masters in environmental management and sustainability in australia

masters in environmental management and sustainability in australia

You want to make your mark in sustainability. Most taught Masters will have a number of core modules which you must take and pass in order to obtain the qualification. ... courses provide the knowledge required for upper level management of the nationally significant issue of water sustainability facing Australia. +, The Master of Environmental Management and Development will boost your career in natural resource management and environmental policy, and improve your professional ability to Environment Scholarships f& Environmental Management Scholarships for International Students from Developing Countries 2014-2015. Our environmental management and sustainability students discuss worldwide environmental issues we are facing, and what they have learned we must do to develop real solutions. You may be straight out of your undergraduate degree, or you may already be working. The specialisation is designed to equip you with professional skills and with the capacity to analyse complex systems, identify effective intervention points and collaboratively design processes of influence to achieve more sustainable outcomes.Students complete:ENS5510 Processes to influence changeENS5520 Understanding human behaviour to influence changeENS5530 Leading change for sustainable developmentFor further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Annette Bos. In this specialisation you will examine corporate sustainability challenges and opportunities in social, economic and environmental domains. OR b. and c. below:Research pathwaya. That’s good. It's the future. This specialisation will introduce you to comparative perspectives on the theory and practice of international development, and frameworks for understanding the environmental impacts of development and for working towards sustainability. An online Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management with a concentration in Energy and Sustainability is currently available at the University College at the University of Denver. Our course guide explains all this in detail. p.small {    line-height: 1%;}p.big {    line-height: 200%;}. the course can be mapped according to the student's requirements which makes it very flexible. The course focuses on the environmental, technological, political and social issues associated with environmental management and sustainability issues that face organisations. ", - Associate Professor Wendy StubbsAssociate Professor and specialisation coordinator for Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management, Environment and Governance, and International Development and Environment. How do you tackle the global problem of environmental waste - especially when it involves thousands of discarded TVs and cellphones? In order to successfully obtain a Masters qualification, you will need to obtain a number of credits by passing individual modules. - Dr Annette BosSenior Lecturer, Manager of Sustainable Development Education (MSDI) and specialisation coordinator for Leadership for Sustainable Development, “In this course, you’ll become part of a community of like-minded people, passionate about creating sustainable solutions. I wanted to work out how business could better address its environmental, social and economic responsibilities. Play video now (2:59) In order to turn your passion into action, you’ll need to understand the different ‘languages’ of scientists, policy-makers, economists, and more. The specialisation is designed to equip you with professional skills and with the capacity to analyse complex systems, identify effective intervention points and collaboratively design processes of influence to achieve more sustainable outcomes. As an environmental sustainability program at a business school and within a tech-focused university, the Master of Science in Environmental Management and Sustainability program is uniquely positioned to prepare professionals to successfully collaborate with scientists and engineers, navigate environmental and social sustainability issues, and drive business success. Study Environmental Management and Sustainability. For further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Susie Ho. Graduates of this course’s precursor have found jobs in business, in all sectors of government (including quasi-governmental agencies like the Environment Protection Authority), in national and international NGOs, at universities, research centres and think  tanks,  and in consulting. 13 institutions in Australia offering Masters Degrees Environmental Management degrees and courses. It also fulfils the formal continuing professional development needs of environmental scientists and managers already in the workforce. Whatever your situation, we want to make graduate study easy.There are two entry points during the year, so you can choose which will work best for you. One research project unit from the following (24 points): And c. 12 points of units chosen from the list of electives listed for the relevant specialisation, ​Please have a look on the quick guide below if you are interested in taking Part D Advanced Practice.​. You can study full or part-time (full-time only for international students), with many resources available online or after work hours. In Part D, you’ll gain experience and apply both your specialist and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills with internships in the field, industry-linked interdisciplinary or sustainability projects, or a pure research thesis. This Masters prepares you for a job in a changing, complex world and creates a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals who are able to drive pathways for securing equitable outcomes for people and planet”.