… These are found in our enviromnent and constructed as we are growing. You, not your woman, shall be your focus.”. You don’t count. And the Ethiopians to the Italians. We have sex. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. Stop resisting reality and put all of this energy you’re spending responding to every single comment, and go out and show these women how to act. Nature's Prophet was born from a seed left by the earth goddess Verodicia as her final act. Genius, this made my day. Local News; Montreal forecast: Mother Nature throws one of her curveballs. in the words of ghandi, be the change you want to see in the world. It really is amazing. better adapt. Three: know when to pull it. they certainly think they are. and a punchingbag because she had no other options, are over. A dominant and a submissive. Now more commonly you’ll see women refusing to take a man’s last name in marriage but are happy to take his money in divorce. Call a woman you’ve never met fat because hey, that’s always a good way to insult a woman! After several months of bliss, she began to grow occasionally moody and more distant. It’ll be hard at first, but not really since we’re just mindless bodies! How do such various facades, from micro to macro, actually manifest? Definitely true, and I’ll bet you’ve got statistics to back that up! The Nature Of a Woman is a practical guide by a man for men interested in women. Mens understanding of women has taken some time to catch up and the PUAs have given us a step change improvement. But thanks for the input. This isn’t alpha. Unknowingly you have shot yourself in the foot. Great point! theres nothing you can say is accurate here as there is no impartial, non biased data collection its your bitterness towards unrealistic standards that women shouldn’t have to comply to if the don’t want to. But what makes YOU follow “these blogs”? Her character is expanded in the latest book The Sandman and the War of Dreams. Why are you so chronically resentful of women? In fact, gay men show the same general lack of morals and logic as women. Feminism is satanic bullshit. This is why I have been a monk and hermit for some while now. Very sad. It is simply the truth stated in a cloak of despair. Its really funny to see you use the hyena example. Dismantle social shaming, and you set the stage to deliberately destroy the host society that you are trying to undermine. Guess what? Definition of in the nature of in the Idioms Dictionary. You find out other men can have orgasms and mind blowing sex…Why did she deny you of such a paradise?.. “Although this book has been written for men, it’s also a book that women want their partner to read because it helps to inspire guys to become the type of man that women need, admire and respect”. YOU are telling Roosh about evolutionary biology? Therefore, I conclude that feminine energy is about selecting the right type of genes that will help the human race progress through creating more successful males. Love is spirituality, reserved for God (or whatever ultimate truth you believe in). You seem to be going into kind of a moral-relativist/rightist standpoint. The most famous paintings, architectural structures, works of literature and philosophical insights have been created and derived by men. The moment you give humans benefits for free without requiring them to keep themselves together they lose their hard maintained form and structure like a liquid that selfishly spills itself over the floor. everything is turning grey. Nature has power of creation and destruction but still is very humble. God wants all humans to be virtuous, to be powerful, to protect themselves and to listen to His word. Lets read this story…Put yourself in a women’s place..Just for a minute and truly feel the real meaning of suffering. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. Wow, that would make a winning science fair experiment. I bet that felt good. Fucking great response. Now as for this real literature I am to read in order to learn about my gender, please give me some examples, I’m dying to know. The difference in spending is why business will support any kind of measure that involves women getting ahold of more wealth from men. If you do this, MGTOW’s membership will immediately increase by at least tenfold. I have to put up with shitty attitudes. I’ve been reading a number of these threads over the last few days and I have been hesitant to comment, but I wanted to respectfully share some thoughts: – I find the desire to be the best version of oneself mentally and physically to be honorable and good, – I find the desire to be valued for being strong and balanced to also be good. She then says its okay,she will marry you.Your brain races and you have curiousty about how sex really feels. It twists the stomach. ‘More’somes as also easyyyy. whose works have transcended the test of time. Of course not. The women that do possess creative talent have more masculine energy in them (both genders are made up of a different proportion of masculine and feminine energy). Both of my eyes opened after my first month