yugioh 5d's world championship 2010 puzzle walkthrough

yugioh 5d's world championship 2010 puzzle walkthrough

Select "Junk Archer" from your graveyard to Special Summon (due to the effect of "Call of the Haunted"). Designate "Mirror Force" in your opponent's side of the Field to destroy. Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer by removing play the two monsters left in your Graveyard, and then Special Summon "Guardian Eatos". (It is Special Summoned in attack position). Compact Duel 2: First, activate "Malice Dispersion" by discarding "Dragunity Darkspear". Activate again the effect of "Junk Blader" in your field. After that, activate "One for One", sending "Mad Archfiend" from your hand to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon Majestic Dragon from your "Deck". Activate the effect of "Junk Collector" in your field. Help for Yu Gi Oh 5Ds: Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009 on Nintendo DS. Next, Normal Summon "Dragunity Tribus" and send "Dragunity Javelin" from your Deck to the Graveyard. Designate "Hundred Eyes Dragon" to destroy. Select "Tuned Magician" from your Graveyard to special summon. Also works during duel puzzles.) ("Tuned Magician" is Special Summoned in defense position). You automatically gain 800 life points due the effect of "Black Potan". Welcome to a brand new Let's Play on Yu-Gi-Oh! SET "Mystical Space Typhoon" from your hand. Tune Trap Eater with Dark Valkyria to summon Dark End Dragon, use its effect to destroy the last Kristya. Activate the effect of "Woodland Archer". Activate "Tribute to the Doomed" and discard "Fabled Lurrie", activating it's effect, bringing it back to the field, and target "Archlord Kristya" to destroy. After you have beaten the game and re-enter Bootleg, the Owner has a new series of more challenging DueL Puzzles for you. When it's destroyed, activate its effect and Special Summon. ("Dark Magician Girl" is destroyed and "Breaker the Magical Warrior" completes its attack. (all your Monsters are destroyed). Special Summon "Woodland Archer" from your Hand. Special Summon "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast" that was milled due to Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter's effect. Attack directly with "Chthonian Emperor Dragon". Activate Majestic Star Dragon's effect to negate the effect of Check's "Dark Armed Dragon" and allow Majestic Star Dragon to use that effect itself, then do precisely that and remove from play the Mad Archfiend in your Graveyard (the only DARK monster there) in order to destroy Dark Armed Dragon, thereby allowing you to attack Check directly for the win. Never Ever S1 • E5 … The Cheat have a rating 0 by 2 our users. Activate "Jar of Greed" and activate Tethys, Goddess of Light's effect, to draw another card. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia please send them in here. Attack directly with all monsters for the WIN! Activate the effect of the Plaguespreader Zombie in your Graveyard, returning, Tune Plaguespreader Zombie with Armored Zombie & Skull Servant to, Activate Magical Exemplar's effect, removing 4 Spell Counters from it to Special Summon, Activate Lyla's effect, switching it to Defense mode to, Tune Ally of Justice Cyclone Creator with Gallis the Star Beast & Lyla to Synchro Summon, Activate the first effect of Ally of Justice Decisive Armor, choosing to destroy. 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia, Duel Puzzles are encountered in three places: . Select attack position for both monsters Special Summoned by this effect. 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus, duel puzzles are encountered in the following places: . Inside "Bootleg" bar in New Domino City. For Yu-Gi-Oh! ; Inside Bootleg - the bar in the Daimon Area of New Domino City (talk to Owner). Tribute Wulf, Lightsworn Beast to summon "Tethys, Goddess of Light". Compact Duel 3: Send "Plaguespreader Zombie" from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon "Quickdraw Synchron" from your hand. When the effect of "Dark Dust Spirit" is activated, immediately chain it with the effect of "Stardust Dragon". Select attack position for "Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode". (you pay 400 Life points). 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia Questions Question asked by King2369420 on Jun 10th 2010 Last Modified: Aug 20th 2012 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Duel Puzzle Solutions (Spoilers! Activate "Gain control of your opponent's monster" (effect of "Enemy Controller"). Now, activate "Reptilianne Spawn" by removing Gorgon from play. Select "Chimeratech Overdragon" from the list to Special Summon (it will not be Summoned). Activate "Double Summon", then tribute your last token to summon "Giga Gagagigo", then use "Order to Charge to tribute your new monster and destroy the last Marshmallon. Special Summon "Judgment Dragon", and activate its effect. In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Yu-Gi-Oh! If cheat is usable don't forgot thumbs up 101torterra101 and share this with your freinds. Attack Check directly for the win. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia. Attack directly with "Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode". You can choice either attack or defense position for "Woodland Archer". Designate "The Fabled Kudabbi" on your opponent's side of the field to remove from play. His require perfect placement and timing, or else you will need to start over. Select attack position for "Chthonian Emperor Dragon". Now, Special Summon "Trap Eater" by getting rid of one of your opponent's "Gravity Bind"s, then pay 1500 Life Points to activate "Autonomous Action Unit" to bring back "Archlord Kristya". Activate "Icarus Attack" from your field. 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009! Select "Assault Mode Activate" to remove from the Graveyard. Compact Duel 1: Normal Summon "Acrobat Monkey", as "Jerry Beans Man" will be destroyed and removed from play by Check's "Bottomless Trap Hole". Tune Stardust Dragon and Stardust Xialong with Majestic Dragon, Synchro Summoning "Majestic Star Dragon". select "Dark Valkyria" from your Hand to Special Summon. Designate "Tuned Magician" in your Field. Designate "Jinzo" due to the effect of "Level Eater". Next, return "Majestic Dragon" from your hand to the "top" of your Deck in order to Special Summon Plaguespreader Zombie from your Graveyard. 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia on the DS, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help - Page 191. Designate the remaining "Magestic Red Dragon"s in your opponent's side of the field to remove from play. )". Synchro Summon "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck by using "Dark Resonator" and "Jinzo" as Synchro materials. BP (Battle Phase). In Yu-Gi-Oh! (you give control of it to your opponent). Normal Summon "Elemental Hero Stratos" from your Hand. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. Attack to "Dark Dust Spirit" with "Level Eater". Designate "Moon Dragon Quilla" in your opponent's side of the Field and "Dark Valkyria" in your Field. Select "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast" and "Dark Valkyria" to Special Summon. See our member submitted walkthroughs and guides for Yu-Gi-Oh! Select "Junk Synchron" to remove from the Graveyard. reviews; cheats; FAQs/Guides; screens; wiki; Join Community. 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia on the DS, GameFAQs has 9 guides and walkthroughs. Designate "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE" in your opponent's side of the Field to destroy. You can choose either attack or defense position for "Tuned Magician". Synchro Summon "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck by using "Turbo Synchron" and "junk Archer" as Synchro materials. Designate "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" to send to the Graveyard. Cheat Codes for Yugioh 5D's world championship 2010. Select "Fabled Ragin" and "Burden of the Mighty" on your opponent's side of the field as targets. Synchro Summon "Junk Archer" from your Extra Deck by using "Junk Synchron" and "Healing Wave Generator" as Synchro materials. Normal Summon "Breaker the Magical Warrior" from your Hand. Then, use "Contract with the Abyss" to remove play the two Djinns in your graveyard and one Fluff Token to summon "Demise, King of Armageddon". When your opponent activates "Mirror Force", chain IMMEDIATELY (choose "YES" when asked) the effect of "Mystical Space Typhoon" in your hand. Activate the effect of "Black Brutdrago". These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Attack directly with "Banisher of Radiance". Attack with all your monsters for game. You can select either Attack or Defense position for "Stardust Dragon". You can choice either attack or defense position for "Destiny End Dragoon". Activate the effect of "Level Eater" from your graveyard. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia or ask your own question here. Select "Destiny Hero - Plasma" to add from your Deck to your hand. SPECIAL SUMMON "Quickdraw Synchron" from your hand. 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator. Select "Return from the Different Dimension" to remove from the Graveyard. However, if you have at least a passing knowledge of the rules and the different card types, the guided card battle system will … (Both monsters are destroyed). (it is tributed). video game 2010 World Championship tournament, Reverse of Arcadia's story mode is rumored to follow the Dark Signer arc of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Next, Normal Summon "Card Trooper" and send the top three cards of your deck to the graveyard. Normal Summon "Genex Recycled", then activate "Demotion", and equip it to either "Trap Eater' or Infernity Destroyer". Saves & Codes; Store. This cheat for Yu-Gi-Oh! Designate "Dark Valkyria" in your Field to equip. Designate "Magic Cylinder" in your opponent's side of the Field to destroy. I use it myself. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Designate "Tricular" in your hand to send to the Graveyard (to Special Summon "Quickdraw Synchron"). 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia , you will be asked to solve some Duel Monster puzzles, called Compact Duels in the game. Inside the training facility next to the main Arcadia Movement building (talk to Check). Compact Duel 5: Flip "Skelengel" face up, then use "Forbidden Chalice" on "Consecrated Light", then tribute Skelly to summon "Darklord Desire", and use his effect to destroy one Kristya. Attack directly with "The Fabled Unicore". Wanghu will destroy Javelin, so equip the destroyed Javelin to "Dragunity Knight - Vajuranda". Yu-Gi-Oh! (They are destroyed). Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia,, Inside the training facility next to the main. The game contains 3554 cards. Select Attack Position for "Red Dragon Archfiend". Designate one of the remaining "Magestic Red Dragon"s in your opponent's side of the field to remove from play. 4:21. Attack directly with "Shadowpriestess of Ohm". Background. Equip "Axe of Despair" to any of your remaining monsters, and attack for the win. Crow" in your hand. Equip your opponent's Samsara Lotus with Mist Body. Select "Chthonian Emperor Dragon" in your Graveyard (to special summon due to the effect of "Black Brutdrago"). Compact Duel 4:Activate "Solemn Wishes". When your Opponent Special Summons "Dark Magician Girl", activate IMMEDIATELY (choose "YES" when asked) the effect of "Bottomless Trap Hole" from your field. (the effect of "Mirror Force" is negated. Activate "Call of the Haunted" from your field. Check can be found inside the training facility next to the main Arcadia Movement building, and presents you with five different duel puzzles to solve. 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia on the DS, GameFAQs has 178 cheat codes and secrets. Designate "Cyber Eltanin" in your opponent's side of the field to destroy. Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Select both "Red Dragon Archfiend" in your opponent's side of the field as targets. Inside Bootleg - the bar in the Daimon Area of New Domino City (talk to Owner). Select "Krebons" from your deck (it is special summoned in attack position). Summon "King Tiger Wanghu", then activate "Call of the Haunted" to resurrect Javelin. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia go to: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia walkthroughs on SuperCheats - Walkthrough For Yu-Gi-Oh! Then, use "Burial from a Different Dimension" to return the three monsters you just used to the graveyard. SPECIAL SUMMON "Turret Warrior" from your hand. 298 Duelists. Topic: Action Replay Game ID. You can choice either attack or defense position for "Junk Archer". You can choose either attack or defense position for "Dark Valkyria. Activate "The Transmigration Prophecy" to return your two "Darksea Rescues" to your deck, then activate your face-down "Machine Duplication" to Special Summon those two. Activate the effect of "Destiny End Dragoon" in your field. Synchro Summon "Nitro Warrior" from your Extra Deck by using "Nitro Synchron" and "Turret Warrior" as Synchro materials. Check's puzzles are the easiest in the game and should be a breeze for anyone with any prior dueling experience. Designate "Curse of Darkness" to destroy. Special summon "Trap Eater".Use "Call of the Haunted" to bring back "Darklord Superbia", and then use his effect to bring back "Dark Valkyria". Attack with all monsters for the win. Select "Mystical Space Typhoon" on your field to return to the Hand. Cheat Codes for Yugioh 5D's world championship 2010 Nintendo DS. Special Summon "Cyber Eltanin" from your hand. Select "Dark Valkyria" from your Deck due to the effect of "Woodland Archer". Compact Duel 3: Activate "Allure of Darkness" to draw 2 cards, and then remove play "Infernity Destroyer", then activate "Escape from the Dark Dimension" to bring him back. Synchro Summon "Black Brutdrago" from your Extra Deck by using "Tuned Magician" and "Dark valkyria" as Synchro materials. (you also draw a card). This includes Egyptian Gods, "Speed Spells", "Speed World 2" and alternate artworks. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia. For more Codes for Yu-Gi-Oh! Activate the effect of "Junk Archer" in your field. For Yu-Gi-Oh! Activate "Spell Power Grasp" from your Hand. We have 24 cheats and tips on Nintendo DS. Discard "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind" from your hand as a cost of "Dark Core". (from your opponent's Graveyard). Proceed to Battle Phase. Activate "Super Double Summon" from your Hand. Activate "Treacherous Trap Hole" from your field. Attack directly with "Red Dragon Archfiend". Select "Shadowpriestess of Ohm" to Special Summon. Equip "Silver Bow and Arrow" to Eatos, and use "Chaos Sorcerer"'s effect to remove play Asmodeus. Mar 03, 2010 While playing through the story mode of Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Now tribute the three Rescues to summon "The Wicked Dreadroot", and Special Summon "Dark Armed Dragon" from your hand. card game is quite complex, and if you are not familiar with the basics of the game, World Championship 2010 will be an exercise in frustration. Select "Stealth Bird" on your field as Tribute. (When it is summoned, your opponent activates the effect of "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE"). ("Mirror Force" is activated). Designate "Cyber Eltanin". Immediately Chain "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" to the effect of "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE". Compact Duel 4: First, play your face-down "Double Summon", then activate "Mind Control' to take control of "Evil Hero Lightning Golem" and use its effect to destroy "Vanity's Fiend". Yu-Gi-Oh! In the Story Mode, there are 10 duel Puzzles called "Compact Duels", 5 in the Arcadia Movement Training and 5 after end the story … (from your hand). Special Summon "Level Eater" in Attack Position. Designate "Burden of the Mighty" on YOUR field to destroy. You can choice either attack or defense position for all the monsters Special Summoned by this effect. Designate one of the "Magestic Red Dragon"s in your opponent's side of the field to remove from play. Designate "Chthonian Emperor Dragon" in your hand to send to the Graveyard. You can choice either attack or defense position for "Turret Warrior". Normal Summon "Stardust Xiaolong" and tune it with Quickdraw Synchron to Synchro Summon "Turbo Warrior", then tune him with Plaguespreader Zombie to Synchro Summon "Stardust Dragon". ("Stardust Dragon" is tributed and "Dark Dust Spirit" is destroyed after its effect is negated). (It is added to your hand). Do NOT Synchro Summon "Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth", as he too will fall to Bottomless Trap Hole! CheatLover444. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia Action Replay Codes Chain immediately the effect of "Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode" in your field. Attack directly with "Mist Valley Falcon". 5D's World Championship 2010: Reverse of Arcadia, Duel Puzzles are encountered in three places: These duel puzzles, like the Duel Puzzles of past games, present you with a duel scenario where it is your turn and you must win during that turn using only the cards available to you. (All monsters in your Graveyard and "V-Tiger Jet" in your field are removed from play). Stardust Xiaolong's effect will activate at this point, allowing you to Special Summon it from your Graveyard. Attack directly with all your monsters for the win! This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Activate "Enemy Controller" from your Field. Select "Destiny End Dragoon" to Special Summon. Special Summon "Jester Confit", then tribute it to summon "Jinzo" Now read real closely, and activate Dark Armed Dragon's special ability (you will have to do it a total of seven times, so be careful). The player choses the name and gender of the character, controls their actions and contents of their Deck. (it gains its effect). (5 Cards are sent from the top of your deck to the graveyard, and the effect of "Wulf, Lightsworn Beast" is automatically activated). Duel Puzzles, Meeting of a Possible Rival, a Local Tournament and more!Enjoy, Like, Subscribe, and Friend Request for new material comming soon! Synchro Summon "Red Dragon Archfiend" from your Extra Deck by using all the monsters on your side of the field as Synchro materials. Advance Summon "Junk Collerctor" from your hand by releasing (tributing) "Quickdraw Synchron" in your field. Compact Duel 5: Flip "Reptilianne Gorgon face-up, and then activate "Offering to the Snake Deity" to destroy it and your opponent's two "Swords of Revealing Light". Activate "Return from the Different Dimension" from your Field. ("Junk Collector" is also removed). Attack directly again with "Chthonian Emperor Dragon" (due to its effect). (The code will make life points 0. 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia was made in "Card Battle" genre and have "everyone 10+" as SRB rating. This game has been made by Konami and published by Konami at Feb 23, 2010. Activate "Advance Draw" to draw cards by getting rid of Desire, then use your last "Forbidden Chalice" on the last "Archlord Kristya". Activate "Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen" from your Hand. Or click here to search for specific content. Community content is available under. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Activate "Polymerization" from your hand. Select "Fabled Ragin" to remove from the Graveyard. Fulfill the following conditions to unlock CPU opponents for World Championship Mode. Attack directly with "Pitch-Black Warwolf". You can choice either attack or defense position for "Dark Valkyria". See our member submitted walkthroughs and guides for Yu Gi Oh 5Ds: Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009. 5D's Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 walkthrough, FAQ or Guide? Activate Vajuranda's affect, sending Javelin to the Graveyard to double it's attack. Reward: 2030DP (2000 as Win game Bonus), (Ancient Forest is automatically activated), *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Activate "Symbols of Duty" from your field. You can choice either attack or defense position for "Elemental Hero Stratos". Designate "Banisher of the Radiance" on your field to increase ATK. In all our forums has been made by Konami at Feb 23, 2010 will activate this... Speed Spells '', and her effect will activate at this point allowing... First, activate `` Spell Power Grasp '' from your field Core '' Typhoon! When you have any cheats or tips for Yu-Gi-Oh `` hideout '' in Graveyard. Encountered in the Daimon Area of New Domino yugioh 5d's world championship 2010 puzzle walkthrough ( talk to Owner ) 800 points. Mode '' is canceled ) brand New Let 's play on Yu-Gi-Oh conditions to unlock CPU opponents for World 2010... Domino City ( talk to Check ) fulfill the following places: and activate Tethys, of! They are both removed from play equip the destroyed Javelin to the Graveyard of... Hideout '' in your field are removed from play then Special Summon `` Nitro Warrior completes. Dragunity Darkspear '' your Graveyard ( to have it be treated as an effect Monster ) in of... Solutions to each Viper with your Scylla to create Hydra, and activate its ). 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Let 's play on Yu-Gi-Oh play, Supervise is destroyed and sent to Graveyard. Hand to send to the effect of `` Mirror Force '' is Special Summoned defense!

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