- Dr Annette BosSenior Lecturer, Manager of Sustainable Development Education (MSDI) and specialisation coordinator for Leadership for Sustainable Development. ENS5901 Research thesis in environment and sustainability Part A (12 points) and ENS5902 Part B (12 points) Note:This option allows you to undertake your project over two semesters.Coursework and project/internshipb. Credit shortens your course – and, consequently, lowers your  fees. Q1. p.small {    line-height: 1%;}p.big {    line-height: 200%;} In this specialisation you will examine the threats posed to society by different forms of environmental change, such as climate change and resource depletion, and the responses needed to ensure sustainability for life support. You won’t waste your previous experience – instead, you’ll build on what you already know and develop a strong platform for the next stage in your career. You'll also benefit from a truly multidisciplinary course that harnesses the expertise of Monash Arts, Science, School of Business and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute (MSDI).MSDI hosts the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for the Australia/Pacific region, and our chair, Professor John Thwaites, is one of the network's regional leaders.The network's job is to support the implementation of the UN's global Sustainable Development Goals. In Australia, the big four banks are now ranked in the 2016 Global 100 index – the top 100 most sustainable businesses in the world. This  specialisation  is  designed to meet the growing need for skilled professionals who have competencies in both business and environmental/sustainability management and who understand the nexus between the two. They are intended for students whose previous qualification (or experience) is not in a academically acknowledged field to the chosen specialisation. It’s accredited by IEMA and includes free student membership. p.small {    line-height: 1%;}p.big {    line-height: 200%;} In this specialisation you will examine the role, structure and processes of government, market and civil society in relation to the environment and sustainability agenda. p.small {    line-height: 1%;}p.big {    line-height: 200%;} This specialisation will introduce you to comparative perspectives on the theory and practice of international development, and frameworks for understanding the environmental impacts of development and for working towards sustainability. Complex global problems require interdisciplinary  collaboration. There are block mode, evening and remote unit options to suit busy professionals. You'll work more effectively across teams, disciplines and sectors. In this master’s program, you’ll learn to think about environmental challenges through a number of lenses, forming a deep understanding of the socio-political influences that drive them. Study environmental management and sustainability. The 'Leadership for sustainable development' specialisation, unique in Australia, gives you the skills to influence, persuade, plan and lead transformative change. The assessment of research Masters is almost always entirely by a single dissertation module or project. The specialisation is ideal if you want to work either nationally or internationally with those organisations who are working to ensure life on earth has a future. Then you’ll apply your specialist and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in the field through internships, industry-linked interdisciplinary or sustainability projects, or a pure research thesis. Each one will vary, but many programs will include classes in business management as well as environmental science. At the graduate level, students can enroll in master's degree programs and Ph.D. programs in environmental sustainability. You will examine social and institutional frameworks for environmental governance and the tools for environmental analysis and decision making within the context of different doctrines of development. You'll identify new opportunities and map strategic pathways toward ambitious, innovative projects. We need people who are prepared to lead the way, who want to innovate, and are able to shape the conditions needed for positive change. You will learn advanced methods and techniques for evaluating sustainability goals and develop strategies for their implementation. Part B prepares you for your specialisation. In the US, corporations from General Motors to Google  have  created chief sustainability officer positions in the last couple of years. Whatever your situation, we want to make graduate study easy.There are two entry points during the year, so you can choose which will work best for you. You'll identify new opportunities and map strategic pathways toward ambitious, innovative projects. The Master’s Programme in Urban, Energy and Environmental Planning with specialisation in Environmental Management and Sustainability Science at Aalborg University, Denmark, is directed at science and engineering students who are interested in topics related to sustainability and environmental management. Read more. The specialisation will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to critically analyse problems of environmental governance and sustainability to enable societal and governmental change. Our environmental sustainability courses give you the basic knowledge you need to help protect the environment at a structural level. The Master of Environmental Management and Development will boost your career in natural resource management and environmental policy, and improve your professional ability to respond to the complex challenges of sustainable development. It requires 36 credits for completion. For further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Annette Bos. Part C studies enable you to develop expertise in one specialist area of environment and sustainability. Waste streams become inputs to other processes or other organisations. Did you know domestic students can alter their course load each semester to suit their lifestyle? Do you have professional and or research experience related to sustainability? In this specialisation you will examine corporate sustainability challenges and opportunities in social, economic and environmental domains. Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking in Sustainable Development and Environmental Management - India "- Associate Professor Wendy StubbsAssociate Professor and specialisation coordinator for Corporate Environmental and Sustainability Management, Environment and Governance, and International Development and Environment. You can study full or part-time (full-time only for international students), with many resources available online or after work hours. It caters for both suitably qualified graduates from cognate fields and mid-career professionals wishing to gain professional postgraduate qualifications. The specialisation will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to critically analyse problems of environmental governance and sustainability to enable societal and governmental change.Students complete:APG5230 Ecosystems and environmental managementAPG5426 Environmental analysisAPG5428 Environmental governance and citizenshipFor further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Wendy Stubbs. We know you’ve got questions. When you choose Monash, you aren't just choosing Monash. Master of Environmental Management and Development Online. You’ve come to the right place. Masters Programs in Environmental Management in Australia 2021. Remy is inspired by the Master's interdisciplinary focus and the diversity of students. This 96 credit point (2 years FT, 4 years PT) course is structured in four parts. UNSW’s Master of Environmental Management will prepare you for a career that tackles our biggest ecological challenges through change-leadership and sustainability. You’re passionate about changing the world for the better. Read more about this forward-thinking course in the Monash Handbook. It provides the opportunity to pursue higher level study before entering the workforce. This  specialisation  is  designed to meet the growing need for skilled professionals who have competencies in both business and environmental/sustainability management and who understand the nexus between the two.Students complete:APG5433 Corporate sustainability management APG5434 Sustainability measurement BTF5910 Sustainability regulationFor further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Wendy Stubbs. Follow a Masters/MS/MBA in Sustainable Development and Environmental … You'll work more effectively across teams, disciplines and sectors. The Certificate IV in Environmental Management and Sustainability will teach you how to apply, manage and implement problem-solving skills to the environment. For information about the MSc in Sustainability and Management, email or call 01225 383757 If you are calling from outside of the UK, call +44 1225 383757 Key Information The specialisation is ideal if you want to work either nationally or internationally with those organisations who are working to ensure life on earth has a future. In Australia, the big four banks are now ranked in the 2016 Global 100 index – the top 100 most sustainable businesses in the world. Waste streams become inputs to other processes or other organisations. Maintained by: eSolutions ServiceDesk. You will examine social and institutional frameworks for environmental governance and the tools for environmental analysis and decision making within the context of different doctrines of development. The specialisation recognises that international development is a dynamic and changing sector, and will equip you with knowledge and skills to work in the sustainability and community development sector in Australia and internationally. Our ‘international development and environment’ specialisation will allow you to unpack issues of poverty, disadvantage and environmental change, and equip you to take on leadership roles in organisations that are building human rights, social equity and sustainable development. Deforestation, climate change, environmental waste. The need for environmental sustainability is increasingly acknowledged in policy areas throughout the developed and developing world. The career paths of those with expertise in sustainability can include technology, consulting, marketing, finance, or general management, but they all typically require a Master’s Degree in Sustainability. View detailed information about Certificate IV in Environmental Management and Sustainability on My Skills. In order to successfully obtain a Masters qualification, you will need to obtain a number of credits by passing individual modules. This master's programme provides you with the additional option to apply for a 'work placement' opportunity during your first semester with us. ‘Environmental security’ directly addresses  the  challenges of global environmental security – energy shortages, loss of biodiversity, extreme temperatures, emerging infectious diseases and food and water insecurity. You will draw on relevant global policy to understand the scientific evidence base required for effective environmental security policy and management across all levels of government and society. And businesses that pursue a social purpose, such as B Corps. We’ll also give you credit for relevant qualifications. The experience you bring to this is just the beginning. This specialisation will enable you to develop your capacity to lead change and implement sustainability solutions in a range of contexts, reflecting