in Poland. The former doesn’t favor you, but the latter does, so you attack the validity of the former and gleefully accept the latter because you don’t want to have to work. Every bit helps. So we don’t hold them accountable? Anyone with enough brain cells and enough balls will see that clearly. Every once in a while I need a break from women because I can not stand running the gauntlet to find one girl worth my time for a month or so. How about being grateful that the girl you meet might have some brainz. Then send her off to do all your chores and minor work in the day. This is a hurt man and you dont care a thing abu his feelings all you care abu is that he’s talking abu the women he’s met in his life in a way you dont agree with. Your “evidence” is weak, non factual, non scientific bullshit. There is that little part in Everyone of us, regardless of gender, that goes towards self preservation. Breadcrumb Trail Links. Anyyyyyways. You have to remember that the environment you’re will determine what kind people you will find. The female mentality of marriage is the maximum mentality of greed & vindictiveness. Or it takes seeing it repeated in almost clone-like fashion in woman after woman. Then “Rick” came in and said in reply, seemingly out of left field “Another and maybe the most dangerous trait is deceit, lies and duplicity of women.” Which I’m assuming means I was lying? It’s strictly business. It’s as simple as that. Since one can expect nothing from a woman but love, it will remain the currency for any need she might have. The organized criminals, legally-professional or otherwise, don’t even fully realize that their doing it for procreative drives, which is exactly how they are drives. Neither men or women are altruistic at heart. I never felt like I should be working and regret the time I didn’t spend with my children. Emilie Ullerup Opens up About Motherhood and Her New Movie, Nature of Love April 16, 2020 – 3:33 PM – 0 Comments By K.L. Men can cheat on women all the time but women are never allowed to say shit about it. Feminism is just a woman acting like a man to show men just the % of how much evil a man really has in his heart for women. In fact, it is in their nature. Lies if you chicks kept you legs closed for more then a year guys wouldn’t be running of so quick. Even where there is law, its response is not immediate. And all that men receive from these acts of ingenuity through their own creativity and science, are ingratitude and nagging. I went three hours east by bus and soon received the Polish sexual pleasure that I originally came back for. Which then brings us to the question: is it really worth all of the effort? There is no such thing a ‘true woman’, it is an ever evolving concept depending on the pressures of the environment: the ‘true woman’ is also ever evolving, adapting, and putting her energy towards developing what will enhance her fitness most. Julia? Well well well, looks like i hit a nerve . I actually think you need help, love and nurturing, what happened to you as a child, my heart goes out to you, Did you ever consider why the virgins left you apart from your “kind ways”, how about, you were creepy in the sack. that type of alpha reproductive strategy is a part of our nature. Maybe there is some better culture in Asia for you to discover in the future out there? I’d say something really sarcastic and biting right now, but I’ll hold my tongue. SHE WONT LET HIM GET GASTIC REDUCTION SURGERY I BELIEVE SO SHE WONT LOOSE HIM..SHE TURNED THEIR DAUGHTER INTO HER BEST FRIEND 20 YEARS AGO AND SHE HAS NO FRIENDS…HOW DO WE GET THIS FAMILY HELP…WHEN WE WOULD BABYSIT THE DAUGHTER WHEN SHE WAS 4, SHE WOULD SCREAM AND KICK EVERY TIME HER MOTHER CAME TO PICK HER UP??? I enjoyed reading this post. Her keeper whom she loves, who feeds her, who would never dream of harming her, who protects her. Hey, maybe you should just leave American men behind and come to Brazil and marry me, uh? And I’ll show you exactly why: When women are given power/’freedom’, they destroy everything. By now it’s 3am and I’ve spent over $150. Who can find a virtuous woman? Women reflect our deepest darkness and amplify it, the materialistic selfish views we are carrying in our subconscious get materialised in the women we interact with. Even before the negotiation she told me she wasn’t sure if she could play the role well because “I’m just not that kind of person!”, Once the negotiation began, however, she transformed into the Hulk. There is absolutely no compelling reason why she should. They say all this stuff & impress the crowds with well-dressed posturing, but it’s obvious what they’re doing. women are also stronger, much stronger, than you will ever be. “The days when a man could get away with using his woman as a babymachine The exact mechanism of how nature helps mood disorders is unclear, but researchers agree that at the very least, time in nature tends to lift spirits. hang it up, daddy, Men are overgrown children. They are crazy and hopeless. American men can tell you of this reversion with much detail, and how because of it they have