different organisational settings (community, business, government and non-government), geographic scales (local to global) and problem domains (environmental, social and economic). Sparked by an interest in environmental security, Colombian student Daniela Marquez Ardilla looked for a Masters degree that would align with her career aspirations. We need people who are prepared to lead the way, who want to innovate, and are able to shape the conditions needed for positive change. Graduates of this course’s precursor have found jobs in business, in all sectors of government (including quasi-governmental agencies like the Environment Protection Authority), in national and international NGOs, at universities, research centres and think  tanks,  and in consulting. +, This course provides postgraduate education for existing and future professionals on the background, principles and practices of environmental management, particularly in the Preparatory studies will introduce you to advanced graduate studies in your specialisation. The goals of an environmental studies program include finding ways to increase energy efficiency, minimize pollution, increase environmental awareness and encourage alternative energy use. Copyright © 2021 Monash University. We’re looking for passionate people.You may be straight out of your undergraduate degree, or you may already be working. Top Master Programs in Environmental Studies in Australia 2021 We bring together individuals from diverse disciplines to generate new solutions and develop their leadership abilities for exerting influence and effecting change for sustainable development. We’ve developed a Master degree that will build on your passion and teach you how to cross boundaries and develop interdisciplinary solutions. From biosecurity to global economic development, we're working on it. Get involved.”- Dr Susie HoLecturer, Course Coordinator, and specialisation coordinator for Environmental Security, “In this course, you’ll become part of a community of like-minded people, passionate about creating sustainable solutions. This specialisation will enable you to develop your capacity to lead change and implement sustainability solutions in a range of contexts, reflecting different organisational settings (community, business, government and non-government), geographic scales (local to global) and problem domains (environmental, social and economic). You’ll graduate with science literacy skills to manage and create policy around using sustainable resources and protecting  the  environment. You will gain rigorous theoretical and practical training in analysis of international development practices and programs. If you’re considering the ‘corporate environmental and sustainability management’ specialisation, note that there is a growing demand for sustainability leaders in business. Is that going to be a problem? The specialisation is designed to equip you with professional skills and with the knowledge and skills to help society mitigate and adapt to global environmental change, so securing a sustainable future.Students complete:ENS5310 Securing biodiversity & ecosystemsENS5320 Climate change, energy & human securityENS5330 Water security& environmental pollutionFor further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Susie Ho. Contact: Dr Susie Ho (Course Director, Master of Environment and Sustainability), View the entry requirementsLearn about the course requirements and units (Handbook), - Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. "I was a corporate executive in IT and telecommunications when I started to question the ‘business-as-usual’ approach. Students complete either a. In this part you will undertake professional or scholarly work that will contribute to a portfolio of professional development in your area of specialisation. In this specialisation you will examine the role, structure and processes of government, market and civil society in relation to the environment and sustainability agenda. Our students and researchers bring different disciplinary and professional backgrounds to the table. We see this as a strength. Specialisation preparatory studies (24 points) and Specialist studies (24 points)Preparatory studies will introduce you to advanced graduate studies in your specialisation. And you know the pressing challenges we face locally and globally can’t be solved on your own. Master, This course provides postgraduate education for existing and future professionals on the background, principles and practices of environmental management, particularly in the context of wet-dry, Australian National University - College Of Asia & The Pacific. The New School is at the forefront of addressing global environmental issues, thanks to Milano's Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management (EPSM) program. One unit from (12 points):ENS5910 Interdisciplinary industry project for sustainable development solutions (12 points) ENS5920 Environment and sustainability project (12 points) ENS5930 Sustainability internship (12 points)And c. 12 points of units chosen from the list of electives listed for the relevant specialisation. There are many ways we support our graduate students - see the FAQ for more details. Learning how to utilize the natural resources we have available to … The specialisation recognises that international development is a dynamic and changing sector, and will equip you with knowledge and skills to work in the sustainability and community development sector in Australia and internationally.Students complete:APG5627 Research in political ecologyAPG5628 Doctrines of development (12 points)For further details see the specialisation handbook entry or contact the specialisation coordinator Wendy Stubbs. 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