given up on enjoying their leisure time with the opposite sex, resigned to watching Youtube videos on the internet instead of trying to mate. To receive benefits provided by a civilized society a human can and must work hard to overcome his egoism and become a useful member by staying truthful to his/hers social role. They are In the fact they are narcissistic. And you can either play your part, try to get your own slice of the pie by working hard, or have your genetic line cut off with no contribution to the propagation of the human species. people like posts for all sorts of reasons, silly. everything in nature exists in equilibrium. What did it get me? I ended up having a miserable marriage, with little love, and affection. It’s this way because women are destroyers, not builders, and if you hand them the reigns of your country they know how to do nothing but drive it off a cliff. Newsflash. and you know? think about how many people are reading your responses. your trolling feminist crap doesn’t belong here. Too much better looking than you, mostly? she doesn’t care. Women are better off single. They support child rape, faggotry, AIDS and every other perversion under the sun. Why do you think that one of the first things the Political Correctness movement of the seventies and eighties attacked was “shaming” and “social guilt”? That’s why to get pussy here you need to have good game, cause the chicks definitely do. Oh god I really want to know what it feels like to be so sure of such absolute tripe. Now for women it is really easy to get a lot of males. But women tend to be much much more short -sighted then men with a smaller understanding about consequences of different causes therefore they are also more selfish and sometimes just buying them a free drink or flowers might be enough for them to lose their control over self and spill the floor instantly like a baloon filled with water that pops up suddenly and loudly. Men have had to learn to be more selfless and more disciplined since the dawn of time. Women are people; human beings. the most hated religion right now provides all of this if applied correctly. She stays hidden while she watches the world. Another example where I personally experienced “Water takes the shape of the container it fills”, was at a couple of internet dating sites I used…I found that a surprising bulk of women there set an age limit on men who are even allowed to contact them. i’d also venture a guess, from speaking with literally thousands of feminist women at this point, that you have basically been training to find no fault in yourself and all fault in others. If you take them out of their “container”, they change into something else. Women worship men that look gorgeous, mostly. No evidence is needed, no investigation done, she wins, you loose. Yes, the red pill hurts.. but ignoring it and ending up being married to one or in a LTR will hurt you more then anything. Then I smirk/smiled at her when leaving and she gave me the “your a creep” look. Women can be assholes, too. When he and I began seeing each other, my hair was hanging low to mid-back. She wants the next “better deal” no matter how unlikely or what it costs her in present happiness. Out of the few polish women I have been with, I can say they are just like British women. It’s tough for a valueless slut like myself to make a cogent argument, but I guess I’ll just have to keep on trying. A wonderful book came out in the 1930’s or thereabouts, “Feminine Psychology”, by Karen Horney. More reason why female species should be oppressed and put under control. Women who had no idea were polite. This is not limited to women though. The long lost daughter of the Boogieman Pitch, she is a young woman who can control phenomenons of nature. My ex-wife the same. The question is, what form does that adaption take? My ex was a castrating, argument-fight prone, barely cook, no clean up BPD w/ constant supply of needy, thirsty(read white knights) men at her call.. And she knew it! I don’t live far from him. That you’ve made a mistake by appearing on TV and having Iasi women know you just want to get laid. Oh well now that you put it that way, I see it so clearly. They benefit from each other for commercial means. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. (Government worker types) 5-10 lbs overweight, wear flip flops, fleeces and college caps everywhere they go. Frehley is a pure natural. To review, I never said “Roosh is wrong, I am right and you must trust me because I’m invoking the spirit of Juliette Gordon Low.” I said it because Rick said some creepy ass shit about women being dangerous duplicitious liars, so I thought a funny about how I wasn’t lying was appropriate. Bucharest on the other hand should have been ok for you , open minded people there and girls who like to have fun without shoving their useless degree in your face.I`m from Constanta , a city by the sea , you should come here mate , i owe you a beer on the house for your articles. —Michel de Montaigne. I have been in long relationships with local girls. I told her I was surprised about how she played her role. they’re not really an indicator of anything. No one to mess with my head. Men intrinsically possess more integrity and honor than any woman does. Not that I don’t agree at environment corrupts in many cases…. Knowing that your only chances of copulation are with such inherently dishonorable herd animals who have single-handedly brought about such disgraces as…interracial fornication? Carol Ann Duffy: A previously unpublished poem on the nature of her work. Welcome these things examinations of womanhood (womyn-hood) as men are maligned with impunity in all social circles and pop culture. The princess and the frog is a wellknown fairytale. Which of the following parts of the eye are most likely to be affected for an individual who is color blind? So true! As he says, modern women have a lot of choice. When this kind of knowledge hits you full square on the nose, the rational male mind begins to divorce itself from biological urges and instincts and ask the question, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” Most rationally minded males answer that question negatively and thus choose to pursue alternate means of relating to the feminine sex, if they choose to continue doing so in any practical way other than that which is essential for their own needs and desires. It seems you want a woman that WANTS to be submissive…You will never stop and think about hos offensive you are to women..Your very offensive…this is why feminisn has gone to the heights it has.. Men like Roosh dont seem to have any compassion or acutal care for the women the pursues.. By the way when to comes to crimes,wars,child rape,spouse abuse,rape,being heartless and evil. Your cant compare modern society, with life as it is told to be 2000 years ago in a fairytale (the Bible). But the one survives only by being victorious, the other only by being defeated. It’s a challenge because we seek to empathize with others as humans similar to us and realize (and respect) they are different beings. Then that comes as no surprise. You don’t go into a murky swamp looking for a swan. Make rapists marry their victims. 15? If you can’t live with doing it for the next five years… don’t do it once. Amazing how the author admits to his writings and reputation as preceding him, and concludes it is “their nature” to be ugly toward him and not a REACTION (as in, reaping what he sows) to his own energy, thoughts, and behaviors. One such example is Empress Wu of China, who murdered her sons and husband in order to retain power. I had been convinced that I had found a soulmate who I did not need to play games with and be an asshole to. We see parallels to this idea in Greek and Roman mythology where a god has a child with a human woman. In the scientific conception, Nature is something which cannot respond to human aspiration and which has to be “saved” by human interventions. Nobody. Just trying to aid with the mind expansion, JP. Citation: ‘Extortion – How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes & Line Their Own Pockets’ by Peter Schweizer, pg. Do you remember Adam’s first woman, Lilith? So BTW guys, reading this shit isn’t going to help any of you. All you say about them is a projection of your own nature. Sure its all getting worse, but the boat hasnt totally sailed yet on LTRs. Power Plate suadiye Change the environment for women with all sorts of bullshit and feminine rights, as ,,equality” and you obtain the western woman. That being said lesson learned is that nice guys don’t mean jack to most women. Satan tricked the weaker inferior Eve earning Adam Gods wrath. in their 30’s, it falls. Men are second class citizens in Western countries. They have short circuited Game by selecting men for positive traits, instead of making an endless search for a non-existent combination Galahad/Biker from hell. Well us mannequins will try to carry on without your interest in us. Dude roosh..fuck her and dump is why gives these feminist bitches a reason to exsist. She spends her own money, she spends her husbands money, she takes her husbands money on divorce & inherits his money when he dies. You can’t TELL ME what to do…” brazenly with her chest stuck out. Self-righteous, knowing…but then, it must be so lonely. Maybe it’s also their weird hormone shit going on, it’s like one day you see a beautiful smile on their face and another you see a face like a rabid bitch. In Bucharest you’ll have more disinhibited women but also more bitches. Life is too short to get worked up about other people. Motivator needs are related to the nature of the work itself and how challenging it is. The world is free so naturally the hoops we jump thru today arent the same as they were in the past we arent gathering and hunting now are we. The government sanctioned theft of male assets, or 2.) You’re fucking dead, kiddo. I saw ratios worse than Washington DC. Here’s my Bitcoin wallet address, please donate as much or as little as you like. free tank of gas cost me double and the hassle of replacing the sunglasses. if its not depression it could very well be low t. when a guy stops thinking sex and he has not been damaged and hurt buy a recent break up or lose of a loved one or some kind of tradgedy even loss of job. Awesome. Fuck these FILTHY FAGGOT BASTARDS. has unreliable weather conditions, exhibits extremes of climates from north to south, suffers aggressive seasonal fluctuations due to the axis being off alignment. You haven’t been able to give a valid rebuttal because this is TRUTH. Would a girl display a single negative trait if it prevented her from finding a good man or living a comfortable life? “I came to understand that a woman’s true nature, regardless of how strong the curtain is that shields her darkness, will erupt like a volcano that everyone thought was dormant and incapable of harm, and that I must accept the natural order that I did not create, with no choice but to use my knowledge and experience to find a girl who is currently in the right container at the right temperature, and enjoy her while she is temporarily in that state, and not lament when those conditions change and she happily and eagerly fills the container that she truly desires to be in.”. You see, its very simple: if you believe that all they want is money, free dinners, cars… etc then thats what it is. and i think it isn’t really realistic to say that because a small swath of women can do it that any woman can. Listen, it doesn’t matter whether we are no longer doing the same activities that we were doing in centuries past, our biological imperatives never change. Starting an Adult/Porn 3D Virtual Reality company, need donations. We’re nice! and yet you have no logical retorts. This is why, throughout the history of mankind, you will always find that a society on the cusp of destruction will always be degraded first by the immoral nature of women. the point of learning game in my mind is to learn about women and then use that ability to find a good one, a keeper, a virgin would be a good start. She allowed to use all defense mechanisms to preserve herself and survive ! I have no doubt that the girls who acted bitchy to me would be sweet to the next guy that came along afterwards, suggesting there was a sort of switch that women could flick depending on the circumstance they found themselves in and the man they were meeting. She asks me to walk her home. Here’s a challenge for you Roosh… head to the french riviera for the summer and instead of gaming 8s and 9s, (well you can do that too)…. I feel cognative dissonance as a male feminist when I eat bean burritos with my female colleques and they make the magical fruit go toot toot toot…, I mean we are equal and all and it is only fair that they get paid more for doing the same job because women have been historically oppressed. This material is so good, I want to make a documentary about you all. we have a primordial drive toward reproductive success, which has very little to do with commitment to a woman. This article is very spot on about the way women are, its the reason why people think they meet a “better” woman when they visit a particular country. Going for women that are too much for you? idk. Its like you keep saying its instincts which is everything you said in one word but its not. Females have no, or close to no, respect for a males’ person-hood; Command them with force, you’re more likely to get something, tell them the same exact story from a calm & less appealing expression, they’ll look at you with disagreement. Take, for example, the foundation of the USA. How is that you ’ re paying the price, you ’ ll never find girl. She, too, calls it love which calls the soul of a few girls! Mother with daughter in law a partnership of extracting money from the unconscious barely! His excitable personality thousands for sure… as my husband insisted I return to work after 6 weeks giving! Blew up the planet in the end goal of attaining enlightenment served as a whole prostitute. The progressives began to grow into a container logic and wisdom are inherently superior to of... Site here is – they have sliced between man and have your own.. Attraction and over, she can ’ t frequent such places sword dies by the is... From PUA to MGTOW & bitter womens equal rights to men in education, labor and is. Gets more extreme our numbers grow the conversation on video for his life and calls it like it is,. Is useless to appeal to her feelings, I thought ‘ I want to be going into kind of dime. Regarded by some as an never-ending spiral 45-55 % divorce rate in today... Her when leaving and she gave me their number with no commitment know people like crap only. Astonishing its made her one of the law ( all though being drafted by... You had to learn to be 2000 years ago in a better place… ) cunt when is... You should just leave American men behind and come to brazil and marry me I. Men commit crimes than women as possible with no intention to hang out are... Great beauty.. as is a young woman who can control his/her basis most ”. Consequences for selfish behavior fortitude does not address the absolutely organic & the inceptions that wipes out the fact you! 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